jQuery Mobile - How to change page behaviour depending on previous page - javascript

I have three pages in my app: #main, #new and #existing.
Everytime #new is loaded, I want it to detect if it came from #menu or #existing. Depending on this information it should either do nothing or populate its form.
How can I achieve this both in terms of the right command for previous page and handling the DOM correctly?

According to your # these pages need to be dom elements. Just use the variable in javascript and check this in every step.
Create a new variable like lastPage
On every click, I prefer to use data-foo like HTML5 data attribute.
Change lastPage according to navigation.
And do after that what you really want.
var lastPage = '';
/* This code from jQuery Mobile, link is below the code. */
// Define a click binding for all anchors in the page
$( "a" ).on( "click", function( event ){
// Prevent the usual navigation behavior
// Alter the url according to the anchor's href attribute, and
// store the data-foo attribute information with the url
$.mobile.navigate( this.attr( "href" ), {
lastPage: this.attr("data-foo") // store data here
// Hypothetical content alteration based on the url. E.g, make
// an AJAX request for JSON data and render a template into the page.
alterContent( this.attr("href") );
HTML Example
Main Page
New Page
Existing Page
You can make data-anythingyouwant. Only the data is important, after that you can use everything. It just an HTML5 DOM attribute.
I suggest you to check navigation page. You can understand better the concept after that.
Code Source: http://view.jquerymobile.com/1.3.2/dist/demos/widgets/navigation/

Take advantage of jQuery-Mobile page events, such as pagebeforehide and pageshow.
Store current page's id before navigating away.
var prevPage;
$(document).on('pagebeforehide', function () {
prevPage = $.mobile.activePage[0].id;
When destination page is active, retrieve the stored previous page id.
$(document).on('pageshow', function () {
$(this).find('.destination').text('Previous Page: ' + prevPage);


Got some trouble Implementing History.js for the site i am creating

I came across history.js as a possible solution to some issues i am having. For the website i am building i decided to create a static page where my content would be loaded into. So i would have 3 Divs, (one for the header, one for the menubar and one for the content) When clicking a link in the menu that page would be loaded into the content div. Because of this all traffic stays in the index.php page so clicking on the back button i would go to the last visited content but last visited page. Its my understanding i can solve this with history.js.
So on my page i have several links in the menu bar where onclick a function is called upon. For instance
<li><a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="myprofile()" ><span>my profile</span></a></li>
<li><a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="mysettings()"><span>Settings<small>
A function would look something like this.
function myprofile() {
function mysettings() {
I added some javascript for history.js (found on this forum) And although it does change the urls inside my index.php but when clicking back it doesnt load the pages. How would i let history.js work when functions are used? (some links i do really need functions so just putting the onload inside link would not be an option for me)
$(function() {
// Prepare
var History = window.History; // Note: We are using a capital H instead of a lower h
if ( !History.enabled ) {
// History.js is disabled for this browser.
// This is because we can optionally choose to support HTML4 browsers or not.
return false;
// Bind to StateChange Event
History.Adapter.bind(window,'statechange',function() { // Note: We are using statechange instead of popstate
var State = History.getState();
/* Instead of the line above, you could run the code below if the url returns the whole page instead of just the content (assuming it has a `#content`):
$.get(State.url, function(response) {
$('#content').html($(response).find('#content').html()); });
// Capture all the links to push their url to the history stack and trigger the StateChange Event
$('a').click(function(evt) {
History.pushState(null, $(this).text(), $(this).attr('onclick'));
The first parameter of the History.pushState is "data", which is for additional information.
So to save the History entry you could do this in your click event:
History.pushState({ href: 'members.php' }, $(this).text(), $(this).attr('onclick'));
And then when reading it back out you would do this in your History.Adapter.bind function:

How can I detect page navigation without reloading?

I have script, what work one time when window loaded, it work on this page, but site use some navigation links what not fully reload page (see this answer for example: Modify the URL without reloading the page). How can I detect that and run my script again?
I have one idea: storing URL (without anchor) in variable and check it periodically with current url, but I think this is bad solution. May be you know better one?
JavaScript or JQuery is possible to use.
Use window.onpopstate or window.onpushstate if u are using pushState or replaceState ( from ur given example).
To Navigate Without reload ( you already did this )
// Your code to fetch new URL body and title
// update the DOM then use following code to update URL also (don't use location.href, otherwise the page reloads)
// sorry u already know this because u provided the example ;)
let data = { title : "Current Title",
body : document.body.innerHTML" } // to store current page data
window.history.pushState(data, 0, "newURL");
To detect navigation ( i.e., you wanna do )
window.onpushstate: when above code runs for navigation to a new url and load new content without reload ...
window.onpushstate(function() {
// detects ur navigation
window.onpopstate: when you press back button
window.onpopstate(function (e) {
let { data } = e.state;
// data object that u gave in pushState method when u called ur last / latest pushState method...
// use this data to retrieve previous data content and title
let { title, body } = data;
document.title = title;
document.body.innerHTML = body
for more detail mdn docs
That's because the new pages are either
1 ) Already at the ready and simply being brought in-sight by jQuery
2 ) Ajax called in.
If you scout for your navigation (the links you click on to go to the other page), you should find click me or so.
If you look for wherever this is is bound (i.e.: $('#navigation a').on("click", function(){});, you can simply wrap your script within a function, and trigger this function together with loading the new page every time. (after it, obviously).
I wish I could be more clear, but you did not provide any code yourself, so I have absolutely no idea of what kind of example I should be giving here.
-- the point: Those page changes are triggered by something in your javascript. Find the trigger that makes the page-change happen, and simply insert myCustomFunction();.
If you want to make your bindings update with a new DOM, you could use this:
function setBindings(){
//removing the old bindings prevents the "click" from triggering twice.
$('a').on("click", function(){
//load page and such here
//Apply script you want to run here
setbindings(); //rerun the function to set the bindings.
I think you are looking for hashchanges you can listen to this event onhashchange
window.onhashchange = function(e) {
var sublink = window.location.hash.substring(1);
//do your thing here
You can also check what updated the url after the hashchange
var sublink = window.location.hash.substring(1);
I think the URL of script is cached,do you used Ajax get method?if it is,please
like this write url "wwww.baidu.com?"+Math.random();if not is ,in the firefox ,you can used pageshow event.

Creating and structuring the index page

I have a test website www.lemonbrush.com is has the two menu items "Home" and "About".
When we click on the "About" menu, the About page is loaded dynamical, which is great, but when I type the About page's url directly http://www.lemonbrush.com/about.html into the address bar, my whole plan goes for six.
I need some guidance in how shall I structure and load the pages so that the whole header and navigation are included even when we use the direct URL in the address bar.
My skills are HTML and Javascript.
Please see the following screen shots.
When you're clicking the menu item you are updating the page with the data, but when you are going to the link directly you are just getting the data. one way around this is to have common elements for the page, ie. navigation menus, In a javascript file and then use a script tag with a link where you want it on the page.
so, since i thought it would be nice for my project, to have a usable browser history and bookmarkable subpages, i yesterday tried the approach from my comments of the OP.
step 1: change the anchors in your navigation bar to something like that:
needles to say, that they don't need to be inside the same parent element. those links could be anywhere.
step 2: remove the on click handler from your script, that reacts on the navigation bar clicks!
step 3: create a function, to listen to the onhashchange event. (this has to be done once, on the main html page)
//create a function for the onhashchange event
window.onhashchange = function()
//check if a location hash is used
if(window.location.hash != null)
//store current location hash in a variable
requestedPage = location.hash;
//remove the '#' from the location hash value
requestedPage = requestedPage.replace('#','');
//load content from subpage into your content frame
$('#contentFrame').load('./' + requestedPage + '.html', function( response, status, xhr )
//catch 'file not found' errors and load start page
if ( status == "error" ) {
for your page, you have of course to adapt, use the correct selectors and the correct file names.
you then would call your page via www.mydomain.com, and every subdomain via www.mydomain.com/#subPage

jquery fail on DOM modify made with html()

In my website, I build the page navigation based on hashchange:
var hashHome;
$(window).bind( 'hashchange', function(e) {
var homeClass = "home";
var url = $.param.fragment();
hashHome = $('#page-content').html();
if(url ==''){
//homepage with nothing(no hash)
//alert("load frim cache ->#"+url);
//go to some page
$(window).trigger( 'hashchange' );
When the site loads its homepage, the homepage gets stored in hashHome. If user navigates away, the initAction(id) replaces the entire $('#page-content')'s content with other pages' content. When the uses navigates back to home, it restores the stored home back to the $('#page-content').
My problem is that all of the jQuery stopped working on the homepage.
I've read about live() already but it seems that it needs a event like click() for it to work. How do I fix this?
I figured out that i need to store my entire page before i change the content of the div that is surrounding it
var content$('#page-content').html();
then do the content change
that way, when i reinitialize all my jQuery plugins, they will loose all of their old reference and use the new content variable, instead of a double initialization
and finally, i've the original question's code also won't work since the script tag look like this: <script type="text/javascript">...</script>, IE for some reasons won't recognize this, so I have to change it to <script></script> in order to make it cross browser compatible

Prevent iFrame from changing location?

I've got a simple app that parses Tumblr blog templates. It's modeled after their customization screen and contains a header with some configurable options and an iframe. Every time an option changes, the app reloads the iframe, serializing the config form and updating the iframe's src with the serialized data as a query string.
This all works fine, except every time this happens, I am only able to reload the main index page with the changed options. If the user wants to view, say, a single post page by navigating away from the index, the template renders that page, only with the default options.
In other words, the changed options do no persist while the user navigates the blog.
I've been able to have 'persisting changes' with an $('iframe').load() event like so:
The only problem is, as you can tell, this would wait for the iframe to fully render the page using the default options, then re-renders it with the updated options. I mean... it works, but it's not really a great solution.
Does anybody know how I can prevent the iframe from loading, capturing the users desired location, then re-render the frame with the current options as represented in the header?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Are you hosting both the top-level page and the embedded iframe page? If so, there are some games you can play, but it's not pretty. For example you can rewrite links within the embedded iframe in order to pre-fill the config options, e.g. with something like:
$('a', $('iframe')).each(function() {
var new_url = this.attr("href");
new_url += config_options;
this.attr("href", new_url);
Here's what I came up with:
var p = top || parent;
$('a').click(function(e) {
var prevent = e.isDefaultPrevented(),
is_local = p.isLocal(this.href),
is_hash = $(this).attr('href').match(/^#/);
if(prevent || ! is_local || is_hash) return;
return false;
My worry was that I would be affecting the javascript events attached to <a/> tags by the user, but apparently jQuery will detect default prevented events, even if they weren't prevented with jQuery itself. I tested it like this:
document.getElementById('test-link').onclick = function() {
return false;
jQuery detects that the original event has been prevented, so I am just assuming I shouldn't continue.

