Make Polyline Longer at runtime - javascript

I have a google map application where i am moving markers on a polyline. I am generating a new destination point(latlng coordinates). I would like to extend the polyline to this new destination point.
Can some one tell me how i can move the end point of a polyline to another point on the map.
I have used polyline[index].getPath() in here i can see all the latlng coordinate pairs that make up the route. How to add to this route to make it longer or shorter?

Simple. If you merely wanted to add an additional point to the existing array of points, this works:
var currentPath = polyline[index].getPath();
var newPoint = new google.maps.LatLng(40.781321,-73.965855);
If you wanted however to change where the current last point is at, try this instead:
var currentPath = polyline[index].getPath();
var newPoint = new google.maps.LatLng(40.781321,-73.965855);
currentPath.setAt(currentPath.getLength()-1, newPoint);


Fitting map bounds to raster layer

I've ran across all fitbounds tutorials for Mapbox and still cannot figure out how refocus my map on a given raster layer. I have a menu that toggles a number of older maps and would like to refit the map at each turn.
Here's what I have so far. mapnumber is the string for my raster map.
var coordinates = map.getBounds(mapnumber);
var bounds = new mapboxgl.LngLatBounds(coordinates[0], coordinates[0]);
The bounds are there, I just cannot use fitbounds on them. This is the error.
lng_lat.js:97 Uncaught Error: `LngLatLike` argument must be specified
as a LngLat instance, an object {lng: <lng>, lat: <lat>}, or an array
of [<lng>, <lat>]
Uncaught Error: LngLatLike argument must be specified
as a LngLat instance
It looks like you're using mapboxgl.LngLatBounds incorrectly. You'll need to pass in two LngLat instances, rather than two coordinates. The API docs have an example that creates a point for the southwest and northeast corners of your bounding box:
var sw = new mapboxgl.LngLat(-73.9876, 40.7661);
var ne = new mapboxgl.LngLat(-73.9397, 40.8002);
var llb = new mapboxgl.LngLatBounds(sw, ne);
Then you can use map.fitBounds() with the bounding box
UPDATE: answering follow up question
how can I extract the two sets (sw and ne) from the raster?
You can use the map.getSource() method. Pass in the source ID of your raster layer and that will return an object that has a bounds property. Use this bounds property to pass into map.fitBounds().
var bounds = map.getSource('mapbox://username.source-id').bounds;
Here's a working example:

Leaflet: add same layer to two different maps

I am displaying two different leaflet maps in the same page. After a certain event. I want a Polyline to appear on both of them. I would like to avoid, if possible, to create a copy and keep two different variables.
I am trying yo use the following:
var line_coordinates = [[1,2],[3,4]];
var my_polyline = L.polyline(line_coordinates);
However, if I run the above code, the Polyline will be displayed only on the map2.
Afterwords, I will need to change again its coordinates to some new_line_coordinates, and I will run the following:
The polyline should now appear updated to the new coordinates. However, again, it appears only on map2.
What am I doing wrong? Is it possible to achieve what I am trying to do?
As geocodezip mentioned in a comment, adding a polyline to a map sets the polyline object's this._map instance variable. Therefore, there is no way to have the object rendered on both maps with the way in which it is currently implemented.
You can view the relevant source code here.
You can't add the same layer to multiple Leaflet maps. But I had a similar problem using a more complex GeoJSON layergroup and ultimately solved it by getting the GeoJSON object from the layer using toGeoJSON() and using it to create a new layer for the second map. For a simple polyline, you could use getLatLngs(). So:
var line_coordinates = [[1,2],[3,4]];
var my_polyline = L.polyline(line_coordinates);
var new_polyline = L.polyline(line_coordinates);
should work, as would:
var line_coordinates = [[1,2],[3,4]];
var my_polyline = L.polyline(line_coordinates);
var my_polyline_latlngs = my_polyline.getLatLngs();
var new_polyline = L.polyline(my_polyline_latlngs);

find the bounds of my map given its center point with google maps api v3

I am trying to determine if a marker which is being animated is within the viewable area of my map. If it is not, I want to tell my map to pan to the marker position as a center position. How do I do this? This is my code:
var curPoint = racePath.GetPointAtDistance(curDist);
var curZoom =;
var mapBounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(currentCenter);
var isInBounds = mapBounds.contains(curPoint);
This is not working, because mapBounds needs the southwest and northeast point of your map, but I don't know how to calculate those, without getting them from the mapBounds.getNorthEast() and mapBounds.getSouthWest() methods - documented here:
Any ideas on how to solve this?
To determine the current bounds of the map, call getBounds() on you map variable:
If you want to know if a point is within the the current view area, call 'contains(LatLng)' on the LatLngBounds. Like so:
var currentBounds = myMap.getBounds();
var isInSight = currentBounds.contains(myPointLatLng);
//Your point is within the current bounds
If you want to pan so the map is centered on your point, call 'panTo(LatLng)' on you map variable:
var currentBounds = myMap.getBounds();
var isInSight = currentBounds.contains(myPointLatLng);

how to get longitude & latitude of line in openlayers

I am getting line latitude & longitude as
LINESTRING(1491215.4689647 6893983.2031826,1494163.0718675 6894785.7919795)
after seeing this solution.
how to get points return from OpenLayers.Control.DrawFeature
Now what I want to do is that I want to display start point & end point on my web page.
So how can I extract latitude & longitude from here so that I can show it in my page.
If your linestring is already in OpenLayers, there is no reason to convert it to WKT. Linestring geometry contains array of Points. You can access components of geometry in several ways, for example:
drawControls[key].events.register('featureadded', drawControls[key], function(f) {
// First point
var firstPointGeom = f.feature.geometry.components[0].clone();
// Last point
var secondPointGeom = f.feature.geometry.components[f.feature.geometry.components.length - 1].clone();
// Now you got geometries, let's create features from them...
var firstPointFeat = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(firstPointGeom);
var secondPointGeom = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(secondPointGeom);
yourVectorLayer.addFeatures([firstPointFeat, secondPointGeom]);
Pay attention - this works with LineStrings. Probably it's not necessary to go into detail about clone(), it's up to particular use case, whether you need it, or you can use just var firstPointGeom = f.feature.geometry.components[0];
Thats WKT format, you're looking at. You'll potentially need to reproject those coordinates to the target projection if they are not in the same projection. After than, you should be able ot ask openlayers for the points of any given geometry using the base geometry functionaily. Get the point array from the linestring instance and iterate over it. Make sure you know the right coordinate order for your projection / data model.
Hope that helps!

Google Maps centering or marker positioning issue

I develop a simple Google Maps application. I need just to place one marker on the map. For whatever reason, the marker is placed outside of the visible area of the map. It's a little bit strange, because the map is centered to the marker's coordinates. Here is the code:
var point1 = new GLatLng(,location1.lon);
map1.setCenter(point1, 15);
var marker1 = new GMarker(point1);
When we drag the map a little bit, we can see the marker. What do I need is to center the map in the way the marker will be visible without map dragging.
Can anyone help me?
I believe the GLatLng object would accept String arguments as well - but to be safe I would ensure that they are integers - try using:
new GLatLng(parseInt(, parseInt(location.lon));
I also noticed you call map.setCenter a second time which ought to not be necessary.
Using the following code really ought to do it
map=new GMap(document.getElementById("map"));
var point = new GLatLng(parseInt(, parseInt(location.lon));
var marker = new GMarker(point);
If you still are having issues I would check that "location" object to make sure the .lat and .lon values are being populated correctly.
Check this code out:
var map = new GMap(document.getElementById("map"));
/* -- snip -- */
map.centerAndZoom(new GPoint(-1.2736, 53.0705), 8);
From a website I made a while ago. Feel free to check the source:
Just click the link in the top right to switch to the map view.

