JavaScript framework and architecture for server side rendered html [closed] - javascript

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Closed 9 years ago.
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How can I use a model centric JavaScript MV-Whatever Framework like AngularJS that renders on server side to improve page load and assists on SEO. I like AngularJS, especially the data binding, but it seems not to be the best fit for my needs. I want to render a complete html page on the server to minimize the time until the page is visible to the user. This would also allow search engines to crawl the site. The rendered page should then be made dynamic by JavaScript. It should communicate asynchronously with the server to update the model and the view, once the page is loaded. The application should work on usual desktop computers and on mobile devices.
Why not jQuery? This sounds like the jQuery approach: render html, query and manipulate the DOM. But jQuery is not centered around a model and jQuery code tends to be somewhat unstructured and unnecessary complex.
jQuery + AngularJS? Would it be a good idea to render a complete html page, extract a model from the DOM with jQuery and give this model to AngularJS to act on it for the rest of the time. This would allow to use the structured AngularJS approach and the nice data binding.
Other frameworks? I've heard that twitter switched from a pure JavaScript client back to a html-first approach. As far as I know twitter uses Flight, but I don't understand their whole client-side architecture based on this framework yet. Flight by itself seems to be nothing but a kind of a message bus.
What approach or framework would you suggest?

Related vs traditional Cordova-based development [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm currently evaluating these two different ways of developing mobile apps, using vs. Cordova, which is to say plain HTML, CSS, and JS. What would be more sustainable to use in developing a web app?
Edit: is deprecated as of 2015 and does not receive active development, so the answer is quite clear.
AFAIK, and PhoneGap address different pain points in hybrid app development. provides a performant UI framework for your HTML app. Instead of using traditional DOM layout, it uses it's own rendering engine to position UI elements through 3D matrix transforms. PhoneGap on the other hand wraps your HTML app inside a native program which has an embedded HTML viewer plus some plugins for bridging the gap between HTML and native, so that your HTML app would benefit from native features as well. Using Phonegap plugins HTML app can show Native popups, use device services like accelerometer, camera etc and perform operations which otherwise are not possible from an HTML sandbox. You can use PhoneGap to wrap your HTML app irrespective of which UI framework was used to build it;, Ionic, JQuery mobile whatever.

What Javascript library to use with Laravel [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am creating a schedule/employee management application. My first iteration was in Zend Fraemwork and jQuery was used for the client-side. Now I am moving to Laravel, and was wondering if I should change the JavaScript as well.
Basically, you create a schedule, create shifts, create tasks within that shift. Move/drag/resize tasks, drag tasks from shift-to-shift.
What is the best JavaScript solution for me? Is Angular JS too much? I've heard it is quite nice at handling binding and writing to to DB, and since I would be making many AJAX calls, it might make the application smoother and faster. But is it easy to manipulate DOM (like the drag and resize) as easily as jQuery?
You can use AngularJs and make some directives for jQuery Intergration.
jQuery is great for DOM manipulation but not for making application. AngularJs does. However, Angular is more complicated than jQuery that you might not be able to catch up as quick as jQuery.
BTW, no matter what framework you use in backend is not quite matter for frontend

Crawling a sites html and javascript in a similar fashion to Google bot [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Im trying to automatically crawl a given site by following all internal links, to do this ive been playing with pythons mechanize library, although this doesnt allow me to work with javascript and ajax content.
How does Google Bot and other major search engine spiders / bots do this, is there another tool out that can complement mechanize in this scenario ?
Im aware i could reverse engineer the javascript to work out what its doing and them mimic that, but i want to automate the crawl, so it wouldn't be practical if i first had to comb through each sites javascript.
To implement such a big spider, there're some problems to solve before implementing it:
Just want to follow all the links in a page automatically?
This is easy. When you fetch a page, parse it and get the href values in all <a> tags and then emit requests of those new urls.
If you don't want to hardcode it, the CrawlSpider of scrapy will do the work automatically. And it's also easy to do this work using requests and lxml.
This is a simple problem to solve.
Want to parse the javascript statements?
This is a big problem but there're some good tools to use, such as PhantomJS and similar, qtwebkit and selenium.
I don't know how Google handles this problems, but another advanced way is to modify the core of Chromium or Firefox. It's a little harder but may improve the efficiency of your spider in a large degree.
What's your purpose to implement such a spider?
Crawl pages to do a search engine like Google? Crawl some articles,books or videos for personal usage? When you know what you want to do with the spider, then you know how to implement it.
There're some problems when crawling a site and it may help you implement a robust spider. Here it is.

Good server-javascript host/framework? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm trying to find a good javascript based web host, as well as a good server-side javascript implementation. I have played some with NodeJS, and it seems very good, but I really don't want to have to write the entire server from scratch. I need a host/framework with the following features (or at least most of them):
1: The ability to run a script continuously on the server while maintaining a continuous dialog with other scripts as well as client pages (through xmlhttprequest).
2: PHP/ASP like functionality.
3: I don't want to have to write an entire server from scratch. I just want to worry about writing my application.
Also, I have recently been looking into Aptana's Jaxer, which seems to be the holy grail from my perspective, but when I go to the web site "", it returns a completely irrelevant page. Could somebody please explain this to me?
I've used from joyent to host my node.js applications.
For communicating between the client and the server I'd use . It's a communication framework that will choose the most appropriate communication method to maintain a connection (continuous dialog) with the client.
For serving static content see this answer for a link to a great article on a simple web server.
Using node.js as a simple web server
Or see this answer that discusses various web application frameworks.
Hope this helps, & Good luck on your project!
You could have a look at Wakanda
It provides a full stack including, the server, the studio, and the client framework, all in a very consistent way.
There is a related question I answered on stackoverflow about where to host Wakanda applications, and another one comparing different existing server-side JavaScript solutions

Looking for Documentation Pointers/Tutorials For Adding Javascript To Django application [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I would appreciate documentation and/or tutorial links to help me with the following.
I maintain a traditional web application, implemented in html, javascript, and Perl. The web site uses a third-party open source library that implements buttons. If you wave the mouse over the buttons, they indent and put up a tool tip. The site looks very professional.
I've implemented a very simplistic Django application. It does the job, but uses hyperlinks. I'd like to dress up my Django application, and make it look more professional `a la the traditional web site.
I tried this before with some simple javascript, checking fields to see if they contained a valid answer, and this did not work. As it was explained to me, it had to do with the server side processing.
Given there is no javascript already, I have no problem using a different library (JQuery) than my traditional web site.
I have no problem if someone thinks implement in html, javascript, and php, because I've got one of those applications, too. However, I'd like to continue with Django, if possible.
Javascript and Django are independent. I use Django with jQuery UI to get nice buttons but you could use any javascript library, including the one you are using in the original site.
Your existing site is either using hyperlinks, the same as Django, that are modified in the browser to be buttons (this is what jQuery UI can do as well). This is the simple case you just need to put your javascript in the templates.
If it is a complete ajax application you'll need to write Django web services to handle those.
Your best bet is to find a tutorial for the particular javascript library you are using because Django is pretty much javascript agnostic. For instance the jQuery getting started page is a good place to start.

