javascript ui to maven interface over http [closed] - javascript

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Is there a javascript read only tool for rendering information in maven repositories? Currently, we use archiva to do this, but archiva requires alot of stuff under the hood - a database, user permissions, etc... and all we really need is the snazzy "click on a jar" download ui and ability to browse versions.
Since maven repos are, after all , just folders in an http published directory, a JS interface should (theoretically) allow one to easily navigate and download from a simple s3:// or other swift:// repository

Sorry, but a proper repository manager is in fact the way to go. Which one depends on many factors, not in the least personal preference. And I've discarded Archiva in the past for being utterly incomprehensible. Nexus and Artifactory have always been very intuitive and user friendly. If you don't like (big) databases underneath, Artifactory may not be for you, since it stores everything in JCR database (although the authors stand behind their design choice). Nexus is more file-system friendly, and we ended up using it.
Bite the bullet on a repository manager. It's definitely worth it. Once Maven becomes more commonplace in your organization, you'll want to use other things it has to offer.

I've spun up a simple javascript interface to my maven repository and it works.
The way it works : Use JQuery to get the releases from maven-metadata.xml, and then generate links to jar files from that. Its not perfect, but its solves my needs, is dynamic, and is also completely serverless.
For the most part, it can be copy/pasted and used for any maven repo, i think...


how to create a website / webpage that performs backend server activities [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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First up, I am not very sure If I am posting in the right stackexchange site. Apologize if I am posting in wrong site. Please correct me If I am wrong.
I am new to web development, Perhaps I am trying to build my first ever site for my client. We already have a old site/page which I wanna rewrite with better UI & UX.
I am trying to understand what are the technologies I need to know to build this site. The basic functionality I am looking at are
help user to rename, move or copy files on the server where they
don't have access to modify files directly.
Interact with Database and pull some information
Reset password from logon page
Building queries for users
Kick off jobs
I believe HTML & CSS would be a need for the design part but I want to know which technology will help me complete the background tasks... Is it Javascript or PHP etc.. Server that I need to be running like Apache Tomcat etc
Finally If you know of a good book which could help me traverse, Please share.
Thanks a lot in advance.
It sounds like you're on the right track. If you're planning on recreating a web application, I would check out the "LAMP" stack, which covers most of the technologies needed in putting this together. I can't recommend a book, but there are tons of resources online that can get you started.

Installable code playground [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am looking for an installable code playground, possibly for HTML, CSS and Javascript.
I am a computer science professor and in one of my courses I teach basic HTML, CSS and some Javascript. I would like to introduce my students to code playgrounds such as jsfiddle or jsbin. Additionally, I would like to deliver final exams through a similar tool, so that we replace tests written on paper with tests performed, self-assessed and refined on a browser-based tool.
The problem is that I do not want to let students access the Internet during the exam, and look for existing answers online or even establish communication channels among themselves or with experts at home, so I need to isolate the lab from Internet during the exams.
This means that I need to install a local copy of the playground tool on one of my servers. Do you know of any tool that provides their code (free or commercially, not relevant) for a local installation?
I don't need anything fancy, no automatic includes, no libraries, nothing special, just the possibility to install something on my server that runs without Internet dependencies.
Thanks in advance for your suggestions.
jsbin can be run locally on a Node server. You need Node/npm installed first but after that it is easy. As long as you don't need libraries it can run without a network connection (just tried it) but the libraries seem to be external paths by default.

PHP and MYSQL system (plus HTML,CSS&JS) [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I went for a 4 month degree php & mysql classes and we are almost done with them, and they ask us to make a system that you could add, erase, and modify the data that the user can put in it (but is harder than that, I have to do it as they said to me, with their parameters and etc.. ), the thing is that i don't know from where i have to start (I'm doing the HTML so the "user" can use the system easily, but when it comes to do the php, JS and MYSQL part im broke), and I hope there's someone here that could help me. I'm not asking for someone to do it for me, that's not my intention, but i really appreciate if someone could lend me a hand so i can dig in more and more in this php world.
PS: If someone wants to help me, we can chat by skype, or something like that, because my English is not that good, and by text-post maybe you wont understand what i want to mean.
1 - Agree on a design pattern
Having a suitable and elegant design pattern will help improve your development, and in most instances, make it much easier - as the foundations will be set.
Design patterns
2 - Adopt version control
A good platform is Git. Specifically GitLab or GitHub. Adopting version control will improve your development, and help you keep track of everything you do, building a story.
3 - Don't use outdated technology
Please don't use the old MySQL database extention. Instead, adopt MySQLi or PDO-MySQL. Using the newer technology will make your application much more secure against SQL injections... See full argument
4 - Be smart
Design your database in to be smart. Normalise your data, and structure your queries nicely - use stored procedures where neccessary, and transactional queries.
When using Javascript within your application, it may be worth while to look into some libraries. The most popular (IIRC) is jQuery
5 - Use a framework
Judging from your question, it may be easier for you to adopt a framework, where help is available.
... There are more. Choose the best one for you.
Also, have a read of PHPTheRightWay

Is there any similar boilerplate like MEAN stack for SailsJS? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have to develop a new blog for myself. I have recently got acquainted with AngularJS, mongoDB, node, sails, etc. I have got some primitive knowledge about all these to start the development.
So, I was looking for something similar to, MEAN stack. But instead of using ExpressJS, I am gonna use SailsJS. Is there anything similar to MEAN but works with SailsJS as well? Or is there any other approach to the same, considering I am also gonna use AnuglarJS for front-end and mongoDB for my database?
AFAIK, there's no branded Sails-based alternative to yet, though some people were talking about MEANS stack already.
That being said, you have several choices for creating an Angular+Sails app. One of them is using Yeoman generator, like this one.
Another way could be this boilerplate which is somewhat official, as it's published by Balderdash, the company behind Sails. Though when I tried to test it, dependency installation was failing, so I fixed it on this fork. This boilerplate is based on the brand new Sails v0.10. Also, you are going to have to do is to connect it to your MongoDB (the default is sails-disk), see here for how-to.

Good server-javascript host/framework? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm trying to find a good javascript based web host, as well as a good server-side javascript implementation. I have played some with NodeJS, and it seems very good, but I really don't want to have to write the entire server from scratch. I need a host/framework with the following features (or at least most of them):
1: The ability to run a script continuously on the server while maintaining a continuous dialog with other scripts as well as client pages (through xmlhttprequest).
2: PHP/ASP like functionality.
3: I don't want to have to write an entire server from scratch. I just want to worry about writing my application.
Also, I have recently been looking into Aptana's Jaxer, which seems to be the holy grail from my perspective, but when I go to the web site "", it returns a completely irrelevant page. Could somebody please explain this to me?
I've used from joyent to host my node.js applications.
For communicating between the client and the server I'd use . It's a communication framework that will choose the most appropriate communication method to maintain a connection (continuous dialog) with the client.
For serving static content see this answer for a link to a great article on a simple web server.
Using node.js as a simple web server
Or see this answer that discusses various web application frameworks.
Hope this helps, & Good luck on your project!
You could have a look at Wakanda
It provides a full stack including, the server, the studio, and the client framework, all in a very consistent way.
There is a related question I answered on stackoverflow about where to host Wakanda applications, and another one comparing different existing server-side JavaScript solutions

