Gulpfile Javascript Concat Issue - javascript

I am trying to get my gulp file working right and I am not sure whats wrong. Here is the file. The section I am having issues with is the js:dev. When a coffeescript file is changed it drops the resulting js file into the app/js directory. The js:dev rule isn't picking up that change. Can anyone tell me what I am missing?

Immediate solution: gulp-watch needs the glob information to find new files. You can pass your glob to its glob option. Something like:
return gulp.src('app/js/*.coffee')
.pipe(watch({glob: 'app/js/*.coffee'}))
Meanwhile if you were to use it wouldn't pick up new files either but only because of a bug in its dependency, which a fix is coming soon for.
I have to also mention that your gulpfile is needlessly complex. Your coffee and js operations could be in the same stream instead of creating intermediate js files. I also don't really know why some of your streams are repeated twice. Stay dry:
var coffeeGlob = 'app/js/*.coffee';
gulp.task('js:dev', ['clean:dev'], function() {
return gulp.src(coffeeGlob)
.pipe(watch({glob: coffeeGlob}))
.pipe(coffee({bare: true}).on('error', gutil.log))
As I mentioned on IRC the boilerplate you based it on might not be up to date with best practices, and I recommend basing on something newer like Yeoman's gulp generator's gulpfile.


Bazel auto generate dependencies for ts_library

Is it possible to auto-generate the dependencies of a bazel target? It seems like there should be a way to look at the imports of the module and know which bazel dependencies are needed at least in a lot of cases common cases. This could save a lot of boilerplate code.
load("#npm_bazel_typescript//:index.bzl", "ts_library")
name = "lib",
srcs = glob(include = ["**/*.ts"]),
# Is there any easy way to generate this list?
deps = [],
I know there are packages for Java that do this. I haven't been able to find anything for any other languages.
If it doesn't exist I think it could be pretty straightforward to write. Create a template file for you to work off of creating the real BUILD file. Then run typescript to pull the AST of the module. Look through the imports. The 3rd part imports will be easier since they should resolve to an npm module.
For other files that may or may not be in this library then there might be a way to query what package they live int. That could probably work. Any pointers would be very much appreciated.
Disclosure: I am one of the authors of this library.
It can generate BUILD files (or, more precisely it generates buildozer commands) for Angular (ng_module) and SCSS (scss_library and scss_binary) libs.
I've just moved this in to opensource from our internal repo. It works in a similar way to what you suggest, however it doesn't query for labels. It uses a file or directory as a starting point, parse into an AST, query the AST to fetch imports and reexports, convert the paths into labels.
Adding ts_library support is a logical next step.
It doesn't always get you a 100% working BUILD file currently, but it will get you ~80-90% of the way there, and do the boilerplate parts for you.
Another approach would be to interact with the Gazelle API, and manipulate the BUILD files directly.
A previous version of this tool generated the BUILD files from a string and it got difficult to work with when manipulating the files in other ways.

How to combine all js files?

I have more than javascript files in my html documents as external which I'd like to combine on account of not to be crowded. is there any way to combine my js files ? for example;
my files:
and i want;
Take a look at and especially look at r.js (
var i=0;
function fun1()
var k=0;
function fun2()
all.js just copy, paste like css
var i=0;
function fun1()
var k=0;
function fun2()
take care of semicolons and closed braces when you purticularly write whole script in an eventlistener, especially 'DOMContentLoaded'
//whole big script
instead use
var some_function = function(){*bla bla bla*};
A simple bash cat operation will do what you want, but, at some stage you're probably going to want more right?
Grunt and Grunt-contrib-concat is a good starter, but you'll quickly realise grunt is not particularly good. To summarise usage, you create a gruntfile, install a few dependencies (i.e. install grunt and its command line interface, this is easy) and run grunt from your project root. It then parses the gruntfile to find out what you want it to do, and it does it. Pretty simple, and simple is good.
Next up is Gulp, which is a nice build system using streams, so, slightly more complex (well, easier and more powerful but, streams can be kind-of confusing at first). Gulp works in the same way only it parses a gulpfile for instructions. For a concat operation the actual gulp command is trivial:
gulp.src( '*.js' )
.pipe( gulp.dest( 'all.js' )
Between the .src and the .dest you can pipe the files through multiple transforms, such as minifying, transpiling, notifying—the list of plugins and modules is dizzying (as it is for grunt).
However, if you’re a fan of node and npm (you probably should be) then you can use npm scripts to create a build system. npm is the node package manager and requires a package.json to give some clues as to how to work. Part of that json specification is a scripts block
"scripts": {
"build" : "cat *.js > all.js"
You can then use npm run build from the command line, whereby npm will parse the package.json and execute the script using bash (sh actually).
Note that these are build systems, and there are many others.
There are also other packagers (which you would probably use as part of your build system, although for some projects they are you entire build system) but they are more complex than your needs, for your own research browserify, webpack and jspm are all excellent (bare in mind AMD modules lost so require.js is probably not worth your time), although this area is becoming congested. Each of these are very powerful modularisation tools, but they will require some changes to how you structure your code. If you are serious about modularisation then they are worth your time learning.
On a slightly different tangent, there is some discussion about whether one large file is actually more beneficial than a number of smaller scripts. In many cases simply serving a few small files is actually quicker, and may be easier, although there can be other benefits of smashing code together. Currently it is probably still best to concat at least into less HTTP requests, but this requirement for performance is going away.
It might be helpful :
create file all.js and paste a.js,b.js,c.js,d.js file code

es6ify.runtime makes my THREE js importing empty object

I am trying to browserify javascript es6 code with es6ify.
My code is using THREE js library (a webgl abstraction library), and everything works pretty well until I try to add the traceur compiler runtime at the top of the bundle.
Here is my gulp task (the problem mustn't be related to gulp):
gulp.task('build', function(){
browserify({debug: true})
.require(require.resolve('./app/index.js'), {entry: true})
somewhere in my application, I am trying to do something like:
import THREE from 'three';
var toto = new THREE.WebGLRenderer([...]);
and this fails because THREE is actualy an empty object, thus WebGLRenderer is undefined.
THREE js is in the dependencies of node package.json, and THREE JS is usually imported well. But when I add add(es6ify.runtime) in my build process, it causes require('three') to be an empty object...
is there something I missed?
well, sorry for the inconvenience, I just found a solution.
If I simply exclude the node modules from traceur compilation, it works:
so instead of:
I have now:
(this is an es6ifyAPI documentation sample)
which is by the way faster to compile :-)

Generating source maps for multiple concatenated javascript files compiled from Coffeescript

Has any one had any success with this?
I think it's more or less an unsolved problem: . Last meanigingful comment was from jwalton, a month ago.
Still, it doesn't seem rocket science to add support for it, so it will probably come soon.
Michael Ficarra (creator of CoffeeScript Redux) suggested using .
Two caveats:
It only works for bundling CommonJS modules.
It uses CoffeeScript Redux, which is still in beta (although working quite well it seems), and not 100% compatible with original CoffeeScript compiler.
So this does not work for what you ask for specifically, "concatenation".
Added April 14
You might have luck with these: combine-source-map and/or generate-sourcemap, both by same author.
Added April 26
This looks really simple: . You just have to feed it the individual source map files generated by the coffee compiler.
Added May 16
Mariusz Nowak has just released webmake-coffee. Like CommonJS Everywhere, it requires code to be organized as CommonJS modules. Unlike CommonJS everywhere, it uses regular CoffeeScript.
It also seems the Grunt Coffee-Script plugin has had source-map support for concatenated files for quite a while (two months), effectively proving my original answer to be incorrect.
The upcoming version 2.0 of Snockets will have support for it too.
I ended up going with browserify using coffeeify as the transform option, and enabling browserify's debug option. I bundle up the app on each request for my main.js file, and any runtime errors show up in my original source with pretty decent accuracy.
Sure beats mapping runtime errors in the concatenated/compiled js back to the coffee source with my eyeballs!
I needed to annotate AngularJS code before minification, but grunt-ng-annotate didn't accept input source maps, thus I would not be able to use maps generated by the CoffeeScript compiler.
Apparently, with gulp-sourcemaps this is not an issue:
var gulp = require('gulp');
var $ = require('gulp-load-plugins')(); // loading gulp plugins lazily
// remember to include them in the package.json
gulp.task('appJS', function() {
// concatenate compiled .coffee files and js files into build/app.js
.pipe($['if'](/[.]coffee$/, $.coffee({bare: true}).on('error', $.util.log)))
The same approach works in other situations, too. In my case, this is the only approach that worked.
I have written a grunt task that does this flawless. Check it out

Is there a way to include file in coffee script?

I'd like to know if there is a way to include a file in a coffee script.
Something like #include in C or require in PHP...
If you use coffeescript with node.js (e.g. when using the commandline tool coffee) then you can use node's require() function exactly as you would for a JS-file.
Say you want to include in
In declare and export objects you want to export
someVar = ...
exports.someVar = someVar
In you can then say:
someVar = require('').someVar
This gives you clean modularization and avoids namespace conflicts when including external code.
How about coffeescript-concat?
coffeescript-concat is a utility that preprocesses and concatenates
CoffeeScript source files.
It makes it easy to keep your CoffeeScript code in separate units and
still run them easily. You can keep your source logically separated
without the frustration of putting it all together to run or embed in
a web page. Additionally, coffeescript-concat will give you a single
sourcefile that will easily compile to a single Javascript file.
Tl;DR: Browserify, possibly with a build tool like Grunt...
Solutions review
Build tool + import pre-processor
If what you want is a single JS file to be run in the browser, I recommend using a build tool like Grunt (or Gulp, or Cake, or Mimosa, or any other) to pre-process your Coffeescript, along with an include/require/import module that will concatenate included files into your compiled output, like one of these:
Browserify: probably the rising standard and my personal favourite, lets you to use Node's exports/require API in your code, then extracts and concatenates everything required into a browser includable file. Exists for Grunt, Gulp, Mimosa and probably most others . To this day I reckon it is probably the best solution if you're after compatibility both Node and the browser (and even otherwise)
Some Rails Sprocket-like solutions like grunt-sprockets-directives or gulp-include will also work in a consistent way with CSS pre-processors (though those generally have their own importing mechanisms)
Other solutions include grunt-includes or grunt-import
Standalone import pre-processor
If you'd rather avoid the extra-complexity of a build tool, you can use Browserify stand-alone, or alternatives not based on Node's require like coffeescript-concat or Coffee-Stir
[Not recommended] Asynchronous dynamic loading (AJAX + eval)
If you're writing exclusively for the browser and don't mind, or rather really want, your script being spread across several files fetched via AJAX, you can use a myriad of tools like:
yepnope.js or Modernizr's .load based on yepnope: Please note that yepnope is now deprecated by its maintainer, who recommend using build tools and concatenation instead of remote loading
jQuery's $.getScript
Vanilla AJAX + eval
your own implementation of AMD
You can try this library I made to solve this same problem coffee-stir
its very simple.
Just type #include and the name of the file that you want to include
For details
I found that using "gulp-concat" to merge my coffee scripts before processing them did the trick. It can be easily installed to your project with npm.
npm install gulp-concat
Then edit your gulpfile.js:
var gulp = require('gulp')
,coffee = require('gulp-coffee')
,concat = require('gulp-concat');
gulp.task('coffee', function(){
.pipe(coffee({bare: true}).on('error', gulp.log))
This is the code I used to concatenate all my coffee scripts before gulp processed it into the final build Javascript. The only issue is the files are processed in alphabetical order. You can explicitly state which file to process to achieve your own file order, but you lose the flexibility of adding dynamic .coffee files.
gulp.src(['src/', 'src/', 'src/'])
.pipe(coffee({bare: true}).on('error', gulp.log))
gulp-concat as of February 25th, 2015 is available at this url.
Rails uses sprockets to do this, and this syntax has been adapted to Works well for me.

