What Javascript library to use with Laravel [closed] - javascript

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am creating a schedule/employee management application. My first iteration was in Zend Fraemwork and jQuery was used for the client-side. Now I am moving to Laravel, and was wondering if I should change the JavaScript as well.
Basically, you create a schedule, create shifts, create tasks within that shift. Move/drag/resize tasks, drag tasks from shift-to-shift.
What is the best JavaScript solution for me? Is Angular JS too much? I've heard it is quite nice at handling binding and writing to to DB, and since I would be making many AJAX calls, it might make the application smoother and faster. But is it easy to manipulate DOM (like the drag and resize) as easily as jQuery?

You can use AngularJs and make some directives for jQuery Intergration.
jQuery is great for DOM manipulation but not for making application. AngularJs does. However, Angular is more complicated than jQuery that you might not be able to catch up as quick as jQuery.
BTW, no matter what framework you use in backend is not quite matter for frontend


Is there any similar boilerplate like MEAN stack for SailsJS? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have to develop a new blog for myself. I have recently got acquainted with AngularJS, mongoDB, node, sails, etc. I have got some primitive knowledge about all these to start the development.
So, I was looking for something similar to http://mean.io/, MEAN stack. But instead of using ExpressJS, I am gonna use SailsJS. Is there anything similar to MEAN but works with SailsJS as well? Or is there any other approach to the same, considering I am also gonna use AnuglarJS for front-end and mongoDB for my database?
AFAIK, there's no branded Sails-based alternative to http://mean.io/ yet, though some people were talking about MEANS stack already.
That being said, you have several choices for creating an Angular+Sails app. One of them is using Yeoman generator, like this one.
Another way could be this boilerplate which is somewhat official, as it's published by Balderdash, the company behind Sails. Though when I tried to test it, dependency installation was failing, so I fixed it on this fork. This boilerplate is based on the brand new Sails v0.10. Also, you are going to have to do is to connect it to your MongoDB (the default is sails-disk), see here for how-to.

JavaScript framework and architecture for server side rendered html [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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How can I use a model centric JavaScript MV-Whatever Framework like AngularJS that renders on server side to improve page load and assists on SEO. I like AngularJS, especially the data binding, but it seems not to be the best fit for my needs. I want to render a complete html page on the server to minimize the time until the page is visible to the user. This would also allow search engines to crawl the site. The rendered page should then be made dynamic by JavaScript. It should communicate asynchronously with the server to update the model and the view, once the page is loaded. The application should work on usual desktop computers and on mobile devices.
Why not jQuery? This sounds like the jQuery approach: render html, query and manipulate the DOM. But jQuery is not centered around a model and jQuery code tends to be somewhat unstructured and unnecessary complex.
jQuery + AngularJS? Would it be a good idea to render a complete html page, extract a model from the DOM with jQuery and give this model to AngularJS to act on it for the rest of the time. This would allow to use the structured AngularJS approach and the nice data binding.
Other frameworks? I've heard that twitter switched from a pure JavaScript client back to a html-first approach. As far as I know twitter uses Flight, but I don't understand their whole client-side architecture based on this framework yet. Flight by itself seems to be nothing but a kind of a message bus.
What approach or framework would you suggest?

Where can I find an adapter to use Breeze JS with Rails? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have been looking for a good REST api management adapter for AngularJS that works with my Rails backend. I need it to be able to handle client side caching, client side lookups, and Object relational mapping (ORM). Breeze.js looks like the right solution and they've mentioned that they were working on a Rails demo a few months ago, but I have been unable to locate it. I've also checked out Restangular, Modelcore, and JayData, but none of them seem to have the features I need. Has anyone:
Used rails with breezeJS?
Written their own adapter for BreezeJS and could advise me in writing a Rails one
Know of an alternative solution]
It's a great question. We are working on a Rails adapter for Breeze but no concrete date yet for when it will be released. The first version may be a bit anemic but we plan on improving it rapidly. Please stay tuned.

Is there a properly tested alternative to Select2 or Chosen? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am looking for an alternative to Select2 that basically provides the same functionality, but includes proper tests.
The quest for the holy grail? The last unicorn?
Selectize.js is a select2 alternative I've been working on that has a suite of tests using a combination of testem, syn, mocha, and chai. Right now there are the following classes of tests:
InteractionFunctional tests that makes sure the control behaves as if the user is using it (using syn).
SetupEnsures the control can be initialized properly from existing <select> and <input> elements.
APITests core API methods for proper functionality.
EventsEnsures built-in events get fired at the right times with the proper arguments.
XSSTests a handful of potential exploits.
With that said, the tests aren't as expansive as I want them to be, but it's getting there :)
Another possible alternative is bootstrap-multiselect
"JQuery multiselect plugin based on Twitter Bootstrap"
Examples and documentation: http://davidstutz.github.io/bootstrap-multiselect/
The repository does not contain any automated tests, manual tests instead
Themed using Bootstrap 3
JavaScript source code is short: 800 lines of code
524 stars on GitHub (as of 2013/12/13)
Note: I'm no longer maintaining this project. Choose another one.
Bselect, which I develop, is tested, however doesn't include all the features (yet) from Select2/Chosen.
If you want, join me in its development :)

JavaScript treeviews with knockout.js [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I've been using knockout.js fairly effectively in my latest web-app, and it's great. However, I now need to implement a treeview, and the current contenders are here: http://www.programmingsolution.net/useful-js/jquery-treeview.php
JSTree is the one under current development, but seems to require to be initialised with html or json - under knockout, I ideally would like to have the ul list built automatically, and the treeview then automatically update after that. The "Treeview" one seems to be able to use an existing ul list, but has been deprecated
Has anyone else had any experience of using a treeview with knockout?
turns out this one does: http://bassistance.de/jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-treeview/
so far, anyway.
hope this is of use to someone else
TreeView won't work with KnockoutJS, as both modify DOM model - you won't be able to access your observables from JSTree.
Google for Knockout Kendo, it's a mashup of Knockout and Kendo, which will allow you to use TreeView in your Knockout based website.
However, note that Kendo is under GNU-GPL license, which means, IIRC, that you would have to publish your website as open-source.

