Removing YOURLS branding from stat page - javascript

First off, here is my url:
So, basically, everything is going well. I have a completely custom homepage, with anti-spam and all that. Then a results page, with all sorts of special stuff. But, I want to customise the stats page.
I have worked out how to customise the admin pages. It's in includes/function-html.php. But if you customise the menus in there, they do not carry over to stats page.
Any ideas on where I can customise the stats page?

What I understand from the question is, you need this -
Create the menu in a separate PHP file and include that wherever you need the menu. Assuming your menu is in menu.php
In both includes/function-html.php and stats.php (assumption), wherever you need the menu, do something as follows.
//include menu here
include 'path/to/your/menu.php';
By doing this, you can customize menu.php and it will reflect everywhere you have included it.
NOTE - Let me know in comments if that's not what you are looking for.


Is it possible to use like js or something to load a navbar in HTML? It's hosted through Github Pages, so nothing server side would work

I have multiple .html files, and it's a hassle to go through each one and manually edit each file if I just wanted to add a link to the navbar. I'm using a bootstrap 5 one.
So, I was wondering if it's possible to have JavaScript take care of loading the navbar instead of me going in an editing each individual .html file just so all the navbar have the same content.
I don't know if this is possible, sorry if it's obvious that it's not possible or whatever, I honestly don't know.
If there's any other way to do it, let me know because I'd rather not edit like 10 different pages just because I wanted to add something to a dropdown menu in the navbar.
You should probably be using a static website generator. Have a look, for example, at Sergey which is specifically used for "including" common site parts such as navigation.
For other options have a look at

Google Analytics for Individual WordPress Pages [duplicate]

I'm trying to get Google Analytics Code to work on the thank-you page after customer has filled in the contact form and I've tried putting it in the thank-you page which is in the pages under admin in Wordpress backend using HTML tab but it seems to generate unnecessary p and br tags in between codes especially before closing tag. I'm not sure whether that is causing the issue or not.
Is there a way we can do this for just one page?
I'm not 100 % sure whether it's possible at all to insert javascript with the tinyMCE Editor of Wordpress.
If that's true, then you can try the following:
Get the posts' ID: Look at the linking in your admin menu when you are in the view where you can see all your posts, e.g.
796 would be your ID here.
Enter the following in your header.php of your wordpress theme (to find at /wp-content/themes/theme-name):
<?php if (is_page(796)) { ?>
<?php } ?>
Replace 796 with your ID here, and put your analytics code in between the PHP code.
It sounds like you're trying to add it using the "Visual" view, which formats whatever you put in into paragraphs, etc.
Try switching to "HTML" view (the tab is at the top right of the input box) and add it there - hopefully that should allow you to add it without converting it!
Edit: As per my comments below, I made a mistake - it seems even the HTML tab adds some degree of formatting.
In this case, you may find some use with this plugin:
This allows you to displable to auto formatting on a per-post basis. So on that specific page you could turn off the autoformatting simply to allow you to add that Analytics snippet.
The only other way I can think off offhand would be to write a custom page_template just for that thankyou page and add it to there. Instructions are here:

When working with an already made website, how do you know which file to edit to change something?

Let's say I'm building a website and using an already made Wordpress theme. Say it's a pretty complex theme and there's a lot of folders and files. If I wanted to change something specific, like text, or an image, or something that happens in Javascript/jQuery, and the change that I want is not an option in the themes control panel, what do I do? I know I have to go into the files but how do I know which file to go to? Lately, I've just download the theme to my desktop and use the windows search companion and type in the field that says "a word or phrase in the file." Sometimes it comes up and sometimes it doesn't. For CSS changes I usually use Firebug and click on the element, but many times I want to change the HTML/PHP/Javascript. I feel like I'm doing it the wrong way and there's an easier way that I'm missing.
As you mentioned WordPress theme so I will specifically try to answer this question for editing WordPress theme.
When it comes to WordPress, everything is very structured and well organized. If theme written following standard practices then each component has its specific file. If you are familiar with WordPress theme structure and want to change php code or say a static part then all you need to do is locate the component file say sidebar.php, home.php, single-{type}.php, header.php and many similar files.
Now if you want to edit something that is shown in right/left side of page as sidebar then chances of finding it in sidebar.php are maximum. Similarly to change something on home page try looking for home.php, for posts it could be single-post.php.
Many a times what you are looking to change might need a tweak in widgets. In this case, process remains same as theme you just need to look in different folder.
Javascript: For editing javascript, beautify the code if it came minified. When you have code ready much of js debugging can be done using firebug/Developer Console in chrome. Best way is to put breakpoints at relevant position and then inspect code behavior. You will be able to locate code block that you need to tweak to achieve what you want.
CSS: Create a child theme and then use it override default theme properties.
You can probably use grep in PowerShell, Cygwin, etc.
grep -lir "a word or phrase in the file." *
edit: Emulating Grep in Powershell

How can I create a custom "search" for my site?

On my site, I collect information on items in a game I play. I would like to implement some sort of custom search for the items that is both easier to use, and displays the result in a more aesthetic manner.
Currently, I use a wikidot site which allows tags to be assigned to pages and they can be searched, but searching multiple tags doesn't work as I would like. It will start the list with pages with all the tags, then pages that have one of the tags, and finally pages that just happen to have the tags in the body. Also, the results are presented as the page title, the first few lines of text from each page (without any line breaks making it hard to read), and finish with a link to the page. [See example: ] What I would like for the results are something like the following:, which is an actual page from my site, but it's not dynamic, I must edit that page if I want to keep it up to date; and for any permutations of tags I want to create a page like that for, I need to first find all of the relevant items, organize them how I want, then make the page containing the includes for each of their individual pages (each item has its own page, I just put an [[include item-name]] wherever I want that item to show up on other pages, which just puts the body of the page in.
What I'm looking for is the best plan of action to make this happen. I'm familiar with HTML/CSS/JS, but not much other webdev related stuff. Is there a way I could have a page with a comma separated list that I could parse with JavaScript to search pages? Or if should I look elsewhere, what are some good tutorials or quality sources to read up on how to do this?
Thank you in advanced for any answers you can provide.
If you still require help with this, I'd suggest asking on the Wikidot community wiki instead, as there are more people able to help you with your question there (as you have a Wikidot site).

sharing alternatives similar to addthis/sharethis

Please have a look at Down in the right corner, theres a sharing box. It looks pretty similar to sharethis. But, afaik, sharethis doesnt have embed or submit for example, and im looking for those options. Does anyone know which plugin is used here? Thanks
On the page you linked to, they didn't use anything like sharethis or addthis - they rolled their own. Looking at the code, its clear that they went to facebook, got the facebook like button, embedded it - then wen to google, got the google plus button, etc... and made a grid of them.
You can stylize the sharethis buttons with css to pretty much any extent,
or you can add a grid like that of your own.
The available alternatives to are :
I'm sure there a a lot more out there, but those seem to be the most popular.
If you want something custom like they have and want access to the buttons
here are some sets of images you may be able to use:
Inspecting the source leads me to believe that it is custom work. The images, links and such are placed in the HTML serverside. Only the stumbleupon is pulled from stumbleupon itself. But also not trough some third party service like sharethis.

