Auto type inside text input - javascript

I would like to let there automatically appear text inside an input type=text element.
I would like to accomplish that the different kind of texts are stored inside an array and that every 5 seconds or so, a text is 'typed' by javascript into this field. Then I also like that when I focus on the field (to input text in it by keyboard) that it stops auto-typing and shows an empty input element.
Anybody know how to go about this?
I'm a back-end programmer, but need to do some frontend programming and just haven't had the time to thoroughly learn Javascript. At the moment I only know PHP thoroughly, but would expand my knowledge to css, html and javascript too.
Hope somebody is able to help me out :)
EDIT: This is the solution I came up with and it works. The input field has as ID: searchBar. The code is not very elegant, but I'm still learning :) Thanks for the answers. It helped me a lot.
var searchBar = document.getElementById('searchBar');
var keywords = ['Auto typed text number 1',
'This is number 2 auto typed',
'Yet another auto typed line',
'The last line before it loops again'];
var index = 0;
var arrCounter = 0;
var focus = false;
var timer1, timer2;
function resetBox() {
searchBar.value = '';
index = 0;
var autoType = function() {
if (focus) {
if (index <= keywords[arrCounter].length) {
searchBar.value = keywords[arrCounter].substr(0, index++);
timer1 = setTimeout("autoType()", 50);
} else {
if(arrCounter === keywords.length){
arrCounter = 0;
timer2 = setTimeout(resetBox, 5000);
$("#searchBar").on("focus", function(){
focus = true;
searchBar.value = '';
}).on("blur", function(){
setTimeout(function() {
focus = false;
}, 1000);

Try like this:
<input id='demo_input' size='100'/>
var demo_input = document.getElementById('demo_input');
var type_this = "try this example";
var index = 0;
window.next_letter = function() {
if (index <= type_this.length) {
demo_input.value = type_this.substr(0, index++);
setTimeout("next_letter()", 50);


Making dynamically added p elements clickable

I am trying to make the elements clickable. However on clicking any of the <p> elements there is no alert box saying "hello". Please could you look at my code and possibly point me in the right direction?
function createLink(text, parentElement) {
var a = document.createElement('p');
var linkText = document.createTextNode(text);
a.onclick = function(e) {
var br = document.createElement('br');
var txtFile8 = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "", true);
txtFile8.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (txtFile8.readyState === 4) { // Makes sure the document is ready to parse.
if ((txtFile8.status == 200) || (txtFile8.status == 0)) { // Makes sure it's found the file.
allText8 = txtFile8.responseText;
arrayOfLines8 = allText8.match(/[^\r\n]+/g);
for (i = 0; i < arrayOfLines8.length - 1; i++) {
createLink(arrayOfLines8[i], document.getElementById("previousResultsList"));
The script parses a text file online:
Which is updated weekly and has dates written in it like so:
My script separates the text document into each line and stores it as an array. A for loop is then used to show the dates on the screen in a column which looks like so:
The problem is that on clicking each date an alert box is not shown saying "hello" and there seems to be no response at all.
All help is greatly appreciated.
I solved the issue!!
The problem was that I had divs with opacity 0 that were overlaying my parentElement! sorry stupid mistake!

Im designing a chess game in HTML,i want to change one charecter from on position to another

i have designed chess board using buttons.Initially all the values on the button will be null,upon loading the page all the pieces appear on them and the piece of code is as follows
<input type="button" id="A8" value="" style="background:#FFE4C4;font-size: 70px;height:90;width:100" onclick="check(">
and in the onLoad function,the ASCII charecter of the chess pieces are assigned as follows:
Now what i want is to change the one piece from a button to another on clicking two buttons.i had tried a lot with the following script
function check(clicked_id) {
var Button_2 = "";
if (i < 2) {
// alert("i:"+i);
if (i == 1) {
Button_1 = clicked_id;
B1_val = document.getElementById(Button_1).value;
alert("B1 Button val:" + B1_val);
if (i == 2) {
var Button_2 = clicked_id;
B2_val = document.getElementById(Button_2).value;
alert("b1 val:" + B1_val);
alert("B2 val:" + B2_val);
B2_val = B1_val;
B1_val = "";
alert("B1 val:" + B1_val + "B2 val:" + B2_val);
} else {
alert("Only 2 butons should press..i:" + i);
i = 0;
// alert("clcked a button:"+clicked_id);
But the code is not working
If you just want to move the value from the location of the first click to the location of the second click, then you can do that fairly simply like this:
var lastClick;
function check(id) {
var src, dest;
if (!lastClick) {
// no previous click so just store the location of this first click
lastClick = id;
} else {
// move value from lastClick id to new id
src = document.getElementById(lastClick);
dest = document.getElementById(id);
dest.value = src.value;
src.value = "";
lastClick = null;
I assume that a real application would need all sorts of error handling that doesn't let you put a piece on top of another piece, ignores first clicks on empty spaces, enforces only legal moves, etc...

Javascript - strikethrough

i try to make text strikethrough with javascript.
I know nothing about Javascript and try to search on the net how to that.
<script language="JavaScript">
function recal(val,sum)
if(sum == true)
var total = parseInt(document.getElementById("total").innerHTML, 10);
var total = parseInt(document.getElementById("total").innerHTML, 10);
var pnl = document.getElementById("totalEvents");
var pnl = document.getElementById("totalEvents");
var pnl2 = document.getElementById("eventCategory");
var pnl3 = document.getElementById("nameID");
**strikethrough starts here**
if (!sum && pnl.firstChild.tagName != "S" && pnl2.firstChild.tagname !="S")
pnl.innerHTML = "<S>"+ pnl.innerHTML+"</S>";
pnl2.innerHTML = "<S>"+ pnl2.innerHTML+"</S>";
pnl.innerHTML = pnl.firstChild.innerHTML;
pnl2.innerHTML = pnl2.firstChild.innerHTML;
it makes textstrikethrough but something is wrong. Even if i choose second checkbox it affects first checkbox why :( (my full html page)
You are peforming a pretty convoluted way of achieving this, something that can actually be quite easily done. If you have an HTML element, say with the id 'myelement':
<div id="myelement">Hello world</div>
To create a strikethrough, all you need to do in JS is:
var ele = document.getElementById("myelement");"text-decoration", "line-through");
If you need to check if there is a strikethrough on an element:
var ele = document.getElementById("myelement");
var isStruck = ("text-decoration") == "line-through");
Although this is not really recommended. Use an internal variable to keep track of state.

document.forms[i] code works in the page but gives "undefined" error in Greasemonkey

So there is a page with about 50 forms.
The first form is a search, so I skip that form.
The remaining 49, I care about.
Out of those 49, I am only looking for forms with the go value equal to renew.
I wrote the code in scratch pad and it works fine.
I paste it into Greasemonkey and I get "document.forms[i].go is undefined"
Here is my code:
var i=1 ;
var total = document.forms.length -1;
while (i<=total) {
var go_val = document.forms[i].go.value;
if(go_val == "renew"){
I have also tried this, to check if the go element exists and the form generates no errors, but does not run setattribute.
var i=0 ;
var total = document.forms.length -1;
while (i<=total) {
var go_val = document.forms[i].go.value;
if(go_val == "renew"){
Why does it work in scratch pad, but not in Greasemonkey?
I have found: "Pitfall #3: Named Forms and Form Elements" and figured it out...
var i=0;
var total = document.forms.length -1;
while (i<=total) {
var form = document.forms[i];
var input = form.elements.namedItem("go");
var go_val = input.value;
if(go_val == "renew"){

Help with javascript and user control

I Have user comtrol with image button dynamically entered into the Page.
I want to get his ID in jquery or javascript to enlarge the image, but it always enlarge only the last image, this is the code,
Thanks in advance!
function moveover() {
document.getElementById('<% = ImageButton1.ClientID %>').height = "360";
document.getElementById('<% = ImageButton1.ClientID %>').width = "200";
function moveback() {
document.getElementById('<% = ImageButton1.ClientID %>').height = "130";
document.getElementById('<% = ImageButton1.ClientID %>').width = "100";
this is the page
foreach (DataRow p in ds.Tables["Products"].Rows)
ASP.product_control_ascx prod = new ASP.product_control_ascx();
prod.Old_price = p["Regular_price"].ToString();
prod.new_price = p["Your_price"].ToString();
prod.watch_pic = p["Product_imag"].ToString();
prod.rr = "~/ProductPage.aspx?Select_prod=" + p["Product_id"].ToString(); ;
Even if someone has a code increases picture nicely?
The best solution for this problem is to pass the client id of the image button to the function as shown below.
function moveover(imageButtonId)
document.getElementById(imageButtonId).height = "360";
document.getElementById(imageButtonId).width = "200";

