Forcing a popup to the foreground - javascript

I'm wondering if people can help me or if my way of thinking wont work. I am not a coder so I don't get to involved in writing, just learn as I go.
I have web page one that refreshes every 5 mins. This page launches a popup.
<script type="text/JavaScript">
function MM_openBrWindow(theURL,winName,features) { //v2.0,winName,features);
<body önload="MM_openBrWindow('call_notice.html','CallWaiting','width=200,height=200')">"
Now if this page is currently in the background the popup also appears in the background. I need this page to come to the foreground to notify the user that the pages has refreshed. Popup has the following code:
<body onblur="self.focus()" önload="self.focus()">
<p align="center" class="style1">You have a call. </p>
<p align="center" class="style1">Please close this window to continue.</p>
<p align="center" class="style1"> </p>
<form method="post">
<div align="center">
<input type="button" value="Continue"
I have tried set.focus seen some setforegroundwindow, but can't get it to work. Seen z-order but that doesn't make sens to me.
Has any one got any ideas on how I can do it, or has something that monitors windows titles and executes something?
Any help would be great. I don't write from scratch but take bits here and there just to let you now what type of person you are dealing with.
Basically I want the popup to popup in front of all windows when the web pages at the back (which could 4 programs back) refreshes. Not sure how to paste the code.

yourpopupwindow.focus() should work. That's in javascript, have no idea about vbsript.
Like so:
function win_open(oid) {
yourpopupwindow ='yoururl', 'popupwin', 'menubar=no,history=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,toolbar=no,width=600,height=300');
Then on refresh you can either close popup if it's open and open new one and focus on it, or just focus on existing one.


Adobe Muse - Event Listener in Custom HTML embed wont work properly after being added to muse?

I'm having a pretty weird problem while trying to design this page inside of adobe muse. I'm not an adept at coding javascript, so don't get mad if something is wrong, but here is what i'm trying to accomplish.
I decided to design this website with adobe muse, because the company I work for decided that the in-browser editor that came along with muse was the perfect solution for what we were doing. I shortly after figured out that designing things around using muse can sometimes be quite frustrating, and this is one case that I just cant wrap my head around.
I'm running several kinds of searches on the site, and for now, since I didn't have much time I thought the easiest way to incorporate all 3 different searches into 1 page was to design a custom search embed, that had tabs to toggle though all 3 kinds of searches, then I would write some super simple javascript that takes the text inside of an input, and plugs it into a url that redirects the page to wherever the search results were for the said word.
function storeSearch(x) {
location.href = "!/~/search/keywords=" + (x) + "&offset=0&sort=relevance";
document.getElementById("ecwidSearch").addEventListener("keyup", function(event) {
if (event.keyCode === 13) {
<div class="ecwidStoreSearch">
<div class="searchContainer">
<div class="searchFormContainer">
<input type="text" class="searchField" id="ecwidSearch" placeholder="Search the Store">
<div class="searchButtonContainer">
<div class="customSearchButton" id="ecwidSearchButton" onclick="storeSearch(document.getElementById('ecwidSearch').value)">
<svg class="searchButtonIcon" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 12.55 12.82">
<title>Looking Glass</title>
<path d="M306.8,264.12a3.54,3.54,0,0,0,.1-5h0a3.53,3.53,0,0,0-5-.1h0a3.54,3.54,0,0,0-1.08,2.48,3.49,3.49,0,0,0,1,2.5h0a3.48,3.48,0,0,0,2.47,1.08,3.56,3.56,0,0,0,2.52-1Zm2.17-2.46a4.59,4.59,0,0,1-1.05,2.84l4.35,4.51-.78.76-4.35-4.51a4.63,4.63,0,0,1-2.88.93,4.59,4.59,0,0,1-3.23-1.4h0a4.64,4.64,0,0,1,.11-6.53h0a4.62,4.62,0,0,1,6.53.12h0A4.64,4.64,0,0,1,309,261.66Z"
transform="translate(-299.73 -256.95)" />
Fairly simple, right? That's what I thought too, it worked for me when I tested it inside of dreamweaver, but as soon as I embedded the code inside of muse, the base function works if you click the search button, but it doesn't work if you hit enter?
I'm probably doing something extremely dumb, so maybe you could point it out to me.
Here is my jsfiddle:
here is the link to the page i'm creating.
Hope I included enough information, if you need any more, just respond and i'll add whatever you need.
Thank you for whatever help you can offer!

lightbox_me not working on click event

I am very new to this so apologise in advance for offending/upsetting anyone.
I have built my first website ( There is a shopping cart on my website (I'm using Plum shop which is working great). I want the user to be able to click the "View Cart" button (in the top right hand corner on the website which has id="viewcart") and then for the contents of their cart to be displayed in a lightbox style window. The contents of their cart is contained within a <div> which has id="cart_holder".
To try and achieve the above I am using lightbox_me but I can't get it to work off of the "View Cart" button click event. If I remove the button click event coding then lightbox_me works and displays the contents of the cart but, as there is no event to trigger it, it opens as soon as the page loads. For now I have removed the button click event coding so if you were to visit the website you should see lightbox_me working (but on page load rather then a button click event).
I have tried to pick out the relevant code and show it below. This is the code that I have tried in order to get lightbox_me to work off of the "View Cart" button click event (adapted from lightbox_me website example) but this does not work:
<script src="js/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="js/jquery.lightbox_me.js"></script>
<button id="viewcart" class="viewcart">View Cart</button>
<div id="cart_holder">
<h1> Your Cart </h1>
<p>Currently your cart contains the following items:</p>
<div id="cart"></div>
<label>Items:</label> <span class="cart-quantity">0</span><br>
<label>Sub-Total:</label> <span class="cart-subtotal">£0.00</span><br>
<label>Shipping:</label> <span class="cart-shipping">£0.00</span><br>
<label>Total:</label> <span class="cart-total">£0.00</span><br>
Please click below to pay using a credit or debit card or via Paypal:
<button class="paypal">Checkout</input>
$("#viewcart").click(function() {
When I add the above code lightbox_me stops working which is really annoying as if I remove the View Cart button click event coding so it reads like this:
then lightbox_me works (but only on page load and not on button click event).
I don't know if it is of any use but when I inspected the <div id="cart_holder"> element in Chrome I did notice the following error message:
Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'lightbox_me'
Due to my ignorance I'm afraid this means very little to me. If anyone could tell me what I am doing wrong and how to get lightbox_me to work from the "View Cart" button click event I would be very grateful indeed. Please let me know if I can explain anything better or post more code or anything else to better assist. Thanks Alex
Check your last closing button tag for checkout:
<button class="paypal">Checkout</input> <!-- should this close with button and not input? -->
Can you wrap your jquery like this?
;(function($){ // add
$("#viewcart").button().click(function() {
})(jQuery); // add

Passing data from tab 1 to tab 2

I'm new to stackoverflow and I came here because I couldn't find clear answers to my problems with html and javascript.
I'm wanting to display an HTML page with 3 buttons and the buttons will execute 3 scripts onClick. I need tab#1 to talk to tab#2 to execute the code but I'm stuck on how I go about doing that - here's my HTML code:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- START STAGE 1 -->
function stage1()
// Here I want to open up a new tab so I'd do:'', '_blank');
<!-- START STAGE 2 -->
function stage2()
// From here, I want to execute some JavaScript to the new tab I've opened
<!-- START STAGE 3 -->
function stage3()
// Again, I want to execute another script on the new tab I've opened
<button type="button" onClick="stage1()">STAGE1</button>
<hr />
<button type="button" onClick="stage2()">STAGE2</button>
<hr />
<button type="button" onClick="stage3()">STAGE3</button>
I'd be very appreciated if someone could re-write this code and leave a space in the 3 's for my code to go to be executed on tab#2 from tab#1.
Thank you in advance! - Sorry, I'm a bit of a noob haha.
Declan Land
It won't be straightforward, but I think you could do it with a "proxy" page that displays the intended site (Twitter) in an iframe and runs the scripts you need when you pass a parameter in the address (e.g., proxy.htm?action=step2 ) or even use a separate dedicated proxy page (proxy2.htm) for each step.
But in order for this to work, I believe you need to use a custom name for the target of your anchor links (a target="proxy_twitter"), so all links open in the same tab.
A possible issue would be that the 2nd tab would reload the proxy page on each click, but maybe this can be avoided by changing the parameters to be hashtags (proxy.htm#action=step2).
I myself don't have any experience with this mechanism, but I've seen it used on some sites.

Passing Javascript To a Redirected Web page

The code I want to run upon triggeting the redirect, is to go to another web page (or local html file, either is possible in this situation), however pass some javascript to run on that page, as that page works off embeding content in Iframes. This needs to be done to allow me to specify the content in the iframe upon redirect.
To put it simpler. How can I make it so when you go to, it redirects to with the content for /about/ loaded in an iframe?
<title> CodeBundle </title>
function home() {document.getElementById("loadedpage").src="home.html";}
function about() {document.getElementById("loadedpage").src="about.html";}
function reviews() {document.getElementById("loadedpage").src="reviews.html";}
function tutorials() {document.getElementById("loadedpage").src="tutorials.html";}
function blog() {document.getElementById("loadedpage").src="blog.html";}
<br><hr><font size=27><a onClick="home();">Code Bundle</a></font><br><hr>
<font size=6> | <a onClick="about();">About</a> | <a onClick="reviews();">Reviews</a> | <a onClick="tutorials();">Tutorials</a> | <a onClick="blog();">Blog<a> |</font> <hr>
<iframe id="loadedpage" src=home.html width=100% height=100% frameborder=0>Iframe Failed to Load</iframe>
this is my index.html for
I want to write a page so that when you go to it redirects to running the javascript function about(), so as to display the about page.
You will have to either pass some data using a query parameter or a fragment identifier.
In either case you will have something present in the url and it will look like:
or - this would be best:!/about
because it could let you make the website crawlable. See:
Making AJAX Applications Crawlable
Now after reading your comment to the answer by theredled that you "add new content regularly and loading that in embeded iframes is quicker than writing new html every time" I have to ask this: aren't you using a templating system in your website?
Keep in mind that making AJAX-loaded content and using fragment identifiers to display the right content is not done because the page creation is easier (it isn't) but because the user experience is faster and more responsive. See for example the website for the SoundJS library:!/SoundJS
When you click the link to PreloadJS at the top you go to:!/PreloadJS
The content is reloaded, the address bar changes, but the page is actually not reloaded. (You can see that it is properly crawlable because it shows in the results if you google for ReloadJS.)
Pass content by a user session ?
However, it's a quite dirty case, maybe you already know that :)

Can I get some help decoding this bit of a Facebook page?

I'm trying to figure out just how a particular function works on a Facebook page, and being no friend of JS syntax, am having trouble. Here's the question mark bit:
<a href="#" clicktoshowdialog="my_dialog" onclick="
(new Image()).src = '/ajax/ct.php?app_id=4949752878&action_type=3&post_form_id=3b933f46f9c4c44981e51b90c754bfce&position=2&' + Math.random();
return false;">
<img src="linktopicture" title="Are your friends fans?" width="190" height="230" />
<div style="display:none">
<div id="app4949752878_my_dialog" fbcontext="aa3fcff8e653">
<div class="app_content_4949752878" style="padding:10px">
<div with hidden then exposed content...
The functionality of this is an image that, when clicked, pops out the previously hidden div. I know that the app###### is prepended to all JS used in Facebook to limit its scope. I'm confused by the anchor parameter of
What is that identifying, and how is it targeting the div that's exposed when the image is clicked? Thanks for any clarification, and let me know if I can post any more sample code.
According to the wiki it's just for opening the dialog (which is defined at the bottom). Facebook generates the JS to open the dialog. The attribute got post-processed and the JS code (that you see in the onclick= attribute) was generated on it's basis.

