Getting new lines from database to html textarea - javascript

I have this code
var database="<%=rsta2.getString("data").replaceAll("[\\t\\n\\r]","<br />")%>";
var newTextBoxDiv = $(document.createElement('div')).attr("id", 'TextBoxDiv' + counter);
newTextBoxDiv.after().html('<textarea rows="15" cols="70" name="textbox' + counter + '" id="textbox" >' + database + '</textarea>')
<div id=TextBoxesGroup>
Initially I add data like this
Using the above code gives me
What am I doing wrong?I tried to replace <br /> with &#xA ,I get new line but an extra line feed along with it.What should I do so that next line appears?Instead of i want the hello2 to come on next line.
Another query is suppose I have quotes("this is my dog") to retrieve, how should I write it?How should I retrieve the quotes("") cause it throws an error.(UNexpected identifier)
For example <%=rsta2.getString("data").replaceAll("["]","&quot")%>,
I know the above doesnt work,but How should I write it?

Check this ,
html('<textarea rows="15" cols="70" name="textbox' + counter + '" id="textbox" >' + database + '</textarea>
Have you closed this statement properly ?
Also please more clear in the second part , cant get what you saying?
Another query is suppose I have quotes to retrieve, how should I write it? For example <%=rsta2.getString("data").replaceAll("["]","&quot")%> I know the above doesnt work,but How should I write it?


How to get value from form field and concatenate with url in Jquery

I am using jquery for the first time today and need help with this problem. For the all the pros out there, this issue might sound dumb but I am struggling.
I have a form field in a HTML page, and want to get value from the form field and concatenate with a url.
<form id="form-container" class="form-container">
<label for="street">Street: </label><input type="text" id="street" value="">
<label for="city">City: </label><input type="text" id="city" value="">
<button id="submit-btn">Submit</button>
This is tag where I am want to add the values of street and city.
<img class="bgimg" src=" House, Washington DC&key=API_KEY">
Basically the location field in this src will come from the form field. so something like this:
<img class="bgimg" src="" + $('#street').val() + "," + $('#city').val()&key=API_KEY">
But unfortunately this is not working and need some pointers to resolve this.
UPDATE : I am trying this method to achieve this but not working
$body.append('<img class="bgimg" src="" + $('#street').val() + " " + $('#city').val() + "&key=ABC">'
You can do something like this:
var url = "{street},{city}&key=API_KEY";
$("#submit-btn").on('click', function() {
var street = $('#street').val();
var city = $('#city').val();
var finalURL = url.replace('{street}', street).replace('{city}', city);
Note that you shouldn't have src attribute set in the HTML, else browser will fire a request to invalid source.
Also make sure to validate the user inputs and that you've jQuery.
If You need to do it using jQuery then set the value of 'src' property of img tag like this:
$('.bgimg').prop('src', '"' + $('#street').val() + ',' + $('#city').val() + '&key=API_KEY')
You should modify the src of your image on form submit.
Possible duplicate of this thread (you will find a detailed answer there): Changing the image source using jQuery
So something like:
function setSrc(){
$('.bgimg').prop('src','' + $('#street').val() + ',' + $('#city').val() + '&key=API_KEY');
<form id="form-container" class="form-container" onSubmit="setSrc();">

Getting variable into JS via PHP assigned id

I have the following Javascript to generate a silent call to another sheet to update a database value without refreshing the page
function UpdateDB(table,column,type){
var value = $("#Assigned").val();
$.post("UpdateValuation.php?Table=" + table + "&Value=" + value + "&Column=" + column + "&Type=" + type, {}).done();
This works perfectly but only for the "Assigned" table row since it is statically assigned.
I use the following php to generate the table entry with button
print "<tr><td>" . $stuff['Status'] . "</td><td ><input type=\"text\" id=\"" . $stuff['Status'] . "\" name=\"" . $stuff['Status'] . "\" value=". $stuff['Value'] ." size = \"4\" style = \"text-align: center\"/><button onclick=\"UpdateDB('NOCstatus','Status','". $stuff['Status'] ."');\">Update</button></td></tr>";
Which after variables are assigned looks like this for my "Pending" row
<input id="Pending" type="text" style="text-align: center" size="4" value="120" name="Pending"> </input>
<button onclick="UpdateDB('NOCstatus','Status','Pending');">
My problem is that passing "this.value" or trying to use a variable in the javascript portion I always come up with a blank value, the only time I can get a value to be correct is by statically assigning the "#Assigned" or "#Pending" in the value field. I have hundreds of entries so I don't want to write the function over for each of these. I know there is probably something extremely simple I am missing but I cannot get the pieces to fit.
I need to pass the typed in value in the input field to the function to update the database. Please help.
function UpdateDB(table,column,type){
var value = $('#'+type).val();
$.post("UpdateValuation.php?Table=" + table + "&Value=" + value + "&Column=" + column + "&Type=" + type, {}).done();

textarea value = undefined on page with dynamic forms

I do not understand why I cannot access field values on forms generated dynamically via AJAX / MySQL.
The form template looks like this:
<form class="dishform" id='" + d.dish_id + "FF' action="#" method="post">
<label for="dish_name">Name</label>
<textarea onblur="changedField(this);" id='" + d.dish_id + "n' name="dish_name" class="textarea-comment dish_name valid" maxlength="80">
default text from MySQL
<label for="dish_decription">Description</label>
<textarea onblur="changedField(this);" id='" + d.dish_id + "d' name="dish_description" class="textarea-comment dish_description valid" maxlength="240">more default text from MySQL here</textarea>
<img src="/wp-content/uploads/menu-icons/save-dish.png" alt="Save current dish changes" class="action-menu-buttons save-curr-dish" onclick="saveDish(\'' + d.dish_id + '\')">
The d.dish_id value is the unique table key and it looks something like "DSH0000000001".
When I hit saveDish button I call alerts to show contents of name field, and I get UNDEFINED for the value, but the right figure for defaultValue:
function saveDish(thisId) {
var NameId = thisId + 'n' <--- all ids for "name" are created as "d.dish_id + n"
alert("NameID= " + NameId); <--- this shows "DSH0000000001n" so correct
alert("DINAM= " + document.getElementById(NameId).defaultValue); <--- this shows the defaultValue correctly to what is in the textarea from load
alert("VAL= " + document.getElementById(NameId).Value); <--- this one shows UNDEFINED
alert("HARD CODED ID VAL= " + document.getElementById('DSH0000000001n').Value); <--- this one shows UNDEFINED
Even if I hard code an ID to one of the ones I can see in inspect (that is the textarea exists with the right id), I still get UNDEFINED.
Any help is appreciated/
in saveDish, .Value needs to be lowercased .value

Sorting consistency of dynamically created IDs on DOM Elements

My application successfully creates elements and assigns them different (increasing) IDs.
Now my issue relies when the user deletes these elements (because they have the option to delete as well as create), the consistency of these IDs get broken therefore my application doesn't run well.
This Fiddle represents what I have so far. Just a textbox that appends its value and a few other elements inside a collapsible as many times as the user wants (For some reason my fiddle doesn't increment the alert value, but it works fine on my platform).
SCRIPT (Sorry the txt variable is too long)
$('#Add').click(function () {
if ($("#MedNameStren").val() != "") {
var value = $("#MedNameStren").val();
var noOfMeds = $('#NoOfMedicines').val();
//to check current value
var text = '<div data-role="collapsible" data-collapsed="true" data-iconpos="left" data-content-theme="e">' + '<h2>' + desc + '</h2>' + '<div class="ui-grid-a">' + '<div class="ui-block-a" style="width:25%; margin-right:3%;">' + '<input id="quantity' + noOfMeds + '" class="quantity" type="text" placeholder="Quantity" />' + '</div>' + '<div class="ui-block-b" style="width:70%; margin-right:2%;"">' + '<textarea id="directions' + noOfMeds + '" class="directions" cols="40" rows="4" placeholder="Directions given by your GP." ></textarea>' + '</div>' + '</div>' + '<button key="' + vpid + '">Remove</button>' + '</div>';
$('#medListLi li').listview("refresh");
document.getElementById("manuallyName").value = "";
else {
alert('Please Provide Medicine Name')
I am using a counter that neatly increments the ids of quantity and description like:
..and so on, but once the following script is called...
//Deletes colapsible sets (Medicines) from the selected List
$('#medListLi').on('click', 'button', function (el) {
var key = $(this).attr('key');
var noOfMeds = $('#NoOfMedicines').val();
depending on which element (collapsible) is deleted, the IDs stop being consistent. For example if the collapsible with id="quantity1" is deleted then the counter will go back to 1 (currently 2) and on the next addition the respective collapsible will get an id that's already taken, and unfortunately I don't need this to happen.
Maybe I'm making this sound more complicated that it is, but will appreciate any suggestions or ideas to solve this issue (if possible).
If more information is needed, please let me know.
Was brought to my attention that creating and deleting dynamic IDs can be done but keeping up with consistency of these IDs can be very tricky to work around it.
I've solved my own problem by simply creating a function that would keep count of the IDs from the amount of collapsibles inside my list and "renewing" the ID numbers on each Add and Delete.

javascript Firebug error: Identifier starts immediately after numeric literal

I've got this error being reported in firebug, but I have no idea what it means:
Identifier starts immediately after numeric literal
Here is my webpage:
When the page and map loads, click on one of the blue or green markers. Then click on one of the check boxes to get the error. I have an onclick= for the input checkboxes.
Your string concatenation is broken. You need to wrap your method parameters in quotes
var statusForm = '<input id="tU'+Aid+'" type="checkbox" onclick="optionAUpdate(tU'+Aid+', '+color+', '+optionB+')"/> option A | <input id="iU'+Aid+'" onclick="optionBUpdate(iU'+Aid+', '+color+', '+optionA+')" type="checkbox"/> options B';
From here ----------------------------------------------------------------------------^
Corrected version
var statusForm = '<input id="tU' + Aid + '" type="checkbox" onclick="optionAUpdate(\'tU' + Aid + '\', \'' + color + '\', \'' + optionB + '\')"/> option A'
Note : I've treated all your params as strings
Your onclick needs to be:
optionAUpdate('tU20238', '75AB5F', 0)
Note that I wrapped the params in quotes as they are strings.
This message also appears if you've tried to name a variable starting with a numeral. eg.
var 2ndString = 'abc';
onchange="addaUserAccount(\'' + accWidgetData[count]["userAccountNumber"] + '\' );"
For this case, in my code:
.onclick("selectItem(" +"'"+cons.getIdentificacion().toString()+"'" + ");")
.style("vertical-align: text-bottom")
works Fine.

