Show layer/div with links over an image on hover - javascript

We are trying to mimic something like on IBM - see image box (Lets build a smarter planet box) which when mover overs, shows a layer with links.
Any help/reference highly appreciated.

What you need is a javascript tooltip plugin.
Try google "jquery tooltip plugin".
A good plugin is the flowplayer tooltip plugin (howto, download). You can do custom html in the tooltip box.

This is quite common effect. They have a scroll pane following with hidden, absolutely positioned container .ibm-expand-overlay. They both are wrapped in relatively positioned div. Effect is triggered on mouseenter of pane child, in their case .ibm-columns
$('.ibm-columns').mouseenter( function() {
//some positioning logic is needed here
//probably $('.ibm-expand-overlay').css('left', $(this).index() * childWidth ) is sufficient enought
} );
$('.ibm-expand-overlay').mouseleave( function() { $(this).fadeOut(); } ); //to hide on mouseleave


How to hide balloon tooltip on touch screen smartphones?

I'm newbie to JavaScript. I used the search to find solution for my problem, but I couldn't find what I was looking for.
I am using this jquery.balloon.js, which transforms the default browser rendering of the tooltip to customized one (with adding some CSS to it – background, border, etc.).
This is the JavaScript code:
position: "bottom",
tipSize: "0"
Everything works just fine: when I hover the mouse on a link with included title attribute, the tooltip shows up customized. When I hover out the mouse the tooltip hides.
The problem comes when browsing on touch screen devices.
There is no mouse for hovering, so I tap once on the link and the balloon tooltip shows up (the link does not activate, the link is activated only when I tap twice), but then the tooltip does not hide. I tap somewhere on the body, but the tooltip remains on the screen.
I know how to hide elements in JavaScript by clicking/tapping outside them (in the html or body) with $('html').click(function() { //code });, but here the problem is that the tooltip is not an element, but attribute...
How to hide only the tooltip with tapping somewhere in the body?
You can test this behavior on the jquery.balloon.js site here with any touch screen device to see that once activated by tapping the tooltip can't hide.
Thanks for the only answer, but I figured it out.
I have created a class with the following code:
$.balloon.defaults.classname = ".balloon";
$.balloon.defaults.css = null;
This way I created .balloon class which allowed me to customize the tooltip by myself. I used this code to hide the tooltip by hiding the .balloon (which hides the newly customized jQuery tooltip):
$(document).ready( function(){
$('body').click( function(event){
You can call the hideBalloon function.

Dynamic Header Blur Filter

I have a fixed header that I would like to add a dynamic blur as the user scrolls down the page. I learned that the filter: blur(10px) only works for elements within the applied div.Could anyone point me in the right direction?
Updated: What I want to do is make anything that is underneath my fixed header appear blurred, not the actual header itself. I think I would have to make parts of the div under the header blurred rather than the whole div to achieve this effect.
Yes, add dynamicaly a classname with jquery.
$(window).scroll(function() {
$( "#tag" ).addClass( "blurredclass" );
You can define a variable within scroll function to check offsetTop position, so you can add blurred class after you reach your position
var screenTop = $(document).scrollTop();
Edit: you can preview typical solution on JSFiddle
Edit2: if you want to blur text below some position while scrolling:
Edit3: variant with blurred header:
There is another option to help you solve your problem. If you want to blur the header background while scrolling the page (e.g. in iOS7 on iphone) the solution exists:
Using experimental methods:
But problem is compatibility and speed:
Chrome 29+ (enable 'experimental-webkit-features'/'enable-experimental-web-platform-features')
Safari 6.1 Seed 6
iOS7 - slow
Next method is to blur rendered html in canvas
More info and example:
run html2canvas for rendering document as an image.
Convert image to data-url string and and place it as background-image.
apply blur (-webkit-filter:blur ... )
Append the bg layer into document with position of document scroll offset.
You can find html2canvas here: (it's a simple js library)
I've done complete live example with basic usage:
There are some limitations with html2canvas rendering, but for basic idea there is the point.

jCarousel show arrows only when mouseover the container

I'm trying to get the arrows for my jCarousel to show only when I mouse over the container (I will have multiple containers in same page)
But I have no idea how to even approach this.
Does anyone have any hints as to how this can be done?
It would be greatly appreciated!
First you have to hide your arrows by default, so in CSS do:
.arrow-class {display:none;}
Then use jquery to show when you hover over the image
$(".arrow-class").show(); //this happens when you mouse in
$(".arrow-class").hide(); //this happens when you mouse out

Isotope issue with jQuery dialog box

It is a bit difficult to explain my issue but I will try using images.
I try to automatically arrange jQuery dialogs using Isotope.
The first picture shows that everything is working just fine.
The second picture shows what is happening when trying to resize the 1st jQuery dialog. It is resizing just fine and all other dialogs are automatically arranged.
When I try to arrange the second dialog it first moves according its position(top, left) and then resizes and all other dialogs are not automatically arranged.
The third dialog behaves exactly the same as 2. It moves according its position (top, left) and is not arranged automatically.
Any suggestions?
Isotope is not made for draggable dialog boxes; see what the plugin author says regarding this type of functionality.
EDIT Fiddled around with a few more things and got the layout to rearrange when a dialog is closed with .remove(); however, dragging is not suported (see above) and resizing manually won't work either. Why do you need manual resizing of dialog boxes? Can't that be done programmatically?
The jquery masonry plugin can compute the new position when you call it with the masonry("reload") function on the surrounding container after you have resized the dialog boxes or add or remove items. I used it in my Javascript when I add or remove an image to my surrounding container. You can see the Masonry plugin working live in my homepage at the web address
This is my prepend and append function with masonry("reload") at the end:
if (ele.Additem == "Append") {
"display": "block"
} else if (ele.Additem == "Prepend") {
"display": "block"
And this is my remove function:
$j('.brick').remove(":contains('" + ele.Headline + "')");

jquery animating an object to the top layer of the page

So I have an interesting problem. I currently have a grid of four block elements, and I would like to enable some behavior to cause the div to grow when clicked on. The catch is, I am trying to animate it to the top level of the page, aka, I don't want it to dislocate the position of the other divs on the page.
It's difficult to explain, but I want it to kind of be like a modal window with the open animation originating from the element's location. Like a popup when it's clicked. Right now I am trying to do this in the click function:
$( "#cell" ).animate({
height:600, width:600, position:'fixed'
}, 1000, "linear", function(){ alert("all done"); });
This animates it bigger, but I was hoping to make it like an overlay. Has anyone seen anything like this, or a plugin that accomplishes this before?
Clone the element, absolutely position it over the original and animate the copy.
Press "Add to cart" and see this in action:
I tried to implement the idea of cloning and animate the clone..
See my DEMO

