Angular.js directive template using variable from parent/inherited scope - javascript

I want to chose directives templateUrl depending on some variable from its parent scope. I can't use templateUrl function, since it doesn't have a scope yet. I can $compile the template from $templateCache(note that it's already there, I'm not loading it) from inside the linking function, but I am afraid it's gonna have a negative impact on performance(let say this is a table cell directive.. and there's quite a few cells).
Do I have any other, better option?

There is indeed no other way around. Although you should $compile this way to achieve somewhat satisfactory performance results.


AngularJS : ng-if and ng-repeat not working after custom transclusion

I am attempting to do custom transclusion of a directive in angularJS as I need to transclude two separate elements into two separate locations.
The issue is that whilst some directives carried over on the transcluded content work such as ng-bind others such as ng-if or ng-repeat do not, even after recompiling the transcluded elements with the correct scope.
As you can see in the example the ng-bind works but the ng-if does not even though they are both on the same scope and accessing the same value. Neither the true or false state of the ng-if works.
I believe this is because the ng-if directive gets transcluded as a comment, however even if I set the priority of the transcluding directive to 9999 and perform it in the pre-linkage function it still does not work.
Does anyone know how to get these directives working?
The issue is that no matter what by the time the transclude function executes the nested directives have already been compiled and replaced with comments.
I have managed to achieve this by completely foregoing the transclude options, and manually requesting the template via $templateRequest.
I specify a compile function which replaces the element with a comment placeholder to ensure nothing is rendered during the request.
In the linkage function I manually compile the template and then replace directive's element with it.
See the updated example here:,js,console,output
It certainly doesn't feel like the cleanest/optimal solution and I am open to any other solutions that can do it a little nicer. Especially as any DOM events have to be bound to after the $templateRequest promise is resolved and checked for existence before removal on the $destroy event to ensure it resolved beforehand.

AngularJS: directives vs. controllers - What logic to put where? [closed]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm quite new to angular and try to really learn how to organize my code, so future coworkers will be able to find their way around it quickly.
One rule I know is "If it manipulates the DOM, put it into a directive", which I abide by.
But still there are times where I am unsure where to put my methods, as I can put them into the main app controller, into a controller supplied as the "controller" option within the directive or even within the function that inits the directive (option "link").
With filters and services it's pretty clear to me, but with controllers and directives the line becomes pretty blurry.
I already realized that even with a little app I spread some of the code here and there and it's already confusing, even to myself. So I'd like to get some Tipps on organizing my code better.
So I guess my main question is:
1) Is there a good rule of thumb to know what code to put where?
Or if this is too abstract here are some examples:
2) I have a directive with a template which I only use within my app. Something should happen, when I click on the element. I already know its preferable to use the ng-click directive over binding a click event within the linked function.
But where should I define the method supplied in ng-click?
A) The main controller of the app.
B) The "link" function of the directive.
C) Add a controller to the directive (using the "controller" option) and define it there.
3) Would the answer to 2) be different if I plan to reuse the directive elsewhere?
4) Different Scenario:
I have a Button and when clicked and dragged it should move a completely unrelated Element.
Should I...
A) Create one directive and influence template & behavior based on a passed attribute?
B) Create two directives (one for the handle, one for the target Element)
If so, it again poses the question of where to put the methods to handle the dragging?
I am aware the answers might be a little dependent on personal opinion, but I kinda hope there are some "rules" or "right ways to do it" to which I can abide by for future development.
I didn't include any code for conciseness reasons.
Should it be needed for an answer I'd be happy to provide it.
thank you for your time.
First of all, great question. I think every new-with-angular developer struggles with the differences with all the given components (controller, directive, service, filter etc.).
Let's start with the basic formal definition:
Directives are markers on a DOM element that tell AngularJS's HTML compiler to attach a specified behavior to that DOM element.
And on the other hand
Controller is a JavaScript constructor function that is used to augment the Angular Scope
The defined behavior does guide us through some rule-of-thumbs.
So for your questions above:
In simple words, we user controllers to manage an area (scope) in
The HTML template with all the great abilities a controller brings
(two-way-binding, scoped behavior, services injections etc.) And we
Use directives when we wish to manipulate an existing HTML element or
Custom out own, in most scenarios - when we think about reusing
This elements.
That depends on the context of what ng-click should do. Lets say you have your customized directive for a numeric input that has a customized designed and behavior as you defined in your directive configuration. And you use it in a form that ng-click suppose to pop a modal with optional values and use it in a different place in the application and ng-click will do something else. In this case the function need to be a scope.fucntion. but let's say both location and every other will do exactly the same, this take the function to the directive scope.
Answered above :)
Each of your options will do, this where "opinion" takes in and less rule-of-thumbs exists. why? because both ways will work when each has it pros and cons. The rule of thumb I can find in the scenario is that if both elements are part of the directive template, I would expect the 'behavious' (the dragging function) to be part of the directive scope.
Good luck
1) Is there a good rule of thumb to know what code to put where?
Lots of things at play here; and I'm not sure that there is a 'directives vs controllers' battle going on. They seem different enough to me. Directives can have their own controllers, if you didn't know.
I view directives as a single, specific, set of encapsulated code including the HTML (View) and JavaScript code (Controller). I use directives when I want to reuse something as an 'encapsulated' component.
If I just have a bit of JavaScript code that I want to reuse; I'll put in an AngularJS service which I see as just a collection of JavaScript code without any HTML.
I have a directive with a template which I only use within my app.
Something should happen, when I click on the element. I already know
its preferable to use the ng-click directive over binding a click
event within the linked function. But where should I define the method
supplied in ng-click?
I would define the handler as part of the directive's isolated scope; something like this:
onButtonClick: '&onButtonClick'
Define default behavior as part of the Directive's link or controller.
link: function ( $scope, element, attrs ) {
$scope.myDefaultButtonClick = function(){
// do stuff
this.onInit = function(){
$scope.onButtonClick = $scope.myDefaultButtonClick;
In your JavaScript; you can call the function that is passed in as an argument:
And you can do the same in your HTML template.
<img src="button.png" ng-click="onButtonClick()">
3) Would the answer to 2) be different if I plan to reuse the
directive elsewhere?
If I do not plan for reuse; I would probably not use a directive.
I have a Button and when clicked and dragged it should move a completely unrelated Element.
Should I...
A) Create one directive and influence template & behavior based on a passed attribute?
B) Create two directives (one for the handle, one for the target Element)
If so, it again poses the question of where to put the methods to handle the dragging?
I would chose item A probably; passing in the element that needs to be manipulated as an argument to the directive. However, it depends how much I care about re usability of this piece of functionality.
Everything I say should be considered subjective.

Accessing the dom outside ng-app

Say I have an angularJS application, where I want to modify the dom. It makes sense that one should not do it via a service or a controller. Instead use a directive for DOM manipulations. But what should one do if the dom lies out of the scope of the angular app?
For Example:
Say I want to access the BODY tag and disable the scroll bars on it. I can't write a directive because ng-app directive is on a div which is deep inside the dom and thus the BODY tag is not accessible.
How does one tackle this problem? I read this blog, and it seems like it ok to do dom manipulations via a service. So what is really the best practice to access doms? Especially if its out of the scope of an angularjs app?
I'm not sure I understand without seeing your code. But in general, the ng-app should be at the highest tag that encompasses all the functionality you want to manipulate with angular. For most, that is the body tag itself.

angularjs directive with ng-if in the template

I'm building a directive that utilizes an ng-if inside of it's template. What's strange is that the element provided to the link function does not have the ng-if code expanded, it is only a comment line for the ng-if. Playing around, I found that by wrapping my link code in a $timeout seems to get it to work, but I am wondering if that is not the correct way of going about it....and more so, why is this happening.
I've added a plunk to demonstrate:
Most directives actually do most of their logic in a $watch(). For example ng-if will setup a watch on it's attribute, and then render/remove the dom when that changes. Watches execute during a digest cycle, so even though directives have been compiled and linked, the watch hasn't run yet to determine whether it should show the if or not.
You should probably think about what you are actually doing to make sure if it's what you want. Keep in mind that the ng-if is dynamic. And so at any time it might get removed or added based on whether the items array is empty or not.
This means that even if you manage to defer your dom manipulation until after the if is rendered, you run the risk of the if going away and coming back (at which point your css code will not be run again).
A much better way to do this would be to setup a watch and add your css in a watch, or better still, use ng-class and add the css in your template.
The angular framework needs to have $scope.$apply() called in order to update the bindings and expand the template. $timeout() is an async wrapper which assumes that changes were made outside angular world and it calls $scope.$apply() as a final step. in your case, using $scope.$apply(); directly, immediately before your element call achieves the desired effect.

Difference between the directives and static DOM elements in AngularJS

I have already read the
Compilation process, and directive matching
on AngularJS Doc.
but I really didn't understand the directives.
I have static html:
<div class="test test2" cid="549" sid="a5e3c4f8a9">text-text-text</div>
when I do it manually, I know it will only created and called one time at browser's parse time.
but what happens when I create a directive with the same dom element ?
<x my-directive>text-text-text</x>
is this the same effect?
I am asking such a newbie question, because I am using over 200 elements on my html page.
If I change them to single directive: for sure it will be much more easier to manage them.
and its no problem if its only slow at browser's compile time but what happend in run time?
and I am sorry, if the qustion is not pro enought. I am just new to Stackoverflow.
Thank You
If I understand you correctly, you want to know how AngularJS creates a directive and how many times your directive methods are called.
When you create a directive (with module.directive('myDirective', ...)), you are really just creating a definition. Every time you use that directive (like <div my-directive>), AngularJS will run through the process described in the guide: that is, it will compile and link each use. It has to be this way because the directive doesn't exist in isolation; it exists not only in the $scope in which it was called, but also it can make use of element attributes and transcluded contents. The definition occurs once, but each instance is compiled and linked.
Once the directive is created, it's technically done; if you don't set up any $watch or $observe or event bindings, your "directive" is now just whatever's in the DOM at the end of your link function - there's no more computation. In other words, what happens after compilation and linking is entirely up to you.
So back to your example: if you use 200 of the same directive on the page, the directive will be defined once, but all 200 will be compiled and linked separately. But I'm not really sure what you're implying by asking. What's the question behind your question?

