Help with javascript and user control - javascript

I Have user comtrol with image button dynamically entered into the Page.
I want to get his ID in jquery or javascript to enlarge the image, but it always enlarge only the last image, this is the code,
Thanks in advance!
function moveover() {
document.getElementById('<% = ImageButton1.ClientID %>').height = "360";
document.getElementById('<% = ImageButton1.ClientID %>').width = "200";
function moveback() {
document.getElementById('<% = ImageButton1.ClientID %>').height = "130";
document.getElementById('<% = ImageButton1.ClientID %>').width = "100";
this is the page
foreach (DataRow p in ds.Tables["Products"].Rows)
ASP.product_control_ascx prod = new ASP.product_control_ascx();
prod.Old_price = p["Regular_price"].ToString();
prod.new_price = p["Your_price"].ToString();
prod.watch_pic = p["Product_imag"].ToString();
prod.rr = "~/ProductPage.aspx?Select_prod=" + p["Product_id"].ToString(); ;
Even if someone has a code increases picture nicely?

The best solution for this problem is to pass the client id of the image button to the function as shown below.
function moveover(imageButtonId)
document.getElementById(imageButtonId).height = "360";
document.getElementById(imageButtonId).width = "200";


Is there a way to switch images src back to original after src change event?

I'm a noob working my way to learn JavaScript on my own and using some resources but want to probe things on my own hence trying this thing but it's not working for some reason. Help is appreciated.
The object is to clarify some blurred images by swapping the source. The images are called zero.jpg/zeroblur.jpg, one.jpg/oneblur.jpg and so on... The page loads with blurred image sources until clicked on. I want to write code so that it goes back to original blurred source image after 5 secs.
P.S.: The code in comments is what I've tried to write on my own.
window.onload = init;
function init() {
var blurryPic = document.getElementsByTagName("img");
for (var i = 0; i < blurryPic.length; i++) {
blurryPic[i].onclick = clarify;
// setTimeout(resetPic, 5000);
function clarify(eventObj) {
var pic =;
var id =;
id = "images/" + id + ".jpg";
pic.src = id;
// function resetPic(eventObj) {
// var pic =;
// var id =;
// id = "images/" + id + "blur.jpg";
// pic.src = id;
// }
It's better with CSS: your image stays the same and you only toggle a class, the class making your image blur.
document.getElementById("clickImg").addEventListener("click", function() {
.blurImg {
-webkit-filter: blur(5px); /* Safari 6.0 - 9.0 */
filter: blur(5px);
<img src="" id="clickImg">
If what you want is really to be able to reset the original image, I think it's better to stock it in a specific attribute, like this:
document.getElementById("reset").addEventListener("click", function() {
document.getElementById("clickImg").src = document.getElementById("clickImg").getAttribute('origSrc')
var imgs = [
document.getElementById("random").addEventListener("click", function() {
document.getElementById("clickImg").src = imgs[Math.floor(Math.random() * 3)]
<input type="button" value="RESET" id="reset" />
<input type="button" value="RANDOM" id="random" /><br/>
<img src="" origSrc="" id="clickImg">
I used an if statement for this to check if the first loaded image file was present or not. Then use the attribute src for the file. Here's an example.
function magicChanger(){
var myImage = document.getElementById("emailImage")
if (myImage.getAttribute("src") == "first loaded image"){
myImage.setAttribute("src", "second image")
myImage.setAttribute("src", "first loaded image")
#html element
<button id = "emailButton" onclick="magicChanger()">
<img id="emailImage" src="{% static 'GoEnigmaPics/emailIcon.png' %}" alt="email">
Thanks for all the answers! I wanted to get it done in JS only so CSS wouldn't work. Appreciate the answers and will definitely incorporate in future projects!
P. S. This is what got it done in the end.
window.onload = init;
function init() {
var blurryPics = document.getElementsByTagName("img");
for (var i = 0; i < blurryPics.length; i++) {
blurryPics[i].onclick = clarify;
function clarify(eventObj) {
var pic =;
var id =;
id = "images/" + id + ".jpg";
pic.src = id;
setTimeout(reBlur, 3000, pic);
function reBlur(eventObj) {
var pic =;
var id =;
id = "images/" + id + "blur.jpg";
pic.src = id;
Please try this code,To Is there a way to switch images src back to original after src change event?
It switches back because by default, when you click a link, it follows the link and loads the page. In your case, you don't want that. You can prevent it either by doing e.preventDefault();
$(function() {
return false;
I hope this code will be useful.
Thank You.

Can anyone tell me how to trigger a function when the mouse is pressed and continues untill it is released in p5.js

I was trying to add an image using p5 and ml5 In my website where user can train there own image and get the predicted output over webcam I tried implementing it by using
var addImage;
var mobilenet;
mobilenet = ml5.featureExtractor('MobileNet', modelReady);
classifier = mobilenet.classification(video,videoReady);
addImage = createButton('Insert');
addImage.mousePressed(function (){
but for every image, I need to press the mouse button to insert I just want to make it something like this
**On mousePress()
function to add multiple image;
On mouseRelease()
From this reference, this should work;
var addImage;
var mobilenet;
var drawImageInterval = null;
mobilenet = ml5.featureExtractor('MobileNet', modelReady);
classifier = mobilenet.classification(video,videoReady);
addImage = createButton('Insert');
addImage.mousePressed(function (){
if(mouseIsPressed && !drawImageInterval){
drawImageInterval = setInterval(function(){
}, 1000);
} else {
drawImageInterval = null;

passing arguments to an onchange() function

I'm trying to create an image slider, in which moving the handle on the slider will change the image to be displayed.
In the code below, I use an onchange function to dynamically update the image
(id = "image") based on the current value of slider (id = "image-slider-response").
var imageGroup1 = ['imageA.jpg','imageB.jpg','imageC.jpg'];
var slide = document.getElementById('image-slider-response');
var imageDiv = document.getElementById("image");
slide.onchange = function() {
imageDiv.src = imageGroup1[this.value];
Now, I'm trying to pass imageGroup as an argument to the onchange function to extend the code above to other image groups.
I followed this link but didn't seem to work. Any suggestions to fix this?
var imageGroup1 = ['imageA.jpg','imageB.jpg','imageC.jpg'];
var imageGroup2 = ['imageD.jpg','imageE.jpg','imageF.jpg'];
var slide = document.getElementById('image-slider-response');
var imageDiv = document.getElementById("image");
function myFunction(x){
return function(){
sliderDiv.innerHTML = slide.value;
imageDiv.src = x[slide.value];
var imageGroup = imageGroup1;
slide.addEventListener("onchange", myFunction(imageGroup));
You're on the right track with the callback there, there's just one thing - when using addEventListener, don't prefix the event with on: just use the plain event name.
slide.addEventListener("change", myFunction(imageGroup));

Opening webpage in javascript on trigger

I'm using a script called "HIT Scraper WITH EXPORT" to help me with my job. Right now it's set up in a way that any time there is a new posting the page plays a audible sound/ding. Normally when this happens I have to switch tabs and manually click on the new listing to preview it. I'm trying to make it so it automatically opens the listing before/after dinging. Also if possible having it put focus on that tab if I'm in a different one. Is any of this possible, where should I start? I'll post the code and some areas of interest I noticed, I just don't know what to do with these areas.. Thank you in advance.
The function that runs when a new hit is found I think:
function newHits(dingNoise) {
if (dingNoise || newHitDing)
I think "preview_link" is the var I need to automatically open after the ding sound plays.
var preview_link = "/mturk/preview?groupId=" + group_ID;
So my logic was something like:
function newHits(dingNoise) {
if (dingNoise || newHitDing)
document.getElementById("ding_noise"+audio_index).play();"/mturk/preview?groupId=") + group_ID;
Which did not work.. Here's the full script if anyone has any ideas.. Thanks again.
EDIT: I don't think the way I originally wanted to do this will work, nothing in the code knows/points to the actual new listings. All that's defined in the code is the preview link function. If there is some way to have it call/open that "var preview_link = "/mturk/preview?groupId=" + group_ID;" after the ding, that would probably be what I need.
for (var j = 0; j < $requester.length; j++)
var $hits = $requester.eq(j).parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().find('td[class="capsule_field_text"]');
var requester_name = $requester.eq(j).text().trim();
var requester_link = $requester.eq(j).attr('href');
var group_ID=(listy[j] ? listy[j] : "");
var masters = false;
var title = $title.eq(j).text().trim();
var preview_link = "/mturk/preview?groupId=" + group_ID;
//console.log(title+" "+group_ID +" "+ listy[j]);
if (!group_ID || group_ID.length == 0){
preview_link = requester_link;
title += " (Requester link substituted)";
var reward = $reward.eq(j).text().trim();
var hits = $hits.eq(4).text().trim();
var time = $times.eq(j).parent()[0].nextSibling.nextSibling.innerHTML;
var description = $descriptions.eq(j).parent()[0].nextSibling.nextSibling.innerHTML;
var requester_id = requester_link.replace('/mturk/searchbar?selectedSearchType=hitgroups&requesterId=','');
var accept_link;
accept_link = preview_link.replace('preview','previewandaccept');
I'm thinking you want to do:
window.location.replace( + '/mturk/preview?groupId='+ group_ID)
I'm actually not sure if you need the + part.

Auto type inside text input

I would like to let there automatically appear text inside an input type=text element.
I would like to accomplish that the different kind of texts are stored inside an array and that every 5 seconds or so, a text is 'typed' by javascript into this field. Then I also like that when I focus on the field (to input text in it by keyboard) that it stops auto-typing and shows an empty input element.
Anybody know how to go about this?
I'm a back-end programmer, but need to do some frontend programming and just haven't had the time to thoroughly learn Javascript. At the moment I only know PHP thoroughly, but would expand my knowledge to css, html and javascript too.
Hope somebody is able to help me out :)
EDIT: This is the solution I came up with and it works. The input field has as ID: searchBar. The code is not very elegant, but I'm still learning :) Thanks for the answers. It helped me a lot.
var searchBar = document.getElementById('searchBar');
var keywords = ['Auto typed text number 1',
'This is number 2 auto typed',
'Yet another auto typed line',
'The last line before it loops again'];
var index = 0;
var arrCounter = 0;
var focus = false;
var timer1, timer2;
function resetBox() {
searchBar.value = '';
index = 0;
var autoType = function() {
if (focus) {
if (index <= keywords[arrCounter].length) {
searchBar.value = keywords[arrCounter].substr(0, index++);
timer1 = setTimeout("autoType()", 50);
} else {
if(arrCounter === keywords.length){
arrCounter = 0;
timer2 = setTimeout(resetBox, 5000);
$("#searchBar").on("focus", function(){
focus = true;
searchBar.value = '';
}).on("blur", function(){
setTimeout(function() {
focus = false;
}, 1000);
Try like this:
<input id='demo_input' size='100'/>
var demo_input = document.getElementById('demo_input');
var type_this = "try this example";
var index = 0;
window.next_letter = function() {
if (index <= type_this.length) {
demo_input.value = type_this.substr(0, index++);
setTimeout("next_letter()", 50);

