lightbox_me not working on click event - javascript

I am very new to this so apologise in advance for offending/upsetting anyone.
I have built my first website ( There is a shopping cart on my website (I'm using Plum shop which is working great). I want the user to be able to click the "View Cart" button (in the top right hand corner on the website which has id="viewcart") and then for the contents of their cart to be displayed in a lightbox style window. The contents of their cart is contained within a <div> which has id="cart_holder".
To try and achieve the above I am using lightbox_me but I can't get it to work off of the "View Cart" button click event. If I remove the button click event coding then lightbox_me works and displays the contents of the cart but, as there is no event to trigger it, it opens as soon as the page loads. For now I have removed the button click event coding so if you were to visit the website you should see lightbox_me working (but on page load rather then a button click event).
I have tried to pick out the relevant code and show it below. This is the code that I have tried in order to get lightbox_me to work off of the "View Cart" button click event (adapted from lightbox_me website example) but this does not work:
<script src="js/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="js/jquery.lightbox_me.js"></script>
<button id="viewcart" class="viewcart">View Cart</button>
<div id="cart_holder">
<h1> Your Cart </h1>
<p>Currently your cart contains the following items:</p>
<div id="cart"></div>
<label>Items:</label> <span class="cart-quantity">0</span><br>
<label>Sub-Total:</label> <span class="cart-subtotal">£0.00</span><br>
<label>Shipping:</label> <span class="cart-shipping">£0.00</span><br>
<label>Total:</label> <span class="cart-total">£0.00</span><br>
Please click below to pay using a credit or debit card or via Paypal:
<button class="paypal">Checkout</input>
$("#viewcart").click(function() {
When I add the above code lightbox_me stops working which is really annoying as if I remove the View Cart button click event coding so it reads like this:
then lightbox_me works (but only on page load and not on button click event).
I don't know if it is of any use but when I inspected the <div id="cart_holder"> element in Chrome I did notice the following error message:
Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'lightbox_me'
Due to my ignorance I'm afraid this means very little to me. If anyone could tell me what I am doing wrong and how to get lightbox_me to work from the "View Cart" button click event I would be very grateful indeed. Please let me know if I can explain anything better or post more code or anything else to better assist. Thanks Alex

Check your last closing button tag for checkout:
<button class="paypal">Checkout</input> <!-- should this close with button and not input? -->
Can you wrap your jquery like this?
;(function($){ // add
$("#viewcart").button().click(function() {
})(jQuery); // add


On click , Click another Button not working. The target button is a data-target type button

Hello Folks both my buttons work when used individually, but when I use button A to click button B using Java script it does not work. I know button A works becuase the alert I added to the script pops up. But it won't invoke button B. I have tried it using classes and ID. Help Appriciated.
//Button A
<a class="send-btn"> <?php echo $buttontext?> </a>
//Button B
<a id="open-modal" class="openmodal-btn" data-toggle="modal" data-backdrop="static" data-keyboard="false" data-target="#modal">
// I have tried adding these in the js Script during testing.
Removing this link below which stood above all my Scripts at the bottom of the page resolved this issue as I had the same link duplicated in the page header.
<script src=""></script>
And thanks to Swati for helping with troubleshooting!

Jquery popup overlay - submit button

I am using this jquery plugin (Jquery Popup Overlay)
I have finally managed to have it working as expected, apart from the last step.
Once the pop up opens, there are 2 buttons. One is to close the window and one to progress with selected action(delete something in DB in this case).
I have this link to activate the window:
<a class="initialism basic_open btn btn-xs btn-danger" href="?page=suite-admin&action=delete-suite&id=5&site_id=1">delete suite</a></td>
This is the script to show the window:
$(document).ready(function () { $('#basic').popup({
escape: false,
blur: false, });});
What I need is , when pop up opens and i click on delete button this will progress with whatever is in .
I do not know much about Java, but i do really like this feature on my project.
Any help will be appreciated.
Thank you
Forgot the actual pop up:
<div id="basic" class="well" style="display: none;">
<p>The dialog can be closed by pressing the <kbd>Esc</kbd> key, or by clicking on the background
<br> outside the content area, or by clicking on the Close button.</p>
<button class="basic_close btn btn-default">Close</button>
<button class="basic_close btn btn-danger">Delete Suite</button>
I think two possible answers (there are certainly more) to your problem can be found in this stackoverflow question: [How to create an HTML button that acts like a link?
To sum it up: One way would be to just use an <a> tag instead of <button>. That means you write:
<a class="basic_close btn btn-danger" href="?page=suite-admin&action=delete-suite&id=5&site_id=1">Delete Suite</a>

Need jquery to activate a click through by clicking on a different div

I was hoping someone could help...I'm new to Jquery ....all I want to achieve is a click through on a hyperlinked image but this occurs when a completely separate div on another part of the page is clicked on rather than the hyperlinked image I just mentioned. .......the hyperlinked image needs to be invisible also. In case anyone is wondering why I need this's because I want my own custom button rather than the standard one that comes with a CMS that I'm using and it can't be's basically a work around the owners of the system suggest.
Here's what I thought would work
margin: 0 auto;
width: 200px
display : none
<div id="my-custom-button">
<img src="../images/order-now.png">
<div id="the-standard-button">
proprietary PHP here that renders the standard button
<script type="text/javascript">
The whole
<?php propiertary blah blah ?>
makes it hard to decipher but my guess is that the handler is being generated for whatever is being created by php, i.e. the php generates
<button id="phpButton">
and then a handler like
Notice that the handler is NOT on "#the-standard-button". So, you need make sure that you are using the correct selector when calling the click() in $("#my-custom-button").click(...)
Check out this jsFiddle. Notice which secondary click event is fired.
I'm not sure I understand your question perfectly, if what you want is that when You click on one button it will act as though the other was clicked.
Here is a solution that will work IF the default button is also an anchor tag (<a>)
<div id="newButton">
<img src="/theimage.jpg"/>
<div id="oldDiv">
<img src"oldImage.png"/>
$("#newDiv > a").click(function(){
window.location = $("#oldDiv>a").attr("href");

Pinterest button is not catching 'Click' event

This is the code for a simple pinterest button.
<div class="myPinterestButton">
<a href="//"
<img src="//" />
<script type="text/javascript" async src="//"></script>
None of the content is iframed. The pinterest button ends up being the <a> tag with some additional data attributes (thanks to the pinit.js which adds it at runtime).
Here's the thing I don't undrestand. If I click the button it works fine. But if I want to trigger a click on it (for example click a different element on the page and use jQuery to do $(".myPinterestButton a").trigger("click") it doesn't work.
Here's a jsfiddle:
What's going on here please?
You can use click event for wrapper div .myPinterestButton instead .myPinterestButton a

Forcing a popup to the foreground

I'm wondering if people can help me or if my way of thinking wont work. I am not a coder so I don't get to involved in writing, just learn as I go.
I have web page one that refreshes every 5 mins. This page launches a popup.
<script type="text/JavaScript">
function MM_openBrWindow(theURL,winName,features) { //v2.0,winName,features);
<body önload="MM_openBrWindow('call_notice.html','CallWaiting','width=200,height=200')">"
Now if this page is currently in the background the popup also appears in the background. I need this page to come to the foreground to notify the user that the pages has refreshed. Popup has the following code:
<body onblur="self.focus()" önload="self.focus()">
<p align="center" class="style1">You have a call. </p>
<p align="center" class="style1">Please close this window to continue.</p>
<p align="center" class="style1"> </p>
<form method="post">
<div align="center">
<input type="button" value="Continue"
I have tried set.focus seen some setforegroundwindow, but can't get it to work. Seen z-order but that doesn't make sens to me.
Has any one got any ideas on how I can do it, or has something that monitors windows titles and executes something?
Any help would be great. I don't write from scratch but take bits here and there just to let you now what type of person you are dealing with.
Basically I want the popup to popup in front of all windows when the web pages at the back (which could 4 programs back) refreshes. Not sure how to paste the code.
yourpopupwindow.focus() should work. That's in javascript, have no idea about vbsript.
Like so:
function win_open(oid) {
yourpopupwindow ='yoururl', 'popupwin', 'menubar=no,history=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,toolbar=no,width=600,height=300');
Then on refresh you can either close popup if it's open and open new one and focus on it, or just focus on existing one.

