Code Editing over the internet [closed] - javascript

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Is there a place that I can post code to have it looked over by others? Where they can help edit it and post suggestions on what they think would make it more efficient. You would think that I am asking about the site I am currently posting to (SO). However, I mean where people are just willing to look it over and help debug. Not where you have to have a specific question about a certain piece of your code.
Back in the day it would just be a group of buddies all working on one project in the living room of someone's house where they all brought their computers over to. My friends have lost interest in programming though. So I am looking for something that can hook me up with other people so we can critique each other. Is it out there? Or do I need to build it?

Yes., which is currently in beta, offers you free space and basically a development server, and it's much like stack overflow. You can share code snippets and work with multiple people there.


Vizualize online users [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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For my website I am trying to implement a google-analytics-like tool to vizualize my online users real-time. I would like to show it to the public, so it must look nice.
The backend is easy to implement and to get the data to the browser as well. But I am looking for a way how could it be done visualy on frontend.
I am looking for:
Inspiration, if someone else does the same real-time vizualization.
Any javascript tool, which would be helpful to achieve it.
Your question is rather broad, and will likely be closed. Anyhow, I would recommend looking at the D3 JavaScript framework. It is very powerful and versatile.

HTML Graph for branches [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have been looking for a JavaScript framework that can display a branch history for a custom-made version control. I have been unable to find anything myself, so I have started to make it myself, but I thought I would ask here if anyone know of a readymade framework that can already do this.
This is what I am looking for:
Take a look at Gitgraph.js. It's made with git in mind, but as the code examples show, you can fully control it.

Javascript how to guide user through the usage flow [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Does anybody knows if exists a javascript library that guides the user through a sequence of steps?
i.e., showing him messages and arrows to give him instructions of where to click, type, drag or how to continue in order to achieve something.
I know its possible to do it with jquery, or any other, but I was hopping to avoid to write a bunch of code by myself.
Couple of projects. I have used Guiders and has worked out well.

Angular Boilerplate [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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There seem to be quite some angular.js boilerplate-kits to get started; angular-seed, some using requirejs and so on, but lots of the ones I found appear to be quite dated. Being new to angular: is there any boilerplate "to go", something hyped everybody uses? I'm looking for a good, proved way to give my app structure.
Things I could find so far include
I agree with finishingmove, it depends on your project.
I'm a huge fan of ng-boilerplate.
It has an awesome modular structure. I prefer it over to stacks or sock drawer.
There is no one correct way to structure every application.
And definitely nothing more mainstream than what you've already found.
Start from that and work your way towards what's optimal for your current application.
I would recommend a simpler structure at first (naturally separate vendor from application files, CSS etc.), then refactoring as you go along.

I need some simple logic/programming exercises for a junior programmer [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm currently teaching an employee ECMA script as it is needed in maintaining a workflow system we use and i need some challenges to use as exercises.
We have covered most of the language and he is now pretty familiar with the syntax so i just need him to get using it. I need to provide him exercises which make him think logically.
For example, he understands what an if and a switch is but a little unsure when to use one over the other. I just need to give him some exercises to let him have a go at working out a solution, then i'll sit with him, review his code and give advice.
Basically he just needs practice now. Is there any online resources which can give me a list of stuff to do? I found a few and we've worked through them (i.e. 99 bottles of beer, etc). We need some more.
Project Euler is always a good challenge/exercise for everyone.
You can probably find suitable exercises on the Coding Kata sites.
Otherwise maybe check out a book with exercises in it.

