jQuery.tokenInput.js script in JavaScript not working - javascript

I am making an application that is purely out of JavaScript (frontend and backend). So now I am using jQuery.tokenInput.js and I am having some troubles with the plugin recognizing the script.
First of all, it's not logging any error messages so I don't even know if it's an issue on my end or not.
I've essentially created a route in the application /autocomplete/tags and it accepts q parameter as well.
So when I type in something like this /autocomplete/tags?q=r I get the following result on the page
So now when I initialize the plugin like this
$('#tag_input').tokenInput("/autocomplete/tags", {
theme: "facebook",
propertyToSearch: "tag_name",
tokenLimit: 5
It changes the input and everything. I've even tried with constant data and it seems to work but not with a script for some reason.
Is there a way I can debug/troubleshoot? Can I somehow turn on logging for this plugin? I don't actually see any issue with the way that I am doing it. I've looked at the demos and they return JSON in exactly the same way.
If you've got any ideas, it would be great!

The JSON returned from an external service must be returned under an application/json header type - we found that this service was returning text/html instead.
Information about how to specify the content type with Meteor can be found on this question.


How to extract information from web page

I'm looking for a way to automatically extract information from a web page, more specifically an online game (https://www.virtualregatta.com/fr/offshore-jeu/).
In the game, I want to extract/copy the position of the boat. With Mozilla and its debug tools, I used the network debugger and I saw an HTML POST request containing what I want.
It seems that we receive as a response a json containing a structure with latitude/longitude.
This is perfect to me, but I want a more user friendly way to get it and I would need advices. Problem is that I'm really a beginner in web development haha.
Is it possible to do this using a script ? (But I suppose it will be complicated to first log into the game)
Is it possible to create a basic Mozilla plugin which would be able to catch the request/response and copy the position to clipboard for me ?
anything else ?
I've tried using a Mozilla plugin, and I achieved to add a listener on POST request. I see the request to get the boat information but I can't find a way to get the json response in JS.
function logURL(responseDetails) {
{urls: ["*://*.virtualregatta.com/getboatinfos"]}
In Chrome I use Broomo for this purposes. It helps you to add scripts in web pages, you can console.log the POST you found, and of course you can create functions and Use the webpage Backend.
In firefox I found this one js-injector. But I didn't use it before.
Now there are a new extension for both browsers:
Chrome: ABC JS-CSS Injector
Firefox: ABC JS-CSS Injector

How to get my 404 page to show after upgrade of Sails.js to 0.10.x?

I've upgraded my Sails.js app to 0.10.x and now when I point my browser at a non-existent route such as http://localhost:1337/notfound instead of my views/404.jade being served up I just get a bit of JSON
"status": 404
I built a default new sails app sails new dummy --template=jade just to compare and contrast with what I have in my existing app, and the only obvious difference I see is that in dummy/config/ there is a file called http.js
I've copied that file over to my app but it's made no difference.
I've also ensured that the tasks in dummy/tasks are identical to my own app's tasks.
In dummy/config/routes.js it says
Finally, if those don't match either, the default 404 handler is triggered.
See config/404.js to adjust your app's 404 logic.
Which is obviously out of date as 0.10.x apps use the api/responses mechanisms.
So I am at rather a loss as to how to get this to work.
I am using 0.10.0-rc8 (and I have confirmed that this is the same in my dummy app as well as my actual app)
Well I've fixed this but I have no idea why it was happening.
To fix it I created a new project as per the method described in my question, but with the same name as my existing project, then, file-by-file, I painstakingly moved across everything specific to my app, taking care to leave in place anything new generated by sails.
Once I'd done that I ran my tests - all passed - and then sails lift and tried it, and yay, everything worked and I got my 404 error page back.
I committed my changes and then carefully picked through a comparison of what had changed.
Alas nothing at all stands out, so, while I have solved my problem, I have no idea what the original cause was.
From the section in the migration guide on "Custom Responses":
In v0.10, you can now generate your own custom server responses. See
here to learn how. Like before, there are a few that we automatically
create for you. Instead of generating myApp/config/500.js and other
.js responses in the config directory, they are now generated in
myApp/api/responses/. To migrate, you will need to create a new v0.10
project and copy the myApp/api/responses directory into your existing
app. You will then modify the appropriate .js file to reflect any
customization you made in your response logic files (500.js,etc).
Basically, v0.10.x gives you more freedom in how things like res.notFound, res.serverError and even res.ok() (success response) work, but you need to copy over the new api/responses folder to migrate.
I had the same issue but was using 0.9.x. Probably a better solution but I outputted a view instead of JSON in all cases.
Update config/404.js to replace res.json() with res.view():
if (err) {
//return res.json(result, result.status); }
return res.view('404') // <-- output the 404 view instead
Then, just make sure in your routes.js file it will redirect the /404. Place the following at the bottom of your routes.js file:
'/*': {
view: '*'

Intercepting window.external.notify call from javascript in objective C

I need to intercept a javascript call to window.external.notify which is returning a security token string that I need to get into my objective C code. The javascript is being executed in a UIWebView. The script there looks like:
<script type="text/javascript">
window.external.notify('{<extremely long dictionary as a JSON string>}');
alert("Error ACS50021: window.external.notify is not registered.");
I need to somehow get the JSON dictionary into a string in objective C. I've tried going through the method here: http://www.stevesaxon.me/posts/2011/window-external-notify-in-ios-uiwebview/; but it just seems to interfere with the rendering of the html/javascript page and also not capture the string (I don't have a handy acs identifier to check for to know I'm intercepting the right call). Other similar questions have been asked, but I haven't been able to get any working, many seem extremely hackish, and they are usually quite out of date. I've tried accessing the webview's html content, but the token isn't present there, because it's only sent through window.external.notify, which errors out with the alert that it isn't registered.
I know there's now a native JS->objC bridge in iOS 7, and I only need to support iOS 7+, but I've never used it and I can't seem to get that up and running either. It also appears to be mainly for having your own JS source files as part of your app, and not for communicating with a server through a UIWebView, but if I'm wrong about that, let me know.
Try this method.Here the page is redirected and the token is loaded using receive data method.

page area not refreshing using jquery and setinterval

i am trying to refresh a particular area of my php page, which will load the updated information from database. My code are working on localhost. But, when the same code i'm trying to execute on my domain. Then, it is not refreshing and not showing updated information, and i don't why... Anybody have any idea..
setInterval(updateShouts, 10000 );
function updateShouts(){
this is the code, which i'm using for refreshing the
I'd check that the URL is correct:
You can use Firebug (or another Javascript debugger) to watch the request going out, and you can see if it was a 404 error or if it worked.
Also, in the Console, just type in $('#refresh') and make sure it returns an actual object.
if it just displays [] or undefined, then the selector is wrong.
function updateShouts()
setInterval(function(){updateShouts();}, 10000 );
Problem is with most localhost dev servers the configuration, security, etc.. is usually at the load end of the scale vs a host else where. So that may or may not be part of the issue, I couldn't say for sure though
Edit I agree with the notion of checking to make sure the path ajax/check.php is valid also. And that Firebug is a very handy tool to have when developing with jquery (or javascript stand alone)

Hosting phono (jquery softphone plugin) dependencies locally?

This may be too obscure a question, but perhaps someone can spot what I'm doing wrong.
Phono (jquery plugin for javascript/flash-based softphone built on top of Tropo/Voxeo) loads a couple of dependencies from the phono.com servers. Namely,
I would very much like to avoid loading these dependencies from an external server (for obvious reasons) and going by this thread on their forums (which I can't register for because it appears every possible username has been "taken") , it should be possible to host them locally.
Here's a prettified source for the main jquery plugin. Maybe I'm just bad at looking, but I could not find a commented, un-minified version either in their full SDK or on github.
So after changing
base_path: "http://s.phono.com/deps/flensed/1.0/"
swf: "http://s.phono.com/releases/" + Phono.version + "/plugins/audio/phono.audio.swf"
... all dependencies seem to load just fine, phono successfully grabs a session ID and chats by SIP appear to be working. When I try to dial out or call the session id/SIP, however, I get a javascript error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'start' of null
referring to line 770 : h.start().
this.$flash.play(g, j); appears to return null or undefined. I suck at javascript and can't figure out why.
EDIT - if anyone would be so adventurous as to try this out, you can just grab their "kitchen sink" demo and slap it up on a server without much hassle.
Okay -- this is ridiculous and I'm an idiot for not catching it sooner.
Flash was trying to load the ringtones off my server at the URL that requires authentication. Unfortunately, flash is not a user with a valid session. Hence, flash was grabbing big handful of nothing. Sorry.
You can download the PhonoSDK and all of the samples (including the kitchen sink demo) and run it on your localhost. Here's the link: http://s.phono.com/releases/PhonoSDK-0.2.zip. It's open source, do you can also fork/contribute to the project as well - https://github.com/phono
I just tried it using Apache on my localhost it worked without editing anything.

