How to use node-inspector with sails.js? - javascript

I would like to debug my sails.js application but I don't know how to launch node-inspector for this occasion.
Normally it would go :
$ node --debug myapp.js
If I run my sails application normally :
$ sails lift --prod
and then launch node-inspector
$ node-inspector --debug-port 1337
Node Inspector v0.7.0-2
info - started
Visit to start debugging.
I get this error in inspector GUI :
Error: read ECONNRESET. Check there is no other debugger client attached to port 1337.

As of Sails 0.9.8 you can use sailsd to call sails in debug mode, e.g. sailsd lift.
-- Edit --
Looks like this didn't actually make it into 0.9.8, my bad. To make your own debugging command for now, save the following into /usr/local/bin as sailsd (or whatever you like):
node --debug `which sails` $#
-- Edit 2 --
In Sails v0.10.x, you can do sails debug instead of sails lift to start Sails in debug mode!

Correct me if im wrong but, you cant use debug port 1337 if sails lifts on port 1337.
try specifying a different port.
node --debug app.js
#this will lift sails on port 1337 and the default debug port i think its 5858
#start node-inspector, once it starts hit enter to put it into background
node-inspector &;
edit just confirmed this method works, instead of using sails lift you're using node to start app.js in debug mode. the node-inspector web runs on port 8080 and the debugger links on port 5858 by default.


localhost:3000 is not working in the browser

Backend: Express server, with npx create-express-api backend
Frontend: Next.js, with npx create-react-app frontend
I have implemented these command in my root folder and trying to run npm start xxx to check if they are still working or not. But they are not working in my http://localhost:3000
Though they are working in this link (on my network)
This is the image showing the problem
I have changed browsers and still the same problem is appearing. On the browser it says
Unable to connect
Firefox can’t establish a connection to the server at localhost:3000.
netstat -ano | findstr :8080
Then the PID will appear at the right which you can kill with taskkill.
The last number the pid.
taskkill/pid 11704 /F
How to close TCP and UDP ports via windows command line
I think some other application occupied your 3000 port. try find which one is. If you have found then closed and try again.
For instance you want to free the port 3000 Then, follow these commands.
netstat -ano
taskkill /f /im [PID of the port 3000 got from previous command]
How to close TCP and UDP ports via windows command line
in browser history search for localhost:3000 and delete all of them.
make sure you closed all terminalls(check vscode too) and all tabs in your browsers.
in new widnows terminal npx kill-port 3000 do it in WSL2 terminall too.
make sure your firewall is turn of.
restart you computer.
It worked for me
Delete the .next folder ( if your working on nextjs ) and try npm run dev command OR
Move the project to another folder location OR
Take back up of the code and delete the project and then run the same project again
You can try all of the above also

Node JS ctrl + C doesn't stop server (after starting server with "npm start")

When I start my server with node app.js in the command line (using Git Bash), I can stop it using ctrl + C.
In my package.json file i got this start-script that allows me to use the command npm start to start the server:
"scripts": {
"start": "node app"
When I do this, the server starts as normal:
$ npm start
> nodekb#1.0.0 start C:\Projects\nodekb
> node app.js
Server started on port 3000...
But when i ctrl + C now, the server does not get stopped (the node process still remains in task manager). This means that I get an error when I try to do npm start again, because port 3000 is still being used.
I'm following a tutorial on youtube (video with timestamp), and when this guy ctrl + C and then runs npm start again, it works as normal.
Any ideas why my server process is not stopped when I use ctrl + C?
My app.js file if needed:
var express = require("express");
var path = require("path");
//Init app
var app = express();
//Load View Engine
app.set("views", path.join(__dirname, "views"));
app.set("view engine", "pug");
//Home Route
app.get("/", function(req, res) {
res.render("index", {
title: "Hello"
//Add route
app.get("/articles/add", function (req, res) {
res.render("add_article", {
title: "Add Article"
//Start server
app.listen(3000, function() {
console.log("Server started on port 3000...");
Ctrl + C does not kill the server. The resolution to the issue was using following code snippet in server.js:
process.on('SIGINT', function() {
console.log( "\nGracefully shutting down from SIGINT (Ctrl-C)" );
// some other closing procedures go here
This worked for me.
You can also check for other solutions mentioned at Graceful shutdown in NodeJS
I tried it on normal windows cmd, and it worked as it should there. Looks like it's a problem with git bash.
I encountered this problem in MSYS2 proper, even in latest build (x64 2018-05-31).
Luckily, Git for Windows maintain a customized MSYS2 runtime. They have patches that have not been sent upstream, including a patch that fixes emulation of SIGINT, SIGTERM and SIGKILL.
I was able to make my "MSYS2 proper" platform use Git for Windows' MSYS2 runtime, by following these instructions.
Repeated here for posterity:
Install inside MSYS2 proper
This guide assumes that you want the 64-bit version of Git for Windows.
Git for Windows being based on MSYS2, it's possible to install the git package into an existing MSYS2 installation. That means that if you are already using MSYS2 on your computer, you can use Git for Windows without running the full installer or using the portable version.
Note however that there are some caveats for going this way. Git for Windows created some patches for msys2-runtime that have not been sent upstream. (This had been planned, but it was determined in issue #284 that it would probably not be happening.) This means that you have to install Git for Windows customized msys2-runtime to have a fully working git inside MSYS2.
Here the steps to take:
Open an MSYS2 terminal.
Edit /etc/pacman.conf and just before [mingw32] (line #71 on my machine), add the git-for-windows packages repository:
Server =
and optionally also the MINGW-only repository for the opposite architecture (i.e. MINGW32 for 64-bit SDK):
Server =
Authorize signing key (this step may have to be repeated occasionally until is fixed)
curl -L |
pacman-key --add - &&
pacman-key --lsign-key 1A9F3986
Then synchronize new repository
pacboy update
This updates msys2-runtime and therefore will ask you to close the window (not just exit the pacman process). Don't panic, simply close all currently open MSYS2 shells and MSYS2 programs. Once all are closed, start a new terminal again.
Then synchronize again (updating the non-core part of the packages):
pacboy update
And finally install the Git/cURL packages:
pacboy sync git:x git-doc-html:x git-doc-man:x git-extra: curl:x
Finally, check that everything went well by doing git --version in a MINGW64 shell and it should output something like git version (or newer).
Note: I found that the git-extra package installed by step 7 was quite intrusive (it adds a message "Welcome to the Git for Windows SDK!" to every terminal you open), so I removed it with pacman -R git-extra.
Note 2: I also found that Git for Windows' MSYS2 runtime opens in a different home directory than did MSYS2 proper's. This also means it reads in the wrong bash profile. I fixed this by adding an environment variable to Windows in the Control Panel: HOME=/C/msys64/home/myusername
I use git bash on my Windows machine and have run into this issue in the last month or so.
I still do not know what's causing it but I've found another way to stop it.
Open Task Manager
Go into the Processes tab
Look for node.exe and then press End Process
This has allowed me to stop the server quickly.
I had the same problem working with npm. But finally, I knew it was a problem with git itself.
There was a comment by dscho on GitHub 15 days ago. He said that they're working to fix this problem in the next release. He also shared the exact msys-2.0.dll file that can fix the problem for the people who can't wait.
Personally, I couldn't wait :p. So, I gave it a try, downloaded the file, and throw it in the git folder as he said. And the problem gone! It was awesome!
But please be sure to take a backup before you replace the file.
I also tried to kill it after running express as I used to; using taskkill /im node.exe on the cmd but there was no process to be found.
Check out this issue on GitHub,and search for the name of the file msys-2.0.dll to get to the comment faster.
Sometimes the node process hangs.
Check for the process ID using ps You may want to grep for node and then kill the process using kill -9 [PID]
Use Ctrl+\ to send the SIGQUIT signal. It will close the server.
Reference -
I was able to fix this by switching to nodemon to run the server.
npm install --save-dev nodemon
"scripts": {
"start": "nodemon app"
I was trying to get json-server to quit a custom server script, but it always left a child process running on Windows. It seems to be a specific problem running express via npm on Windows. If you run the server directly via the c:>node server.js then it seems to quit correctly.
I was able to debug this issue by checking the ports using TCP View, and realizing that my Node server was running even though I had pressed ctrl-C to stop it. I suggest killing the terminal you are running node from entirely.
Use Ctrl + C, then input: >pm2 stop all
This will stop all server or when you get stack with nodejs.
Inside package.json under scripts I had this line react-scripts start&. Notice it ends with an & which would send the process to the background and ctrl+c will not work. Somehow trying to bring this to the foreground with fg also did not work. Solved the problem by removing the &.
if you use Node.js Exec Extention to run your project from f8,
you can use also f9 to cancel running..
This is more than likely just a problem with your console not accurately sending the command to the process. This is pretty common, especially when using third party consoles like cmdr / conemu.
The solution?
Just hit ctrl+c several times until it closes :P

why node.js process is killed?

I have developed one app in node.js. Recently I noticed when I am doing any changes in my "public" directory of my application, one error is recorded in my log file as follows:
error: restarting script because /home/{user}/workspace/{app_folder}/img/{filename}.jpg changed.
error: Forever detected script was killed by signal: SIGKILL
error: Forever restarting script for 1 time
Express server listening on port 3000
I have already set --watchIgnore parameter in my forever script file in /etc/init/{app}.config
env IGNORE_DIRECTORY="/home/{user}/workspace/{app_folder}/img/**"
exec forever --sourceDir $APPLICATION_DIRECTORY --watchIgnore $IGNORE_DIRECTORY \
-a -w -l $LOG --minUptime 5000 --spinSleepTime 2000 \
What am I missing?
Note that the log shows {user} and not your actual user directory. This path looks like it was copied from a user guide, where you were meant to replace those quasi-variables with something.
You use bash environment variables (I assume you're using bash) like this:
It looks like app_folder is actually defined for you as APPLICATION_DIRECTORY. You can also use ~/ as a shortcut for the current user's home folder.

Can't get node-debug to work

This feels really silly, but I can't get node inspector / node-debug to work.
The instructions say to do npm install then to run node-debug web.js. So I did that. Now I have a lovely browser window open showing me my code with breakpoints... and no idea which url to use to actually access the code.
The inspector is at http://localhost:8080/debug?port=5858 and the terminal says:
> node-debug web.js
debugger listening on port 5858
Node Inspector is now available from http://localhost:8080/debug?port=5858
Debugging `web.js`
I've tried hitting up localhost:5000 (which is my express.js port) but that either fails if I don't have a separate node web.js instance running, or it succeeds if I have the other one running but doesn't trip any of the breakpoints in the inspector.
When I go to http://localhost:5858/, I get:
Remote debugging session already active
When I go to http://localhost:8080/, I get:
Cannot GET /
(the / path totally works on my server in general.)
By default node-debug starts app in --debug-brk mode.
This stops your app at first line (express not started).
You can use node-debug --no-debug-brk see the node-debug --h for more info.
Agh. Okay, looked at some more questions before I got this posted. Looks like the problem was just that I wasn't running the original instance in debug mode. Nobody had told me I had to, so I just didn't know otherwise!
What's working for me now:
> node debug web
then in a different terminal
> node-debug web.js

Sails.js server not starting anymore

I am using Cloud 9 IDE to develop a simple CRUD application using Sails.js (node.js MVC framework). Up until today I had no trouble starting the Sails.js server.
Today, I've been trying to start the sails js server, but I keep getting this error:
warn: error raised: Error: listen EACCES
error: Server doesn't seem to be starting.
error: Perhaps something else is already running on port 8080?
I have checked my /config/local.js file and everything is just fine, as it should be. The port is set to process.env.PORT || 1337 so it shouldn't have any problems firing the server up.
I'm looking forward to your insight.
Thank you!
Open terminal and run this command:
$ lsof -i :8080
Output will show PID of process occupying port 8080: "httpd 1234 ....'
Then kill the process with this command
$ kill -9 1234
Sails will now run
Hmm-- looks like port 8080 isn't available. What happens if you try to switch the port? You may have another server running on that port. Or in some cases, hosts require the hostname to be set. I'd try switching the port first though.
The only real answer to this is: wait. C9 seems to kill servers in a weird way that causes Sails to jack up and blocks you from establishing another server. lsof -i doesn't show anything serving... but it still won't start. Seems to be an issue with Cloud 9 and Sails.js. If I serve a generic Node.js "Hello World" app on the same port, the issue doesn't occur. However, time, it seems, cures all. After awhile, Sails seems to snap out of it and starts serving again when lifted.
Incredibly weird.

