Keypress in backbone.js? - javascript

It looks like key-press can only be executed on a focus element? I don't fully buy into that, there has to be a way to execute a key-press event similar to a click event?
I have a view that works with one item at a time. I have a mouseenter - mouseleave function that adds a class to the item the mouse is over. When the item receives that class I want to be able to use a key-press event to run a function on that item.
Obviously this is a slight obstacle but Id like to find out what I need to do. Below is an example view.
var PlayerView = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: 'div',
events: {
'click .points, .assists, span.rebounds, span.steals':'addStat',
'mouseenter': 'enter',
'mouseleave': 'leave',
'keypress': 'keyAction'
enter: function() {
leave: function() {
keyAction: function(e) {
var code = e.keyCode || e.which;
if(code == 65) {
alert('add assist')
So there isn't much logic here, but I am thinking I would write something like this
keyAction: function(e) {
var code = e.keyCode || e.which;
if(code == 65) {
var addAssist = parseInt(this.model.get('assists')) + 1;{assists: addAssist});
Basically If I could figure out how to fire that keyAction method I should be good to go. So what are some caveats I am missing in executing some code like this? I am sure there are a few.
I do understand some of what is wrong with this code, it has no way of knowing when we run keypress in that view, I would have to add a conditional or something to find the active class, so when I execute the keypress it knows what model I am talking about, very vague description here but I get there is something wrong I am just not sure how to do this?
My solution
initialize: function() {
this.listenTo(this.model, "change", this.render);
_.bindAll(this, 'on_keypress');
$(document).bind('keydown', this.on_keypress);
enter: function(e) {
leave: function(e) {
on_keypress: function(e) {
// A for assist
if(e.keyCode == 65) {
if(this.$el.hasClass('hover')) {
var addThis = parseInt(this.model.get('assists')) + 1;{assists: addThis});
// R for rebound
if(e.keyCode == 82) {
if(this.$el.hasClass('hover')) {
var addThis = parseInt(this.model.get('rebounds')) + 1;{rebounds: addThis});
// S for steal
if(e.keyCode == 83) {
if(this.$el.hasClass('hover')) {
var addThis = parseInt(this.model.get('steals')) + 1;{steals: addThis});
// 1 for one point
if(e.keyCode == 49) {
if(this.$el.hasClass('hover')) {
var addMake = parseInt(this.model.get('made_one')) + 1;{made_one: addMake});
var addOne = parseInt(this.model.get('points')) + 1;{points: addOne});
// 2 for two points
if(e.keyCode == 50) {
if(this.$el.hasClass('hover')) {
var addMake = parseInt(this.model.get('made_two')) + 1;{made_two: addMake});
var addTwo = parseInt(this.model.get('points')) + 2;{points: addTwo});
// 2 for two points
if(e.keyCode == 51) {
if(this.$el.hasClass('hover')) {
var addMake = parseInt(this.model.get('made_three')) + 1;{made_three: addMake});
var addThree = parseInt(this.model.get('points')) + 3;{points: addThree});
This is cool for my app because when the user hovers over the item the user can hit a key to add data, instead of clicking.

So you are only going to be able to listen to the keypress in whichever element that you have the listener set on (or its children). And the keypress event is only going to fire if the element is focused. So I think the best solution for you would be to set focus on the element you are hovering over, then you can listen for the keypress, or better yet, listen to keydown because it behaves in a more standard way cross browser.
Here is a working JSFiddle demonstrating this technique:
Only certain form elements accept focus. You can add contenteditable or tabindex attributes to the element, and that should allow pretty much any element to receive focus, but then the keydown event won't actually get fired! This is a browser specific issue. In my experience, a <span> will cause keydown and keyup events to be fired in every browser I have tested (Chrome, Firefox, IE, Safari, Android browser, Silk). So in the jsfiddle I added a span inside the target element, put focus on that, and added the keydown event listener to it.
So if you added an empty <span> into your view, your code could look something like this:
var PlayerView = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: 'div',
events: {
'click .points, .assists, span.rebounds, span.steals':'addStat',
'mouseenter': 'enter',
'mouseleave': 'leave',
'keydown': 'keyAction'
enter: function() {
var span = this.$el.find('span');
span.attr('tabindex', '1').attr('contenteditable', 'true');
leave: function() {
var span = this.$el.find('span');
keyAction: function(e) {
var code = e.keyCode || e.which;
if(code == 65) {
alert('add assist')


jQuery event trigger is not working on annotorious and seadragon

I am trying to get the down arrow keyup event to fire automagically using jQuery. The annotorious/seadragon combination has a listener that opens all preconfigured tags when I press the down arrow.
I have written jQuery code to find the input field, put focus on it and then trigger the keyup event.
function triggerDownArrowOnInput() {
$("[id^=downshift][id$=input]").each(function(index) {
// There should only be 1, but let's not assume.
if (index == 0) {
console.log("Found an input: " + $(this).attr("id"))
var event = jQuery.Event("keyup");
event.keyCode = event.which = 40; // down arrow
} else {
console.log("Multiple elements found that match the id: " + $(this).attr("id"));
} // if
} // triggerDownArrowOnInput
The focus is working great, but not the trigger. If I manually hit the down arrow key, then the preconfigured tags all appear:
I have tried "keyCode" and "which" separately.
I have tried triggering $(this).keyup(event).
I have tried putting in a delay between the focus call and the trigger/keyup call.
I have tried calling $(document).trigger(event).
I thought maybe I was sending the event to the wrong element, but it appears (going through Dev tools) that only the Input field and the document have the listeners enabled.
No matter what I do, I can't get the event to fire. Any ideas?
I think I've got this working without jQuery, using a KeyboardEvent and dispatchEvent. With my tests I don't think you need the focus before hand either because it's an event on the element, but worth testing this on your application.
function triggerDownArrowOnInput() {
$("[id^=downshift][id$=input]").each(function(index) {
// There should only be 1, but let's not assume.
if (index == 0) {
console.log("Found an input: " + $(this).attr("id"))
this.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent('keyup',{'keyCode': 40, 'key':'ArrowDown', 'code':'ArrowDown'}));
} else {
console.log("Multiple elements found that match the id: " + $(this).attr("id"));
Have you tried keydown?
var e = jQuery.Event("keydown");
e.which = 40;
e.keyCode = 40
function triggerDownArrowOnInput() {
$("[id^=downshift][id$=input]").each(function(index) {
// There should only be 1, but let's not assume.
if (index == 0) {
console.log("Found an input: " + $(this).attr("id"))
var event = jQuery.Event("keydown");
event.keyCode = event.which = 40;
} else {
console.log("Multiple elements found that match the id: " + $(this).attr("id"));
} // triggerDownArrowOnInput
I was able to get the event to fire, but still wasn't able to open the menu on focus. I ended up having to create a development environment for:
I then modified Autocomplete.jsx in recogito/recogito-client-core, added an OnFocus listener and then added the following code:
const onFocus = evt => {
if (!isOpen) {
this.setState({ inputItems: this.props.vocabulary }); // Show all options on focus
} // if
} // onFocus
Way more than I wanted to do, but it is working now.

Restore default value of arrows key

I'm using a script (impress.js) that bins some particular action to keyup and keydown events for left, right, up and down arrows.
In some particular moments (for example while typing in a textarea) I want back the default behaviour for the arrows.
I tried without success with
$("a#show-ta").click( function() {
document.addEventListener("keydown", function ( event ) {
if (event.keyCode >= 37 && event.keyCode <= 40) {
document.addEventListener("keyup", function ( event ) {
if (event.keyCode >= 37 && event.keyCode <= 40) {
where a#show-ta is the button that shows my textarea.
You want to prevent the keypress from bubbling up to the document where (I assume) Impress binds its handlers:
$("textarea").on('keyup keydown keypress', function(e) {
If you need the event in a specific zone, such as a texarea, you should stop the propagation of the event like this :
$('textarea').keydown( function(ev) {
If the events are necessary for the whole page but you want to exclude while you are in a textarea, for example, you could raise a flag which you would validate in the event.
var keydownActivated = true;
$('textarea').keydown( function(ev) {
if (keydownActivated) {
// dostuff
This will more or less get you where you are going. Create a flag that tracks whether or not the textarea has focus, and check that flag in your current key press event handlers. I can't see all of your code, so this is just a simple example:
var textareaHasFocus = false;
var textarea = document.querySelector('#yourTextarea');
textarea.addEventListener('focus', function(event) {
textareaHasFocus = true;
}, false);
textarea.addEventListener('blur', function(event) {
textareaHasFocus = false;
}, false);
document.addEventListener("keydown", function ( event ) {
if (textareaHasFocus) return true;
// your current keyboard handler
document.addEventListener("keyup", function ( event ) {
if (textareaHasFocus) return true;
// your current keyboard handler

Is there a way to combine 2 or more events that do similar operations to use the DRY principle

I have two events one is a key press and the other is a click event. the events do similar thing but they are different(ex: they search for different elements and in my real code they call diff functions depending on which button and which input box was entered) . should i combine the events? if so how?
$(document).ready( function(){
function replaceQ(){
var num1 = Math.floor(Math.random() *10)
var num2 = Math.floor(Math.random() *10)
$(".container").append("<div>" + num1 + " </div><div>" + num2 +"</div>")
.append("<input class='input'>").append("<button class = 'button'>Go</button>")
var result = num1 + num2;
return [result]
var outResult = replaceQ()[0]
$(".container").on("click", "button", function(){
var entry = $(this).siblings(".input").val()
if(outResult == entry){
outResult = replaceQ()[0]
$(".container").on("keypress", "input", function(e){
var entry = $(".input").val()
if(outResult == entry && e.which == 13){
outResult = replaceQ()[0]
var processAnswer = function processAnswer(e){
//if( === "input")
$(".input, .button").on("click", processAnswer)
you can get Event.type in callback function, see below sample code
var processAnswer = function processAnswer(e){
if(e.type == 'click'){
//code here
else if(e.type == 'keypress'){
//code here
$(".input, .button").on("click keypress", processAnswer)
Yes - there is. You can use the bind method as follows:
$(".container button").bind("click keypress", function(){
You can check wether the button or the container was triggered as follows
$(".container button, .container input").bind("click keypress", function(event){
var target = $(;
else if('input'))
See this fiddle for example.
The event listeners themselves are separate enough that it would probably make more sense to just make a single function for the handler. So part of your code would look like this:
//New Event Handling function
function eventHandler(e) {
var entry = $(".input").val()
if(outResult == entry && (!e.which || e.which == 13)){
outResult = replaceQ()[0]
$(".container").on("click", "button", eventHandler);
$(".container").on("keypress", "input", eventHandler);
I don't think it makes sense to combine the event listeners as they are listening to specific elements and combining them (like $(".container").on("click keypress", eventHandler);) could get weird as it would trigger when you click on a text field. So for that reason, I'd focus on combining the handler like above.

How can I disable mouse hover effect when user is using keyboard?

I'm trying to implement a search as you type feature on my site. I'm working on the front-end side right now and using mockjax to pull in fake data.
My problem: When the drop down menu pops up you have the option to go over your choices (which highlight in yellow). I realized today though that if your using the arrow keys to scroll through your choices and move your mouse over the menu then it will cause two options to be highlighted! I don't want to confuse my users so I only want it to highlight one at a time. If they are using their keyboard and hover over with the mouse than the keyboard selection would jump to where the mouse is.
(In case I'm not being clear and you need an example, go to amazon and use their search with your arrow keys and then hover the mouse over an option, it changes. I want it like that!)
Most of the html, css and mockjax can't be included in this fiddle so it looks funky- but just case someone needs to see my code.
(function (Backbone, _, context) {
"use strict";
var SuggestiveSearch = Backbone.View.extend({
tracking: function (action, label) {
_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'SearchAsYouType2.0', action, label]);
fetchTemplate: function (name) {
var callback = _.bind(function (template) {
this.template = tmpl(template);
}, this);
$.get("/js/templates/" + name + ".html", callback);
close: function () {
this.tracking('Close', 'Clicked-Off');
// Reset our list selection index
this.model.set("currentIndex", null);
open: function () {
this.tracking('Open', 'Clicked-On');
preventCloseHandler: function (e) {
directionSelectionHandler: function (keyCode) {
var currentIndex = this.model.get("currentIndex"),
incr = keyCode === 40 ? 1 : -1,
newIndex = currentIndex + incr,
choicesLen = this.$choices.length - 1,
isOutOfRange = newIndex > choicesLen || newIndex < 0;
// If index is out of range set it either to the first or last choice
if (isOutOfRange) {
newIndex = newIndex < 0 ? choicesLen : 0;
// Remove previous selected
// class on li's
// Store our index
this.model.set("currentIndex", newIndex);
enterHandler: function (e) {
var currentIndex = this.model.get("currentIndex");
if (currentIndex !== 0) {
this.tracking('Enter', 'Selected-Choice');
window.location = this.$choices.eq(currentIndex).find("a").attr('href');
keyDownHandler: function (e) {
var keyCode = e.which,
isArrowKeys = keyCode === 40 || keyCode === 38;
if (!isArrowKeys) {
keyUpHandler: function (e) {
var $input = $(e.currentTarget),
query = $input.val(),
keyCode = e.which;
switch (keyCode) {
case 40:
case 38:
this.tracking('Keyboard navigate', 'Selected-Choice');
case 13:
this.model.set("query", query);
choiceClickHandler: function (e) {
this.tracking('Click', 'Selected-Choice');
render: function () {
.html(this.template(_.pick(this.model.attributes, "ProductSuggestions", "FilterSuggestions")));
// Store our list of choices but also add our already cached input to that collection
this.$choices = this.$suggestionList.find(".autocomplete__choice", this.$el).add(this.$input);;
events: {
"keyup input": "keyUpHandler",
"keydown input": "keyDownHandler",
"click .autocomplete__choice": "choiceClickHandler",
"click": "preventCloseHandler"
bindings: function () {
this.listenTo(this.model, "sync", this.render);
$(document).on('click', _.bind(this.close, this));
initialize: function () {
this.$suggestionList = this.$el.find(".autocomplete");
this.$input = this.$el.find("input");
context.Views = context.Views || {};
context.Views.SuggestiveSearch = SuggestiveSearch;
}(Backbone, _, =|| {}));
Let me know if I need to include anymore information. Thank you in advance!
Since your JSFiddle doesn't produce the behavior, it's not easy for me to write code that solves your problem, but I can give you advice that might help you do it yourself.
The way I recommend solving this issue is by removing the .hover highlighting in your CSS and implementing a function that adds the class is-selected to an object when it is being hovered over and removing the class from all other elements. That way it will be compatible with your current directionSelectionHandler:

Detect double Ctrl keypress in JS

I have a custom CMS and would like to add a "shortcuts menu" triggered by the pressing of the Ctrl key twice within, say, 300 milliseconds.
I use prototype, so my starting point obviously is:
Event.observe(document, 'keypress', function(event)
{ if(event.keyCode == Event.KEY_XYZ) { show_shortcuts});
My approach at the moment would be populating a global variable with the current time in milliseconds, and checking on each keypress whether a keypress has happened less than 300 milliseconds ago.
But maybe there is a more elegant solution?
This should work. Maybe add some further checking if not some other key like Alt or Shift are pressed at the same time. Hope it is self explanatory, if not just ask and I provide clarification.
var dblCtrlKey = 0;
Event.observe(document, 'keydown', function(event) {
if (dblCtrlKey != 0 && event.ctrlKey) {
alert("Ok double ctrl");
dblCtrlKey = 0;
} else {
dblCtrlKey = setTimeout('dblCtrlKey = 0;', 300);
function doubleControlEvent() {
if (event.key === 'Control') {
if (timesCtrlClicked >= 2) {
console.log('Double control')
// Double Crtl is clicked add your code here
setTimeout(() => (timesCtrlClicked = 0), 200)
let timesCtrlClicked = 0;
document.addEventListener('keyup', doubleControlEvent, true)

