Javascript Code to show div boxes not working in Firefox - javascript

I have this piece of Javascript Code that works great on Chrome and Internet Explorer but I can't get it to work in Firefox
<script src="jquery-1.10.2.js"></script>
<script src="jquery-1.10.2.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function aufklappen(id, arr) {
$('.3').attr("src", "images/leftarrow.png");
var style = $("div[id='" + id + "']").attr("style");
if (style == "display: none;") {
var elem = document.getElementById(id); = "block";
$("#" + arr).attr("src", "images/downarrow.png");
} else {
var elem = document.getElementById(id); = "none";
$("#" + arr).attr("src", "images/leftarrow.png");
I have a code getting data out of a mysql database displaying some basic data.
What I am trying to do is to show a hidden div box, which contains more details, when I click on an image. In addition I want to change this picture to show an arrow that's pointing down.
If someone clicks on one of these images I first want to hide all divs so that there is only one hidden div box shown at a time.
Every image has class="3" and every hidden div box class="2". The ID's are created dynamically so I can show the div box I want.
I call the function with this code:
<a onclick='aufklappen("<? echo $flightnum;?>2", "<? echo $flightnum;?>arr")'><img class="3" id="<? echo $flightnum;?>arr" src="images/leftarrow.png" /></a>

I'd struggle to answer without a demo to work through. However, I can provide you with a couple of pointers and see what comes of it.
a. I can see that you've used three different techniques of selecting by Id. For consistency, choose one.
1. var style = $("div[id='" + id +"']").attr("style");
2. var elem = document.getElementById(id);
3. $("#" + arr).attr("src","images/downarrow.png");
b. Replace this
var style = $("div[id='" + id +"']").attr("style");
var style = $("div[id='" + id +"']").css("display");
then change this
if (style == "display: none;")
if (style === "none")
See how you get on.


'href' Not Showing Output on Click

Im trying to have a href link expand/display extra text when clicked however when I click it nothing happens.
When I run the html code I can click on the link but it does not show the text for some reason.
Any idea why?
Heres the code:
click to expand
<div id="divID" style="display: none;">this is expanded</div>
I'm trying to keep the code as short as possible as the above code will have to be repeated hundreds of times for each link.
Assuming you're using jQuery, you are using the CSS selector incorrectly. Your line should be this:
click to expand
The # in #divID represents any element with an id of divID, whereas just using divID will search for divID tags (something like <divID></divID>)
See here for more documentation on the ID Selector and here's a list of all the CSS selectors you can use, including the Element Selector for you to understand why your previous code didn't work.
You can also combine CSS selectors to narrow your selection in the future, although it's not much necessary with an ID selector:
click to expand
And if you absolutely insist on not using jQuery:
click to expand
or breaking it out into its own function:
function toggleElementById(id) {
if (document.getElementById(id).style.display == 'none') {
document.getElementById(id).style.display = 'block';
} else {
document.getElementById(id).style.display = 'none';
click to expand
Add this to your page:
<script src="//"></script>
I see you're using jQuery, right? So I wrote your answer in jQuery..
$('.toggle').click(function () {
var selected = $(this).attr('href');
Check out the jsfiddle
If you're not using jQuery than here is the javascript version (html changed).
var expandable = document.getElementsByClassName("expandable");
for (i = 0; i < expandable.length; ++i) {
expandable[i].setAttribute('style','display: none;');
var toggle = document.getElementsByClassName("toggle");
for (i = 0; i < toggle.length; ++i) {
function toggler(obj) {
var id = obj.dataset.toggle,
el = document.getElementById(id); = ( != 'none' ? 'none' : '');
Check out the jsfiddle

jQuery show delete display attr

I'm using jQuery hide and show function but I have a problem with the show one.
My javascript code is:
function toggle_visibility(idContent, idLien, question) {
var c = document.getElementById(idContent);
var l = document.getElementById(idLien);
var q = question;
if( == 'block') {
$("#" + idContent).hide("blind") ;
l.innerHTML = '<h4><i class=\"icone-rouge icon-right-open-big\"></i>'+ q +'</h4>' ;
else {
$("#" + idContent).show("blind") ;
l.innerHTML = '<h4><i class=\"icone-rouge icon-down-open-big\"></i>'+ q +'</h4>' ;
The problem is that it doesn't work for the hide part when the div is hidden at the load of the page (with display='none'). I can display the block but then I cannot hide it.
I noticed that when I show a content, jQuery delete the display attr in my html style... Maybe there is a link.
Here a link for example :
Thank you.
DescampsAu, since you are using jQuery I rewrote your code to take full advantage of the powerful library. You can see the example in this fiddle.
Let jQuery do the heavy lifting of checking whether an element is hidden or not by making use of either the .toggle() or .slideToggle() methods.
Remove all of the onClick() code within your spans and use this jQuery instead:
$(document).ready( function() {
//After the page has loaded, let jQuery know where all of the spans are.
var toggleThis = $(".toggleMe");
//Whenever you click one of the spans do this function. function() {
//Register the span you clicked and the next div that holds the hidden stuffs.
var el = $(this),
nextDiv =".toggleMeDiv");
//Check if the span's partner div is hidden or showing by checking its css "display" value.
if(nextDiv.css("display") == "block") {
//Change the text of the span to be its title attribute plus whether its partner is showing or hidden.
el.html(el.attr("title")+" hidden");
} else {
el.text(el.attr("title")+" shown");
//Let jQuery toggle the partner's visibility.
<span class="toggleMe" title="Quest 1">Quest 1</span>
<div class="toggleMeDiv">Boubou1</div>
<span class="toggleMe" title="Quest 2">Quest 2</span>
<div class="toggleMeDiv">Boubou2</div>
Making this too hard on yourself.
<span class="toggle" id="lien1" data-original-text="Quest 1">Quest 1</span>
<div id="content1">Boubou1</div>
<span class="toggle" id="lien2" data-original-text="Quest 1">Quest 2</span>
<div id="content2">Boubou2</div>
$(document).ready( function () {
$('.toggle').on('click', function() {
$(this).next('div').toggle('blind', textToggle); // or slideToggle();
function textToggle() {
var $target = $(this).prev('span'); // "this" is the div that was toggled.
var originalText = $target.attr('data-original-text');
if ( $(this).is(':visible') ) {
$target.text( originalText + ' open' );
} else {
$target.text( originalText + ' closed' );
A fiddle:
EDIT to include label + effect.

Javascript Custom Alert Box with Image alignment

I Have created Custom Alert Box in Javascript . I Have added text with images. but It is not align proberly. It came some thing like this.
I am trying to add the correct mark and text with same line, how can I achieve this. can anyone please help me. I have added my Custom alert box Function below.
function createCustomAlert(txt, string_url,fd) {
// shortcut reference to the document object
d = document;
// if the modalContainer object already exists in the DOM, bail out.
if (d.getElementById("modalContainer")) return;
// create the modalContainer div as a child of the BODY element
mObj = d.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(d.createElement("div")); = "modalContainer";
// make sure its as tall as it needs to be to overlay all the content on the page = document.documentElement.scrollHeight + "px";
// create the DIV that will be the alert
alertObj = mObj.appendChild(d.createElement("div")); = "alertBox";
// MSIE doesnt treat position:fixed correctly, so this compensates for positioning the alert
if (d.all && !window.opera) = document.documentElement.scrollTop + "px";
// center the alert box = (d.documentElement.scrollWidth - alertObj.offsetWidth) / 2 + "px";
// create an H1 element as the title bar
h1 = alertObj.appendChild(d.createElement("h1"));
btn2 = alertObj.appendChild(d.createElement("img")); = "fd";
btn2.src = fd;
// create a paragraph element to contain the txt argument
msg = alertObj.appendChild(d.createElement("p"));
msg.innerHTML = txt;
// create an anchor element to use as the confirmation button.
//btn = alertObj.appendChild(d.createElement("a"));
// = "closeBtn";
//btn.href = "";
btn = alertObj.appendChild(d.createElement("img")); = "closeBtn";
btn.src = 'new-go-next2.png';
// set up the onclick event to remove the alert when the anchor is clicked
btn.onclick = function () { removeCustomAlert(); window.location = string_url; return false; }
well yes creating a table would be a great approach to solve your problems , btw u can also try some internal divs with proper position anf the element having correct float attribute
Rather creating div element create table with two Columns. First of which will contain 'Image' for OK and Second one will contain your 'Text'.
Check if this helps.

javascript choose what is going to include element

I have two elements, the first one is the default to print on screen
<input id=post-category value="first">
and the other is this, which will only show if some onclick was made and of course the first element must show off
<select id=cat-sel ><option>second</option></select>
I tried this code
el = document.getElementById("post-category"); = "hidden";
el2 = document.getElementById("cat-sel"); = "visible";
but the problem here is, the 2nd element is indented. because it escapes the space for the 1st element. I don't like that, I wanted them to be on the same position
Change to
el = document.getElementById("post-category"); = "none";
el2 = document.getElementById("cat-sel"); = "block";
since visible/hidden does not remove the space the element takes up on the page
You need to set display:none on the field you need to hide initially
Assuming a checkbox have
window.onload=function() {
document.getElementById("categoryCheckbox").onclick=function() {
var chk = this.checked;
document.getElementById("post-category").style.display = chk?"none":"block";
document.getElementById("cat-sel").style.display = chk?"block":"none";
PS: A little more code is needed for the show/hide to survive a reload by the way...
Define CSS for your ID's and fix the position.

Read more/less without stripping Html tags in JavaScript

I want to implement readmore/less feature. i.e I will be having html content and I am going to show first few characters from that content and there will be a read more link in front of it. I am currently using this code :
var txtToHide= input.substring(length);
var textToShow= input.substring(0, length);
var html = textToShow+ '<span class="readmore"> … </span>'
+ ('<span class="readmore">' + txtToHide+ '</span>');
html = html + '<a id="read-more" title="More" href="#">More</a>';
Above input is the input string and length is the length of string to be displayed initially.
There is an issue with this code, suppose if I want to strip 20 characters from this string:
"Hello <a href='#'>test</a> output", the html tags are coming between and it will mess up the page if strip it partially. What I want here is that if html tags are falling between the range it should cover the full tag i.e I need the output here to be "Hello <a href='#'>test</a>" . How can I do this
Why not just hide the hidden part of the content instead of adding it later? I usually just use a display: none for hidden content and have it set to display: block when the read more is clicked..
I'm sorry I didn't read the question good enough.
This should work though:
<div id="test">
This links to google
<strong>and</strong> some random text to make it a little bit longer!
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
var max_length = 21;
var text_to_display = "";
var index = 0;
var full_contents = $("#test").contents();
// loop through contents, stop after maxlength is reached
$("#test").contents().each(function(i) {
if ($(this).text().length + text_to_display.length < max_length) {
text_to_display += $(this).text();
} else {
return false;
// second loop removes unwanted content
$("#test").contents().each(function(i) {
if (i > index) {
return true;
// add link to show the full text
$('read more...').click(
This can be accomplished quite easilly using jQuery
<div id="test">This is a link to google</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
Good luck!
You stated that the html tags would become an issue, so why not remove in the string conversion and replace with plain text, then on the Show More click, Toggle plain + Html
var Contents = $('#post p'); //Object
var Plain = Contents.text(); //truncate this
//Hide the texts to Contents
var PlainContainer = $("<div>").addClass("Plain_Container").val(Plain)
//Add PlainContainer div after
var $('.show_hide').click(function(){
$(Plain_Container).remove(); //Delete it
Contents.Show(); //Show the orginal
$(this).remove(); //Remove the link
return false; //e.PreventDefault() :)
This way using the text() function will convert html tags to there values and remove the tag itself, all you have to do is toggle them :)
Note: The code above is not guaranteed to work and is provided as example only.

