Place div.innerHTML as a hidden form value - javascript

I have a long page with identical section I am attempting to combine into one that has:
I have working mouseovers that change the title and description, but need a solution to change the value of a hidden form input to the new titles when changed.
HOW do I get the hidden form value to change onmouseover to equal current TITLE.value?
function changeContent(id, msg) {
var el = document.getElementById(id);
if (id) {
el.innerHTML = msg;
<input type="hidden" value="" name="category" />

Is this what you're looking for?
document.getElementById('hiddenInputId').value = msg;

Your hidden element doesn't have an Id, so you can use following:
var elems = document.getElementsByName('category');
elems[0].value = <<new value>>
getElementsByName always returns an array so you have to pickup first element and set its value.
Cheers !!


How to hide certain characters within an html input list?

I have an html input list, with an associated datalist, defined as follows:
<input list="mylist" id="my-input" name="friend-name"
placeholder="Begin typing friend's name here..."
required class="form-control">
The list itself (and the associated datalist) is working fine. However, each of my entries are of the form: "String [numeric_id]"
What I am wondering is if there is any way that I can somehow hide
the [numeric_id] part before the form is submitted.
I have looked at the pattern attribute, but that seems to limit the
actual data allowed in the input, which isn't what I want - I just
want the part between square brackets [] to be hidden, but still
submitted to the form.
It would be ok to move it to another input of type=hidden as well.
Is there any possible way to do that?
#isherwood, here is my form tag:
<form action="/chat_forwarding/modal_edit_msg.php" id="fwd-form" method="POST" class="form-inline" style="display: block;">
If you're not using any framework that support binding, you should listen to input events and update a hidden input based on that.
This is a function that may give you the idea:
let realInput = document.getElementById('real-input');
let userInput = document.getElementById('user-input');
userInput.addEventListener('input', function(value) {
const inputValue =;
realInput.value = inputValue; // update the hidden input
const userInputResult = inputValue.match(/\[[^\[]*\]/); // the regex for [numberic_id]
if (userInputResult) {
userInput.value = inputValue.substring(0, [userInputResult.index - 1]); // -1 is to remove the space between the 'string' and the '[numeric_id]'
I should have mentioned that my input is also using Awesomplete (and jQuery). For this reason, binding normal events like keyup did not work (the event would fire whenever a user typed a key). I was able to achieve the functionality I wanted with the awesomplete-selectcomplete event as follows (this will add a hidden input element with value of the id from a string of the form "String [id]"):
var fullStr = this.value;
var regex = /\[[0-9]+\]/g;
var match = regex.exec(fullStr);
if (match != null) // match found for [id]
var fullName = fullStr.substr(0,fullStr.lastIndexOf("[")-1);
var x = match[0];
var id = x.substr(1, x.lastIndexOf("]")-1);
$('#fwd-form').prepend('<input type="hidden" name="h_uid" value="' + id + '">');

How to get update all hidden fields with same name?

I have multiple hidden field with same name on html page like below
<input type="hidden" name="customerID" value="aa190809" />
I need to update values of all hidden field with same name i.e. customerID
I know how to do it(through Jquery) if html page contains single hidden field with customerID like below but not sure if there are multiple hidden field with same name
if(updatedCsrf !== null) {
var customerIDHidden = $("input[name='customerID']");
if(customerIDHidden !== null) {
You can do something like this:
this.value ="new value"
this will reference each DOM element. You can parse it again to jQuery DOM element by replacing this.value to $(this).val("new value") but since you only need to change the value its better with javascript vanilla
You can do that with pure JS,
var x = document.getElementsByName("customerID");
for(var i=0; i < x.length;i++){
x[i].value='new value';
Use jQuery each function

Javascript - Select First Input (With ID)

I am writing a script with pure JS and need to select a text input from a page that has a random name each time:
<input type="text" name="N8PkpWeLsNRQBjvwcwKULB57utJx5L2u0Ko" class="form-control" value="">
Normally i would select it using ID like:
var textinput = document.getElementById("myInput1");
There is no ID however, how can i select this element?
As far as i can see it appears to be the only text input on the page.
I planned on setting some text like this:
HTMLInputElement.prototype.setText = function(text) {
this.value = text;
var el = document.querySelectorAll('input[type=text]')[0];
But this does not work for some reason?
You can use document.querySelector(selectors) it returns the first matching element within the document.
HTMLInputElement.prototype.setText = function(text) {
this.value = text;
var textinput = document.querySelector('input.form-control[type=text]');
textinput.setText("Hi, You can no use setText method.");
<input type="text" name="N8PkpWeLsNRQBjvwcwKULB57utJx5L2u0Ko" class="form-control" value="">
To get the first text field use the following.
var txtField=document.querySelectorAll('input[type=text]')[0];
To set the text you could simply do.
txtField.value="your Value";
This way you can select any HTML tag , since you only have 1 input, this should work for you
var input = document.getElementByName('input');
Try this
var x = document.getElementsbyClassname("form-control").getAttribute("value");

JQuery: Selecting elements with unique class AND id

I have this html code:
<div class="category" id="154"> Category </div>
<div class="category2" id="156"> Category2 </div>
<div class="category3" id="157"> Category3 </div>
<div class="category4" id="158"> Category4 </div>
<input type="text" />
So in example if I write a id in text box, how to select div .category with this ID and get inner HTML text. With jQuery
so you only need to use the ID as this is a unique value (or should be)
var html = $("#154").html();
NOTE: If you do have duplicate ID values in use then it is important to note that JQuery will only select the first one.
if you want to do this when a textbox value is entered you could do this on the textbox change event...
var id = $(this).val();
var element = $("#" + id);
var html = element.html();
//do something with html here
NOTE: you may want to put an ID value on your textbox to ensure you get the correct control
Although I strongly suggest you find a way around using duplicate ID values, you could have a function like this to get the DIV you want...
function GetContent(className, id) {
var result = null;
var matchingDivs = $("." + className);
matchingDivs.each(function(index) {
var div = $(matchingDivs[index]);
if (div.attr("id") == id) {
result = div.html();
return result;
Click here for working example
I recommend you give the textbox an ID, in case you add other textboxes to the page.
But if you only have the 1 text input, the following would work:
var id = $('input:text:first').val();
var innerHtml = $('#' + id).html();
Here is a jsFiddle that will alert the html using this technique whenever the text in the textbox changes.
will select the necessary element by both class and ID (replacing id and class with their respective names, of course).
Adding .html() to the end will get you the content.

How to assign value of textbox to another textbox in html?

I want to assign value of text box in another text box's value present in the immediate next line. How to do that using html and javascript?.
input type = "text" name = "test" value = "pass">
input type = "hidden" name = "hiddentest" value = "(here i have to get the value of previous textbox)"/>
Please help me..
Assuming the two textboxes have IDs of "textbox1" and "textbox2", respectively:
var tb1 = document.getElementById('textbox1');
var tb2 = document.getElementById('textbox2');
First, put a function into your page that will handle it:
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
function setHiddenValue()
document.getElementById('txtHidden').value = document.getElementById('txtVisible').value;
Next, hookup the event on the visible textbox to call the function whenever the text changes:
<input type="text" onChange="javascript:setHiddenValue();"></input>
document.getElementById('hiddentest').value = document.getElementById('test').value ;

