CSS selector to find a html element [closed] - javascript

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Can some body help me with sample code or api which address my need. My need is similar to xpath of an element I would like find an element using "CSS Selector". Any pointer towards this will be of great help thanks

$('.outerClass .innerClass')
better use native js
document.querySelectorAll('.outerClass .innerClass')
document.querySelectorAll('[SOME CSS SELECTOR]')


Fancybox customize specified thumb [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I using fancyBox v3.5.6.
I need to add a CSS class/id/style-attribute to a specific thumb element. I can't do this with changing template, because it will change all thumbs and there is no logic with count of thumbs, and then i can't use css pseudoselectors like last-child or nth-child. I didn't find solution in fancy docs and googling.
Here is an example https://prnt.sc/qqmwbz
Inspect thumbnail elements, each of them has has data-index attribute (for example, data-index="1"), you can use that to do some customization.

how to find element.style { [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have no idea how to find the source of this element style codes. Such as at the right part of the Chrome Element Inspector Tool it shows this CSS code:
ineed to delete for fix the problem
That style is the style set directly on the element, in the style="width:0px" attribute.
It could either be written like that in the source HTML, or potentially set on the element via JavaScript.

Is it possible to implement a scrollspy with only javascript? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I want to implement a scroll-spy to change the active state of buttons in the navigation bar. There are examples that use jQuery but I want to implement it with pure javascript. Is it possible? If it is possible, can you provide me an example code?
Edit: What I mean with pure js is not using any external libraries. Sorry for misrepresenting.
You can just define an handler for the scroll event with
document.getElementById("mydiv").onscroll = function(event){

How to make a specific slideshow? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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does anyone know how do I make an image slideshow? tried searching it in the internet, didn't find anything helpful..
I need slideshow like in this page : http://www.hapoelb7.co.il/Team.asp
p.s. sorry for my bad english....
See owlcarousel might solve your problem

Javascript solution for table-cell on IE6/IE7 [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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What is the best approach in javascript "vanilla" for solve the problem of table-cell in IE6/IE7?
There's a JavaScript polyfill available that fixes CSS table display in IE6/7:
This is a well written script, and really the best solution you're going to find.
I do have to echo the sentiments of the other comments though: IE6/7 are dead, and it's time to move on.

