Angular Boilerplate [closed] - javascript

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Closed 9 years ago.
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There seem to be quite some angular.js boilerplate-kits to get started; angular-seed, some using requirejs and so on, but lots of the ones I found appear to be quite dated. Being new to angular: is there any boilerplate "to go", something hyped everybody uses? I'm looking for a good, proved way to give my app structure.
Things I could find so far include

I agree with finishingmove, it depends on your project.
I'm a huge fan of ng-boilerplate.
It has an awesome modular structure. I prefer it over to stacks or sock drawer.

There is no one correct way to structure every application.
And definitely nothing more mainstream than what you've already found.
Start from that and work your way towards what's optimal for your current application.
I would recommend a simpler structure at first (naturally separate vendor from application files, CSS etc.), then refactoring as you go along.


Is there any similar boilerplate like MEAN stack for SailsJS? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have to develop a new blog for myself. I have recently got acquainted with AngularJS, mongoDB, node, sails, etc. I have got some primitive knowledge about all these to start the development.
So, I was looking for something similar to, MEAN stack. But instead of using ExpressJS, I am gonna use SailsJS. Is there anything similar to MEAN but works with SailsJS as well? Or is there any other approach to the same, considering I am also gonna use AnuglarJS for front-end and mongoDB for my database?
AFAIK, there's no branded Sails-based alternative to yet, though some people were talking about MEANS stack already.
That being said, you have several choices for creating an Angular+Sails app. One of them is using Yeoman generator, like this one.
Another way could be this boilerplate which is somewhat official, as it's published by Balderdash, the company behind Sails. Though when I tried to test it, dependency installation was failing, so I fixed it on this fork. This boilerplate is based on the brand new Sails v0.10. Also, you are going to have to do is to connect it to your MongoDB (the default is sails-disk), see here for how-to.

Selection of right tool for game development [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to create a football (soccer) manager game as a hobby project? I want to create it for browser so in javascript
Is there some tool that will help me for that becouse I create a manager game so there is no need much interactivity and physics?
So there will be option like team tactics, stadium, PR, finance, trainings and so.
I've been playing with Quintus recently - - which gives you a nice little framework in which to build a 2D game. It seems geared toward concise code, with a prototyping/inheritance structure that makes it quite easy to start knocking together a game in HTML5/JS very quickly.
I don't know anything about the many similar engines, but there are plenty out there. Here's a good resource to help you pick one:
I'm guessing that you could also potentially roll your own if you had plenty of time to devote to it.

Looking for a node.js sandbox like a framework [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm looking for a node.js sandbox with :
-User managment (Auth (like the module passport here), access control
-Form managment with controls like helpers
-Crud/scaffold generator (Add, Edit, Update, Delete etc...)
-Using MVC architecture, like a framework
Thanks !
I don't really think there will be such a framework does all the work for you prepackaged, but I think something that is very similar or close to what you want would be:
Personally I would say SailsJS would be something you want.
I don't really want to list things that it's mentioned on their site but I'm sure you will find that is what you are going to be using.

Where can I find an adapter to use Breeze JS with Rails? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have been looking for a good REST api management adapter for AngularJS that works with my Rails backend. I need it to be able to handle client side caching, client side lookups, and Object relational mapping (ORM). Breeze.js looks like the right solution and they've mentioned that they were working on a Rails demo a few months ago, but I have been unable to locate it. I've also checked out Restangular, Modelcore, and JayData, but none of them seem to have the features I need. Has anyone:
Used rails with breezeJS?
Written their own adapter for BreezeJS and could advise me in writing a Rails one
Know of an alternative solution]
It's a great question. We are working on a Rails adapter for Breeze but no concrete date yet for when it will be released. The first version may be a bit anemic but we plan on improving it rapidly. Please stay tuned.

I need some simple logic/programming exercises for a junior programmer [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm currently teaching an employee ECMA script as it is needed in maintaining a workflow system we use and i need some challenges to use as exercises.
We have covered most of the language and he is now pretty familiar with the syntax so i just need him to get using it. I need to provide him exercises which make him think logically.
For example, he understands what an if and a switch is but a little unsure when to use one over the other. I just need to give him some exercises to let him have a go at working out a solution, then i'll sit with him, review his code and give advice.
Basically he just needs practice now. Is there any online resources which can give me a list of stuff to do? I found a few and we've worked through them (i.e. 99 bottles of beer, etc). We need some more.
Project Euler is always a good challenge/exercise for everyone.
You can probably find suitable exercises on the Coding Kata sites.
Otherwise maybe check out a book with exercises in it.

