How do I define select option values in AngularJS - javascript

...while maintaining model bindings?
I have a select menu like so:
<select class="form-control" ng-model="activeTask" ng-options="task.title for task in tasks"> </select>
That populates some text like so:
The Projects resource grabs some json here (which is working fine):
function TimerCtrl($scope, Projects) {
$scope.projects = Projects.get({}, {isArray:true}, function(projects) {
$scope.tasks = $scope.projects[0].tasks;
$scope.activeProject = $scope.projects[0];
$scope.activeTask = $scope.tasks[0];
This is the Projects service (which is working fine as well):
angular.module('projectServices', ['ngResource']).
factory('Projects', function($resource) {
return $resource('data/projects.json', {}, {
get: {method:'GET', isArray:true}
and this is the JSON (which is also fine):
"tasks": [
{"title":"Cleaning", "url_title":"cleaning"},
{"title":"Yard Work", "url_title":"yard_work"},
{"title":"Walking the Dogs", "url_title":"url_title"}
"title":"Personal Website",
"tasks": [
{"title":"Design", "url_title":"design"},
{"title":"Front End Dev", "url_title":"front_end_dev"},
{"title":"Node Dev", "url_title":"node_dev"},
{"title":"PHP Dev", "url_title":"php_dev"}
Everything works fine with the numeric values that Angular automatically creates.
My problem is...the values need to be the url-friendly string task.url_title but the option text should be task.title.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I want to go drink a beer!
So, here's the solution I went with:
I used the task object itself as the value like so:
<select class="form-control" ng-model="activeTask" ng-options="task as task.title for task in tasks">
This allowed me to easily bind the span value to display the task title, not url_title:
Thanks to #sza for his pointing me in the right direction. His suggestions are in the comments of the correct answer.

You can change the comprehension expression to
ng-options="task.url_title as task.title for task in tasks"
Working Demo

You need to use ng-options="...". Also use ng-model="..." or otherwise it won't work.
Here's the breakdown of it:
<select ng-options="ITEM.VALUE as ITEM.LABEL for ITEM in ITEMS" ng-model="val">
<option>placeholder value which goes at the top of the element</option>


Angular HttpClient - accessing value buried in response data

I am accessing an online API and want to use the text value to populate a ngb-typeahead dropdown. There is a working example on the Angular Bootstrap website using Wikipedia, but the returned data from the Wikipedia API is different to the data I am getting from a geocoding API. The data I get is returned in this format:
"suggestions": [
"text": "23 Queen Charlotte Drive, Aotea, Porirua, Wellington, 5024, NZL",
"magicKey": "dHA9MCNsb2M9NDMwNzcyNzQjbG5nPTMzI2huPTIzI2xicz0xMDk6NDg1NDQwMzU=",
"isCollection": false
"text": "23 Queen Mary Avenue, Epsom, Auckland, 1023, NZL",
"isCollection": false
I have been trying to access text in response data with the following:
return this.http
.get<any>(GIS_URL, {params: GIS_PARAMS.set('text', term)}).pipe(
map(response => response.suggestions)
I have also read the Angular tutorial here on dealing with response data, but the difference in the example is that they are getting an array of Hero's whereas I am getting an object containing an array of suggestions.
The typeahead looks like:
<fieldset class="form-inline">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="typeahead-http">Search for a wiki page:</label>
<input id="typeahead-http" type="text" class="form-control mx-sm-3" []="searchFailed" [(ngModel)]="model" [ngbTypeahead]="search" placeholder="Wikipedia search" />
<small *ngIf="searching" class="form-text text-muted">searching...</small>
<div class="invalid-feedback" *ngIf="searchFailed">Sorry, suggestions could not be loaded.</div>
<pre>Model: {{ model | json }}</pre>
Full code on StackBlitz is here.
I am new to Angular, so a verbose answer would be great.
You need to specify resultFormatter and inputFormatter on the typeahead input (refer to Typeahead).
Your search method in the service returns a list of suggestion Objects which each look like:
isCollection: ...
magicKey: ...
text: ...
However by default the typeahead control expects a list of strings, hence it displays your objects as [Object object].
You need to tell the typeahead control how to determine a string value from your object, you do this via resultFormatter and inputFormatter.
These inputs take a function, which has the object as an input and the string display value as its output.
formatter below is that function, it will be called for each item displayed in the list. If you expand it to a normal function you can put a breakpoint in it and see it being called in this manner.
<input id="typeahead-http" ... [inputFormatter]="formatter" [resultFormatter]="formatter"/>
TypeScript file:
formatter = (item:any) => item.text as string;
Updated StackBlitz
Follow-up questions
item in the formatter:
formatter = (item:any) => item.text as string;
is shorthand for:
function format(item: any){
return item.text as string;
They typeahead control/directive iterates the items returned by search(..) and calls this method which each one. The results are displayed in the select list.
map(response => response.suggestions)
The response from the service is an object like:
{ // object
{ ..., text: 'Place 1' },
{ ..., text: 'Place 2' }
That is an object containing a list named suggestions. The typeahead expects a list only, so the map transforms the object containing list => list only.
Does the formatter that you have defined do both input and result?
Yes, as it is assigned to both [inputFormatter] and [resultFormatter] in the template.
Alternative answer
The mapping is done entirely in the service:
return this.http
.get<any>(GIS_URL, {params: GIS_PARAMS.set('text', term)}).pipe(
map(response => => suggestion.text)),
Each response object is mapped to the list of suggestions. Each suggestion is mapped (using JavaScript map) to its text value.
You can use this solution provided you don't need access to any of the other suggestion properties outside of the service.

Forcing v-validate to update rules (with Vue)

I'm using v-validate with Vue. I'm trying to figure out how to force v-validate to update rules. For example, I have something like this:
<div v-for="field in fields">
<input :name="" v-validate="field.rules">
export default {
data() {
fields: [
name: "city",
rules: {
included: []
As you can see, my "included" array is empty on page load. I get the array from an AJAX request, and then I update my data:
this.fields[0].rules.included = cities
But v-validate doesn't seem to acknowledge the newly-added array. It only works if I hardcode the cities into my data. How can I force v-validate to respond to the updated rules?
Vue.js is unable to track updates on nested reference types.
let fields = [...this.fields]
fields[0].rules = cities
this.fields = fields
Use Vue.set to track changes :
Vue.set(this.fields[0], 'rules', cities);

Load nested JSON array into select in Vue using computed properties

Originally in my Vue component I had a series of nested if statements that would go through the JSON data to determine whether a text input should be displayed or a select based on a has_selectable_value option being true (select display) or false (text input display), and if it was a select then loop through the data and output associated options.
I have been able to change that to a computed statement which almost does everything I need it to do apart from one little thing which is to display the select options.
Here is the relevant part of the Vue Code:
<template v-else-if="searchtype == 9">
<select v-for="service in selectableServices" class="form-control" v-model="searchvalue" required>
<option value="">Select A Location</option>
<option v-for="sl in selectableLocations" :value="sl.location_id">{{}}</option>
<input v-for="service in nonSelectableServices" class="form-control" v-model="searchvalue" placeholder="Enter Search Value" required>
The current computed functions:
services: function () {
var ret = []
this.countries.forEach(function(country) {
country.states.forEach(function(state) { {
return ret;
selectableServices: function () {
return => == this.service && service.has_selectable_location);
nonSelectableServices: function () {
return => == this.service && !service.has_selectable_location);
selectableLocations: function () {
// Filter one more level down
return => service.selectablelocations);
This is the JSON data structure I am working with as well (I cut it back to the relevant parts for this part of the code):
"id": 1,
"name": "Country Name",
"states": [
"id": 1,
"name": "State Name",
"services": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Service Name",
"has_selectable_location": 1,
"selectablelocations": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Selectable Location A",
Using a Vue plugin for Chrome I can see that the computed function selectableLocations loads an array containing the individual locations, but the existing v-for statement isn't able to function correctly. Instead I still need to go down one more level which I can do by adding an extra v-for loop like so:
<template v-for="selectableLocationsList in selectableLocations" >
<option v-for="sl in selectableLocationsList" :value="sl.location_id">{{}}</option>
Everything displays correctly, but I am not sure if this is best practice as I was hoping to do as much of this in a computed function as possible and ideally only require a single v-for statement. But if it's not possible like that I understand and I can leave it as is.
Thank you in advance.
Edit: After more testing and research I have come up with this code that works as I had desired:
var formArray = []
var locationsArray = this.servicesArray.filter(service => == this.service); => service.selectablelocations);
locationsArray.forEach(function(selectableLocations) {
selectableLocations.selectablelocations.forEach(function(location) {
return formArray;
Is there a way I can refactor this further and make it a bit cleaner?
Solely considering the code you posted after the Edit , the code can be refactored this way:
let formArray = [];
formArray = this.servicesArray
.filter(service => == this.service)
.map(service => service.selectablelocations)
.reduce((prev, curr) => prev.concat(curr))
return formArray
Note that the map you used doesn't do anything as only returns a new array, but you didn't assign it to anything.

Change ng-model before submit

I have simple model that submits a form that are all from a select I am using an ng-repeat like so:
isdom.scheduleOptions = ['Pass', 'N/A'];
<select ng-model="isdom.isdomForm.isDom101">
<option ng-repeat="option in isdom.scheduleOptions" value="{{option}}">{{option}}</option>
The person who has built the api end point is asking for the data in this format:
"outcomes": [
{ "itemNo": "is11", "outcome": "Pass" }
{ "itemNo": "is12", "outcome": "Pass" }...
How can I do this when my model is like so?
"isDom11": "N/A",
"isDOm12": "Pass",...
I thought about try to get all the elements in the model that start with isDom and pushing them into an outcomes array that has been modified into objects to copy the format required.
Is there a different way I can use ng-repeat to achieve this?
You could use ng-options for populating the select.
See: ngOptions or select
So it should be something like this:
$scope.isdom.scheduleOptions = [
{ "itemNo": "is11", "outcome": "N/A" }
{ "itemNo": "is12", "outcome": "Pass" }
<select ng-model="isdom.isdomForm.isDom101"
ng-options="item as item.outcome for item in isdom.scheduleOptions track by item.itemNo"></select>
Try using the (key, value) syntax as given in angular docs.
Key value in ng-repeat
(key, value) in expression –
where key and value can be any user defined identifiers, and expression is the scope expression giving the collection to enumerate.
For example: (name, age) in {'adam':10, 'amalie':12}.
Your example,
isdom.scheduleOptions = {
"isDom11": "N/A",
"isDOm12": "Pass",...
<select ng-model="isdom.outcomes">
<option ng-repeat="(itemNo, outcome) in isdom.scheduleOptions" value="{{outcome}}">{{outcome}}</option>

Issues with Ng-Options with JSON

My JSON has Accounts, Contacts, and Ticket information within it. It will output the Account and Contact as a dropdown using ng-repeat to give the user their options. This works perfectly, until either Account or Contact have only one value.
<select class="form-control input-sm"
id="accountSelect" ng-model="option.account"
ng-options=" as for account in accounts | orderBy: 'name'">
$scope.accounts = info.Account.Account;
Example of JSON (simplified)
"name":"Account Name",
"name":"Smith, John",
"name":"Smith, Jane",
For me, the select options are all populated by undefined values. If there are more than one Account, this works fine. Why is that?
Your Account.Account is an object not array.
your account should be an array.
"name":"Account Name",

