Javascript match() regex to detect URLs and link to embedded content - javascript

I'm creating a small plugin that takes the href value of hyperlinks to pages on YouTube, Vimeo, DailyMotion and KickStarter and then convert it to the embeded URL to display in an iframe within a lightbox.
Of course, the reason why I'm here is I'm having a bit of trouble getting it to work properly! These are the possible links that it can accept:[token][token][token][token][token]/[token]
And these are the embed links to use for the iframe:[token][token][token][token]/[token]/widget/video.html
Here is the code I've got so far
if (videoURL = href.match(/(youtube|youtu|vimeo|dailymotion|kickstarter)\.(com|be)\/(watch\?v=([\w-]+)|([\w-]+)|video|projects)\/([\w-]+)\/([\w-]+)/)) {
var src = '';
if (videoURL[1] == 'youtube')
src = '' + videoURL[4];
if (videoURL[1] == 'youtu')
src = '' + videoURL[3];
if (videoURL[1] == 'vimeo')
src = '' + videoURL[3];
if (videoURL[1] == 'dailymotion')
src = '' + videoURL[6];
if (videoURL[1] == 'kickstarter')
src = '' + videoURL[6] + '/' + videoURL[7] + '/widget/video.html';
if (src) {
var iframe = $('<iframe>', {
src: src,
frameborder: 0,
vspace: 0,
hspace: 0,
scrolling: 'no',
allowfullscreen: ''
iframe.load(function() {
} else {
But currently, only KickStarter videos are working, the rest just return the liteboxError. However if I remove the KickStarter part of the regex, like this:
videoURL = href.match(/(youtube|youtu|vimeo|dailymotion)\.(com|be)\/(watch\?v=([\w-]+)|([\w-]+)|video|)\/([\w-]+)/)
Then it's only the DailyMotion videos working, and again if I remove the DailyMotion regex, like this:
videoURL = href.match(/(youtube|youtu|vimeo)\.(com|be)\/(watch\?v=([\w-]+)|([\w-]+))/)
Then the YouTube and Vimeo videos work fine.
Was just hoping someone could shine some light as to what's wrong with the regex I'm using?

Since the URLs have completely different types of nests for giving you the token to actual video, I think you'd need to nest them one inside the other:
You can see and test some cases here

With the help of hjpotter92, I managed to get this code working for my regex:
if (videoURL = href.match(/(youtube|youtu|vimeo|dailymotion|kickstarter)\.(com|be)\/((watch\?v=([-\w]+))|(video\/([-\w]+))|(projects\/([-\w]+)\/([-\w]+))|([-\w]+))/)) { }
Then obviously changing the group numbers accordingly when using videoURL[*] to insert the data to the src variable!


How to change html5 video source on click?

What I'm trying to do is create a sort of playlist, using just html5 and vanilla javascript (no jquery). The same short video keeps looping until you click one of the arrows, then the next (or previous) video in line gets loaded in the same video element.
Here's what I have:
<video autoplay="true" loop="true" id="video">
<source src="img-vid/video1.mp4" type="video/mp4" id="vid-src">
<img src="img-vid/Arrow_left.png" class="arrow arrow-left" id="left">
<img src="img-vid/Arrow_right.png" class="arrow arrow-right" id="right">
var button_next = document.getElementById("right");
var button_previous = document.getElementById("left");
var playlist = document.getElementById("video");
var source = document.getElementById("vid-src");
button_next.onclick = play_next;
button_previous.onclick = play_prev;
function play_next() {
var filename = '';
if (source.src == "img-vid/video1.mp4"){
filename = "video2";
else if (source.src == "img-vid/video2.mp4"){
filename = "video3";
else if (source.src == "img-vid/video3.mp4"){
filename = "video4";
else {
filename = "video1";
source.src = "img-vid/" + filename + ".mp4";
//same for function play_prev(), but order of videos is reversed
However, with this code, clicking either arrow doesn't seem to do anything. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong though. My first thought was that the if-tests were failing, so it just re-loaded the same video, but even after removing the tests and setting filename to be "video2", it didn't do anything.
Edit 1: Changed scope on var filename, like Dev-One suggested. Video source still doesn't change though.
Edit 2: changing the following:
button_next.onclick = play_next;
button_previous.onclick = play_prev;
button_next.addEventListener("click", play_next);
button_previous.addEventListener("click", play_prev);
seems to help. When clicking on the arrows now, the video changes, but not to the correct one. Pressing the arrow-right always brings up video1, while pressing arrow-left always shows video3. These are the videos in the last else-statement for each method, so there still seems to be an issue with my if-tests.
Edit 3: Everything is now working as planned! I also had to change
source.src == ...
source.getAttribute("src") == ...
in my if-tests. source.src always returned the full url (http://..../img-vid/video1.mp4), not the relative one (img-vid/video1.mp4), so every if-test failed.
As mentioned in the edits I made, I managed to solve my problem by changing button.onclick to button.addEventListener() and changing source.src to source.getAttribute("src").
From observing the code, one mistake i can find is var filename is used out of scope.
Change it to:
function play_next() {
var filename = '';
if (source.src == "img-vid/video1.mp4"){
filename = "video2";
else if (source.src == "img-vid/video2.mp4"){
filename = "video3";
else if (source.src == "img-vid/video3.mp4"){
filename = "video4";
else {
filename = "video1";
source.src = "img-vid/" + filename + ".mp4";

Tweak the load event on chrome extension

I have created a google chrome extension to replace certain images from third party websites. I have implement all the programming part but one of my requirements states that
On a slower net connection the original images should not be visible
until it’s replaced by the new images
I am not sure wether it is achievable or not. I want to know what sort of event I should attach here. Can experts give their input on this?
This is the work I have done.
// get current websites base url
var current_website = window.location.href;
//run the code on specific pages
if ($.inArray(current_website, config.target_websites) != -1) {
config.image_config.forEach(function (obj) {
var src = obj.src;
var target =;
/**find all the occurances in the <img> tag */
var key = 'img[src*="' + src + '"]';
var img = $(key);
/**replace it with the target image*/
img.attr('src', target);
/** check the inline CSS*/
$("[style*=background-image]").css('background-image', function (i, oldimg) {
return oldimg.indexOf(src) == -1 ? oldimg : 'url(' + target + ')';
/***check all the external styles for the image*/
$('*').each(function () {
if ($(this).css('background-image').indexOf(src) != -1) {
$(this).css('background-image', 'url(' + target + ')');
Since you're already using jQuery, if you're not opposed to a small library (7.25 KB), you can use the jQuery plugin imagesloaded.
Basic usage:
// options
$('#container').imagesLoaded( {
// options...
function() {
// your code to run after load
Then you could do a simple $('img').hide() on load, and $('img').show() after all images have loaded on your particular images.
You can see in the demo that it works for images which have been inserted dynamically into the page as well, which would meet your requirement for that the images of your key be hidden until replaced.

Endless looping when src value is changed in Internet Explorer

I have a problem with some javascript in Internet Explorer.
It works fine in other browsers.
I have the following method, that changes the src property of an images and when this happens a download of that image should start. See below:
for (var i = 0; i < imagesStartedDownloading.length; i++) {
if (imagesStartedDownloading[i] == false && responseItems[i] == true) {
console.log("image", i);
var url = baseurl + "/ImageDownload/?imageName=" + hash + "_" + imageDegrees[i] + ".jpg" + "&r=" + Math.random();
imagesStartedDownloading[i] = true;
images.eq(i).attr("src", url);
The problem is that in when changing this property Internet Explorer starts an endless loop of downloading images. Notice that i have put a console.log in the for-loop. I can confirm that this for-loop does not run in an endles loop. It is only run once for each image that should be downloaded. So that is not the problem.
The behaviour can actually be seen on this page: Hit F12 and check in the network tab. Make a change to image on the homepage so a download of new images is started, e.g. Bredde(Width in english), see below:
When this change is made new images are downloaded in an endless loop(it happens almost every time in IE). See below of what you could change
I have really spent a lot of time debugging in this and i cant see why it behaves like this in IE but not in all other browsers.
So does anyone have any idea why this happens? Or have some suggestions on what i could try?
I have tried what you suggested. using "javascript:void 0" like this:
var newimg = $("<img class='rotator" + (isMainImage ? " active" : "") + "' src='javascript:void 0' />");
and this:
img.attr("src", "javascript:void 0");
gives me this error:
On the other hand, if i completely remove the line img.attr("src", "");
in the imgLoadError method, then i see that images are not downloaded in an endless loop. On the other hand they are not displayed. So am i using the javascript:void 0 wrong?
When i do the following:
img.attr("src", "void(0)");
Then the there is not endless loop but the image wont appear in IE - still works fine in chrome.
Here’s the reason:
for (var i = 0; i < totalnumberofimages; i++) {
var url = "";
var isMainImage = i == currentDragImg;
var newimg = $("<img class='rotator" + (isMainImage ? " active" : "") + "' src='' />");
newimg.on("error", imgLoadError);
newimg.on("load", imgLoaded);
Note the var newimg = $(...) line. In Internet Explorer, setting an empty src attribute on an image triggers the error event. Due to the error, the imgLoadError function is called. It looks like this:
function imgLoadError(e) {
var img = $(e.currentTarget);
var imgSrc = img.attr("src");
if (imgSrc.length > 0 && img.width() <= 100) {
setTimeout(function () {
var imgUrl = img.attr("src");
img.attr("src", "");
img.attr("src", imgUrl);
}, 200);
In this function, you run img.attr("src", ""), which sets the empty src attribute, triggers the error event, and calls imgLoadError function again. This causes the endless loop.
To prevent the error (and therefore the endless loop), set image source to "javascript:void 0" instead of "" in both code pieces. This source is valid and should work properly.
(According to comments, all the code is located in /Assets/Scripts/directives/image.rotation.directive.js file.)
An alternative solution is to set the src attribute to a valid, minimal, Base64 encoded image, as in
This would avoid triggering the endless error handling and it doesn't impact the code size that much.

Display Image Based on URL Ending (Variable or Attribute) [Pound/Number Sign # ]

I need an image to be displayed based on the ending of a URL.
For example, I need "123.jpg" to be displayed when someone visits:
(whichever is recommended or would actually work)
I'm looking for the end result to be: < img src=123.jpg" >
Thanks in advance. I will sincerely appreciate any assistance.
(By way of background or additional information, I need this for Facebook's sharer.php so that people can share one of hundreds of images on a given webpage (for example, and they happen to love the 123rd image on there), they click the link to share that specific image (123.jpg), and then any of their friends who clicks on the link ( will arrive at a themed page with just the image in the middle (123.jpg) and nothing else, and then they can click around the rest of the website. The main benefit is that 123.jpg will be the only image that shows up as a thumbnail on the Facebook Feed or "Wall".)
window.onhashchange = function() {
if (location.hash) {
var url = location.hash.substr(1); // strip the # char
if (url.indexOf('.') == -1) {
url += '.jpg';
document.getElementById('myImg').src = url; // show the image; value of the variable 'url'
window.onhashchange(); // call the event on load
Use something like this.
var url = document.URL; //get the url
if ( url.indexOf("#") != -1 ) //check if '#' is present in the url
var split_array = url.split("#");
var image_url = split_array[split_array.length - 1];
//display the image
Try this out,
$(document).ready(function() {
$(window).on('hashchange', getImageSrc); // will always lookout for changes in # URL
function getImageSrc() {
if(window.location.hash) {
var imgSrc = window.location.hash.substr(1);
if(imgSrc.indexOf('.') == -1 ) {
imgSrc = imgSrc + ".jpg";

This script applies specific attr to all links on the website. How to exclude pdf and zip files?

I'm building Wordpress website where all pages are being loaded using Ajax. I'm using script created by Chris Coyer that can be found here. Code below will add specific tags to all links on the website. Wordpress will try to load content from those links using Ajax. Problem is that those attributes are being applied on links to PDF and ZIP files which are meant to be downloaded, not loaded into page.
How I can exclude specific file formats from getting those attributes? I already tried something like this $internalLinks = $("a[href^='"+siteURL+"']:not([href$=/*.pdf])") but that didn't work for me. Am I doing something wrong?
Below is part of the original code that adds attributes. Full code can be found on this JSFiddle page. Thanks!
var $mainContent = $("#main-content"),
siteURL = "http://" +,
$el = $("a");
function hashizeLinks() {
$("a[href^='" + siteURL + "']").each(function() {
$el = $(this);
// Hack for IE, which seemed to apply the hash tag to the link weird
if ($.browser.msie) {
$el.attr("href", "#/" + this.pathname).attr("rel", "internal");
} else {
$el.attr("href", "#" + this.pathname).attr("rel", "internal");
You can't use * as a wildcard like a filespec. Just use this:
$internalLinks = $("a[href^='"+siteURL+"'):not([href$='.pdf'])");
You can apply a filter on all matched links:
var $mainContent = $("#main-content"),
siteURL = "http://" +,
$el = $("a");
function hashizeLinks() {
$("a[href^='" + siteURL + "']").filter(function(){
return this.href.match(/[^\.pdf]$/i);
}).each(function() {
$el = $(this);
// Hack for IE, which seemed to apply the hash tag to the link weird
if ($.browser.msie) {
$el.attr("href", "#/" + this.pathname).attr("rel", "internal");
} else {
$el.attr("href", "#" + this.pathname).attr("rel", "internal");

