Replace string with Javascript only under certain condition [closed] - javascript

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I need to do a find and replace of a certain string when this particular page loads, but only if it has a specific value associated with it. Example:
The following strings may all load on the page:
"0: Here is the string"
"1: Here is the string"
"2: Here is the string"
I only want the string to be replaced if the value is 0, the 1 and 2 values should not have the string replaced even those it's the same text as the 0 value. I imagine this would need to be a combination of an if else statement and a replace statement, but I am not sure how the syntax would work.

One way to do it is:
if(s.indexOf('0:') == 0)
s = s.replace('Here is the string','the new string');


filter invalid mobile numbers with Javascript [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am trying to write in java script to exclude invalid mobile numbers that are entered into the SQL database. i currently have the regex function within my script however it cant pick up brackets(), resulting in numbers such as (123) 456789 not being included.
Is there any extension to the regex i could use to include brackets?
There is a free google API that can validate numbers for you, even tell you the country code etc.
Never tried it, but I evaluated it once for another project I worked on.
This is Java, not JS, but still you may consider moving your validation logic to a Java servlet and invoke using an AJAX call.
1) This would expect atleast one white space character after parenthesis
/\(\d+\)\s+\d+/ //in case of digit not specified.
2) This would match with or without space
// (123)456789
// (123) 456789

Replace specific characters within a string [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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NOTE: This is not a duplicate. I have searched everywhere and have not gotten an answer.
I want to take a certain string ([0;14;32m) and no matter what the numbers are, always replace that string with nothing. I have tried everything and haven't found a solution.
str.replace(/\[\d;\d{2};\d{2}m/, "")

Regular expression to get value [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I was wondering how I would go about getting the value from this string:
In this case, the value retrieved would be "1".
It's hard to say for certain without knowing all the possible options of input strings, but for example if you always just want to get the number that has :: on its left AND :: on its right (1 in your example):
var myInput = 'LUGG::1::LUGG::5-GBP';
var myNumber = myInput.match(/::(\d+)::/)[1];
alert(myNumber); // alerts 1

How to check if a string contains time expression in javascript or jquery? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I would like to make a caldendar just like google cal.
In google calendar, when one types in "2pm dinner" or "2:00pm dinner" or "14:00pm dinner" the system could tell the time entered and render the event starting at that time.
Also if I type "2pm-3pm dinner" or "14:00-15:00 dinner", the system can know the length of the event.
So my question is, how to construct a function to filter out the starting time and length using javascript or jquery?
Use regex eg:
/(\d+)(pm|am) / for 2pm dinner kind of format...
/(\d+)(pm|am)-(\d+)(pm|am)/ for 2pm-3pm kind of format
str.match(regex) will give you array of captured parts in the regex
"2pm-3pm dinner".match(/(\d+)(pm|am)-(\d+)(pm|am)/); will give you ["2pm-3pm ", "2", "pm", "3", "pm"]

Phone number regex in javascript/jquery on (000)000-0000 [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm using jquery.validate.addMethod(), and need a regex for specific phone number format. I somehow knew it before, but since I don't use regex that much, I forgot.
So, this is just a simple question: How do you create a regex for javascript on the following format:
The current phoneUS format which jQuery Validate possess is not applicable to the current problem.
This allows for a space after the closing parenthesis as well.
Something like this:

