Hide button after 5 clicks - javascript

I have a print button which I want to hide after 5 clicks in MVC application.
For now, I am hiding it on click.
How can I modify the following code to hide after 5th click?
<input type="submit" name="command" value="Print" onclick="hidesubmit();"/>
function hidesubmit() {
$("input[type='submit']").each(function() {
Its not working for me. I am using Jquery 1.10.2. The button is enabled all the time even after trying your code. I am trying to hide it but not disable it. So, I modified it to following but still it not firing.
<script src="../../Scripts/jquery-1.10.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
var count=0;
$("input[type='submit']").click(function() {
Update: I believe count is not working in my case when I try to debug. Its always 0.

Your just need to add a var with count of click on button.
Only when you have the 5th click, you can loop on submit button and hide
var count = 0;
function hidesubmit() {
if(count >= 5){
$("input[type='submit']").each(function() {
And you don't need to loop for hide items :
$("input[type='submit']").each(function() {
Is the same think like :

var count=0;
$("input[type='submit']").click(function() {
$(this).attr("disabled", true);
$(this).attr("disabled", false);
Count the no.of clicks by using variable 'count'.

What about being able to have an image display, then after every five clicks it would show another image, but only on the five clicks, and after the fifth click it would go back to showing the orig. image?


Clicking to see the dropdown menus

$(document).ready(function() {
$("#services").click( function() {
This is my code. I can hide and show the dropdown(subMenus) with this code. I want to show the dropdown in my first click which it works but I want to go to a link when I clicked to services for the second time. How can I do?
There is a perfect way for you
$("#services").one('click', function() {
You can do this be checking the visibility of your element. When it's not visible show it, when it is move to your link:
$("#services").click( function() {
window.location = "yourLinkHere";

Trigger functions from checkbox on click by clicking on a button

I have a couple of checkboxes and a button. When I click on checkbox - function is triggered. This is the desired behavior but I want to trigger it by clicking on the button. I want to have the possibility to first select checkboxes (I tried with return false and event.preventDefault but these completely switch the selection off) and then by clicking the button - trigger functions from checkboxes. Here is a link to jsfiddle:
So for instance: I can select 3 checkboxes (nothing should happen) and after I click the button - three alerts should appear.
The code:
<input type="checkbox" name='check[]' id="first">first</input>
<input type="checkbox" name='check[]'>second</input>
<input type="checkbox" name='check[]'>third</input>
<input type="checkbox" name='check[]'>fourth</input>
<input type="button" value="validate" id="val-button">
var check_state;
$(document).on('click','input[name="check[]"]', function(e){
if(check_state === true) {
} else {
return false;
$(document).on('click','#val-button', function(){
check_state = true;
There are a few interpretations to his question. If I'm reading it correctly, he wants to bind an arbitrary function to the checkboxes. Clicking the button should fire this event. This is how you can achieve that using custom events in jQuery:
$(function () {
$("input[name='check[]']").bind("myCustomButtonClick", function() {
if(this.checked) {
$(document).on('click','#val-button', function(){
And the associated jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/3yf7ymos/
$(document).on('click','#val-button', function(){
$( 'input[name="check[]"]' ).each(function( index ) {
if($(this).is(':checked')) {
return true;
If you want to do something when the user checks a checkbox, add an event listener:
$('input[type="checkbox"]').click(function() {
if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
// do something
If the idea is run a couple of functions after the inputs are checked by clicking on a button:
function myFunction() {
if ($('input[id="something"]:checked').length == 0) {
// do something
} else if ($('input[id="something_2"]:checked').length == 0) {
// do something
//and so on..
$('#val-button').click(function() {
I have a similar inquiry. I have a number of check boxes. Each checkbox is linked to a different URL that opens a PDF form. I want my team to be able to select which forms they need by ticking the checkbox. Once they have done that, I would like a button to trigger the opening of each form based on which check box is checked. I have it so the checkbox upon being checked opens the form right away but it is very distracting. Its preferable they all get opened at once by a "button". Help. I am quite new to JavaScript so may need additional clarity.

swapped radio overlaying each other after swapping

Something wrong with the event handler, as on mouse leave the div opens and closes 3 times.
also the radio that is swapped get over layed or offset.
I have tried everything, i think it has something to do with the way i am using the event.preventDefault();
Menu opening 3x fixed, but the swapped radio in the div still overlaps any ideas?
$("input[name='domain_ext']").each(function () {
$("#domaindropradio1").attr('checked', 'checked');
var lbl = $(this).parent("label").text();
if ($(this).prop('checked')) {
$(this).after("<div class='radioButtonOn'>" + lbl + "</div>");
} else {
$(this).after("<div class='radioButtonOff'>" + lbl + "</div>");
$("input[type=radio]").change(function () {
$(this).siblings('.radioButtonOff').add('.radioButtonOn').toggleClass('radioButtonOff radioButtonOn');
$('div.ribbonBoxarrow').click(function () {
$('.ribbonBoxarrow li').show('medium');
$('.ribbonBoxarrow li').mouseleave(function () {
$("input[name='domain_ext']").parent('label').click(function () {
$('.ribbonBoxarrow li').hide('slow');
$("div.radiogroup2").on("click", ":radio", function () {
var l = $(this).closest('label');
var r = $('#radioselected');
$(this).attr('id', 'radioselected');
In response to:
the div opens and closes 3 times.
Your animations are triggering more events than you'd like. Also, your preventDefault() isn't preventing other click events from firing.
For your $("input[name='domain_ext']").parent('label') click event, try this:
$("input[name='domain_ext']").parent('label').click(function () {
$('.ribbonBoxarrow li').mouseleave();
For your second issue:
also the radio that is swapped get over layed or offset.
It looks like you're prepending radio buttons to an element with the radiogroup1 class, but you may want your radio buttons to be within the nested table element.
Solved, using tables to hold elements is what was causing the problem. If it is required then you would have to target the cell for swap.

Scroll on my div after click button with jQuery

I have a button that displays a div after clicking this button.
But after trying many combinations of jQuery, I can not ensure that once the button clicked, the page will automatically scroll the div available while that appears.
My code
$(document).ready(function() {
var job = $("#job");
var open = $("#open");
open.click(function() {
return false;
Thank you in advance for your answers
$('#urBtn').on('click', function(){
if (!$("#job").is(':visible')){

disable button with timeout

I have this form with conditions that alert validation errors before posting data. the problem is if someone double clicks (by mistake perhaps), the form is submitted, then the form is cleared on the first click then the second click will alert 'form empty', which could be confusing as it all happens in a split second. so what I want is to temporarily disable the button when clicked for 3 seconds. but what I have now just times out the whole function for 3 seconds not just disabling the button. how should I be doing this? here is a simplified version of the form. Thanks
var self = $('#send');
setTimeout(function() {
self.disabled = false;
alert('field empty');
}, 3000);
I've written a small example for you, of disabling a button on click. The timeout will enable the button after 3000 miliseconds.
Working demo
<input id="text">
<input id="send" type="button" value="send"/>
<div id="message"></div>
var button = $(this);
button.attr('disabled', 'disabled');
setTimeout(function() {
alert('field empty');
You could use jQuery's one() instead of click(). Once the function is run it will be unbound.
If you want to re-enable it you could put the timeout to re-bind it at the end of the function.
Using your method, it looks like you're never actually disabling the button:
this.disabled = 'disabled';
You are not correctly disabling the button. You are setting the .disabled property on a jQuery object, not the wrapped DOM element.
self.prop('disabled', false);
Instead of:
self.disabled = false;
Actually the code above was attempting to re-ebable the button. There was no code to disable the button.
I also think you want to perform the validation right away. The call to setTimeout() should just be for re-enabling the button, like this:
$('#send').click(function() {
var self = $(this);
// Disable the button.
self.prop('disabled', true);
// Process click.
if (!$('#text').val()) {
alert('field empty');
} else {
// Cause the button to re-enable after 3 seconds.
setTimeout(function() {
self.prop('disabled', false);
}, 3000);

