page area not refreshing using jquery and setinterval - javascript

i am trying to refresh a particular area of my php page, which will load the updated information from database. My code are working on localhost. But, when the same code i'm trying to execute on my domain. Then, it is not refreshing and not showing updated information, and i don't why... Anybody have any idea..
setInterval(updateShouts, 10000 );
function updateShouts(){
this is the code, which i'm using for refreshing the

I'd check that the URL is correct:
You can use Firebug (or another Javascript debugger) to watch the request going out, and you can see if it was a 404 error or if it worked.
Also, in the Console, just type in $('#refresh') and make sure it returns an actual object.
if it just displays [] or undefined, then the selector is wrong.

function updateShouts()
setInterval(function(){updateShouts();}, 10000 );
Problem is with most localhost dev servers the configuration, security, etc.. is usually at the load end of the scale vs a host else where. So that may or may not be part of the issue, I couldn't say for sure though
Edit I agree with the notion of checking to make sure the path ajax/check.php is valid also. And that Firebug is a very handy tool to have when developing with jquery (or javascript stand alone)


Really strange Javascript / PHP Behavior

from a webpage, I want to allow users to create a cvs file on the server and download it, generated by PHP ( header('Content-Description: File Transfer') ).
function download_csv_file(){document.location='?action=download_file';}
It works like a charm. File is created and download start automatically like it should be.
But, if I add any other js events/scripts in the JS function (on the same line on a new line), the file is created on the server, but no download.
Really strange, a simple comment on the next line break the process too... But if the comment is on the same line, it works ! Crazy !!!
function download_csv_file(){
// Simple comment
Don't work !
function download_csv_file(){
document.location='?action=download_file'; // Simple comment
Works !!!
But if I add real code on the same line (instead a comment) it doesn't work.
Any explanation or idea what I can try or search for ?..
Same behavior in Chrome and Firefox
tells the browser to go to a different URL. Therefore it stops executing anything at the current URL and navigates to a new one instead. And of course that means that any JavaScript code following that command will be ignored.
N.B. since your new URL happens to download a file, it may be that you can still see the previous page in the background, which may lead you to believe that it's still the current page.
You can potentially get round this by using to visit the download URL in a different tab instead.
P.S. Regarding the issue with comments...did you check for any errors in your browser's Console when that occurred? I can't reproduce the problem:

jQuery.tokenInput.js script in JavaScript not working

I am making an application that is purely out of JavaScript (frontend and backend). So now I am using jQuery.tokenInput.js and I am having some troubles with the plugin recognizing the script.
First of all, it's not logging any error messages so I don't even know if it's an issue on my end or not.
I've essentially created a route in the application /autocomplete/tags and it accepts q parameter as well.
So when I type in something like this /autocomplete/tags?q=r I get the following result on the page
So now when I initialize the plugin like this
$('#tag_input').tokenInput("/autocomplete/tags", {
theme: "facebook",
propertyToSearch: "tag_name",
tokenLimit: 5
It changes the input and everything. I've even tried with constant data and it seems to work but not with a script for some reason.
Is there a way I can debug/troubleshoot? Can I somehow turn on logging for this plugin? I don't actually see any issue with the way that I am doing it. I've looked at the demos and they return JSON in exactly the same way.
If you've got any ideas, it would be great!
The JSON returned from an external service must be returned under an application/json header type - we found that this service was returning text/html instead.
Information about how to specify the content type with Meteor can be found on this question.

Accessing memory cache items

I'm writing a Firefox extension and I need to to access items in Firefox's memory cache.
Here is the code I'm working with:
nsICache = Components.interfaces.nsICache
cacheservice = Components.classes[";1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsICacheService);
cachesession = cacheservice.createSession("javascript", nsICache.STORE_IN_MEMORY, false);
//fileurl is captured from the nsIObserver and does print out correctly
cachedescriptor = cachesession.openCacheEntry( fileurl, nsICache.ACCESS_READ, false );
Since this is data fetched in the background, I have to use an nsIObserver to capture the request and snag it's URI to be used as the cache key.
As I showed above, I get a NS_ERROR_CACHE_KEY not found, though a look through about:cache shows that it clearly is there. I also used a proxy to force caching to disk, but I got the same problem (with the code modified to look at the disk cache). I thought that this might be because the cache item was still being written, so I made a recursive window.setTimeout to continuously call the functions, but even after it is finished downloading I get the same error.
Is this, perhaps, and issue with the nsICacheSession? Maybe I'm not use the correct clientId. If so, what clientId should I be using?
I'm really at a loss here, so I'm hoping you guys can help me out.
Problem was the clientId. I used "javascript" because I saw it in an example. Turns out I needed to use "HTTP" instead.

Hosting phono (jquery softphone plugin) dependencies locally?

This may be too obscure a question, but perhaps someone can spot what I'm doing wrong.
Phono (jquery plugin for javascript/flash-based softphone built on top of Tropo/Voxeo) loads a couple of dependencies from the servers. Namely,
I would very much like to avoid loading these dependencies from an external server (for obvious reasons) and going by this thread on their forums (which I can't register for because it appears every possible username has been "taken") , it should be possible to host them locally.
Here's a prettified source for the main jquery plugin. Maybe I'm just bad at looking, but I could not find a commented, un-minified version either in their full SDK or on github.
So after changing
base_path: ""
swf: "" + Phono.version + "/plugins/audio/"
... all dependencies seem to load just fine, phono successfully grabs a session ID and chats by SIP appear to be working. When I try to dial out or call the session id/SIP, however, I get a javascript error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'start' of null
referring to line 770 : h.start().
this.$, j); appears to return null or undefined. I suck at javascript and can't figure out why.
EDIT - if anyone would be so adventurous as to try this out, you can just grab their "kitchen sink" demo and slap it up on a server without much hassle.
Okay -- this is ridiculous and I'm an idiot for not catching it sooner.
Flash was trying to load the ringtones off my server at the URL that requires authentication. Unfortunately, flash is not a user with a valid session. Hence, flash was grabbing big handful of nothing. Sorry.
You can download the PhonoSDK and all of the samples (including the kitchen sink demo) and run it on your localhost. Here's the link: It's open source, do you can also fork/contribute to the project as well -
I just tried it using Apache on my localhost it worked without editing anything.

Javascript debugging difficult as browser doesn't refresh the scripts!

I'm trying to debug a Javascript written in the Mootools framework. Right now I am developing a web application on top of Rails and my webserver is the rails s that boots WEBrick.
When I modify a particular tree.js file thats called with in one a mootools init script,
require: {
css: [MUI.path.plugins + 'tree/css/style.css'],
js: [MUI.path.plugins + 'tree/scripts/tree.js'],
onload: function(){
if (buildTree) buildTree('tree1');
the changes are not loaded as the headers being sent to the client are Last Modified: 10 July, 2010..... which is obviously not true since I just modified the file.
How do I get rid of this annoying caching. If I go directly to the script in my browser (Chrome) it doesn't show the changes until I hit refresh, but this doesn't fix my problem when I go back to my application and hit refresh, it still loads the pre-modified script.
This has happen to me also in FF, I think it is a cache header sent by the server or the browser itself.
Anyway a simple way to avoid this problem while in development is adding a random param to the file name of the script.
instead of calling 'tree/scripts/tree.js' use 'tree/scripts/tree.js?'+random that should invalidate all caches.
As frisco says, adding a random number in development does the trick but you will likely find that the problem still affects you production. You want to push new JavaScript changes to your users but can't until their browsers stop caching the file. In order to do this, just get the files mtime and add that as the random string. This will only change when the file is modified and so the JavaScript will be loaded from cache if it has not been changed or it will be loaded from the server, if it has.
PHP has the function filemtime but as I'm not familiar with Ruby, I'm afraid I can't help you further in that direction (sorry!). However, this answer seems to accomplish what you want.
Try the Ctrl+F5 trick. To avoid hitting browser cache.
More info here:
What requests do browsers' "F5" and "Ctrl + F5" refreshes generate?

