Navigate immediately to first <p:menuitem> when <p:submenu> itself is clicked - javascript

I have a dynamic <p:menubar> as follows.
<p:menubar style="position: relative; height: 30px; visibility: visible;">
<p:submenu label="Category" icon="ui-icon-document" styleClass="mainMenu">
<c:forEach var="row" items="#{parentMenuManagedBean.category}">
<p:submenu label="#{row.catName}" icon="ui-icon-contact" styleClass="subMenu">
<c:forEach var="subRow" items="#{row.subCategoryList}">
<p:menuitem value="#{subRow.subCatName}" url="ProductDetails.jsf?subCatId=#{subRow.subCatId}"/>
</p:submenu>s inside </p:menubar> are not clickable.
There are CSS classes which are bound to JavaScript functions. When these <p:submenu> are clicked, the following functions are called.
$(".mainMenu").bind("click", function(){ alert("mainMenu was clicked"); });
$(".subMenu").bind("click", function(){ alert("subMenu was clicked"); });
But when clicking on the inner most <p:submenu> both of these functions are called that should not happen.
Also how to uniquely identify each <p:submenu>, when they are clicked?
Is there a way to pass some value so that they can uniquely be identified like query-string appended to a URL?

But when clicking on the inner most <p:submenu> both of these functions are called that should not happen.
You're victim of event bubbling. In all browsers, when a DOM element receives an event, this is after processing on the current element propagated to all of its parents. All of their event listeners, if any, are also invoked, unless you return false from the current listener function, or explicitly stop the propagation by calling event.stopPropagation() and return from the function as usual. The difference with return false is that the default action of the click event on the current element (going to the given URL) will still be performed.
Also how to uniquely identify each <p:submenu>, when they are clicked?
The DOM element responsible for firing the event is in the listener available by this. You can wrap this further into a jQuery object by simply constructing it with $(). In case of <p:submenu>, that'll be a HTML <li> element which in turn has an <a> element as child.
Is there a way to pass some value so that they can uniquely be identified like query-string appended to a URL?
Usually, you'd better explore the DOM element itself. For example, by checking the text content of the child <a> element.
All in all, here's a rewrite, note that the event object is available as 1st function argument:
$(document).on("click", ".mainMenu", function() {
console.log("mainMenu was clicked");
$(document).on("click", ".subMenu", function(event) {
event.stopPropagation(); // Stop event bubbling.
var $this = $(this); // That's the <li> element.
var $link = $this.children("a"); // That's the immediate child <a> element.
var label = $link.text(); // You could use it to identify the submenu.
// ...
console.log("subMenu with label " + label + " was clicked");
(note that I also replaced the $(function(){}) and $.bind() by $(document).on(), this makes it safe against DOM updates on ajax requests; you don't need to re-execute the whole script then)
Update: as per the comments, the concrete functional requirement, which wasn't clear from the initial question at all (I've improved the question title now), is to navigate to the same URL as menu's first item when the submenu itself is clicked. In that case, you'd better hook on the submenu's own <a> element directly by the .subMenu>a selector and perform a window.location on the URL of the menu's first <a> element. Here's another rewrite:
$(document).on("click", ".subMenu>a", function() {
var $this = $(this); // That's the submenu's <a> element itself.
var $link = $"a:first"); // That's menu's first <a> element.
var url = $link.attr("href"); // The URL of that link.
// ...
window.location = url; // It'll change the document immediately. No need to stop propagation.

you need to use stopPropagation
$( ".subMenu").click(function( event ) {
// Do something
This will stop the parent to be notified of the event.
Check this


Why is my delegated event handler not working?

I have a button with id of Strike but the JQUERY event doesn't seem to work? This event here worked previously, but ONLY if the button existed when the DOM loaded.
dom.el('Strike').onclick = strikeSkill;
Now I have my buttons dynamically generated, so the "Strike" button is generated later. So the previous code above no longer works, because Strike = Null.
I am using the Jquery .on function, filled up my arguments, but now when I click the strike button, nothing happens. No attacking. Why is this?
function strikeSkill() {
if (upgradeActive == true){
if (upgradeActive == false){
$('#Strike').on('click', '#Strike', function() {
Your current event handler is looking for a #Strike element within #Strike, which is incorrect (not to mention would be invalid HTML).
You can fix this by using a static parent element for the primary selector:
$(document).on('click', '#Strike', function(){
In the example I used the document, however for best performance it should be the nearest static parent element to #Strike which is available when the DOM loads.

change div class,id,.. in every click

I trying to run code to change div id,class,... in every click but I don't
know how this my js code :
<div class="up_vote_bt upvote_hide" title="Delete up vote" onclick="upvoteHide()" id="hideupvote"></div>
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#upvote").click(function() {
document.getElementById("upvote").setAttribute("class","up_vote_bt upvote_hide");
document.getElementById("upvote").setAttribute("title","delete up vote");
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#hideupvote").click(function() {
document.getElementById("hideupvote").setAttribute("title","up vote");
if you're using jQuery why not do this?
//$(this) for just this element
$(this).attr('title','Up vote');
$(this).attr('title','Delete up vote');
toggleClass() will either add or remove upvote_hide if it doesn't exist or exists.
attr() will alter the attribute much like setAttribute()
For my example there is no need to alter the eventHandlers or in your case setting the attribute onClick to the function. I'ts all done in the jQuery event hander function. So your functions that you're passing to the onclick attribute are called within the function.
When you attach an event handler via jQuery using the
$("#upvote").click(function() { ... });
mechanism, jQuery will directly attach the handler to the elements in the query result set. This means that the handler will be there, whatever the ID changes to in the future.
What you can do is to attach a delegated handler to the document like this.
$(document).on("click", "#upvote", function() { ... });
$(document).on("click", "#hideupvote", function() { ... });
See this article for a deeper explanation
Also, setting the onclick attribute is meaningless in this case and you should remove those lines.
However, changin IDs of elements is not a good practice. An ID should mean a unique identifier for a DOM node, which is not expected to change. I would rather toggle classes here.

jQuery has stopped recognizing click events

I have a function that is called every time a user goes through a new step to bind the click event to each new item that is added to the page, and it was working fine but now it's stopped and I cannot figure out why
Below is the function (or click here for full js):
function bindClickEvents() {
$(".wall-dropdown .item").unbind('click').on('click', function() {
console.log('Item clicked');
if ($(this).hasClass('range')) {
selectedRange = $(this).data('id');
selectedStyle = null;
selectedColour = null;
if ($(this).hasClass('style')) {
selectedStyle = $(this).data('id');
selectedColour = null;
if ($(this).hasClass('colour')) {
selectedColour = $(this).data('id');
Use off with on (not unbind)
$(".wall-dropdown .item").off('click').on('click', function() {
However I suggest you simply switch to delegated event handlers (attached to a non changing ancestor element):
$(document).on("click", ".wall-dropdown .item", function()
It works by listening for the specified event to bubble-up to the connected element, then it applies the jQuery selector. Then it applies the function to the matching items that caused the event.
This way the match of .wall-dropdown .item is only done at event time so the items can exists later than event registration time.
document is the best default of no other element is closer/convenient. Do not use body for delegated events as it has a bug (to do with styling) that can stop mouse events firing. Basically, if styling causes a computed body height of 0, it stops receiving bubbled mouse events. Also as document always exists, you do not need to wrap document-based delegated handlers inside a DOM ready :)
Why don't you bind event to body like
$('body').on('click','.wall-dropdown .item',function(){...some code...})
to prevent reinitialization of event?
this code automaticaly works with each new element .wall-dropdown .item

jQuery .on('click') firing multiple times when used with :not() selector

Good morning,
I have a set of boxes on a page that are presented as a list, and within these boxes there might be some links that can be clicked. I want the links within the boxes to work as normal (i.e. bubble up and either perform the default action or then be handled by event handlers further up the DOM), but if the box is clicked anywhere else then it should be caught by a particular event handler attached to the "list" containing all the boxes.
Simple html representation
<div class="boxlist">
<div class="box" data-boxid="1">
Some text, and possibly a link and another link, and perhaps even a third link.
<div class="box" data-boxid="2">
Some more text, this time without a link.
The javascript that I thought should work.
$(function () {
$('.boxlist').on('click', '.box :not(a)', function (e) {
var boxid= $(this).closest('.box').data('boxid');
console.log('open: ' + boxid);
My expectation was that the above javascript should handle all clicks that did not originate from tags. However, for some reason when the box is clicked (either the box itself, or an tag, doesn't matter), it fires this event X times, where X is the total number of tags within the list of boxes.
So I have two questions:
1. What am I doing wrong with the :not() selector.
2. Is there a better way to handle this scenario?
Thank you for helping!
linkUsing jQuery :not selector actually is very slow ex: and it's way better to just use event delegation. So in this case you want to keep track of every click on the .boxlist but check the node type to see if its an anchor or not. This is an example.
$(function () {
$('.boxlist').on('click', function(ev){
if( != "A"){
// handle box click code
console.log('box click');
return false;
// Otherwise allow event to bubble through.
and here is a jsfiddle example
Also their are a few reasons your code doesn't work
.box :not(a)
should be
and the reason this also does not work is because .box is not an anchor tag it has children elements that are anchor tags it will never find an anchor tag named .box if their is one the callback would not execute. Changing the .box to an anchor tag will make it so the code doesn't execute because .box is an anchor and it is only running when .box:not(a)
I guess you want something like this:
$('.boxlist').on('click', '.box:not(a)', function (e) {
var boxid = $(this).closest('.box').data('boxid');
console.log('open: ' + boxid);
}).on('click', '.box a', function (e) {
I think better to stop the default behavior and stop the event bubbling to its parent. .on() chain to the .box items excluding <a> from it and stop the default behavior and event bubble with e.preventDefault().stopPropagation();

Issue with selectors & .html() in jquery?

The function associated with the selector stops working when I replace it's contents using .html(). Since I cannot post my original code I've created an example to show what I mean...
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#pg_display span").click(function () {
var pageno = $(this).attr("id");
var data = "<span id='page1'>1</span><span id='page2'> 2</span><span id='page3'> 3</span>";
<div id="pg_display">
<span id="page1">1</span>
<span id="page2">2</span>
<span id="page3">3</span>
Is there any way to fix this??...Thanks
Not sure I understand you completely, but if you're asking why .click() functions aren't working on spans that are added later, you'll need to use .live(),
$("#someSelector span").live("click", function(){
# do stuff to spans currently existing
# and those that will exist in the future
This will add functionality to any element currently on the page, and any element that is later created. It keeps you have having to re-attach handlers when new elements are created.
You have to re-bind the event after you replace the HTML, because the original DOM element will have disappeared. To allow this, you have to create a named function instead of an anonymous function:
function pgClick() {
var pageno = $(this).attr("id");
var data="<span id='page1'>1</span><span id='page2'> 2</span><span id='page3'> 3</span>";
$("#pg_display span").click(pgClick);
$("#pg_display span").click(pgClick);
That's to be expected, since the DOM elements that had your click handler attached have been replaced with new ones.
The easiest remedy is to use 1.3's new "live" events.
In your situation, you can use 'Event delegation' concept and get it to work.
Event delegation uses the fact that an event generated on a element will keep bubbling up to its parent unless there are no more parents. So instead of binding click event to span, you will find the click event on your #pg_display div.
//As we are binding click event to the DIV, we need to find out the
//'target' which was clicked.
var target = $(;
//If it's not span, don't do anything.
alert('page #' +;
var data="<span id='page1'>1</span><span id='page2'>2</span><span id='page3'>3</span>";
Working demo:
The above code has additional advantage that instead of binding 3 event handlers, it only binds one.
Use the $("#pg_display span").live('click', function....) method instead of .click. Live (available in JQuery 1.3.2) will bind to existing and FUTURE matches whereas the click (as well as .bind) function is only being bound to existing objects and not any new ones. You'll also need (maybe?) to separate the data from the function or you will always add new span tags on each click.

