How to convert json/object to array for looping - javascript

I have a javascript application, that calls an api, and the api returns json. With the json, I select a specific object, and loop through that.
My code flow is something like this:
Service call -> GetResults
Loop through Results and build Page
The problem though, is sometimes that api returns only one result, so that means it returns an object instead of an array, so I cant loop through results. What would be the best way to go around this?
Should i convert my object, or single result to an arrary? Put/Push it inside an array? or should I do a typeof and check if the element is an array, then do the looping?
Thanks for the help.
//this is what is return when there are more than one results
var results = {
pages: [
//this is what is returned when there is only one result
var results = {
pages: {"pageNumber": 105}
My code loops through results, just using a for loop, but it will create errors, since sometimes results is not an array. So again, do I check if its an array? Push results into a new array? What would be better. Thanks

If you have no control over the server side, you could do a simple check to make sure it's an array:
if (!(results.pages instanceof Array)) {
results.pages = [results.pages];
// Do your loop here.
Otherwise, this should ideally happen on the server; it should be part of the contract that the results can always be accessed in a similar fashion.

Arrange whatever you do to your objects inside the loop into a separate procedure and if you discover that the object is not an array, apply the procedure to it directly, otherwise, apply it multiple times to each element of that object:
function processPage(page) { /* do something to your page */ }
if (pages instanceof Array) pages.forEach(processPage);
else processPage(pages);
Obvious benefits of this approach as compared to the one, where you create a redundant array is that, well, you don't create a redundant array and you don't modify the data that you received. While at this stage it may not be important that the data is intact, in general it might cause you more troubles, when running integration and regression tests.


How do I iterate through objects stored in a firebase array in JavaScript?

At the moment I am storing a few objects in Firebase. After successfully retrieving the items from Firebase and storing them in a firebaseArray, I want to further thin out the unwanted elements by deleting the elements in the firebaseArray that do not have the desired property. Consider my code at the moment, that does not do as wanted, however there are no errors in the console:
var querylatestPosts = firebase.database().ref("Topics");
$scope.latestPosts = $firebaseArray(querylatestPosts);
console.log($scope.latestPosts) ;
$scope.latestPosts.forEach(function(el) {
if ($scope.checkWorldview(el) == false) {
delete $scope.latestPosts.el ;
(Note I am unable to log 'el' in the console, nor does the forEach seem to execute, as I can log nothing in the function in the console)
The 'checkWorldview' function behaves as expected when elements are fed in different instances and returns false if the required property is not present in the element under consideration. Thus if the function returns false, I want to delete the specific element in $scope.latestPosts that does not contain the wanted property.
I hope this is clear, thank you in advance for any help you can offer!
The way you are using the $firebaseArray isn't recommended by the docs (see here), which state that $firebaseArray is read only and should not be manipulated.
So you have a few options:
Instead of filtering the array on the client-side, you should modify the query you're using to retrieve data from Firebase to only get elements that have the desired property (ex: use 'equalTo' in the query)
Don't use a $firebaseArray because you're not using it in the way it was intended. Use a regular, good ol' fashion JavaScript array instead.
** Also, just a general comment: don't delete elements from an array as you loop through it as this is generally bad practice (we don't expect arrays to have elements added/removed while we loop through them). Instead, use Array.filter.

Avoiding duplication of key/data

I have a design annoyance with some existing code in JS. The code is working, so I have no desperate hurry to change it, but the duplication shown below does annoy me. What is the usual/recommended/official way of avoiding this situation?
The actual system is a large/complex financial system, so I have simplified it to the most basic example which demonstrates the problem:
var colours={
red:{id:"red", vals:[1,0,0]},
green:{id:"green", vals:[0,1,0]},
grey:{id:"grey", vals:[0.5,0.5,0.5]}
// ...etc
// id needs to be known internally within the object - thus it is defined as a property.
// e.g:
// id also needs to be used externally to find an object quickly.
// e.g:
function getcolour(s){return colours[s];}
// Although this works. It does mean duplicating data, with the theoretical possibility of a mismatch:
var colours={//...
blue:{id:"green", // oh dear...
How would this normally be handled by the experts?
This question is somewhat subjective.
When creating my applications I typically try do do the following:
never define same data in multiple places. source should always be unambiguous
if I need to create any indices for faster/easier access, I use utility methods to do it. Those methods should be properly unit-tested, so that I would have little doubts on them doing the wrong thing
use third party libraries as much as possible (such as already suggested lodash or underscore) to minimize the amount of code to be written/maintained.
If your algorithms and utilities are properly unit-tested you should not worry (too much) about getting the data into inconsistent state. However, if those are critically important systems/interfaces, you may add some validation on output. And it is generally a good practice to have data validation and marshaling on input.
Explanation on the utility methods:
if you have data array, say
var data = [{"id":"i_1", ...}, {"id":"i_2", ...},{"id":"i_3",....}];
Then and you have to create an index out of that or create more data sets based on the original array, then you create yourself a library of utility methods that do the modification on the array, create derivative data sets, or iterate on the array and create a resulting item on the fly. For example:
var createIndex = function( arr ){
// do something that converts the data array with expected structure to object
// {
// i_1: {"id":"i_1", ...},
// i_2: {"id":"i_2", ...},
// i_3: {"id":"i_3", ...}
return newObj;
This method will create a hash-map to access your data, which is faster then to iterate over the original array all the time. But now, this method you can easily unit-test and be sure that when you use it on the source data to get your intended dataset, there will be no inconsistency.
I wouldn't change the colours[key] direct access with other method to avoid duplication.
Any other attempt will lead to processing and you have mentioned that you have a large amount of data.
I assume that the duplication is over the incoming data that is a waste.
An example of processing over the network data consuming could be, going over the map object and set the id dynamically according to the key. (processing vs traffic)
colours[key].id = key
You can filter your object converting it to an array of objects and then filtering unique values. Converting it to an array would allow you to perform a lot of operations quicker and easier.
So you can map your object to an array:
var coloursArray =, index) {
return [value];
Remove duplicates:
function removeDuplicates() {
return coloursArray.filter((obj, pos, arr) => {
return => mapObj[id]).indexOf(obj[id]) === pos;
You can remove duplicates from an array using for example underscore.js through the .uniq method:
var uniqueColoursArray = _.uniq(coloursArray , function(c){ return; });
Moreover, this function is pretty useless because you can access your element directly:
function getcolour(s){return colours[s];}
Calling colours[s] it is also shorter than getcolour(s). Your function would make sense if you pass also the array because it is not accessible in some other scope.
Then I can't understand why you do pass a console.log as parameter here:
maybe you would like to pass just the

Riak MapReduce in single node using javascript and python

I want to perform MapReduce job on data in Riak DB using javascript. But stuck in very begining, i couldnot understand how it is returning value.
client = riak.RiakClient()
query = client.add('user')"""
var i=0;
return [i];
for result in
print "%s" % (result);
For simplicity i have checked the above example.
Here query is bucket and user contain five sets of data in RiakDB.
i think map() returns single value but it returns array with 5 value, i think equivalent to five set of data in RiakDB.
And here, why I can return only array? it treats each dataset independently, and returns for each. so i think i have five 1's. Due to this reason when i process fetched data inside map(), returns gives unexpected result for me.
so please give me some suggestion. i think it is basic thing but i couldnot get it. i highly appreciate your help.
When you run a MapReduce job, the map phase code is sent out to the vnodes where the data is stored and executed for each value in the data. The resulting arrays are collected and passed to a single reduce phase, which also returns an array. If there are sufficiently many results, the reduce phase may be run multiple times, with the previous reduce result and a batch of map results as input.
The fact that you are getting 5 results implies that 5 keys were seen in your bucket. There is no global state shared between instances of the map phase function, so each will have an independent i, which is why each result is 1.
You might try returning [v.key] so that you have something unique for each one, or if the values are expected to be small, you could return [JSON.stringify(v)] so you can see the entire structure that is passed to the map.
You should note that according to the docs site javascript Map Reduce has been officially deprecated, so you may want to use Erlang functions for new development.

ng-repeat for object inside array of arrays

I am receiving an array of string arrays from my back-end. (Java - CXF-RS)
The size of an array in the string arrays vary from 1 to n. To read and populate it in my front-end, I am using ng-repeat.
Everything works fine except for one condition. If any of the string array has only one data in it, it is received as an Object. Hence ng-repeat is failing for those conditions.
Is there a work-around to fix this?
The best option would be to force the server to return an Array every time. If that is not possible, you can check if the returned data is an array using:
and if it is not, then push the data onto the array that the ngRepeat is using.
Pseudo code:
1. Get data from server
2. In success callback initialize your array
3. If returned data is array, assign it to your array
4. if not, then push the data onto your array.
$http.get('url', function(data) {
$scope.items = [];
if(angular.isArray(data) {
$scope.items = data;
} else {
I havent checked this bit of code for syntax errors or linted it. This was just to give you an idea.

Casperjs - get a list of all elements, then perform actions on each member of returned array

I'm new to Casperjs and I'm trying to iterate over an array of elements and perform Casper-related tasks on them. However, I'm having trouble retrieving the array of objects on which I want to perform these Casper tasks. I'm selecting a list of all the elements using this function
getLinks = ->
links = document.getElementsByClassName('text-item')
and then evaluating the function with
casper.then( ->
links = this.evaluate(getLinks)
And finally trying to print out the array with ->
But all that is being returned is [object Object]. What am I doing wrong? When I run document.getElementsByClassName('text-item') in browser, an array of <p> tags (what I'm looking for) is returned, so I'm not sure what's going wrong.
Any help is much appreciated. Thanks!
You can't use evaluate to return objects.
You should try to put the raw data you need ( the text information in your case ) in an array and return this array rather than returning an object array.
Another way that might work ( untested thought ) is to use JSON.stringify() and JSON.parse() to bypass evaluate() limitations.

