ng-repeat for object inside array of arrays - javascript

I am receiving an array of string arrays from my back-end. (Java - CXF-RS)
The size of an array in the string arrays vary from 1 to n. To read and populate it in my front-end, I am using ng-repeat.
Everything works fine except for one condition. If any of the string array has only one data in it, it is received as an Object. Hence ng-repeat is failing for those conditions.
Is there a work-around to fix this?

The best option would be to force the server to return an Array every time. If that is not possible, you can check if the returned data is an array using:
and if it is not, then push the data onto the array that the ngRepeat is using.
Pseudo code:
1. Get data from server
2. In success callback initialize your array
3. If returned data is array, assign it to your array
4. if not, then push the data onto your array.
$http.get('url', function(data) {
$scope.items = [];
if(angular.isArray(data) {
$scope.items = data;
} else {
I havent checked this bit of code for syntax errors or linted it. This was just to give you an idea.


How to avoid the change of index position while copying/cloning the array to new array?

I am fetching the data from CMS and the data is coming in the form of array. I am trying to copy/clone the array into a new empty array. My code snippet:
.then((result) => {
console.log("header", result);
result.items.forEach((item) => {
When I see the console console.log("header", result) for this, I am getting data, but every time when I refresh the page the sequence of the content get changed. Due to that I am not able to call API based on index position.
Please help me in this regard.
If your array is not multidimensional you can try to use spread operator and do shallow copy e.g: this.check = [...result]. Furthermore, I would not suggest calling API's based on array index. It is not secure and you never know when will indexes be changed for some reason in the future. If you have object inside array use .find by object value and call your API's by that.

Riak MapReduce in single node using javascript and python

I want to perform MapReduce job on data in Riak DB using javascript. But stuck in very begining, i couldnot understand how it is returning value.
client = riak.RiakClient()
query = client.add('user')"""
var i=0;
return [i];
for result in
print "%s" % (result);
For simplicity i have checked the above example.
Here query is bucket and user contain five sets of data in RiakDB.
i think map() returns single value but it returns array with 5 value, i think equivalent to five set of data in RiakDB.
And here, why I can return only array? it treats each dataset independently, and returns for each. so i think i have five 1's. Due to this reason when i process fetched data inside map(), returns gives unexpected result for me.
so please give me some suggestion. i think it is basic thing but i couldnot get it. i highly appreciate your help.
When you run a MapReduce job, the map phase code is sent out to the vnodes where the data is stored and executed for each value in the data. The resulting arrays are collected and passed to a single reduce phase, which also returns an array. If there are sufficiently many results, the reduce phase may be run multiple times, with the previous reduce result and a batch of map results as input.
The fact that you are getting 5 results implies that 5 keys were seen in your bucket. There is no global state shared between instances of the map phase function, so each will have an independent i, which is why each result is 1.
You might try returning [v.key] so that you have something unique for each one, or if the values are expected to be small, you could return [JSON.stringify(v)] so you can see the entire structure that is passed to the map.
You should note that according to the docs site javascript Map Reduce has been officially deprecated, so you may want to use Erlang functions for new development.

Javascript array/object order from associative PHP array

Before I describe the issue, please forgive any incorrect terms and accidental references to objects instead of arrays and vice-versa, I'm not completely up to speed on this but working my way through it.
I have the following array in PHP saved as a session variable:
After a thumbnail in a grid of images is dragged into a new order, it execute a function in javascript and makes a call to a PHP script using ajax. It currently only retrieves the most up to date version of a session array. It will later progress to make the necessary steps to save the updated array back to session variable and database:
var sorty = Sortable.create(thumbcontainer, {
animation: 250,
draggable: "img",
dataIdAttr: 'id',
onUpdate: function (/**Event*/evt) {
var orderList = sorty.toArray();
var catsArray =
type: 'POST',
url: 'includes/proc_cats.php',
dataType: 'json'
}).done(function(returnedCatsArray) {
console.log('Dragged. Order is: ' + orderList);
// Access the existing session
// $catsArray is a session variable, in the format as above.
$catsArray = json_encode($_SESSION['categoriesPics']);
echo $catsArray;
The var orderList will produce a string with the order of each thumbnail by id, separated by comma: '42,35,95,12,57'.
The console shows the PHP array as a javascript array fine but in a different order. I want to be able to insert the string containing the orders into the array and save it back into the database. It will associate with its relevant category, similar to:
But can't lose the order as other parts of the site reference the array by indices using array_keys. The console produces:
Have I missed something? I believe that the overall array is an object rather than an array because it didn't have any index whereas the subcategories did and they get presented as an array. array_keys in PHP have made it straightforward enough to work around any indexing problems up until now on the PHP side in other areas of the site but I'm wondering if the solution for the javascript side is something as straightforward? The subcategories currently have indices only because I've yet to associate and orderList with them so I'm not trying not to backtrack and build an index for the array as it's going to get difficult (unless there's a simple way to do this that I've overlooked).
(This is a more specific version of a question I asked an hour ago that I've now deleted for being too broad).
I believe you have a slight confusion based on the terms 'associative array' and 'array'. A php associative array corresponds to a javascript object. returnedCatsArray should be accessed similar to $catsArray. ie. with keys. If one of those keys returns an an actual array, you can then index into it.
php array_keys would be Object.keys(returnedCatsArray) in javascript.
From further research it appears this is just not doable. So the best way to do this may be to provide an order array alongside my category array.
If I add the additional code of:
$parentCatOrder = array_keys($catsArray);
in my proc_cats.php script I have a concise way of generating an index reference for my original array on the fly each time. This produces an array similar to:
$parentCatOrder = {'categoryF', 'categoryA', 'categoryC'};
which has an index that I can refer to that keeps its order. So $parentCatOrder[2] will always produce 'categoryC' unless I've changed the array myself.
I then return both arrays to javascript using the following:
$return_data['catsarray'] = $catsArray;
$return_data['parentcatsorder'] = $parentCatOrder;
// Encode it back into a JSON object before sending
echo json_encode($return_data);
In javascript I can reference returnedCatsArray.catsarray[returnedCatsArray.parentcatsorder[1]][3] if I'm working with an index of 1-3 and guarantee this will produce the same result for every user unless the array has been changed by the user.

Get Data from Text File to Multidimensional Array Javascript

I have a little bit of an issue with a JavaScript function that needs to read data from a TextFile (something JS is already limited with) and then process tha TextFile data into a MultiDimensional Array (another thing that JS doesn't nativelly suport).
With that in mind, I have a text file in this format:
1, Name, Data, Serial
2, Name, Data, Serial
3, Name, Data, Serial
And so on.
So, the objective is to get that same data and put it, like that, into an array.
I suppose that, from what I've been reading, I need an Array of an Array, segmenting the first one by lines [/n] and the second one by commas [,]. However, given the "by-default" limitations, I'm very confused at this point. I do suppose I need jQuery, however.
I tried this:
var fs = require('fs');
var array = fs.readFileSync('file.txt').toString().split("\n");
for(i in array) {
var array = fs.readFileSync('file.txt').toString().split(",");
for(f in array) {
With little success, because then I don't really know how to store it, the objective being a Multidimensional Array that Replicates the Format of the text file, so latter it could be used to search by index or instance following an user input to get results.
I really appreciate any help.
At first glance it seems like you are trying to read in a CSV file. If that is indeed the case I recommend node-csv:
This helped me reading file to JavaScript, however this example converts retrieved data to JSON. Just looking at the format of your text file, I would assume a JSON string or Javascript object would work with your data.
Example convert to JSON
With JSON and JS objects, instead of referencing a array indexes eg. array[i][x]. you would replace [x] with .propertyName
data = {
"id": 1,
"name": "Fred"
//access data like this
data[i].name //will return "Fred" as i =0
to create JS object, just initialize array properties without the ""(quotation marks). accessing JS and JSON properties are done in the same way, main advantage over a multidimensional array is that you can reference an actual property name, as opposed to indexes.

How to convert json/object to array for looping

I have a javascript application, that calls an api, and the api returns json. With the json, I select a specific object, and loop through that.
My code flow is something like this:
Service call -> GetResults
Loop through Results and build Page
The problem though, is sometimes that api returns only one result, so that means it returns an object instead of an array, so I cant loop through results. What would be the best way to go around this?
Should i convert my object, or single result to an arrary? Put/Push it inside an array? or should I do a typeof and check if the element is an array, then do the looping?
Thanks for the help.
//this is what is return when there are more than one results
var results = {
pages: [
//this is what is returned when there is only one result
var results = {
pages: {"pageNumber": 105}
My code loops through results, just using a for loop, but it will create errors, since sometimes results is not an array. So again, do I check if its an array? Push results into a new array? What would be better. Thanks
If you have no control over the server side, you could do a simple check to make sure it's an array:
if (!(results.pages instanceof Array)) {
results.pages = [results.pages];
// Do your loop here.
Otherwise, this should ideally happen on the server; it should be part of the contract that the results can always be accessed in a similar fashion.
Arrange whatever you do to your objects inside the loop into a separate procedure and if you discover that the object is not an array, apply the procedure to it directly, otherwise, apply it multiple times to each element of that object:
function processPage(page) { /* do something to your page */ }
if (pages instanceof Array) pages.forEach(processPage);
else processPage(pages);
Obvious benefits of this approach as compared to the one, where you create a redundant array is that, well, you don't create a redundant array and you don't modify the data that you received. While at this stage it may not be important that the data is intact, in general it might cause you more troubles, when running integration and regression tests.

