Assign img' src dynamically - javascript

The page will display an image's url text correctly. But I am not sure how to assign the message to the img 's src to display the image.
<DIV class="msgStyle1" id="message">Waiting for image</DIV>
<div class="imgStyle1" id="message">
<img src=whatneedtogohere /></div>
function displayText(text) {

Fixed HTML (switched classes and IDs to make IDs unique) and added an image ID for simplicity:
<div id="msgStyle1" class="message">Waiting for image</div>
<div id="imgStyle1" class="message">
<img src="" id="image" />
document.getElementById('image').src = 'http://yourImagePathHere';
See it work here:

First off, you shouldn't have multiple Id's on the page, it'll mess with your JS.
Next I would give your image a class if you can
//jquery example of what you would do
var imgSrc = 'http://wherever/youre/getting/this/from';
$('.myimageclass').attr('src', imgSrc);
//non jquery
var myImg = document.getElementsByClassName('myimageclass')[0]; //assuming it's the first one
//or if you can uniquely identify it
var myImg = document.getElementById('imgId');
myImg.src = imgSrc;


Get Sibling Element of an Image

So I have
<a href="1.html">
<img src = "image.jpg" class = "picture"/>
<div class="desc"><p>Brief Description</p></div>
<a href="2.html">
<img src = "image2.jpg" class = "picture"/>
<div class="desc"><p>Brief Description</p></div>
How do I cycle through the pictures and alter the div accordingly?
So far I have something like:
var pictures = $('.picture');
(var a = 0; a < pictures.size(); a++){
var description = (pictures.get(a)) (.siblings?)(.next?);
//Do what I want with the description
You can use Jquery .each() to loop through the elements. And .siblings() to get the sibling of that element.
var description = $(this).siblings('div. desc').text();
// Do what I want with the description
notice that .get(a) won't give you a jQuery set, but instead a plain object
var pictures = $('.picture');
pictures.each(function() {
var description = $(this).next().html();
//Do what I want with the description
<script src=""></script>
<a href="1.html">
<img src = "image.jpg" class = "picture"/>
<div class="desc"><p>Brief Description 1</p></div>
<a href="2.html">
<img src = "image2.jpg" class = "picture"/>
<div class="desc"><p>Brief Description 2</p></div>
How about selecting the description's <p> directly?
Like this:
$('.picture .desc p')....
You could use next.
$('.picture').each(function(idx, picture){
$(picture).next('.desc'); //this will select div.desc

Onerror event add a new class and count how many times it replaces image source

I'm using onerror feature to detect broken links and replace those with an image, the problem is that in my code images that are okay are clickable.
So I want to make it in that way that when the function imageOnError is called to make that image impossible to click.
I tried to do it like this (img).unbind("click");
Lik this also: img.class = "blocked";
but it doesn't work?
<img class="img img-click not-selected " src="" onerror="return imageOnError(this);" />
countImgReplaced = 0;
function imageOnError(img) {
img.onerror = '';
img.src = '';
countImgReplaced ++;
return true;
And also I want to get the number of times that the image is replaced I did that with countImgReplaced , but it gives me the total number of images :/
I'm really confused. Can somebody help me?
You can apply pointer-events: none; to them via a class. You can apply that using the classList API
You can just do this in HTML tag.
<img src="../resources/images/Image1.jpg" onerror="this.src='';'pointer-events: none'" />
<script src=""></script>
<div style="clear:both;"><lable>Click in image(Invalid img):</lable>
<img width=200px height=200px src="../resources/images/Image1.jpg" onerror="this.src='';'pointer-events: none'" />
<div style="clear:both;"><lable>Click in image (Valid img):<lable>
<img width=200px height=200px src="" onerror="this.src='';'pointer-events: none'" /></div>

Conditionally add class to image by jquery

This JS replace image file name default.jpg to hqdefault.jpg from all images below. But now I'm trying to add class to Image, if Image src has link on images by extending this JS.
$('#selector img').attr('src',function(i,e){
return $(this).attr('src').replace("default.jpg","hqdefault.jpg");
<div id="selector">
<img src="">
<img src="">
<img src="">
<img src="">
Means, If image src has Youtube image then add a class .video to parent image.
$('#selector img').each(function(i) {
var self = $(this);
var src = self.attr('src');
if (src.match(/ {
self.attr('src', src.replace("/default.jpg","/hqdefault.jpg"));
You can add a condition before replacing and add video class.
$('#selector img').attr('src',function(i,e){
if($(this).attr('src').search('') > 0){
return $(this).attr('src').replace("default.jpg","hqdefault.jpg");

Ascertain the position within a list of elements of the parent of a clicked element

I have a list of elements similar to simplified HTML below. When one of the images is clicked some JavaScript if fired, and the image that is clicked becomes this.theImage.
I now need to get the position of the image; for example if the first image was clicked, the position should be 1, if the second is clicked it should be 2, and so on.
I could use var elements = $('.image-preview', '#gallery');, to take a list of all elements with the image-preview class, and then loop through them and match the ID to the image, but that seems really inefficient.
Is there another way of achieving this task that is more efficient?
<div id="gallery">
<div class="image-preview">
<img id="image-1" src="" />
<div class="image-preview">
<img id="image-2" src="" />
<div class="image-preview">
<img id="image-3" src="" />
<div class="image-preview">
<img id="image-4" src="" />
Not sure I get it, you catch a click on the image like this
$('.image-preview img').on('click', function() {
and then to get the index you'd do
$('.image-preview img').on('click', function() {
var index = $('.image-preview img').index(this);
note that it's zero based
You can make Array.prototype.indexOf do it for you:
var gallery = document.getElementById('gallery'),
els = []'img'));
gallery.onclick = function(e) {
if( !== 'img') return;
var position = els.indexOf(;

cant select dynamic div and use only its image

i have a simple question regarding jquery, i have a long list of images directly uploaded from youtube, the image have the same v-code as the video itself, so for simpe downloading of all the videos on one page for browsers i made a list of images, once u click it, the video will appear on its place, the thing is that the code that i have oriented for video's image, but not on another one, anyway here is the code:
$('.youtube_thumb > img').click(function(){
var parts = this.src.split("/");
var id = parts[parts.length-2];
$('<iframe width="50%" height="300" src="' + id + '?autoplay=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>').insertAfter(this);
and the div
<div class="youtube">
<div class="name">
<div class="detail">#left(detail,50)#</div>
<div class="youtube_play"></div>
<div class="youtube_thumb">
<img src="" style="width:50%;height:300px;border:0;" />
as u can see the code takes the img's src and sort the v-code and then put it inside the frame. But i want to work this code only after i click on the class youtube_play but not on youtube_thumb's image.
Thank you all for the help!
var img = $(this).next().find('>img');
var parts = img.get(0).src.split("/");
var id = parts[parts.length-2];
$('<iframe width="50%" height="300" src="' + id + '?autoplay=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>').insertAfter(img.get(0));

