Remove from Parent DIV container - javascript

i have got this :
<div id="video_pattern">
<div id="des"position:relative;></div>
<div id="mes"position:relative;></div>
i want to remove the
> <div id="video_pattern">
but the
<div id="des"position:relative;></div>
<div id="mes"position:relative;></div>
should stay, is this possible?

To handle your exact situation you can use this code:
var ToRemoveElement = document.getElementById("video_pattern");
This is the way to go if you only want these specific elements removed from the video_pattern div. If you want a more generic solution to remove all child elements then use the following:
var ToRemoveElement = document.getElementById("video_pattern");
var children = ToRemoveElement.children;
while (children.length > 0) {
JSfiddle example

Using Jquery you can do like this
var inner = $("#video_pattern").contents();


Can I select classes by order like this?

So I have this HTML here generated by Wordpress. I want to select the DIVs seperately using JS. Is this possible? Can I maybe select them by the order on which JS finds them in my HTML?
I tried if something like this would be possible (By adding an index number) but I believe that is used only for the LI element. But you get the idea. The end result is to add a different classname to each div object using .className
var koffie = document.getElementsByClassName("g-gridstatistic-item-text2")[0];
var brain = document.getElementsByClassName("g-gridstatistic-item-text2")[1];
var tevred = document.getElementsByClassName("g-gridstatistic-item-text2")[2];
<div class="g-gridstatistic-wrapper g-gridstatistic-3cols">
<div class="g-gridstatistic-item">
<div class="g-gridstatistic-item-wrapper">
<div class="g-gridstatistic-item-text1 odometer" data-odometer-value="4"></div>
<div class="g-gridstatistic-item-text2">Kopjes koffie per dag</div>
<div class="g-gridstatistic-item">
<div class="g-gridstatistic-item-wrapper">
<div class="g-gridstatistic-item-text1 odometer" data-odometer-value="14"></div>
<div class="g-gridstatistic-item-text2">Brainstormsessies per week</div>
<div class="g-gridstatistic-item">
<div class="g-gridstatistic-item-wrapper">
<div class="g-gridstatistic-item-text1 odometer" data-odometer-value="12"></div>
<div class="g-gridstatistic-item-text2">Tevreden klanten</div>
Your JavaScript code is looking for DOM elements before it checks whether the DOM has even loaded. Try wrapping it in an event listener, like so:
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
var koffie = document.getElementsByClassName("g-gridstatistic-item-text2")[0];
var brain = document.getElementsByClassName("g-gridstatistic-item-text2")[1];
var tevred = document.getElementsByClassName("g-gridstatistic-item-text2")[2];
/* to evidence that targeting works: */
.addedClass {
Full demo here:,css,js,console,output
simply like this
var yourVariableName = document.getElementsByClassName("g-gridstatistic-item-text2");
and so on like an array
This way, you can just use CSS-Selectors
The below code should work.
var classes = document.getElementsByClassName('g-gridstatistic-item-text2');
for(var i=0; i<=classes.length; i++) {
var appendClass = 'your_class_name'+i;

Count number of first layer/set of children in cloned element

I am trying to count the number of it's first layer of children not including it's child of child of child.. This is my codes
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="btn-container col-md-12">
var c = $(this).closest('.row').clone();
$(this).after( c );
var count = $(this).closest('.row').find('.btn-container').length;
The alert should always return 1 since the cloned element is appended inside of it.
I tried ..
.find() but also as I expected, it will count all inside of it.. Child of child of child and so on...
var parent = $(this).closest('.row');
var count = $('.btn-container', parent).length;
But still can not get what I want.
I already think of adding a name/class specifying to them. Like btn-container first-children ..
But I am wondering if there is a jQuery trick that will make it simplier.
find('.btn-container') will select all descendants .btn-container. You should use direct child selector > like following.
$('a').click(function () {
var c = $(this).closest('.row').clone();
var count = $(this).closest('.row').find('>.btn-container').length;
<script src=""></script>
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="btn-container col-md-12">
Rather than find() you could use children(). From jQuery .children() documentation:
The .children() method differs from .find() in that .children() only
travels a single level down the DOM tree while .find() can traverse
down multiple levels to select descendant elements (grandchildren,
etc.) as well
var count = $(this).closest('.row').children('optional-selector').length;

Siblings with same attribute value

I have a div structure like
<div class='class1'>contens</div>
<div class='class2'>contens</div>
<div class='class2'>contens</div>
<div class='class2'>contens</div>
<div class='class3'>contens</div>
<div class='class2'>contens</div>
<div class='class1'>contens</div>
Here I want to write a selector which will select all the div elements with class='class2', they should be adjacent to each other. i.e I should select only index 1,2,3 but not div index 5 since its not adjacent to group.
Please Help here.
You can use the adjacent sibling selector
var elems = $('.class2 + .class2').add( $('.class2 + .class2').prev() )
or caching the selector (with an argument to a IIFE)
var elems = (function(x) {return x.add( x.prev() )})($('.class2 + .class2'));
Here is an alternative solution with .filter:
For example:
$('.class2').filter(function() {
return $(this).prev('.class2').add($(this).next('.class2')).length > 0;
It filters out the elements that don't have a sibling with class .class2.

Returning a length from a list of divs, with exceptions to its children not having a certain attribute value

I have a list of divs that I need to traverse to return a particular length. I must add up all the total amount of divs that have active images. Inactive images are denoted by an alt= "missing". I need this particular length size for an ajax interactions.
How can I get the length of parent divs, that do NOT have children elements with a alt tag value of missing? (sorry for the verbosity in selectors)
<div class="project-img-container">
<div class="modal-image-0">
<img alt="Florence" class="featured" src="/system/works/avatars/000/000/034/medium/florence.jpg?1374131286">
<div class="modal-image-1">
<img alt="Nexus" class="featured" src="/system/works/avatar_bs/000/000/034/medium/nexus.jpg?1374131286">
<div class="modal-image-2">
<img alt="Missing" class="featured" src="/images/medium/missing.png">
<div class="modal-image-3">
<img alt="Missing" class="featured" src="/images/medium/missing.png">
Jquery success: postImgModal
postImgModal = function(data, status) {
var activeChildren, children, imgVal;
imgVal = [];
children = $(data).find('.project-img-container').children();
children will return an object list of all divs (which in this case = 4) now I must remove the parent tags that have children img tags that have alt tag's value = "missing."
Lets call this var activeChildren
$.each(activeChildren, function(i, child) {
imgVal[i] = child;
return imgVal[i];
/*this loop should return a length of 2. Opposed to before which was 4. This is because there were 2 missing alt tags above in this example html.*/
The final output should be a length of 2 for var activeChildren = 2; and imgVal should return just these two divs
<div class="modal-image-0">
<img alt="Florence" class="featured" src="/system/works/avatars/000/000/034/medium/florence.jpg?1374131286">
<div class="modal-image-1">
<img alt="Nexus" class="featured" src="/system/works/avatar_bs/000/000/034/medium/nexus.jpg?1374131286">
$(data).find('.project-img-container').children().filter(function() {
return !$(this).find('[alt="Missing"]').length;
or just:
I believe this should work
$('div > img:not([alt="Missing"])').length;
Or This one looks for featured images.
$('div > img.featured:not([alt="Missing"])').length;
jQuery property value is case sensitive so you have to make sure it's in the right case:
You can just use jQuery selectors to meet your needs. Below expression should serve the purpose.

jQuery display html in textarea exclude an element

I have 4 divs in a container. I want to display the html of the container which contains the divs in the textarea. I'm able to do this. The issue is, i don't want to get all the html of the container. I don't want to get #iv #three. I want to copy all the html of the container except div #three. I could use $('#three').remove() but i don't want to remove the div, I just don't want to copy it's html value to textarea. Check jsfiddle
<div id="container">
<div id="one">test 1 </div>
<div id="two">test 2 </div>
<div id="three">test 3 </div>
<div id="four">test 4 </div>
<textarea id="save"></textarea>
var x = $('#container').html();
Try this
var x = $('#container').html();
var lol = $('#container').clone()
Technically this is illegal since you are duplicating IDs, but it works fine.
Edit: Someone beat me to it :( Oh well.
var text = "";
$('#container div').each( function() {
if ( != "three" ) {
text += $(this).html();
$('#save').val( text );
Basically you check the divs inside #container one by one, and check their id. If it's one you want, add their html to a string. Then at the end give that string as your textarea value.

