Rotate image on lightbox2 load - javascript

I would like to detect EXIF rotation information when lightbox shows an image and apply CSS for rotation.
I use thumbnails with img src attribute value of base64 encoded image data (I use no href attribute for link to original image)
I do not have the option to use server-side code.
It would be best if it happened just before render. Are there any events in lightbox2 like onPreShow or onLoad ?

I had to modify the preloader.onload handler inside the Lightbox.prototype.changeImage function.
I added the orientation detection code before this code:
imgHeight and imgWidth are swapped and css is added in my code if image orientation is landscape.
$preloader = $(preloader);
var imgHeight = preloader.height;
var imgWidth = preloader.width;
EXIF.getData(preloader, function() {
var rotation = EXIF.getTag(this, "Orientation");
if (rotation == 6 || rotation == 8) {
var css = exif2css(rotation);
if (css.transform) {
$image[0].style.transform = css.transform;
if (css['transform-origin']) {
$image[0].style['transform-origin'] = css['transform-origin'];
var tmp = imgHeight;
imgHeight = imgWidth;
imgWidth = tmp;
} else {
//clear css
$image[0].style.transform = "";
$image[0].style['transform-origin'] = "";
if (self.options.fitImagesInViewport) {


InDesign script, resize images after word import

Sometimes we have big images in word file and after importing this word file inside InDesign, the image goes inside the overflow text and the text flow stops at this point.
We couldn't resize these images or can't get hold of this image for applying any scripting logic.
Basically, I will search for figure parastyle, then check for rectangles inside the para, and do resize logic. Sample jsx code here:
app.findTextPreferences.appliedParagraphStyle= 'figure';
var founds = app.findText();
// find 92% text width area
var pageWidth = this.props.textAreaWidth * 92 /100;
for(var i=0, len=founds.length; i<len; i++){
// find the rectangles inside the para
var rect = founds[i].rectangles;
if(rect.length == 0) continue;
var vb = rect[0].visibleBounds;
var imgWidth = vb[3] - vb[1];
// image resize logic
if(imgWidth > pageWidth){
vb[3] = pageWidth;
rect[0].visibleBounds = vb;
How to apply some logic to the images which are in the overflow text? how to resize the image which is in overflow text?
We can just import the below word file into any InDesign template
Sample word file
You could iterate through all the graphics and resize the big ones.
var images = app.activeDocument.allGraphics;
var max = {};
max.w = 100; // max width
max.h = 100; // max height
for (var i=0; i<images.length; i++) {
var gb = images[i].geometricBounds;
var size = {};
size.w = -gb[1] + gb[3];
size.h = -gb[0] + gb[2];
if (size.w > max.w || size.h > max.h) {
var scale = (size.w > size.h) ? max.w/size.w : max.h/size.h;
images[i].horizontalScale *= scale;
images[i].verticalScale *= scale;

How can I check image orientation in Angular before uploading image

I just want to image being upload on my website must portrait or square and I don't want to crop image, image to be uploaded must be portrait or square by default I have searched number of website \ number method use but none worked
know I am trying this method but it also not working because it is running async
if give landscape image in given code it runs if which should not run as
hasError must be true but doesn't because if condition run before the above code could complete so what can I do
let hasError = false;
image =[0];
if (image) {
var img = new Image();
img.src = window.URL.createObjectURL(image);
img.onload = function () {
height = img.naturalHeight;
width = img.naturalWidth;
console.log(hasError); // prints false
if (height < width) {
hasError = true; // prints true
console.log(hasError); //prints flase
I think you should create a function and move your image validation into your function and use a callback to find out the image has error or not.
var fileInput = document.querySelector('input[type="file"]');
var preview = document.getElementById('preview'); //img tag
if (!hasError){
//do something
function previewImage(callback){
fileInput.addEventListener('change', function(e) {
preview.onload = function() {
height = this.naturalHeight;
width = this.naturalWidth;
if (height < width) {
var url = URL.createObjectURL([0]);
preview.setAttribute('src', url);
}, false);

Strip EXIF data from image

How can I strip the EXIF data from an uploaded image through javascript? I am currently able to access the EXIF data using this exif-js plugin, like this:
EXIF.getData(oimg, function() {
var orientation = EXIF.getTag(this, "Orientation");
However, I have not found any way to actually remove the Exif data, only to retrieve it.
More specifically, I am trying to do this to get rid of the orientation Exif data which rotates my image on certain browsers.
look up the file format and exif format
read the file into arraybuffer
find the required data and remove it
create a blob from the remaining data
upload it with ajax
Here is a little demo of it, select an image with orientation data to see how it looks with and with out it(modern browsers only).
var input = document.querySelector('#erd');
input.addEventListener('change', load);
function load(){
var fr = new FileReader();
fr.onload = process;
document.querySelector('#orig').src = URL.createObjectURL(this.files[0]);
function process(){
var dv = new DataView(this.result);
var offset = 0, recess = 0;
var pieces = [];
var i = 0;
if (dv.getUint16(offset) == 0xffd8){
offset += 2;
var app1 = dv.getUint16(offset);
offset += 2;
while (offset < dv.byteLength){
//console.log(offset, '0x'+app1.toString(16), recess);
if (app1 == 0xffe1){
pieces[i] = {recess:recess,offset:offset-2};
recess = offset + dv.getUint16(offset);
else if (app1 == 0xffda){
offset += dv.getUint16(offset);
var app1 = dv.getUint16(offset);
offset += 2;
if (pieces.length > 0){
var newPieces = [];
newPieces.push(this.result.slice(v.recess, v.offset));
}, this);
var br = new Blob(newPieces, {type: 'image/jpeg'});
document.querySelector('#mod').src = URL.createObjectURL(br);
<input id="erd" type="file"/><br>
<img id="orig" title="Original">
<img id="mod" title="Modified">

FCKEditor, adding width and height to img elements

I'm trying to add width and height to images that I have in old WYSIWYG FCKEditor.
The problem is, when I'm trying to get naturalWidth/Height that way I got 0 values.
What am I doing wrong?
here is the code:
var zaj = FCKeditorAPI.GetInstance('hometext');
pz = zaj.GetXHTML();
dom_zaj = document.createElement('div');
dom_zaj.innerHTML = pz;
$(dom_zaj).find('img').each(function(i, element) {
//var w_set = $(element).attr('width');
//var h_set = $(element).attr('height');
var w_native = element.naturalWidth;
var h_native = element.naturalHeight;
$(element).attr('width', w_native);
$(element).attr('height', h_native);
I manage to fix the problem on my own. Since the pic's where in editor, I had to load them manualy by myself using jquery.onload(); (and changed from width/height to css styles)
var $images = $(dom_zaj).find('img');
var imagesLength = $images.length;
var w_native = this.naturalWidth;
$(this).css('width', w_native+'px');
imagesLength = imagesLength-1;
if(imagesLength === 0){
pz = dom_zaj.innerHTML;
imagesLength = imagesLength-1;

<img>width returns 0 under heavy load

The below handleFiles method is being passed files from both drag and drop and a file input. After it gets the data url for a given file it passes it to the processImage function. This function creates a new image and sets the src and file for that image. I then take different actions based on the width of the incoming image and insert the image into the dom. However, I noticed when dropping in a bunch of images imageWidth will get set to 0. I have confirmed the image.src is correctly set and that dropping the same image in by itself works fine. I also have confirmed that if I remove the width calculations the image does display correctly on the page. When I enter the debugger I can confirm that immediately after imageWidth is set to 0 i.width returns a correct value. At first I thought it might be a threading issue in Chrome, but then when I saw it happen in FireFox as well I became alarmed. I have not been able to pinpoint a certain threshold, but the more load you put on the browser the less likely it is to correctly get the width.
I am seeing the problem in both FireFox 16.0.2 and Chrome 23.0.1271.95.
function handleFiles(files) {
for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
var file = files[i];
if( !isImage(file) ) {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onloadend = function(e) {
var dataURL =;
processImage(file, dataURL);
function processImage(file, dataURL) {
var i = new Image();
i.src = dataURL;
i.file = file;
var maxWidth = 600;
var imageWidth = i.width;
As with all images, they may need time to load before they will tell you their width:
var i = new Image();
i.onload = function() {
var maxWidth = 600;
var imageWidth = this.width;
i.src = dataURL;
i.file = file;
The width (and height) might be 0 because it's not loaded yet.
Try adding the load event like so:
function processImage(file, dataURL) {
var i = new Image();
i.addEventListener("load", function () {
var maxWidth = 600;
var imageWidth = i.width;
i.src = dataURL;
i.file = file;

