Automate click event on link - javascript

I would like to mimic a click event, so Im using Jquery like this:
$('document').ready(function() {
$('#searchResults a:eq(0)').trigger('click');
It doesn't work, meaning nothing happens, Example at JsFiddle
I know I can insert some javascript directly in the link like this onclick="myFunction()" But I would rather not do it like that. I also tried on mouseenter and other stuff but I can't seem to make it click.

This will work
$('document').ready(function() {
$('#searchResults a:eq(0)')[0].click()

To just navigate to the page do this:
$('document').ready(function() {
window.location.href = $('#searchResults a:eq(0)').attr('href');

anchor tags does not have click events, this will work for you:
window.location.href = $('#searchResults a:eq(0)').attr("href");

There is no click function attached to your link that is the reason why its not working
check jsfiddle demo :
$('document').ready(function() {
window.location.href = $('#searchResults a:eq(1)').attr("href");
return false;


Why does my function switching visibility if else statement not work? [duplicate]

I am creating a responsive menu: Codepen Demo
To avoid the page to be reloaded when I click a link I have:
$(' a[href="#"]').click(function () {
But this does not seem to work. When I click a button the menu disappears.
Does anyone knows what I am be doing wrong?
It's not the element that need a .preventDefault(), its the click event.
Try this:
$(' a').click(function (event) {
// or use return false;
I don't recommend to use the href as selector though, better to give it an id or name.
From MDN, about .preventDefault():
Cancels the event if it is cancelable, without stopping further propagation of the event.
You can read more here:
MDN: event.preventDefault()
jQuery: Selectors
There is a CSS way, using pointer-events.
So by using in the CSS pointer-events: none; all click will be ignored. This is a "recent" alternative and suported in IE11+, Firefox 3.6+, Chrome 2.0+, Safari 4+.
Here is very easy way to do it inside html.
<a class="font-weight-bold" href="javascript:void(0);"> Click Here </a>
Just return false.
$(' a[href="#"]').click(function () {
return false
Use like that:
$(' a[href="#"]').click(function (event) {
$(' a[href="#"]').click(function (e) {
Try this:
$('.menu a').click(function(e){
e.preventDefault(); // stop the normal href from reloading the page.
Working codepen example:
You did not have a reference to the jquery library included. Also the 'enquire' function is now throwing an error but preventDefault is working.
Edit I have commented out the second function.
And an inline option without jQuery:
And don't forget that with this you have already used the "f" name for a function, so don't name other function like this.

Triggered click don't work propertly [duplicate]

I'm having a hard time understand how to simulate a mouse click using JQuery. Can someone please inform me as to what i'm doing wrong.
<a id="bar" href="" target="_blank">Don't click me!</a>
<span id="foo">Click me!</span>
jQuery('#foo').on('click', function(){
when I click on button #foo I want to simulate a click on #bar however when I attempt this, nothing happens. I also tried jQuery(document).ready(function(){...}) but without success.
You need to use jQuery('#bar')[0].click(); to simulate a mouse click on the actual DOM element (not the jQuery object), instead of using the .trigger() jQuery method.
Note: DOM Level 2 .click() doesn't work on some elements in Safari. You will need to use a workaround.
You just need to put a small timeout event before doing .click()
like this :
setTimeout(function(){ $('#btn').click()}, 100);
This is JQuery behavior. I'm not sure why it works this way, it only triggers the onClick function on the link.
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
jQuery('#foo').on('click', function() {
See my demo:
jQuery('#foo').on('click', function(){
jQuery.fn.simulateClick = function() {
return this.each(function() {
if('createEvent' in document) {
var doc = this.ownerDocument,
evt = doc.createEvent('MouseEvents');
evt.initMouseEvent('click', true, true, doc.defaultView, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null);
} else {; // IE Boss!
May be useful:
The code that calls the Trigger should go after the event is called.
For example, I have some code that I want to be executed when #expense_tickets value is changed, and also, when page is reload
$(function() {
$("#expense_tickets").change(function() {
// code that I want to be executed when #expense_tickets value is changed, and also, when page is reload
// now we trigger the change event
jQuery's .trigger('click'); will only cause an event to trigger on this event, it will not trigger the default browser action as well.
You can simulate the same functionality with the following JavaScript:
jQuery('#foo').on('click', function(){
var bar = jQuery('#bar');
var href = bar.attr('href');
if(bar.attr("target") === "_blank")
window.location = href;
Try this that works for me:
Technically not an answer to this, but a good use of the accepted answer ( to create next and prev buttons for the tabs on jQuery ACF fields:
$('.next').click(function () {
$('.prev').click(function () {
I have tried top two answers, it doesn't worked for me until I removed "display:none" from my file input elements.
Then I reverted back to .trigger() it also worked at safari for windows.
So conclusion, Don't use display:none; to hide your file input , you may use opacity:0 instead.
Just use this:
$(function() {
You can't simulate a click event with javascript.
jQuery .trigger() function only fires an event named "click" on the element, which you can capture with .on() jQuery method.

How do I use JQuery to hide a div on click again?

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#clicker").click(function() {
Using the script above I am able to show .show_this on clicking #clicker but on clicking #clicker again i want to hide it. How can I tweak my code to do that?
I did some research and it seemed that by using e.preventDefault(); I would be able to achieve that but it didn't work.
You can use toggle();
This will toggle every time, so if it is hidden it will show it and vice versa
Api Documentation:
Also event.preventDefault(); will not be able to do this, though it is useful if the .show-this is a anchor tag because it will prevent the default action and that is to follow the link.
Use .toggle() instead.
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#clicker").click(function(e) {
jsFiddle example
You can do this using the .toggle() method like:
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#clicker").click(function(e) { // call the event variable 'e' first here

Prevent a link to reload page

I am creating a responsive menu: Codepen Demo
To avoid the page to be reloaded when I click a link I have:
$(' a[href="#"]').click(function () {
But this does not seem to work. When I click a button the menu disappears.
Does anyone knows what I am be doing wrong?
It's not the element that need a .preventDefault(), its the click event.
Try this:
$(' a').click(function (event) {
// or use return false;
I don't recommend to use the href as selector though, better to give it an id or name.
From MDN, about .preventDefault():
Cancels the event if it is cancelable, without stopping further propagation of the event.
You can read more here:
MDN: event.preventDefault()
jQuery: Selectors
There is a CSS way, using pointer-events.
So by using in the CSS pointer-events: none; all click will be ignored. This is a "recent" alternative and suported in IE11+, Firefox 3.6+, Chrome 2.0+, Safari 4+.
Here is very easy way to do it inside html.
<a class="font-weight-bold" href="javascript:void(0);"> Click Here </a>
Just return false.
$(' a[href="#"]').click(function () {
return false
Use like that:
$(' a[href="#"]').click(function (event) {
$(' a[href="#"]').click(function (e) {
Try this:
$('.menu a').click(function(e){
e.preventDefault(); // stop the normal href from reloading the page.
Working codepen example:
You did not have a reference to the jquery library included. Also the 'enquire' function is now throwing an error but preventDefault is working.
Edit I have commented out the second function.
And an inline option without jQuery:
And don't forget that with this you have already used the "f" name for a function, so don't name other function like this.

jQuery preventDefault function not working on jsfiddle

I cannot get the following simple jQuery to work. I know I am overlooking something, so please help me out. Here is the code at It's a simple click the button, then alert with jQuery.
preventDefault(e); should be e.preventDefault();
code should be like this,
$('#submitResetPass').bind('click', function(e) {
and you need to add jQuery reference.
You had a couple issues. First, the jsFiddle wasn't set for jQuery. Then, your call to preventDefault wasn't correct. It works here:
$('#submitResetPass').bind('click', function(e) {
Use e.preventDefault() instead of preventDefault(e).

