I have created different layers, for example, a roof, a grid and various panels that are set.
I would like to start the y coordinate of the bottom left. Is there an already existing function for this, or is there an elegant solution to this problem?
You would wrap all your calls to jcanvas with a decorator that will "convert" the y-axis values.
Note that you cannot use rotation by 180° since the rotate is applied after positionning.
browser.actions().dragAndDrop(elem, target).perform();
I can clearly understand the above code but I cannot get how to specify this element and target.
Take this example
browser.actions().dragAndDrop(slider,{x:100, y:0}).perform();
In the website in which I'm working on, I cannot find any x, y or anything I can match with that and develop.
So it will be helpful if someone explains with some example for x and y so that I can relate to it and make I work.
The dragAndDrop() has two ways to work.
One starts with the element to drag. Here elem works as normal ElementFinder, so something like dragAndDrop(element(by.css('div.my-class')), target).perform();.
Now the target works in two ways: Either as another ElementFinder like in elem or as coordinates to move, starting from the position of elem, moving x pixels horizontally and y pixels vertically (plus to the right or top, minus to the left or bottom). So {x:100, y:0} will move your slider 100 pixels to the right from the starting position.
dragAndDrop(element(by.css('div.my-class')), {x:100, y:0}).perform(); will therefore move the element(by.css('div.my-class')) 100 pixels to the right.
I will try to explain what I'm trying to accomplish.
I have a point feature to which I set an array of 2 styles: 1 style represents a rotated image at the given point, the second one should be a rotated text at a fixed distance of the given point.
To clarify things I've created an image. I want to achieve the situation on the right. (the x,y,z lines and labels are for explanation purposes). I want to move the text over a fixed distance z. The rotation angle is also variable.
So what I did was give a rotation to the ol.style.text object and then give the text an offset for Y but then the text gets pulled straight below the point.
What I am looking for is a method to offset the text for a given distance, taking the rotation in account, without having to manually set the ofssetX and offsetY.
One solution here is indeed to use geometry.. calculate x and y offset based on the angles and the given z , using the sin formulas and the Pythagorean theorem, but I would like to avoid those calculations and find a more simple resolution.
I am using the latest version of openlayers3, currently v3.16.0
Thanks in advance.
Is it possible to move any elements added using
as we update the range or the navigator handles?
There is a square in this fiddle. Can we shift its position as we update the navigator?
Or can you point me to the function in the source code that can help?
Update: i want to draw trendlines/ fibonnacci retracements etc. based on user events. Currently, i draw & drag the lines using chart.renderer until the mouseup event, calculate the x,y values of the end points, delete the rendered lines & then add new series which visually imitate those rendered lines. This is surely not the best solution. The issue is how to remember the position of the user selection & show/scale the same only when those lines are in the visible range.
So i am wondering if we could directly use some internal "scaling" function that calculates the visible points of the series based on the current extremes.
Rendered object's position is basend on pixels, so when you use navigator, pixels "are the same" so object stay in the same position. But you can catch navigator "sliding" by setExtremes and aftersetExtremes functions and then move element by translate().
Simple example of using translate():
Only what you need is common both elements, according to your expectations.
Before reading on, my issue is to know what are the optimal methods to find an objects height/width/position as there seems to be some conflict about this.
After that I'll need help with how to use the previously obtained data to do number 4 in the following list. And after that I'll need help with number 5. I was hoping to do this gradually so please bear with me.
I found code for how to divide a square into two equal triangular clickable areas (Two triangular clickable area within a square). I didn't really understand much of what the code was doing to be honest. My question was about subdividing the rectangle that represents the visible screen area into four clickable areas, imagine its diagonals are drawn.
I did find this very useful (pseudo)-pseudocode :
Create a div and style it to be a square. Use a background image to illustrate the triangles
Create a variable, square, in javascript to hold the square element
Get the position, height, and width of square in your js
Do some math to determine the coordinates of each triangle's vertices
Write a function, getQuadrant(), that determines which triangle any given point within the square is in
Add an event listener to click events on the square. The event listener should call the getQuadrant function
Use a switch/case to execute whatever code you need to call conditional upon which quadrant the click lands in
I'm not going to ask for the full code right away, I'd like to learn in the process. Could someone please help in just pointing me towards which methods to use for numbers 3 and 4? And I'll most probably need help with number 5 as well.
Thanks a for the help! =)
If you translate everything so that the center of the square is the origin, then the borders of the triangle are defined by the lines x == y and x == -y. You can base your quadrant classification on that relationship:
If x > Math.abs(y), then you are in the right triangle
If y > Math.abs(x), then you are in the top triangle
If -x > Math.abs(y), then you are in the left triangle
If -y > Math.abs(x), then you are in the bottom triangle
Ties can be resolved arbitrarily between the two (or four, if x == y == 0) closest triangles.
How can I draw a line between every h2 element on my HTML page so that I can receive the effect in the picture below? Initially, I would presume you would go about this by working out the size of the line required in-between the divs (divs are separated by the 1px horizontal line) + the distance between each of the h2s, but i'm not entirely sure how one could work out this distance.
You can try something like:
a) find the position w.r.t document (i.e. by calling $(element).offset()) of the 2 elements you want to connect, call the positions p1 and p2
b) Append an absolutely positioned canvas to the body with a z-index to ensure it is displayed on top of everything else.
c) Draw a line between p1 and p2 on the canvas
This is assuming the elements can be anywhere on screen. If the line you need to draw is assured to be always horizontal or vertical, it can probably be done in a simpler manner.
Just use offset() method. You can easily find the distance between elements using it.