Access to object and set it null throw element of array - javascript

Very simple example:
var a = { id: 5 };
var b = { id: 6 };
var c = { id: 7 };
var arr = [a, b, c];
Now i have a function:
function remove(startIndex) {
// set objects to null from startIndex in array
If i try this:
arr[0] = null;
then i have:
arr[0] == null // true
a == null // false (i need true)
So, my question, how could i access to object throw any collection (array or object) and change it?
I don't want to write something like this:
function remove(startIndex) {
if(startIndex == 0) {
a = null;
b = null;
c = null;
if(startIndex == 1) {
b = null;
c = null;
if(startIndex == 2) {
c = null;
much easier to write like this (but it doesn't work):
function remove(startIndex) {
for(var i = startIndex; i<arr.length; i++) arr[i] = null;

I don't know exactly what you're aiming with this code you're writing, but here's how Javascript works:
Every time you instantiate a variable with a value, say an object like { id: 10 }. That object is stored in memory and a reference is returned back to your variable, say you name it a.
Now, if you say var b = a;, the same reference is now passed on to variable b. Now Javascript runtime knows you have two variables referencing the object { id: 10 }.
You now no longer want to keep the variable b, so you write b = null;. You think the object is deleted, but the Javascript runtime knows the object { id: 10 } has one reference -- i.e. the variable a -- referencing it. So it won't remove { id: 10 } from memory.
However, if you also write a = null;, then there are Zero references, and the Javascript runtime's Garbage Collector will eventually get to removing the object from memory.
All this was to get you to understand that without further housekeeping, you will not be able to achieve what you're hoping to do.
If you really want a, b, c to be null, you will have to write some code that explicitly sets their value to null too. Like a = arr[0]; b = arr[1]; c = arr[2]; whenever the array is changed. You can eval the statements and do some string templating to not write the variables by hand etc., and make a loop out of that, but that's not worth it if you only have three variables.
Hope this helps.

JavaScript doesn't have pointers, so to achieve what you want in the original way will not work.
Other than arr[0] = null, you can try setting a to null directly as well.


Access sub-property with generic/dynamic property list [duplicate]

I have a bunch of object attributes coming in as dot-delimited strings like "availability_meta.supplier.price", and I need to assign a corresponding value to record['availability_meta']['supplier']['price'] and so on.
Not everything is 3 levels deep: many are only 1 level deep and many are deeper than 3 levels.
Is there a good way to assign this programmatically in Javascript? For example, I need:
["", 1] // --> = 1
["qux.qaz", "abc"] // --> record.qux.qaz = "abc"
["foshizzle", 200] // --> record.foshizzle = 200
I imagine I could hack something together, but I don't have any good algorithm in mind so would appreciate suggestions. I'm using lodash if that's helpful, and open to other libraries that may make quick work of this.
EDIT this is on the backend and run infrequently, so not necessary to optimize for size, speed, etc. In fact code readability would be a plus here for future devs.
EDIT 2 This is NOT the same as the referenced duplicate. Namely, I need to be able to do this assignment multiple times for the same object, and the "duplicate" answer will simply overwrite sub-keys each time. Please reopen!
You mentioned lodash in your question, so I thought I should add their easy object set() and get() functions. Just do something like:
_.set(record, 'availability_meta.supplier.price', 99);
You can read more about it here:
These functions let you do more complex things too, like specify array indexes, etc :)
Something to get you started:
function assignProperty(obj, path, value) {
var props = path.split(".")
, i = 0
, prop;
for(; i < props.length - 1; i++) {
prop = props[i];
obj = obj[prop];
obj[props[i]] = value;
var arr = ["", 1];
You'd call it using:
assignProperty(record, arr[0], arr[1]);
What about this?
function convertDotPathToNestedObject(path, value) {
const [last, ...paths] = path.split('.').reverse();
return paths.reduce((acc, el) => ({ [el]: acc }), { [last]: value });
convertDotPathToNestedObject('', 'FooBar')
// { foo: { bar: { x: 'FooBar' } } }
Just do
record[''] = 99;
But how would this work? It's strictly for the adventurous with a V8 environment (Chrome or Node harmony), using Object.observe. We observe the the object and capture the addition of new properties. When the "property" is added (via an assignment), we detect that this is a dotted property, and transform it into an assignment to record['foo']['bar.baz'] (creating record['foo'] if it does not exist), which in turn is transformed into an assignment to record['foo']['bar']['baz']. It goes like this:
function enable_dot_assignments(changes) {
// Iterate over changes
changes.forEach(function(change) {
// Deconstruct change record.
var object = change.object;
var type = change.type;
var name =;
// Handle only 'add' type changes
if (type !== 'add') return;
// Break the property into segments, and get first one.
var segments = name.split('.');
var first_segment = segments.shift();
// Skip non-dotted property.
if (!segments.length) return;
// If the property doesn't exist, create it as object.
if (!(first_segment in object)) object[first_segment] = {};
var subobject = object[first_segment];
// Ensure subobject also enables dot assignments.
Object.observe(subobject, enable_dot_assignments);
// Set value on subobject using remainder of dot path.
subobject[segments.join('.')] = object[name];
// Make subobject assignments synchronous.
// We don't need the 'a.b' property on the object.
delete object[name];
Now you can just do
Object.observe(record, enable_dot_assignments);
record[''] = 99;
Beware, however, that such assignments will be asynchronous, which may or may not work for you. To solve this, call Object.deliverChangeRecords immediately after the assignment. Or, although not as syntactically pleasing, you could write a helper function, also setting up the observer:
function dot_assignment(object, path, value) {
Object.observe(object, enable_dot_assignments);
object[path] = value;
dot_assignment(record, '', 99);
Something like this example perhaps. It will extend a supplied object or create one if it no object is supplied. It is destructive in nature, if you supply keys that already exist in the object, but you can change that if that is not what you want. Uses ECMA5.
/*global console */
/*members split, pop, reduce, trim, forEach, log, stringify */
(function () {
'use strict';
function isObject(arg) {
return arg && typeof arg === 'object';
function convertExtend(arr, obj) {
if (!isObject(obj)) {
obj = {};
var str = arr[0],
last = obj,
if (typeof str === 'string') {
props = str.split('.');
valProp = props.pop();
props.reduce(function (nest, prop) {
prop = prop.trim();
last = nest[prop];
if (!isObject(last)) {
nest[prop] = last = {};
return last;
}, obj);
last[valProp] = arr[1];
return obj;
var x = ['fum'],
y = [
['', 1],
['', new Date()],
['qux.qaz', 'abc'],
['foshizzle', 200]
z = ['qux.qux', null],
record = convertExtend(x);
y.forEach(function (yi) {
convertExtend(yi, record);
convertExtend(z, record);
document.body.textContent = JSON.stringify(record, function (key, value, Undefined) {
/*jslint unparam:true */
/*jshint unused:false */
if (value === Undefined) {
value = String(value);
return value;
it's an old question, but if anyone still looking for a solution can try this
function restructureObject(object){
let result = {};
for(let key in object){
const splittedKeys = key.split('.');
if(splittedKeys.length === 1){
result[key] = object[key];
else if(splittedKeys.length > 2){
result = {...result, ...{[splittedKeys.splice(0,1)]: {}} ,...restructureObject({[splittedKeys.join('.')]: object[key]})}
result[splittedKeys[0]] = {[splittedKeys[1]]: object[key]}
return result

Cannot set property '0' of undefined in 2d array

I know this has been asked a lot of times, but how do I fix exactly this thing?
I have a map[][] array (contains tile ids for a game) and I need to copy it to pathmap[][] array (contains just 0's and 1's, it is a path map), however when I do so..
function updatepathmap(){
pathmap = [];
var upm_x = 0;
while (upm_x < map.length){
var upm_y = 0;
while (upm_y < map[upm_x].length){
if (canPassthrough(map[upm_x][upm_y])) {
pathmap[upm_x][upm_y] = 1;
} else {
pathmap[upm_x][upm_y] = 0;
} gives me Cannot set property '0' of undefined typeerror at line pathmap[upm_x][upm_y] = 0;
Despite the foo[0][0] syntactic sugar, multi-dimensional arrays do not really exist. You merely have arrays inside other arrays. One consequence is that you cannot build the array in the same expression:
> var foo = [];
> foo[0][0] = true;
TypeError: Cannot set property '0' of undefined
You need to create parent array first:
> var foo = [];
> foo[0] = [];
> foo[0][0] = true;
You can determine whether it exists with the usual techniques, e.g.:
> var foo = [];
> typeof foo[0]==="undefined"
> foo[0] = true;
> typeof foo[0]==="undefined"
I would have thought pathmap[][] was a syntax error, I'm surprised you're not seeing one.
Before you can use an array at pathmap[upm_x], you must create an array at pathmap[upm_x]:
pathmap[upm_x] = [];
This would be the first line in your outer while, so:
while (upm_x < map.length){
pathmap[upm_x] = [];
// ...
Remember that JavaScript doesn't have 2D arrays. It has arrays of arrays. pathmap = [] creates the outer array, but doesn't do anything to create arrays inside it.
Side note:
var upm_x = 0;
while (upm_x < map.length){
// ...
is an error-prone way to write:
for (var upm_x = 0; upm_x < map.length; upm_x++){
// ...
If you use while, and you have any reason to use continue or you have multiple if branches, it's really easy to forget to update your looping variable. Since looping on a control variable is what for is for, it's best to use the right construct for the job.
Side note 2:
Your code is falling prey to The Horror of Implicit Globals because you don't declare pathmap. Maybe you're doing that on purpose, but I wouldn't recommend it. Declare your variable, and if you need it outside your function, have your function return it.
Side note 3:
map would make this code a lot simpler:
function updatepathmap(){
var pathmap = {
return {
return canPassthrough(innerEntry) ? 1 : 0;

Refer to a javascript object by string value - without using eval()

Looked around SO and didn't find anything that seemed to match what I am trying to do..
I am trying to reference an object by a string representation, though everywhere I look I see that using eval() is bad - though can't find a way to do this without using eval()
So my use case:
I have a data attribute on a button;
When the button is clicked I need to access the actual object held at
Now, I know I can do:
var dataObj = eval($(this).data('original-data-object'));
Though is there any other way to do this?
If it helps, the data that is stored at is a JSON object.
Like this:
var obj = (function(str){
var arr = str.split('.');
if (arr[0] === 'window'){
return arr.reduce(function(a, b){
return a[b];
}, window);
A couple of solutions come to mind. The first solution is hinted at in #CD..'s answer. The second is to restrict that string via a regex to just property names so you can safely use eval.
Traversing the window object to get the value (no eval)
function getValue(s) {
var keys = s.split("."), o = window, key, i, length, undef;
if (keys[0] === "window") {
for (i = 0, length = keys.length; i < length; i++) {
key = keys[i];
if (!(key in o) || o[key] === null || o[key] === undef) {
throw new Error("Could not get value of " + s);
o = o[key];
return o;
Restricting the string to valid property names:
function getValue(s) {
var regex = /^[\w$][\w.]+$/, value;
if (regex.test(s)) {
try {
value = eval(s);
catch (error) {
throw new Error("Could not get value of " + s + " (" + error.message + ")");
else {
throw new Error("Could not get value of " + s);
return value;
To use:
var x = getValue(this.getAttribute("data-original-data-object"));
You want to avoid using eval because it can arbitrarily execute JavaScript that you may or may not have control of. In this particular case, you know the exact kind of string you want. In my opinion, I'd use a regular expression to make sure the string just contains property names separated by dots. Security speaking, there is no difference between these two lines of code:
var x = eval("");
var x =;
Provided that you can ensure that the attribute cannot be modified in anyway that can cause harm to the site/project that this is being implemented on, I don't see any problems.
I'm not sure if this will work for your situation, but a simple solution that avoids eval may be to add "" with its JSON data as the property of an object that will remain in scope.
Something like:
var exampleData = { id:1, content:"..." };
var dataStore = { "": exampleData };
Then, in your click handler:
var retrievedData = dataStore[$(this).data('original-data-object')]; // uses "" to retrieve exampleData
In this case, you will need to access the data using bracket notation because of the . character in the property name. This approach should be faster and safer than trying to use eval, however.

JavaScript, overwrite object without losing reference

I am working on a simple web application that is built on top of AngularJS. The application should be able to work offline as well as online. When the user is offline, the changes to the data is stored locally. Therefore, the id's that is used within this application in offline mode is only temporary id's, they get replaced when uploaded to the server
The data that are used in the application consists of complex objects (with relations/references to other objects). When i am saving to the server, i wanted the views to get updated with the new "real" id's.
However, since JavaScript works with objects as references im not able to do what i want to: $ = newdata
This is not overwriting $ but creates a new object. The old reference to the old data is still there.
Simplified example
var x = {id: 1, name: "myObject"}
var c = x // c = {id: 1, name: "myObject"}
x = {id: 2, name: "myNewObject"}
// c = {id: 1, name: "myObject"}
As you can see, c is still a reference to the old object. In practice, this causes that my view isn't updated with new data since it's still bound to the old data.
What i need to is to overwrite the properties of, in this example, x. I need to do this recursively since my real objects are complex, however it shouldn't enter any circular references, since this will probably cause stack overflow. If i am overwriting a with b and a has properties that b hasn't got, those properties should be removed.
What i need
I need some sort of function that overwrites all properties in a (old object) with the properties in b (new object). All properties that exists in a but not in b should be removed.
If your environment supports ECMAScript 2015, you can use Object.assign():
'use strict'
let one = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 };
let two = { b: 20, c: 30, d: 40 };
let three = Object.assign({}, one, two);
// will output: Object {a: 1, b: 20, c: 30, d: 40}
(let is the new locally scoped version of var in ECMAScript 2015) more...
So in the case of your simple example:
var x = { id: 1, name: "myObject" };
Object.assign(x, { id: 2, name: "myNewObject" });
// will output: Object {id: 2, name: "myNewObject"}
Using the "extend" method which is available in underscore and jquery:
//Clear all the 'old' properties from the object
for (prop in old_object) {delete old_object[prop]}
//Insert the new ones
$.extend(old_object, new_object)
I found a solution after some thinking. It's probably not the most efficient solution, but it does the job for me. The time complexity could probably be better, and all suggestions of improvement are welcome. First parameter is the object to be extended, the second the one to extend with. The third is supposed to be a boolean, indicating whether the properties in a that doesn't exist in b should be removed or not.
function extend(_a,_b,remove){
remove = remove === undefined ? false : remove;
var a_traversed = [],
b_traversed = [];
function _extend(a,b) {
if (a_traversed.indexOf(a) == -1 && b_traversed.indexOf(b) == -1){
if (a instanceof Array){
for (var i = 0; i < b.length; i++) {
if (a[i]){ // If element exists, keep going recursive so we don't lose the references
a[i] = _extend(a[i],b[i]);
} else {
a[i] = b[i]; // Object doesn't exist, no reference to lose
if (remove && b.length < a.length) { // Do we have fewer elements in the new object?
a.splice(b.length, a.length - b.length);
else if (a instanceof Object){
for (var x in b) {
if (a.hasOwnProperty(x)) {
a[x] = _extend(a[x], b[x]);
} else {
a[x] = b[x];
if (remove) for (var x in a) {
if (!b.hasOwnProperty(x)) {
delete a[x];
return b;
return a;
I'm adding an answer, even though everyone has explained both why and solutions.
The reason I'm adding answer, is because I've searched for this answer a few times over the years and always basically come to the same 2/3 SO questions. I put the solutions in the too-hard-basket, because the code I've been working with has many modules all following similar design patterns; it's just been too much work to try and resolve what boiled down to the same issue you were having.
What I've learned, and hopefully it holds some value for others out there now that I've actually re-factored our codebase to avoid this issue (sometimes maybe its unavoidable, but sometimes it definitely is), is to avoid using 'static private variables' to reference Objects.
This can probably be more genericised, but take for example:
var G = {
'someKey' : {
'foo' : 'bar'
G.MySingletonClass = (function () {
var _private_static_data = G.someKey; // referencing an Object
return {
* a method that returns the value of _private_static_data
* #method log
log: function () {
return _private_static_data;
} // eom - log()
}; // end of return block
}()); // end of Class
G.someKey = {
As you can see, same problem experienced by the Questioner. In my case, and this use of private static variables referencing Objects was everywhere, all I needed to do was directly lookup G.someKey; instead of storing it as a convenience variable for my Class. The end result (though lengthier as a result of inconvenience) works very well:
var G = {
'someKey' : {
'foo' : 'bar'
G.MySingletonClass = (function () {
return {
* a method that returns the value of _private_static_data
* #method log
log: function () {
return G.someKey;
} // eom - log()
}; // end of return block
}()); // end of Class
G.someKey = {
So yeah, maybe nothing new given the question has been solved, but I felt compelled to share that because I was even lead to believe that the first example was the correct way to do things. Maybe in some cases it is, it definitely didn't turn out to be.
Hopefully that helps someone, somewhere!

Using variables with nested Javascript object

Suppose I have this:
var a = { A : { AA : 1 }, B : 2 };
Is there a way for me to create a variable that could allow me to reference either AA or B? What would the syntax look like?
// I know I can do this:
a['B']; // 2
a['A']['AA']; // 1
// something like this?
var myRef = ???;
a[myRef]; 1 or 2 depending on myRef
If not, what's a better way to get what I'm going for here?
Not directly.
Solution 1 - use object flattening
Flatten object, to have new object var a = { 'A.AA' : 1; B : 2 };.
See compressing object hierarchies in JavaScript
or Flattening a complex json object for mvc binding to get the javascript function for it.
Soution 2 - write key-path accessor
I can see it was already addressed by Eugen.
Reposted code-reviewed version:
function Leaf(obj,path) {
var res=obj;
for (var i=0;i<path.length;i++) res=res[path[i]];
return res;
Solution 3 - use eval
var x = eval("a." + myRef); // x will be 1 for myRef == "A.AA", 2 for "B"
Be careful with this solution as you may introduce some security issues. It is more of the curiosity.
Since i also encounter this problem, i wrote also a one line util for this (ES6):
const leaf = (obj, path) => (path.split('.').reduce((value,el) => value[el], obj))
const objSample = { owner: { name: 'Neo' } };
const pathSample = '';
leaf(objSample, pathSample) //'Neo'
function Leaf(obj,path) {
var res=obj;
for (var i=0;i<path.length;i++) obj=obj[path[i]];
return res;
Decorate with error handling etc. according to your needs.
With lodash _.get function, you can access nested properties with dot syntax.
Node server-side example:
const _ = require('lodash');
let item = { a: {b:'AA'}};
_.get(item, 'a.b');
Actually no, because js object are seen as property bags and doing a[X] is for accessing first level properties only...
But you could wrap the logic a['A']['AA']; // 1 in a function that does the same, like this
//WARN... no undefined check here => todo !
function _(o, path) {
var tmp = o
for (var i=0 ; i < path.length ; i++) {
tmp = tmp[path[i]]
return tmp
var r = _(a, ['A', 'AA'])
This is pretty much the same as other answers, but the difference is when dummy boy create object property name containing dots... Like var a = {"a.a" : 3 } is valid.
Now, such problem would occurs maybe more often now with the help of IndexedDB to store anything locally...

