Where to place javascript functions in Meteor applications - javascript

In Meteor we normally attach javascript functions to Templates. Where do we place standard javascript functions?
For instance, in one of my apps I have a UserInfo.js file which has a bunch of javascript functions for handling users logging in and getting user information.
Below are two of my functions in UserInfo.js
File is located in the client/scripts folder:
isAdminById = function(userId) {
var user;
user = Meteor.users.findOne(userId);
return user && isAdmin(user);
isAdmin = function(user) {
if (!user || typeof user === 'undefined') {
return false;
} else {
return !!user.isAdmin;
When I run the app and call isAdmin() from the browser console it says:
ReferenceError: isAdmin is not defined
---- Edit ----
It seems the problem was fixed temporarily when I placed the javascript file under the client/compatibility folder but now the issue has resurfaced. The only thing I remember changing was calling >> Meteor Reset
More Info:
I think the issue arises when I use coffeescript. When I convert my coffeescript files to js files everything seems to work.

You need to declare coffeescript variables as global with #:
#isAdmin = user -> ...
This is due to how Meteor variable shadowing works in connection with coffeescript automatic variable declaration.
Coffeescript by default does the "smart" variable declaration by itself - basically by placing var variableName in the first place in javascript where the variable is visible. In your case, this causes isAdmin to be declared by var in js, and therefore it's scoped to the file.
Using # char supersedes this default behavior by binding the variable to this, global or window object instead.

Your code is correct, it's probably a load order problem.


What's the difference between storing "private" variables in .js instead of .env? [duplicate]

I have a Javascript frontend that does Ajax calls to my backend. To do that, it needs a "backend_URL" that I hard-coded in the Ajax get() call, say "http://myservice/backend".
Now if I want to deploy my app on different machines, some of which will use this url with HTTPS: "https://myservice/backend", and some not (because they lack a proper certificate and do not expose valuable data).
Where should I put the "USE_HTTPS=1" config variable so that someone deploying the app can choose to use or not SSL ? Of course the question extends itself to other config variables.
I thought about adding a ".config" file at the project root, but then I don't know how to import it in my code. Or should I export environment variables ? Or a node.js feature ?
I ended up writing a conf.js file with content
window.CONFIG = {
and included it in a new <script> in my index.html before the other scripts.
The window is not mandatory but shows where it comes from when I call that as window.CONFIG anywhere in the rest of the javascript.
CONFIG = (function(){
var conf_info = {};
conf_info["url"] = 'http://codepen.io/pen/';
getValue : function(param){
return conf_info[param];
//some where in different file
document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = CONFIG.getValue('url');

Best way to share an instance of a module that is inside a closure [duplicate]

If I want to span my JavaScript project across multiple source files, but have each file have access to the same private variable, how would one do that?
For example, if I have the following code:
APP = (function () {
var _secret = {},
app = {};
// Application part 01:
app.part01 = (function () { /* function that uses _secret */ }());
// Application part 02:
app.part02 = (function () { /* function that uses _secret */ }());
return app;
How do I put app.part01 and app.part02 in seperate files, but still have access to _secret?
I don't want to pass it as an argument. That's just giving the secret away, as app.part01() could be replaced by any other function.
Maybe I am asking the impossible, but your suggestions might lead me in the right way.
I want to work with multiple files, but I don't know how. Copying and pasting everything inside a single function each time before testing is not something I want to do.
How do I put app.part01 and app.part02 in seperate files, but still have access to _secret?
That's impossible indeed. Script files are executed in the global scope, and don't have any special privileges. All variables that they will be able to access are just as accessible to all other scripts.
Copying and pasting everything inside a single function each time before testing is not something I want to do
What you are looking for is an automated build script. You will be able to configure it so that it bundles your files together, and wraps them in an IEFE in whose scope they will be able to share their private state. The most simple example:
echo "APP = (function () {
var _secret = {},
app = {};" > app.js
cat app.part01.js >> app.js
cat app.part02.js >> app.js
echo " return app;
}());" >> app.js
The only way that you can share _secret is attaching it to the application object and then application object to the window object. Here is an example.
var application; // will be attached to window
(function(app) {
app.secret = "blah!"; // will be attached to application
})(application || (application = {}));
var application;
(function(app) {
app.method1 = function(){ console.log(app.secret); }; // will be attached to application;
})(application || (application = {}));
console.log(application.method1()); // will display 'blah!' on the console
Working example on jsbin
One way I was able to accomplish this was to create a JS file that contained the global object.
// Define a global object to contain all environment and security variables
var envGlobalObj = {
appDatabase: process.env.YCAPPDATABASEURL,
sessionDatabase: process.env.YCSESSIONDATABASEURL,
secretPhrase: process.env.YCSECRETPHRASE,
appEmailAddress: process.env.YCAPPEMAILADDRESS,
appEmailPassword: process.env.YCAPPEMAILPASSWORD
module.exports = envGlobalObj
Then in the files I wish to reference this object, I added a require statement.
var envGlobalObj = require("./envGlobalObj.js");
This allowed me to centralize the environment and secrect variables.

How do you manage namespace in Meteor?

So here is my problem :
Currently, I have a dozen of functions related to WEBRTC within a template js file. My objective is to have those functions in a separate file, called webRTCWrapper.js for example, and to call those functions in my template without using global variable.
I think I must use namespaces, am I correct ?
If so, how do you use them ?
EDIT : For anyone interested, this is exactly what I was looking for :
Make a directory called packages/ parallel to your .meteor/ directory. You can create a package that exports a single object/function. On the command line, use meteor create --package <yourpackagename> and meteor add <yourpackagename> You can edit the js file to add a namespace.
MyNamespace = {};
MyNamespace.myFunction = function () { };
Then, in the package.js, simply export that namespace.
You can use a common pattern of having a global object and your functions inside that object.
Greetings = {
hello: function(name) { return "Hello "+name+" how are you?"; }
And then you can call it inside the template helpers :
sayHello: function() { return Greetings.hello('Maxence'); }
Take note of the loading order of files in Meteor, anything inside the lib folders is loaded first. If you run into problems where "Greetings" object is not defined, then its because that file was not loaded already.
You can reuse the same pattern for adding more functions in different files (you could use App = App || {} but it will throw error in Chrome for example).
App = (typeof App === 'undefined')? {} : App;
App.someFunction = function(){};
or even, if you use underscore.js:
App = (typeof App === 'undefined')? {} : App;
_.extend(App, {
someFunction: function(){}
Since now the regular way to use the code from another file was going through a global (server and client). As Joao suggested you can make your own global App variable where you will store or more generically a global MODULE one (basically the same solution as Joao but with explanation).
But with with the arrival of ES2015 support, we will very soon be able to have an official pattern to achieve this. However as the 1.2 does not supports yet the import/export syntax:
Note, The ES2015 module syntax (import/export) is not supported yet in Meteor 1.2.
If you want to start using those features earlier, I would recommend using this package which is an temporary solution to fill the current import/export gap, the meteor team development are currently looking for an elegant solution to support this.

Global variables in Meteor

I have
var Schemas = {};
Meteor.isClient && Template.registerHelper("Schemas", Schemas);
Schemas.Person = new SimpleSchema({
fullName: {
type: String,
index: 1,
optional: true,
email: {
type: String,
optional: true
address: {
type: String,
optional: true
isActive: {
type: Boolean,
age: {
type: Number,
optional: true
in one file and
var Collections = {};
Meteor.isClient && Template.registerHelper("Collections", Collections);
Persons = Collections.Persons = new Mongo.Collection("Persons");
in another file.
I get the error ReferenceError: Schemas is not defined. It's rather obvious that I have to define Schemas in my collections.js file instead of having them separate. But how does Meteor work with code in separate files? I can access some objects and variables while others are unaccessible.
When you define a variable in the classic JavaScript way :
var someVar = 'someValue';
at the root of your .js file Meteor scopes it to the file using an IIFE.
If you want to define a global variable, simply don't write the var, giving :
someVar = 'someValue';
This will define a variable in all your application by default, although you may restrict it by writing that declaration in a specific recognized folder (client or server folder for example).
However this variable won't be defined absolutely first. It will be defined when Meteor runs the actual code that defines it. Thus, it may not be the best practice because you're going to struggle with load order, and it will make your code dependent on how Meteor loads files: which folder you put the file in, the name of the file... Your code is prone to messy errors if you slightly touch your architecture.
As I suggested in another closely related post you should go for a package directly!
Variables in Meteor declared with the var keyword are scoped to the file they are declared in.
If you want to create a global variable do this
Schemas = {}
ReferenceError is a Node error. Meteor is a framework on top of Node.
Node has a global scope (aka Node's global variable). This error is thrown by Node (not Meteor) if you try to access an undefined global variable.
Browsers also have a global scope called window, and do not throw ReferenceErrors when undefined variables are accessed.
Here's a pattern I like for adding functionality to a class (it's very Meteor):
/lib/Helpers.js <-- Helpers for everyone (node+browser)
/server/Helpers.js <-- Server helpers (node)
/client/Helpers.js <-- Client helpers (browser)
Consider these implementations:
// /lib/Helpers.js
Helpers = {/* functions */}; // Assigned to window.Helpers and global.Helpers
// /server/Helpers.js
Helpers = _.extend(Helpers, {/*more functions*/}
// /client/Helpers.js
Helpers = _.extend(Helpers, {/*more functions*/}
This is a trivial example. What if I didn't want to worry about load order? Why not _.extend() in /lib/Helpers.js?
// /lib/Helpers.js
// Helpers = {/* functions */}; // Overwrites...
Helpers = _.extend(Helpers, {/* functions */}); // ReferenceError
Because you'll get a ReferenceError from Node if Helpers isn't defined - specifically the "Helpers" used as an argument. (Node knows to assign Helpers as global.Helpers).
Here are two ways to "fix" this:
1) Assign Helpers to something
// /lib/Helpers.js
// Helpers = Helpers || {} // would be another ReferenceError
if (typeof Helpers === 'undefined') Helpers = {};
Helpers = _.extend(Helpers, {/* functions */});
2) Use helpers from the global
// /lib/Helpers.js
Helpers = _.extend(global.Helpers, {/* functions */}); // works in node, but...
Both of which suck.
1)'s syntax is horrible.
2) works in node, but there is no global in browsers. So it fails it's purpose.
So I gave up and went back to overwriting it the first time in lib, and looking for runtime errors if anything was overwritten.
If you have a handy cross-browser syntax for this, do comment :-)
var something = something || {}
something.blah = foo;
Here's some other JS shorthand tips.
Session variables are global and can be accessed in different files/functions easily. Session.setPersistent is used to set the variable name persistently across all files. One might restrict from using session variables when their app is too big as they don't get deleted (hence possible memory leaks) and might give error in the console (if undefined or so). Link to the docs : https://docs.meteor.com/api/session.html

Is it possible to declare global variables in Node/Express 4.0

I have multiple routes that need to access a database, for development I use a local database, and obviously production I use a hosted database
The only problem is every time I go to push a release I have to go through each route manually changing the database link
var mongodb = require('mongojs').connect('urlhere', ['Collection']);
It would be nice if I could declare a variable in app.js like
app.set('mongoDBAddress', 'urlhere');
then in each file do something like
var mongodb = require('mongojs').connect(app.get('mongoDBAddress'), ['Collection']);
Does anybody know if this is achievable I've been messing around with it for about an hour googling and trying to include different things but I have no luck. thanks.
From the docs:
In browsers, the top-level scope is the global scope. That means that
in browsers if you're in the global scope var something will define a
global variable. In Node this is different. The top-level scope is not
the global scope; var something inside a Node module will be local to
that module.
You have to think a bit differently. Instead of creating a global object, create your modules so they take an app instance, for example:
// add.js
module.exports = function(app) { // requires an `app`
return function add(x, y) { // the actual function to export
app.log(x + y) // use dependency
// index.js
var app = {log: console.log.bind(console)}
var add = require('./add.js')(app) // pass `app` as a dependency
add(1, 2)
//^ will log `3` to the console
This is the convention in Express, and other libraries. app is in your main file (ie. index.js), and the modules you require have an app parameter.
You can add a global variable to GLOBAL, see this this question, although this is probably considered bad practice.
We have two methods in node.js to share variables within modules.
But your problem seems to be different, what I got is you want to connect your application to different databases without changing code. What you need to do is use command line params
For more ref
var connectTo = {
dev : "url1"
production : "url2"
var mongodb = require('mongojs').connect(connectTo[process.argv[2]], ['Collection']);
Run your server.js as
node server.js dev
// for connecting to development database
node server.js production
// for connecting to prodiction database
To share connection across diffrent modules
//Method 1
global.mongodb = require('mongojs').connect(connectTo[process.argv[2]], ['Collection']);
//Method 2
exports.mongodb = require('mongojs').connect(connectTo[process.argv[2]], ['Collection']);
exports.getMongoDBAddress = function() {
return connectTo[process.argv[2]]

