After Effects applyPreset : bad path - javascript

So I'm totally new to ExtendScript, and already amazed. I've been trying to automatize the creation of standard videos, and to do so I want to create presets and apply them to footage. So I use the applyPreset(File) method of the layers.
The new File("path") seems to open fine, but then applyPreset is unhappy because it tells me my path is wrong. Namely, After Effects says "Unable to call applyPreset because of parameter 1 : incorrect path "/Users/Charles/Documents/Slide-In-1.ffx"". Yet my path, I can assure you, is absolutely correct. Being on Mac, I used "~/Documents/Slide-In-1.ffx", which got replaced by "/Users/Charles/Documents/Slide-In-1.ffx" according to the error output (this replacement is correct, clearly). So where's the problem ? How can I check that a file has indeed been found and opened by JavaScript ? Thanks a lot in advance.

Seems my path was in fact bad. Something fishy, but I had to change my file organisation anyway to have a clean centralized git repo, and it started working.

you can test if a file exists like this:
if( File(YOURPATH).exists )
If true, this object refers to a file or file-system alias that actually exists in the file system.


Make source maps refer to original files on remote machine

Using Google Closure Compiler to minify a bunch of javascripts. Now I'd like to also add source maps to those to debug out in the wild.
Thing is, I want to keep the original (and preferrably also the map files) on a completely different place, like another server. I've been looking for a solution to this, and found out about the sourceRoot parameter. But it seems as it's not supported?
Also found this --source_map_location_mapping parameter, but no documentation whatsoever. Seems as it wants a pipe-delimited argument (filesystem-path|webserver-path). Tried a couple of different approaches to this, like local filename|remote url but without prevail. That just gives me No such file or directory and java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.
Has anyone succeeded to place the minified/mapped source files on a remote machine?
Or does anyone know of any documentation for --source_map_location_mapping?
Luckily Google Closure Compiler's source code is available publicly
REM --source_map_location_mapping is case SENSITIVE !
REM need extra escaped double quote --source_map_location_mapping="\"C:/tools/closure/^|httpsa://bla/\"" as per
java -jar compiler.jar --compilation_level=SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS --create_source_map=C:\tools\closure\latest\ --output_wrapper "%output%//#" --js=C:\tools\closure\mapslayer.js --js_output_file=maplayer.min.js --source_map_location_mapping="\"C:/tools/closure/^|httpsa://bla/\""
The flag should be formatted like so:
The flag should be repeated if you need multiple locations:
--source_map_location_mapping=foo/|http://bar --source_map_location_mapping=xxx/|http://yyy
But what I expect that you are running into is that the "|" might be interpreted by your command shell. For example:
echo --source_map_location_mapping=foo/|http://bar
-bash: http://bar: No such file or directory
(The choice to use "|" was unfortunate). Make sure it is escaped appropriately. like:
I submitted a pull request to report an error for badly formatted flag values:
which will at least you know that your flag value is incorrect (so you won't see the out of bounds exception).
John is correct functionality-wise, but I think I can clear it up a bit (as this was super confusing for me to get working).
I suspect many people have the same issue as I:
source map urls are generated relative to your current directory
they don't necessarily match up to relative urls on your website/server
Even if they did match up directly, the strangely-defined pseudo-spec found here means that Chrome/Firefox are going to try to load your paths relative to your sourcemap. i.e. the browser loads /assets/sourcemaps/, sees assets/js/main.js, and loads /assets/sourcemap/assets/js/main.js (yay). (Or it might be relative to the original js file actually, I just happened to have them in the same directory).
Let's use the above example. Say we have assets/js/main.js in our sourcemap, and want to make sure that loads To do this, you'd pass the option:
Like John mentioned, quotes are important, and repeat the arg multiple times for multiple options. The prefixed / will let Firefox/Chrome know you want it relative to your website root. (If you're doing this in something like grunt-closure-tools you'll need to escape more:
This way, we can essentially map any given sourcemap path to any given website path. It's not really a perfect replacement for some sort of closure source root, but it does let you map each section of your sources individually to their own roots, so it's not that bad a compromise, and does give some additional flexibility (i.e. you could specify some cdn paths for some of your assets but not for other).
An additional thing you might find helpful, you can automatically add the sourceMappingURL via an output_wrapper. (Though, if you want the ability to debug in production, you should probably prefer some ability to make the server return X-Sourcemap: headers instead, inaccessible by the public)
--output_wrapper="(function(){%output%}).call(this); //# sourceMappingURL=/assets/js/"

How do you fix file load order problems using Meteor.startup?

Many resources on the internet (including here) suggest using Meteor.startup to fix dependency issues caused by the order in which JS files load. However, nobody spells out exactly how this is accomplished.
Specifically, it seems like file order dependency is the reason I can't get my collection to recognize permissions defined in my I think this is happening because is in /lib/collections, whereas is in /lib, and files in subdirectories get loaded first. (Incidentally, I would prefer /collections to be in the root directory, but I had to move it into /lib previously to solve a similar problem.)
Here is my
#Posts = new Meteor.Collection('posts')
update: ownsDocument
remove: ownsDocument
And here is my
#ownsDocument = (userId, doc)->
doc && doc.userId == userId
(This is all from the "Discover Meteor" book tutorial, by the way, around these commits, except in CoffeeScript.)
My question: Assuming my analysis of the problem is correct, how would you solve it using Meteor.startup? This answer is hard for me to interpret; one interpretation is that I should wrap Posts.allow(...) in Meteor.startup somehow, but that seems really clumsy. Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems like there should be one general/config file with all the necessary startup code, and specific controllers should remain ignorant of it.
BTW, I realize I could hack a solution by taking advantage of Meteor's default file load ordering rules (e.g. /lib first; subdirectories first; main.* last; alphabetically), but that's a really inelegant solution to what should be a simple problem. I don't want to have to append "a" in front of a filename or create spurious directories just to get it load before another file.
One last note: I'm using CoffeeScript, and I wonder if the way CS handles global scope has something to do with it. (E.g., instead of defining my Posts collection as a JS variable without the var keyword, in CS I have to define is as #Posts, which I believe makes it a property of the window.)
Yes, you do just that:
Meteor.startup ->
Basically, any piece of code that uses a variable defined in another file should be preceded by Meteor.startup ->, unless you are sure that the loading order is correct (the variable is in lib, for example).
Yes, the loading order is poorly chosen.
I highly suggest you consider working entirely out of smart packages. That's how Meteor itself is largely written.
I go into more detail here:

How to run jslint on the client?

For testing purposes, obviously not for production. What is the best way to do this?
Googling I found this tutorial, and of course the project on github.
For starters which files do I need to run:
// removed
and is there an API reference. I see there is a large comment block in jslint.js that seems to server this purpose but was wondering if there is something easier to read.
Because the client has no file access, I was planning on ajaxing the code in to get its contents.
Please never the mind, on why I want to do this on the client.
If you include the JSLint script you will have access to a single global variable, JSLINT. You can invoke it with a string and an optional map of options:
var valid = JSLINT(code, options);
The result will be true or false, depending on whether the code passed the check based on the provided options.
After this call you can inspect the JSLINT.errors property for an array of warnings, if any.
This is precisely what I have done to build JSLint integration into the editor in the articles on
Have you looked at ? Source is available here:
The browser bundle is available here: and the docs describe how to call it (

RequireJS error on IE : dependency file name is the ID instead of the file name

I'm getting a strange behavior with RequireJS on IE.
Sometimes (this is purely random) the generated js file reference appears with the ID, not the file name.
I explain,
on the paths I have:
jqGridz: "jquery.jqGrid/js/jquery.jqGrid.min"
on the shim I have:
"jqGridz": ["jqueryUi", "jqGrid_i18n_en"]
Sometimes the end result is correctly resolved to:
But other times (a lot of times) it gets rendered as:
So instead of the path for jqGrid I'm getting the ID of the path.
This only happens on IE and I don't know why.
I'm using RequireJS v2.0.6
Thanks in advance!
Figured out...
I picked up this project with RequireJS already implemented but it's a mess.
So what's happening is that whenever RequireJS can't load the resource (for me was a 404) it put the key name instead of the file path.
So basically if you have have this problem have a look at the resources loading list in Firebug or Fiddler and search for errors :)

Duplicate Identifier in WinJs.d.ts

I am trying to use TypeScript in a Windows 8 app (html5/JS)
I have looked at the sample app
The app uses a typing definition file for WinJS (WinJS.d.ts).
I need to edit this file as it is not complete. However the file has an interface extension for the Type Element adding a property for winControl(typed to any).
This line gets and error of "Duplicate identifier 'winControl'" I am unable to locate and other place this is.
Also, there are locations in my code that i get errors as there is no property named winControl
To solve this problem you must
remove lib.d.ts from anywhere in your project path (or the path to your winrt.d.ts) folder. It is conflicting with the definitions in your local typescript install folder
make sure that you do not have any of your ts (and JS files) identified as content as they will be copied to your deployment directory and will cause the same duplicate issue (there will be two definitions of everything).
I would suggest opening the output window before you do a build. It will let you see what is causing issues since tcs is being run as a command line behind the scenes for you
Sounds like the same issue that I've experienced when trying to augment the Window interface, a bug that is currently being working on:
However he only mentions lib.d.ts, you may want to add your problems to the issue to either make sure that it's also being fixed, or to rule out that this is what causes your problem.

