Share some part of screen using webrtc - javascript

I need help in webRTC.
I am developing an application in which I need to share only some part of screen using webRTC.
I am able to share whole screen using it.
But I want to share some element of screen.
Anyone can help me please?

I was experimenting with this some time ago and came up with this. Maybe it will help.
Chrome only!
Edit: Uploaded the source to github and created a full implementation example -- it comes with some limitations (image size over RTC), but those can be solved.


Expo av-player seamless gapless loop crossfade

Based on my experience and research, the out-of-the-box AV players for both Android and iOS do not fully support gapless/seamless looping. There is always a noticable gap when setting the isLooping=true on any of them. I have only been able to get this to seamlessly work on Android using the SoundPool, but that is only for small sound files, not large mp3's.
Currently, i wrote a solution that "semi-works" for iOS, but the weird thing is that it does not work on Android. I would guess they should at least be consistent?
Also, I'm interested if anyone could help solve this age-old problem of looping sounds in the most effective way possible where the user does not notice a gap. This cross fader idea is out of the box and maybe someone can help improve on it. I also opened a discussion on the expo forum and will update here if anything comes from there.
Here is the repo:
Any suggestions on solving the issue would be awesome. It's also a fun simple project for someone trying out react-native/expo

Ignore accessibility settings for Cordova app

The answer that is posted everywhere is to use this with the associated plugin:
if (window.MobileAccessibility) {
But that doesn't work. The plugin isn't maintained and it has zero effect on the app display in Android 10. I really need to figure out how to ignore the screen zoom setting of the device and display the app normally. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
P.S. please don't leave a comment just to say that this isn't a good idea. I respect your opinion, but I am asking for a solution to my problem, not your thoughts on the problem.

transparent canvas video Safari issues

I'd like to build a website with a small start animation which should support transparency.
I found this small tutorial that is working great:
It is based on a video that shows both the RGB channel and the alpha channel. In the JS application, the video data is read, merged and rendered to a canvas element.
I implemented this solution and it works in Chrome and FF, but not in Safari.
Here is my implementation:
Can someone please have a look and help me with this? That would be so great! I am at a loss and need help.
I tried a few things:
I thought that creating the HTML structure by using document.createElement expressions would crash Safari, but it doesn't seem like that.
Also the 2D context is working well. I tried to render a simple square on canvas, which was working out well in Safari. It seems it doesn't like the video data?
I will try to document my code on GitHub this weekend, but I really followed the instructions in the above tutorial.
I would be so glad if someone helped me out with this. Thank you so much in advance!
I deployed my solution on the development environment I'm working with, where the animation is running well on Safari. So I guess there's something wrong with my local websever configurations.

Having Trouble Centring Content Vertically In Sections

Sorry, if there's not enough detail in this initial post, my web-development skills are relatively limited, so I'm working with a web developer, if you need any extra information though, it shouldn't be a problem getting hold of it, and any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Our site is using sections as opposed to pages, and the problem we're having is getting the content to centre vertically in each section. Obviously this has to be dynamic based on the user's resolution:
The site is built using a combination of HTML5 and Javascript.
Once again, any advice would be appreciated as the site's not really usable until this has been fixed! Thanks :)
Without any code it's hard to help but I would take a look at something like:
You will probably have some other problems when the content is taller than the browser size but with some media queries, and possibly some JavaScript, this can be solves as well.
Good luck!

Google Maps API v3... non-mobile?

I'm trying to make a Google Maps widget for my website but all of the examples are for full-screen mobile devices. The tutorials work when I copy paste them exactly as shown but they don't seem to work when I want them to only occupy a portion of the page.
From what I've read, the v3 is the best API yet (for what I need) because of its speed and compatibility with mobile devices. I plan to make a widget very similar to the MarkerClusterer example from the demo gallery but I can't get it working.
Is this a common issue? I know I'm being vague but I would appreciate some help.
One minute after I post this question, I find the problem...
The examples have the map_canvas div set to width:100%;height:100% which I have changed as follows:
Hope this helps somebody after me...

