How to hide balloon tooltip on touch screen smartphones? - javascript

I'm newbie to JavaScript. I used the search to find solution for my problem, but I couldn't find what I was looking for.
I am using this jquery.balloon.js, which transforms the default browser rendering of the tooltip to customized one (with adding some CSS to it – background, border, etc.).
This is the JavaScript code:
position: "bottom",
tipSize: "0"
Everything works just fine: when I hover the mouse on a link with included title attribute, the tooltip shows up customized. When I hover out the mouse the tooltip hides.
The problem comes when browsing on touch screen devices.
There is no mouse for hovering, so I tap once on the link and the balloon tooltip shows up (the link does not activate, the link is activated only when I tap twice), but then the tooltip does not hide. I tap somewhere on the body, but the tooltip remains on the screen.
I know how to hide elements in JavaScript by clicking/tapping outside them (in the html or body) with $('html').click(function() { //code });, but here the problem is that the tooltip is not an element, but attribute...
How to hide only the tooltip with tapping somewhere in the body?
You can test this behavior on the jquery.balloon.js site here with any touch screen device to see that once activated by tapping the tooltip can't hide.

Thanks for the only answer, but I figured it out.
I have created a class with the following code:
$.balloon.defaults.classname = ".balloon";
$.balloon.defaults.css = null;
This way I created .balloon class which allowed me to customize the tooltip by myself. I used this code to hide the tooltip by hiding the .balloon (which hides the newly customized jQuery tooltip):
$(document).ready( function(){
$('body').click( function(event){

You can call the hideBalloon function.


How to move element on slide change using jQuery cycle2?

I have a slideshow that’s using jQuery cycle2. I’ve included a jsfiddle with a mockup of how it needs to function in my project:
It has navigational links on the side and it has a red small box on the edge that’s supposed to move to align with the nav link. For example if I click “slide 2” than the red box will slide down and stay there like it does for slide 1. If I click either slide 1 or slide 3 than it will move to be in the middle of the border line for that link. You should also be able to click on the red box to make it go to the next slide. I have that part working but not moving it when I click the links. Any help on this would be much appreciated!
The script so far(checking the JSfiddle will make more sense):
var icon = $('.icon');
var slideshow = $('.cycle-slideshow');
icon.on('click', function(e){
slideshow.cycle('next', function(){
You need to add click listeners to each list link, to run a function that .getBoundingClientRect() of 'this', referring to the link clicked, then use the 'top' value from getBCR to change the top position of your icon element. You'll likely have to combine it with window.scrollY for your project.
See here & good luck

Adding animate in and animate out classes with one menu button

I was wondering, for all you javascript and jquery guru's what would be my best way to tackle this problem. What I have is a navigation that is hidden via CSS to the bottom of the screen. I've managed to have it working as a toggle fine - which you can see here
var body = $("body"); $("#menuBtn").click(function() {
This obviously means that the menu slides up and down.
What my problem is is that I want to animate the menu up on the initial click, and then when you click the button again to close it I want the navigation window to slide up. Then when you click it again to open it, it is appearing from the bottom again. I've been trying to get my head around how this would work and what I think is that it would be two classes (one for hide menu, and one for show menu) which would be added and removed from the body. I have a jsfiddle here
var body = $("body"); $("#menuBtn").click(function() {
if (body.hasClass("hideMenu")) {
else if (body.hasClass("showMenu")) {
This is probably shocking in it's attempt to come to a solution to this problem. I'm using jquery but maybe it is a javascript solution using an event listener that is needed here? My jquery and javascript knowledge is patchy at best as i'm still in the midst of learning so please go easy if I appear very dumb!
Hope i've been clear enough. Thanks.
May I suggest a different approach?
Create your bottom menu in a separate DIV, located at very top of your HTML (directly under BODY tag). Make that DIV position: fixed -- that takes it out of the "flow" and positions it relative ot the viewport (the screen), not to any other divs or to the web page itself. Now, you can move it up/down based on some trigger.
Here is a code example:
jsFiddle Demo
<div id="botttrig"></div>
<div id="bottmenu">The menu is here</div>
<div id="wrap">
<div id="content">
<p>Content goes here</p>
<p>Hover over small box at bottom left</p>
'bottom': '0px'
//do nothing on hover out
//do nothing on hover in
'bottom': '-80px'
See this jsFiddle for another example. I removed the trigger box, and left the top 10px of the menu visible at screen bottom. Upon hover, slide the menu up. You may wish to increase the z-index on the #bottmenu div to always display it above the other DIVs on the page, so that it is always visible.
I've used slideToggle() and added display:none; to #navHold

Make the boxes stay still when scrolling down using the scroll bar

when I click a box, i can drag it around the screen. You can click the folder icon to open up information view, and a scroll bar will appear because there are a lot of text.
Problem: when i use my mouse to scroll the scrollbar, it also drags the boxes as well. How do I make it not move the box when I click the scroll bar to move the bar?
I am using jsPlumb.draggable() to enable dragging.
I would stop/start dragging:
$('#1 .button_wrap').on('click', function(e){
jsPlumb.setDraggable("1", false)
$("#1").on("click", ".info .ui-icon-close", function(){
jsPlumb.setDraggable("1", true)
then in your css add this class, not to let the div fade when dragging is disabled:
.ui-state-disabled{opacity: 1;}
Quick look suggests to me, use relative or absolute positioning not fixed on button wrap. On my mobile it seems to work fine though.

How to respond to a click outside a certain area?

My document looks like this:
Basically the background is one full-screen, transparent div. There are couple problems...if I just create the background div and don't apply any z-index to it, it ends up being on top of everything, and I cannot click on the box. If I set the z-index of the background div to be below the box, I can't seem to click on the background. What I want to do, it to be able to click both on the box, and the background.
var x = document.getElementById("bg");
function reset() {
alert("reset was clicked");
CLARIFICATION: box is on the same node level as the bg. it is not inside the bg div.
Take a look at this jQuery plugin - even if it doesn't solve your particular question the code could provide insight into your dilemma.
jQuery clickoutside
You must post your code so every one can help you. My test work correctly on Firefox and Chrome. If I'm guessing right, the background in your code isn't expanded. Try to remove html, body { width:100%; height:100%; } in my example to see the problem.
On IE browser, you need to use a transparent gif image as background of the background div, otherwise the background div may be unable to receive mouse click event.

Show layer/div with links over an image on hover

We are trying to mimic something like on IBM - see image box (Lets build a smarter planet box) which when mover overs, shows a layer with links.
Any help/reference highly appreciated.
What you need is a javascript tooltip plugin.
Try google "jquery tooltip plugin".
A good plugin is the flowplayer tooltip plugin (howto, download). You can do custom html in the tooltip box.
This is quite common effect. They have a scroll pane following with hidden, absolutely positioned container .ibm-expand-overlay. They both are wrapped in relatively positioned div. Effect is triggered on mouseenter of pane child, in their case .ibm-columns
$('.ibm-columns').mouseenter( function() {
//some positioning logic is needed here
//probably $('.ibm-expand-overlay').css('left', $(this).index() * childWidth ) is sufficient enought
} );
$('.ibm-expand-overlay').mouseleave( function() { $(this).fadeOut(); } ); //to hide on mouseleave

