Finding and replacing string if present in a JSONObj Javascript - javascript

I have a JSONObj which contains various elements. I want to perform a Regex (or some type of search) on the text data of this object and find various strings, and replace them with some other text, for example, I want to replace the string "content" with the string "" :
description =[jsonCounter].description.replace(/\/content/g, "");
This works perfectly, but I want to first check if a string is present, and then replace it, I tried :
if (holder.indexOf("about-us") !== -1) {
description =[jsonCounter].description.replace(/\/about-us/g, "");
} else {
description =[jsonCounter].description.replace(/\/content/g, "");
But this doesn't seem to work. Can anyone help me solve this issue?

As you said :
holder is my JSONObj converted to a string :
var holder = jsonObj.toString();
var holderJSON = {url:""}
alert(holderJSON.toString()); **// this returns [Object Object]**
if (holder.indexOf("about-us") !== -1) **// is never true.**
Hope this helps!!


Convert string with '=' to JSON format

I am trying to convert a string i receive back from an API into a JSON object in Angular.
The issue is that the string is not normalized to be parsed into JSON easily.
This is the string im working with:
"{rootCause=EJBusinessException: This is a sample exception thrown for testing additional info field, description=This is a more detailed description about the incident., stackTrace=com.springboot.streams.infrastructure.web.heartbeat.HeartbeatService.testServiceNow(}"
When trying to do JSON.parse(myStr) it throws an error due to invalid string format.
Is there an easy way to convert the listed string into a more correct JSON format, getting rid of the '=' and replacing them with ':' instead.
There is more to it than just .replace(/['"]+/g, ''), as even with that the string is not ready to be turned into JSON yet.
Hoping someone more versed in Javascript knows a trick i dont.
You just need to manipulate the string before parsing it remove unecessary string that can cause error to the object like "{" and "}" and split it by "," example is in below.
var obj = {}, str = "{rootCause=EJBusinessException: This is a sample exception thrown for testing additional info field, description=This is a more detailed description about the incident., stackTrace=com.springboot.streams.infrastructure.web.heartbeat.HeartbeatService.testServiceNow(}"
str.split(",").forEach((st, i) => {
pair = st.split("=")
if(pair.length > 1) {
obj[pair[0].replace("{",'').replace("}", '').trim()] = pair[1]
} else {
obj[i] = pair
As commenters have posted, unless you control the API or at least have documentation that output will always follow a specific format, then you are limited in what you can do. With your current example, however you can trim off the extraneous bits to get the actual data... (remove braces, split on comma, split on equals) to get your key:value pairs... then build a javascript object from scratch with the data... if you need json string at that point can just JSON.stringify()
var initialString = "{rootCause=EJBusinessException: This is a sample exception thrown for testing additional info field, description=This is a more detailed description about the incident., stackTrace=com.springboot.streams.infrastructure.web.heartbeat.HeartbeatService.testServiceNow(}"
var trimmedString = initialString.substr(1, initialString.length - 2);
var pairArray = trimmedString.split(',');
var objArray = [];
pairArray.forEach(pair => {
var elementArray = pair.split('=');
var obj = {
key: elementArray[0].trim(),
value: elementArray[1].trim()
var returnObj = {};
objArray.forEach(element => {
returnObj[element.key] = element.value;

I would like to get the value of a given token with in a string

I am currently working on a project that will allow me to bring in a string that would have a designated token that I will grab, get the designated value and remove the token and push to an array. I have the following condition which I am using split in JavaScript but it is not splitting on the designated ending token.
This is the beginning string
"~~/Document Heading 1~~<div>This is a test <b>JUDO</b> TKD</div>~~end~~<div class="/Document Heading 1">This is a test <b>JUDO</b> TKD</div>"
Current Code Block
var segmentedStyles = [];
var contentToInsert = selectedContent.toString();
var indexValue = selectedContent.toString().search("~~");
if (indexValue <= 0) {
var insertionStyle = contentToInsert.split("~~");
The designated token is enclosed by a "~~ .... ~~". In this code Block it is going through the condition but the string it is not splitting correctly. I am currently getting the Following string pushed to my array.
This is my current result
[,/Document Heading 1<div>This is a test <b>JUDO</b> TKD</div>end,
<div class="/Document Heading 1">This is a test <b>JUDO</b> TKD</div>]
My Goal
I would like to split a string that is coming in if a token is present. For example I would like to split a string starting from ~~.....~~ through ~~end~~. The array should hold two values like the following
segmentedStyles = [<div>This is a test <b>JUDO</b> TKD</div>],[<div class="/Document Heading 1">This is a test <b>JUDO</b> TKD</div>]
You could use a regular expression for matching the parts.
var string = '~~/Document Heading 1~~<div>This is a test <b>JUDO</b> TKD</div>~~end~~<div class="/Document Heading 1">This is a test <b>JUDO</b> TKD</div>',
array = string.split('~~').filter(function (_, i) {
return i && !(i % 2); // just get element 2 and 4 or all other even indices
Assuming the string always starts with ~~/ you could use the following regex to get the array you want
I honestly didn't quite understand what you're trying to accomplish haha, but I sort of understood what you're trying to do :)
First, just trying to make it clear some stuff. If you split() your string using /~~/ as the Regular Expression for splitting you'll get all the bits surrounded by "~~" in an array, like you did.
Second, if you change the tokens to ~~START~~ and ~~END~~ (tokens that never change) you can accomplish what you want by simply doing string.split(/~~(START|END)~~/) - Much shorter and quicker ;)
Third is the string always in the format ~~<something>~~THE STUFF YOU WANT~~end~~MORE STUFF YOU WANT? If it is, I'd suggest doing this:
function splitTheTokens(str) {
var result = [];
var parts = str.split(/~~end~~/);
for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
if (!parts[i]) { continue; } // Skips blanks
if (parts[i].indexOf("~~") == 0) {
// In case you want to do something with the name thing:
var thisPartName = parts[i].substring(2, parts[i].indexOf("~~", 2));
// What (I think) you actually want
var thisPartValue = parts[i].substring(thisPartName.length + 4);
else {
return result;
Hope this helps :D

Getting JQuery from given HTML text?

I got a question while I parse html using JQuery.
Let me have a simple example for my question.
As you might definitely know, when I need to parse ...
<li class="info"> hello </li>
I get text by
my question is.. for given full html and token of text ,can I find query string ?
in case of above example, what I want to get is.
var queryStr = findQuery(html,"hello") // queryStr = '.info'
I know there might be more than one result and there would be various type of expression according to DOM hierarchy.
So.. generally... If some text (in this example, 'hello' ) is unique in the whole HTML, I might guess there must be a unique and shortest 'query' string which satisfies $(query).text() = "hello"
My question is.. If my guess is valid, How can I get unique (and if possible, shortest ) query string for each given unique text.
any hint will be appreciated, and thx for your help guys!
I create a little function that may help you:
function findQuery(str) {
$("body").children().each(function() {
if ( $.trim($(this).text()) == $.trim(str) ) {
alert("." + $(this).attr("class"))
See working demo
I am not sure what you're actually trying to achieve, but, based on your specific question, you could do the following.
var queryStr = findQuery($('<li class="info"> hello </li>'), "hello"); // queryStr = '.info'
// OR
var queryStr = findQuery('<li class="info"> hello </li>', "hello"); // queryStr = '.info'
alert (queryStr); // returns a string of class names without the DOT. You may add DOT(s) if need be.
function findQuery(html, str) {
var $html = html instanceof jQuery && html || $(html);
var content = $html.text();
if ( content.match( new RegExp(str, "gi") ) ) {
return $html.attr("class");
return "no matching string found!";
Hope this demo helps you!!
$(document).ready(function() {
var test = $("li:contains('hello')").attr('class');
<script src=""></script>
<li class="info">hello</li>
Have used the jQuery attribute ":contains".

Concatenation of string in javascript

I'm looking to add to a string's value based on the output for multiple if statements but I don't seem to be having much success. I've declared comp_string="" at the beginning of the script then tried += so that for each condition that is true it adds a section on.
For the code example below if I submitted the value of and I would like comp_string to return ''
How would I go about concatenating/adding the string together and how do I add the & if more than one link is provided. I could add it to each string for any value thats not blank, but would an & on the end of the url with nothing following mess things up?
if (facebook_url != "") {
comp_string += "fb="+facebook_url;
if (twitter_url != "") {
comp_string += "tw="+twitter_url;
A simple approach would be to add each string to an array, then join the array elements to produce the end result you are looking for.
var params = [];
if (facebook_url !== "") {
params.push("fb=" + facebook_url);
if (twitter_url !== "") {
params.push("tw=" + twitter_url);

Regular Expression: pull part from string. with JS

Hey all im not every good with regexp i was hoping someone could help.
ok so this is the sting "KEY FOUND! [ 57:09:91:40:32:11:00:77:16:80:34:40:91 ]"
And i need to pull "57:09:91:40:32:11:00:77:16:80:34:40:91", now this key can be meany length not just as written here and with or with out the ":"
now the second sting i would like to test and extract is: "[00:00:09] Tested 853 keys (got 179387 IVs)", i would like to pull "00:00:09" and "853" and "179387".
this would be the raw string or
this is what im doing now.
var pass = new RegExp('KEY FOUND\!')
var tested = new RegExp('Tested')
var fail = new RegExp('\Failed. Next try with ([0-9]+) IVs')
var data="Look at the link i added"
if (tested.test(data)) {
self.emit('update', mac, {
'keys' : data.split('Tested ')[1].split(' keys ')[0],
'ivs' : data.split('got ')[1].split(' IVs')[0]
} else if (pass.test(data)) {
var key = data.split('KEY FOUND! [')[1].split(' ]')[0].split(':').join('');
} else if (fail.test(data)) {
thanks all
I have added more the the question to help with the answer
If it is always surrounded by [] then it is simple:
This will match any characters enclosed by [].
See it in action here.

