Angular / Javascript 'rounding' long values? - javascript

I have the following JSON:
[{"hashcode": 4830991188237466859},{...}]
I have the following Angular/JS code:
var res = $resource('<something>');
res.query({}, function(json) {hashcode = json[0].hashcode;};
Surprisingly (to me, I'm no JS expert), I find that something (?) is rounding the value to the precision of 1000 (rounding the last 3 digits). This is a problem, since this is a hash code of something.
If, on the other hand I write the value as a String to the JSON, e.g -
[{"hashcode": "4830991188237466859"},{...}]
this does not happen. But this causes a different problem for me (with JMeter/JSON Path, which extracts the value ["4830991188237466859"] by running my query $.hashcode - which I can't use as a HTTP request parameter (I need to add ?hashcode=... to the query, but I end up with ?hashcode=["..."]
So I appreciate help with:
Understanding who and why -- is rounding my hash, and how to avoid it
Help with JMeter/JSON Path

Each system architecture has a maximum number it can represent. See Number.MAX_VALUE or paste your number into the console. You'll see it happens at the JavaScript level, nothing to do with angular. Since the hash doesn't represent the amount of something, it's perfectly natural for it to be a string. Which leads me to
Nothing wrong with - it's treated as a string there and you should keep treating it as such.

The javascript Number type is floating point based, and can only represent all integers in the range between -253 and 253. Some integers outside this range are therefore subject to "rounding" as you experience.

In regards to JMeter JSON Path Extractor plugin, the correct JSON Path query for your hashcode will look like
See Parsing JSON chapter of the guide for XPath to JSON Path mappings and more details.


Maintain decimal points with 0 in JSON object [duplicate]

If you do this...
var parsed = JSON.parse('{"myNum":0.0}') ;
Then when you look at parsed.myNum, you just get 0. (Fair enough.)
If you do parsed.myNum.toString(), you get "0".
Basically, I'm looking for a way to turn this into the string "0.0".
Obviously, in real life I don't control the JSON input, I get the JSON from a web service... I want to parse the JSON using the browser's JSON parser, and to be able to recognise the difference between the number values 0 and 0.0.
Is there any way to do this, short of manually reading the JSON string? That's not really possible in this case, I need to use the browser's native JSON parser, for speed. (This is for a Chrome extension by the way; no need to worry about it working in other browsers.)
There's no way to get the number of digits from JSON.parse or eval. Even if IBM's decimal proposal had been adopted by the EcmaScript committee, the number is still going to be parsed to an IEEE 754 float.
Take a look a for a simple JSON parser that you can modify to keep precision info.
If 0.0 is not enclosed in quotes in your JSON (i.e. it's a number and not a string), then there's no way to distinguish it from 0, unless you write your own JSON parser.
... parsed.myNum.toFixed( 1 ) ...
where 1 is number of decimal places
Edit: parsed.myNum is number, parsed.myNym.toFixed( 1 ) would be string
Edit2: in this case you need to pass value as string {"myNum":'0.0'} and parsed when calculations is needed or detect decimal separator, parsed number, and use decimal separator position when string is needed
It shouldn't matter, 00000.00000 is 0 if you try JSON.parse('{"myNum":0.00001}') you'll see a value of { myNum=0.0001 } If you really need it to hold the decimal you'll need to keep it a string JSON.parse('{"myNum":"0.0"}')

Why does a number get its last 2 digits turned to 0?

Hi, so I was working on my discord bot with some user ids that I stored in a database, which then I will get back to ping them or give them roles.
Though here's the problem, in the database they get turned from ex: 533692905387196429 to 533692905387196400. I tried setting that to a String, and it worked, in the database, it's stored fully how it's supposed to be. But, when I get them back from the database and turn them into a number or an integer they get turned back to ex: 533692905387196400.
Tried using
I tried using parseInt(), parseFloat() and Number() but all of them give the same result.
More info
Also if I remove 2 digits for example: 533692905387196429I remove 19 from there, it will give back 533692905387(19)6429 instead of 533692905387196429 and instead of 533692905387196400.
Any help is appreciated!
So, Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER is 9007199254740991 (which is 253 - 1). Your number is too large to hold full precision.
If you want a number with that level of digits and precision, you can use BigInt and then you will have to be very careful how you use that BigInt as it cannot be directly used in place of a regular Number type, but it can hold infinite precision and you can do math between two BigInt values.
Whether it's best used as a BigInt or as a String really depends upon what you're doing with it. If these are just some sort of ID that you aren't actually doing numeric operations with, then you can just keep it as a string.
The number is too big, so Javascript doesn't keep full precision!
> 533692905387196429
You can resolve this by storing them as strings:
> '533692905387196429'
You shouldn't need to do any mathematical operations with Discord IDs so there shouldn't be any issue storing and treating them as strings everywhere.

Reassembling negative Python marshal int's into Javascript numbers

I'm writing a client-side Python bytecode interpreter in Javascript (specifically Typescript) for a class project. Parsing the bytecode was going fine until I tried out a negative number.
In Python, marshal.dumps(2) gives 'i\x02\x00\x00\x00' and marshal.dumps(-2) gives 'i\xfe\xff\xff\xff'. This makes sense as Python represents integers using two's complement with at least 32 bits of precision.
In my Typescript code, I use the equivalent of Node.js's Buffer class (via a library called BrowserFS, instead of ArrayBuffers and etc.) to read the data. When I see the character 'i' (i.e. buffer.readUInt8(offset) == 105, signalling that the next thing is an int), I then call readInt32LE on the next offset to read a little-endian signed long (4 bytes). This works fine for positive numbers but not for negative numbers: for 1 I get '1', but for '-1' I get something like '-272777233'.
I guess that Javascript represents numbers in 64-bit (floating point?). So, it seems like the following should work:
var longval = buffer.readInt32LE(offset); // reads a 4-byte long, gives -272777233
var low32Bits = longval & 0xffff0000; //take the little endian 'most significant' 32 bits
var newval = ~low32Bits + 1; //invert the bits and add 1 to negate the original value
//but now newval = 272826368 instead of -2
I've tried a lot of different things and I've been stuck on this for days. I can't figure out how to recover the original value of the Python integer from the binary marshal string using Javascript/Typescript. Also I think I deeply misunderstand how bits work. Any thoughts would be appreciated here.
Some more specific questions might be:
Why would buffer.readInt32LE work for positive ints but not negative?
Am I using the correct method to get the 'most significant' or 'lowest' 32 bits (i.e. does & 0xffff0000 work how I think it does?)
Separate but related: in an actual 'long' number (i.e. longer than '-2'), I think there is a sign bit and a magnitude, and I think this information is stored in the 'highest' 2 bits of the number (i.e. at number & 0x000000ff?) -- is this the correct way of thinking about this?
The sequence ef bf bd is the UTF-8 sequence for the "Unicode replacement character", which Unicode encoders use to represent invalid encodings.
It sounds like whatever method you're using to download the data is getting accidentally run through a UTF-8 decoder and corrupting the raw datastream. Be sure you're using blob instead of text, or whatever the equivalent is for the way you're downloading the bytecode.
This got messed up only for negative values because positive values are within the normal mapping space of UTF-8 and thus get translated 1:1 from the original byte stream.

Parse json in javascript - long numbers get rounded

I need to parse a json that contains a long number (that was produces in a java servlet). The problem is the long number gets rounded.
When this code is executed:
var s = '{"x":6855337641038665531}';
var obj = JSON.parse(s);
alert (obj.x);
the output is:
see an example here:
why is that, and how can I solve it?
As others have stated, this is because the number is too big. However, you can work around this limitation by sending the number as a string like so:
var s = '{"x":"6855337641038665531"}';
Then instead of using JSON.parse(), you can use a library such as javascript-bignum to work with the number.
It's too big of a number. JavaScript uses double-precision floats for numbers, and they have about 15 digits of precision (in base 10). The highest integer that JavaScript can reliably save is something like 251.
The solution is to use reasonable numbers. There is no real way to handle such large numbers.
The largest number JavaScript can handle without loss of precision is 9007199254740992.
I faced this issue some time ago, I was able to solve using this lib:
You can check this example:
let text = '{"normal":2.3,"long":123456789012345678901,"big":2.3e+500}';
// JSON.parse will lose some digits and a whole number:
// '{"normal":2.3,"long":123456789012345680000,"big":null}' WHOOPS!!!
// LosslessJSON.parse will preserve big numbers:
// '{"normal":2.3,"long":123456789012345678901,"big":2.3e+500}'

How to prevent removing decimal point when parsing JSON?

If you do this...
var parsed = JSON.parse('{"myNum":0.0}') ;
Then when you look at parsed.myNum, you just get 0. (Fair enough.)
If you do parsed.myNum.toString(), you get "0".
Basically, I'm looking for a way to turn this into the string "0.0".
Obviously, in real life I don't control the JSON input, I get the JSON from a web service... I want to parse the JSON using the browser's JSON parser, and to be able to recognise the difference between the number values 0 and 0.0.
Is there any way to do this, short of manually reading the JSON string? That's not really possible in this case, I need to use the browser's native JSON parser, for speed. (This is for a Chrome extension by the way; no need to worry about it working in other browsers.)
There's no way to get the number of digits from JSON.parse or eval. Even if IBM's decimal proposal had been adopted by the EcmaScript committee, the number is still going to be parsed to an IEEE 754 float.
Take a look a for a simple JSON parser that you can modify to keep precision info.
If 0.0 is not enclosed in quotes in your JSON (i.e. it's a number and not a string), then there's no way to distinguish it from 0, unless you write your own JSON parser.
... parsed.myNum.toFixed( 1 ) ...
where 1 is number of decimal places
Edit: parsed.myNum is number, parsed.myNym.toFixed( 1 ) would be string
Edit2: in this case you need to pass value as string {"myNum":'0.0'} and parsed when calculations is needed or detect decimal separator, parsed number, and use decimal separator position when string is needed
It shouldn't matter, 00000.00000 is 0 if you try JSON.parse('{"myNum":0.00001}') you'll see a value of { myNum=0.0001 } If you really need it to hold the decimal you'll need to keep it a string JSON.parse('{"myNum":"0.0"}')

