Use for loop to create mulitiple variables? - javascript

I want to use for loop to create multiple variables.
I want to create
var node0 = document.getElementById("refresh_table_0");
var node1 = document.getElementById("refresh_table_1");
var node2 = document.getElementById("refresh_table_2");
this is my imagination code:
var node+i = document.getElementById("refresh_table_i");

First, this is javascript.
Second, the imagined code has errors, should be ("refresh_table_" + i).
Try using js arrays instead.
var node = new Array();
node[i] = document.getElementById("refresh_table_" + i);

To just initialize all the items, you can simply do this as there's no need to retain each separate DOM object:
var node;
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
node = document.getElementById("refresh_table_" + i);
node.innerHTML = "";
Or, even just this:
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
document.getElementById("refresh_table_" + i).innerHTML = "";


Having issues creating a for loop for a list created in JS

I'm trying to for loop the H1 object through a list 10 times. I'm not sure where I went wrong any help would be appreciated.
var headOne = document.createElement("H1");
headOne.textContent = "Hello World";
var newOrderedList = document.createElement('OL');
newOrderedList.setAttribute("id", "OLJS");
var helloWorld = document.getElementById("OLJS");
for (var i = 0; headOne < 10; i++){
var listItems = document.createElement("li");
listItems.innerHTML = headOne[i];
If you want to loop 10 times then do:
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// Do something
And in your case if you are trying to access each letter of headOne element and append it to the helloWorld list then you can do the following:
for (let i = 0; i < headOne.textContent.length; i++) {
let listItems = document.createElement('li')
listItems.textContent = headOne.textContent[i]
You might also want to read more about Loops and iteration
var headOne = document.createElement("H1");
headOne.textContent = "Hello World";
var newOrderedList = document.createElement('OL');
newOrderedList.setAttribute("id", "OLJS");
//var helloWorld = document.getElementById("OLJS");
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
var listItems = document.createElement("li");
listItems.innerHTML = "order list item " + (i + 1);

Create multiple HTML elements in for-loop from array

I want to create some HTML Elements of the same type with a for loop in JavaScript.
I wonder if I need to create a new Javascript variable for every element I want to show in the DOM or is it enought to override the same element again and again in my loop?
I wrote this code but it does only show one element as output:
let i;
for( i = 0; i < events.length; i++){
let tabElement = document.createElement("div");
tabElement.className = "tabElement";
tabElement.className = "ellipsis"; = "tabElement" + i;
tabElement.innerHTML = events[i].name;
let tabElementLink = document.createElement("a");
tabElementLink.className = "tabElementLink"; = "tabElementLink" + i;
Than I wrote the following code but it this applies the same innerHTML to all returned elements.
let tabElements = {};
let tabElementsLink = {};
let i;
for( i = 0; i < events.length; i++){
tabElements['tabElement' + i] = document.createElement("div");
tabElements['tabElement' + i].className = "tabElement";
tabElements['tabElement' + i].className = "ellipsis";
tabElements['tabElement' + i].id = "tabElement" + i;
tabElements['tabElement' + i].innerHTML = events[i].name;
tabElementsLink['tabElementLink' + i] = document.createElement("a");
tabElementsLink['tabElementLink' + i].className = "tabElementLink";
tabElementsLink['tabElementLink' + i].id = "tabElementLink" + i;
tabElementsLink['tabElementLink' + i].append(tabElements['tabElement' + i]);
$(".tabBar").append(tabElementsLink['tabElementLink' + i]);
Which approach is right to generate multiple HTML elements from an array?
No metter, you can create every time new variable or rewrite. Better create variable every time.
your code can be optimized with new features and without any variables:
const events = [
name: "event1"
name: "event2"
name: "event3"
// if events is iterable
events.forEach((event, index)=>{
// for next lines, you forget href
$(".tabBar").append(`<div class="tabsElement ellipsis" id="tabelement${index}">${}</div>`)
<script src=""></script>
<div class="tabBar"></div>
And i don't think that you need any id at all, better to use data-id or something

JavaScript: How Can I Make A Var "Array" Work?

Is there a way to name a var using a sort of "Array?" My code is this:
for(var i = 0; i < (getHorizontalSquares * getVerticalSquares); i++){
var Square[i] = document.createElement("div");
Square[i].style.position = "relative";
Square[i].style.float = "left";
Square[i].style.width = "50px";
Square[i].style.height = "50px";
Square[i].id = "square" + (i + 1);
for(var ii = 0; ii < 6; ii++){
var TestColor = TestColorArray[Math.round(Math.random()*(TestColorArray.length - 1))];
getTestColor += TestColor;
Square[i].style.backgroundColor = "#" + getTestColor;
I know my code doesn't work, but I want to implement the same idea so I can get a result of this:
var Square1...
var Square2...
var Square3...
var Square4...
var Square5...
I also tried doing a "Concentration" var, but it didn't work. How do I do this so the document doesn't append the same square multiple times?
var Square = {};
var SquareCont = document.createElement('div');
var getHorizontalSquares = 10;
var getVerticalSquares = 10;
var TestColorArray = ['a','b','c','f','e','0','1','2','3','3','4','5'];
var getTestColor = '';
for(var i = 0; i < (getHorizontalSquares * getVerticalSquares); i++){
Square['Square'+i] = document.createElement("div");
Square['Square'+i].style.position = "relative";
Square['Square'+i].style.float = "left";
Square['Square'+i].style.width = "50px";
Square['Square'+i].style.height = "50px";
Square['Square'+i].id = "square" + (i + 1);
for(var ii = 0; ii < 6; ii++){
var TestColor = TestColorArray[Math.round(Math.random()*(TestColorArray.length - 1))];
getTestColor += TestColor;
Square['Square'+i].style.backgroundColor = "#" + getTestColor;
getTestColor = '';
This example does what you want using an object instead of an array, but meets your desire to dynamically create accessible Square1, Square2, etc... They are all contained in Square. In the console with this snippet, you will see that 100 squares are created and added to the Square object. They will be accessible by Square.SquareX (where X is some number), or Square['SquareX'], or Square['Square'+X] where X is some number again.
Your declaration syntax is not valid. But, I think the larger point you are trying to get to is to be able to populate an array with dynamically created elements and that you can do:
var squares = []; // Array must exist before you can populate it
var testColorArray = ["green", "yellow", "blue", "orange", "silver"];
var getTestColor = null;
function makeSquares(count){
for(var i = 0; i < count; i++){
// Just create the element and configure it. No need to worry about the array yet
var element = document.createElement("div"); = "left"; = "75px"; = "75px"; = "square" + (i + 1); = testColorArray[Math.floor(Math.random()* testColorArray.length)];
element.textContent =;
// Now, add the element to the arrray
// Test:
<div id="squareCont"></div>

Looping through a set of <p>'s one at a time

I'm trying to figure out how to count the number of p's so every time the button is pressed, it outputs to 0 to 1 until the maximum number of p's is counted.
var big_number = 999999;
var i;
var a = document.getElementsByTagName("p");
function function0() {
for (i=0; i < big_number; i++) {
I want it to write to another p every time the button is pressed.
document.getElementsByTagName("p").length // number of p elements on the page
Is that what you were asking?
Make a generic tag adder function then call it:
function addTags(tagName,start, max, container) {
var i = start;
for (i; i < max; i++) {
var newp = document.createElement(tagName);
newp.innerHTML = "paragraph" + i;
var tag = 'p';
var big_number = 30;
var i;
var a = document.getElementsByTagName(tag );
// **THIS is your specific question answer**:
var pCount = a.length;
var parent = document.getElementById('mydiv');
addTags(tag,pCount , big_number, parent);
// add 10 more
a = document.getElementsByTagName(tag );
pCount = a.length;
big_number = big_number+10;
addTags(tag,pCount , big_number, parent);
NOTE: THIS might be better, only hitting the DOM once, up to you to determine need:
function addTagGroup(tagName, start, max, container) {
var tempContainer = document.createDocumentFragment();
var i = start;
for (i; i < max; i++) {
var el = document.createElement(tagName);
el.textContent = "Paragraph" + i;
To find out how many <p> elements there are in the document you should use DOM's length property as below :-
var numP = document.getElementsByTagName("P").length;
var div = document.getElementById("myDIV");
var numP = div.getElementsByTagName("P").length;
To get number of element inside a tag.

Get Unique values during Loop

I am looping through an array and getting the data that I need.
for (var i = 0; i < finalArray.length; i++) {
var merchName = finalArray[i].merchName;
var amName = finalArray[i].amName;
var amEmail = finalArray[i].amEmail;
var txnID = finalArray[i].transID;
var transAccount = finalArray[i].transAccount;
What I am trying to do at this point is only show unique data in the loop.
For example var transAccount could be in the array 5 times. I only one to display that in my table once. How can I go about accomplishing this ?
Final Array is constructed like so; just as an object:
transID: tmpTrans,
transAccount: tmpAccount,
amEmail: amEmail,
merchName: merchName,
amPhone: amPhone,
amName: amName
var allTransAccount = {};
for (var i = 0; i < finalArray.length; i++) {
var merchName = finalArray[i].merchName;
var amName = finalArray[i].amName;
var amEmail = finalArray[i].amEmail;
var txnID = finalArray[i].transID;
var transAccount = finalArray[i].transAccount;
if(allTransAccount[finalArray[i].transAccount]) {
var transAccount = '';
else {
allTransAccount[transAccount] = true;
var merhcData = {};
var amName = {};
// and so on
for (var i = 0; i < finalArray.length; i++) {
merchData[finalArray[i].merchName] = finalArray[i].merchName;
amName[finalArray[i].amName] = finalArray[i].amName;
// and so on
If you are sure, that data in merchName will never be equal amName or other field - you can use one data object instead of several (merchData, amName...)
What you want is likely a Set. (see zakas for ES6 implementation. To emulate this using javascript, you could use an object with the key as one of your properties (account would be a good bet, as aperl said) which you test before using your raw array.
var theSet={};
for (var i = 0; i < finalArray.length; i++) {
var transAccount = finalArray[i].transAccount;
var merchName = finalArray[i].merchName;
var amName = finalArray[i].amName;
var amEmail = finalArray[i].amEmail;
var txnID = finalArray[i].transID;
//add to your table
This will prevent entries of duplicate data.

