Difference between two JS examples? - javascript

I've written a JS object that obfuscates email addresses, however I've discovered two slightly different ways of doing so (each with 1 private method and 1 public method):
Object 1:
var email = new function()
function encrypt(code, key)
<eliminated for brevity>
this.mailto = function(address, name)
link = encrypt(<code>, <key>);
document.write(''+ name +'');
Object 2:
var email = function()
function encrypt(code, key)
<eliminated for brevity>
return {
mailto: function(address, name)
link = encrypt(<code>, <key>);
document.write(''+ name +'');
Both of these syntaxes work and can be called with:
email.mailto('example', 'Example');
I'm particularly interested in memory usage or extensibility.
It looks to me as if Object 1 would create a new instance every time it's called?
What are the differences?

It looks to me as if Object 1 would create a new instance every time it's called?
No. You're doing this with the new keyword already (and once only), email is a static object.
What are the differences?
The first email object does inherit from an extra prototype object that is not apparent in the code. Yet, it does e.g. store the initialisation function, making it non-anonymous. You could create another instance of your module by
var email2 = new (email.constructor)();
This is completely superfluous and probably unintentional.
I'm particularly interested in memory usage
The first option does have an additional prototype object and needs to hold the constructor function in memory, while the second one can garbage-collect the IEFE after it was used. Use the second pattern only, avoid the first one.


private function return the last instance [duplicate]

Stylistically, I prefer this structure:
var Filter = function( category, value ){
this.category = category;
this.value = value;
// product is a JSON object
Filter.prototype.checkProduct = function( product ){
// run some checks
return is_match;
To this structure:
var Filter = function( category, value ){
this.category = category;
this.value = value;
};// var Filter = function(){...}
Filter.prototype.checkProduct = function( product ){
// run some checks
return is_match;
Functionally, are there any drawbacks to structuring my code this way? Will adding a prototypical method to a prototype object inside the constructor function's body (i.e. before the constructor function's expression statement closes) cause unexpected scoping issues?
I've used the first structure before with success, but I want to make sure I'm not setting myself for a debugging headache, or causing a fellow developer grief and aggravation due to bad coding practices.
Functionally, are there any drawbacks to structuring my code this way?
Will adding a prototypical method to a prototype object inside the
constructor function's body (i.e. before the constructor function's
expression statement closes) cause unexpected scoping issues?
Yes, there are drawbacks and unexpected scoping issues.
Assigning the prototype over and over to a locally defined function, both repeats that assignment and creates a new function object each time. The earlier assignments will be garbage collected since they are no longer referenced, but it's unnecessary work in both runtime execution of the constructor and in terms of garbage collection compared to the second code block.
There are unexpected scoping issues in some circumstances. See the Counter example at the end of my answer for an explicit example. If you refer to a local variable of the constructor from the prototype method, then your first example creates a potentially nasty bug in your code.
There are some other (more minor) differences. Your first scheme prohibits the use of the prototype outside the constructor as in:
Filter.prototype.checkProduct.apply(someFilterLikeObject, ...)
And, of course, if someone used:
without running the Filter constructor, that would also create a different result which is probably not as likely since it's reasonable to expect that something that uses the Filter prototype should run the Filter constructor in order to achieve expected results.
From a run-time performance point of view (performance of calling methods on the object), you would be better off with this:
var Filter = function( category, value ){
this.category = category;
this.value = value;
// product is a JSON object
this.checkProduct = function( product ){
// run some checks
return is_match;
There are some Javascript "experts" who claim that the memory savings of using the prototype is no longer needed (I watched a video lecture about that a few days ago) so it's time to start using the better performance of methods directly on the object rather than the prototype. I don't know if I'm ready to advocate that myself yet, but it was an interesting point to think about.
The biggest disadvantage of your first method I can think of is that it's really, really easy to make a nasty programming mistake. If you happen to think you can take advantage of the fact that the prototype method can now see local variables of the constructor, you will quickly shoot yourself in the foot as soon as you have more than one instance of your object. Imagine this circumstance:
var Counter = function(initialValue){
var value = initialValue;
// product is a JSON object
Counter.prototype.get = function() {
return value++;
var c1 = new Counter(0);
var c2 = new Counter(10);
console.log(c1.get()); // outputs 10, should output 0
Demonstration of the problem: http://jsfiddle.net/jfriend00/c7natr3d/
This is because, while it looks like the get method forms a closure and has access to the instance variables that are local variables of the constructor, it doesn't work that way in practice. Because all instances share the same prototype object, each new instance of the Counter object creates a new instance of the get function (which has access to the constructor local variables of the just created instance) and assigns it to the prototype, so now all instances have a get method that accesses the local variables of the constructor of the last instance created. It's a programming disaster as this is likely never what was intended and could easily be a head scratcher to figure out what went wrong and why.
While the other answers have focused on the things that are wrong with assigning to the prototype from inside the constructor, I'll focus on your first statement:
Stylistically, I prefer this structure
Probably you like the clean encapsulation that this notation offers - everything that belongs to the class is properly "scoped" to it by the {} block. (of course, the fallacy is that it is scoped to each run of the constructor function).
I suggest you take at the (revealing) module patterns that JavaScript offers. You get a much more explicit structure, standalone constructor declaration, class-scoped private variables, and everything properly encapsulated in a block:
var Filter = (function() {
function Filter(category, value) { // the constructor
this.category = category;
this.value = value;
// product is a JSON object
Filter.prototype.checkProduct = function(product) {
// run some checks
return is_match;
return Filter;
The first example code kind of misses the purpose of the prototype. You will be recreating checkProduct method for each instance. While it will be defined only on the prototype, and will not consume memory for each instance, it will still take time.
If you wish to encapsulate the class you can check for the method's existence before stating the checkProduct method:
if(!Filter.prototype.checkProduct) {
Filter.prototype.checkProduct = function( product ){
// run some checks
return is_match;
There is one more thing you should consider. That anonymous function's closure now has access to all variables inside the constructor, so it might be tempting to access them, but that will lead you down a rabbit hole, as that function will only be privy to a single instance's closure. In your example it will be the last instance, and in my example it will be the first.
Biggest disadvantage of your code is closing possibility to override your methods.
If I write:
Filter.prototype.checkProduct = function( product ){
// run some checks
return different_result;
var a = new Filter(p1,p2);
The result will be different than expected as original function will be called, not my.
In first example Filter prototype is not filled with functions until Filter is invoked at least once. What if somebody tries to inherit Filter prototypically? Using either nodejs'
function ExtendedFilter() {};
util.inherit(ExtendedFilter, Filter);
or Object.create:
function ExtendedFilter() {};
ExtendedFilter.prototype = Object.create(Filter.prototype);
always ends up with empty prototype in prototype chain if forgot or didn't know to invoke Filter first.
Just FYI, you cannot do this safely either:
function Constr(){
const privateVar = 'this var is private';
this.__proto__.getPrivateVar = function(){
return privateVar;
the reason is because Constr.prototype === this.__proto__, so you will have the same misbehavior.

When multiple instances of an object are created, are the attached methods shared or copied?

I've been reviewing these two MDN documents on closures and the object model in attempt of determining whether or not it would be worthwhile to modify a large set of code from a set of functions to an object with a set of methods, because I want to permit the user to create multiple instances of a large portion of the page.
The small tests I've been trying work well and it appears a good approach, but I don't quite understand what takes place with the attached methods when multiple instances of an object are created.
Following this MDN example, since the method declarations are not inside the constructor function, if three instances of MyObject were created, would the three instances "share" the same two methods, similar to having declared only two functions and passing the object data, or would it result in the equivalent of adding six functions to the script where each instance has identical copies of the same two functions?
Thank you.
function MyObject(name, message) {
this.name = name.toString();
this.message = message.toString();
MyObject.prototype.getName = function() {
return this.name;
MyObject.prototype.getMessage = function() {
return this.message;
object_1 = new MyObject( name_1, message_1 );
object_2 = new MyObject( name_2, message_2 );
object_3 = new MyObject( name_3, message_3 );

Cannot combine dynamic prototype pattern with prototype chaining [duplicate]

Stylistically, I prefer this structure:
var Filter = function( category, value ){
this.category = category;
this.value = value;
// product is a JSON object
Filter.prototype.checkProduct = function( product ){
// run some checks
return is_match;
To this structure:
var Filter = function( category, value ){
this.category = category;
this.value = value;
};// var Filter = function(){...}
Filter.prototype.checkProduct = function( product ){
// run some checks
return is_match;
Functionally, are there any drawbacks to structuring my code this way? Will adding a prototypical method to a prototype object inside the constructor function's body (i.e. before the constructor function's expression statement closes) cause unexpected scoping issues?
I've used the first structure before with success, but I want to make sure I'm not setting myself for a debugging headache, or causing a fellow developer grief and aggravation due to bad coding practices.
Functionally, are there any drawbacks to structuring my code this way?
Will adding a prototypical method to a prototype object inside the
constructor function's body (i.e. before the constructor function's
expression statement closes) cause unexpected scoping issues?
Yes, there are drawbacks and unexpected scoping issues.
Assigning the prototype over and over to a locally defined function, both repeats that assignment and creates a new function object each time. The earlier assignments will be garbage collected since they are no longer referenced, but it's unnecessary work in both runtime execution of the constructor and in terms of garbage collection compared to the second code block.
There are unexpected scoping issues in some circumstances. See the Counter example at the end of my answer for an explicit example. If you refer to a local variable of the constructor from the prototype method, then your first example creates a potentially nasty bug in your code.
There are some other (more minor) differences. Your first scheme prohibits the use of the prototype outside the constructor as in:
Filter.prototype.checkProduct.apply(someFilterLikeObject, ...)
And, of course, if someone used:
without running the Filter constructor, that would also create a different result which is probably not as likely since it's reasonable to expect that something that uses the Filter prototype should run the Filter constructor in order to achieve expected results.
From a run-time performance point of view (performance of calling methods on the object), you would be better off with this:
var Filter = function( category, value ){
this.category = category;
this.value = value;
// product is a JSON object
this.checkProduct = function( product ){
// run some checks
return is_match;
There are some Javascript "experts" who claim that the memory savings of using the prototype is no longer needed (I watched a video lecture about that a few days ago) so it's time to start using the better performance of methods directly on the object rather than the prototype. I don't know if I'm ready to advocate that myself yet, but it was an interesting point to think about.
The biggest disadvantage of your first method I can think of is that it's really, really easy to make a nasty programming mistake. If you happen to think you can take advantage of the fact that the prototype method can now see local variables of the constructor, you will quickly shoot yourself in the foot as soon as you have more than one instance of your object. Imagine this circumstance:
var Counter = function(initialValue){
var value = initialValue;
// product is a JSON object
Counter.prototype.get = function() {
return value++;
var c1 = new Counter(0);
var c2 = new Counter(10);
console.log(c1.get()); // outputs 10, should output 0
Demonstration of the problem: http://jsfiddle.net/jfriend00/c7natr3d/
This is because, while it looks like the get method forms a closure and has access to the instance variables that are local variables of the constructor, it doesn't work that way in practice. Because all instances share the same prototype object, each new instance of the Counter object creates a new instance of the get function (which has access to the constructor local variables of the just created instance) and assigns it to the prototype, so now all instances have a get method that accesses the local variables of the constructor of the last instance created. It's a programming disaster as this is likely never what was intended and could easily be a head scratcher to figure out what went wrong and why.
While the other answers have focused on the things that are wrong with assigning to the prototype from inside the constructor, I'll focus on your first statement:
Stylistically, I prefer this structure
Probably you like the clean encapsulation that this notation offers - everything that belongs to the class is properly "scoped" to it by the {} block. (of course, the fallacy is that it is scoped to each run of the constructor function).
I suggest you take at the (revealing) module patterns that JavaScript offers. You get a much more explicit structure, standalone constructor declaration, class-scoped private variables, and everything properly encapsulated in a block:
var Filter = (function() {
function Filter(category, value) { // the constructor
this.category = category;
this.value = value;
// product is a JSON object
Filter.prototype.checkProduct = function(product) {
// run some checks
return is_match;
return Filter;
The first example code kind of misses the purpose of the prototype. You will be recreating checkProduct method for each instance. While it will be defined only on the prototype, and will not consume memory for each instance, it will still take time.
If you wish to encapsulate the class you can check for the method's existence before stating the checkProduct method:
if(!Filter.prototype.checkProduct) {
Filter.prototype.checkProduct = function( product ){
// run some checks
return is_match;
There is one more thing you should consider. That anonymous function's closure now has access to all variables inside the constructor, so it might be tempting to access them, but that will lead you down a rabbit hole, as that function will only be privy to a single instance's closure. In your example it will be the last instance, and in my example it will be the first.
Biggest disadvantage of your code is closing possibility to override your methods.
If I write:
Filter.prototype.checkProduct = function( product ){
// run some checks
return different_result;
var a = new Filter(p1,p2);
The result will be different than expected as original function will be called, not my.
In first example Filter prototype is not filled with functions until Filter is invoked at least once. What if somebody tries to inherit Filter prototypically? Using either nodejs'
function ExtendedFilter() {};
util.inherit(ExtendedFilter, Filter);
or Object.create:
function ExtendedFilter() {};
ExtendedFilter.prototype = Object.create(Filter.prototype);
always ends up with empty prototype in prototype chain if forgot or didn't know to invoke Filter first.
Just FYI, you cannot do this safely either:
function Constr(){
const privateVar = 'this var is private';
this.__proto__.getPrivateVar = function(){
return privateVar;
the reason is because Constr.prototype === this.__proto__, so you will have the same misbehavior.

How to access a variable using new Person(name, description)?

While looking at the Cookie Clicker source code I noticed a peculiar system of Game objects, he used new Game.Building("cursor"...). I then decided I would test this with my own code so I did the same thing with a basic user variable.
AI.User = function(username, password) {
try {
this.username = username;
this.password = password;
this.setUsername = function(username) { this.username = username; };
this.setPassword = function(password) { this.password = password; };
this.getUsername = function() { return this.name; };
this.getPassword = function() { return this.password; };
this.GetUserByUsername = function(username) { };
return true;
catch(err) {
return false;
new AI.User("John Smith", "JSmith42");
The problem is I do not know how to access the variable created.
Object-Oriented Programming in JavaScript
When you use a function with the new operator (i.e. as a constructor), it essentially wraps the function in a little extra code to create a new object, which it sets to this, and then returns that object at the end. **So to save the results of the call, you just assign it to a variable, like var myUser = new AI.User("John Smith", "JSmith42");
Getting into the details, you could think of it sort of like this. The code I'm about to give isn't a perfect match for what actually goes on behind the scenes, but it covers the basics:
function constructObject(constructor) {
var newPrototype = constructor.prototype || Object.prototype,
newThis = Object.create(newPrototype),
Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)
if (constructorResult !== undefined) {
return constructorResult;
return newThis;
When you call "new Constructor(a, b, c)", it's essentially like calling "constructObject(constructor, a, b, c)" as I mention here.
"Object.create" in line 2 creates a brand-new object, whose prototype is equal to whatever we pass in. Note that newPrototype gets picked up from from either constructor.prototype or, if that doesn't exist, Object.prototype. This "newPrototype" object then becomes the prototype of the object that we pass around.
"constructor.apply" then calls the constructor, with our newThis object set to this for that call, and passes in whatever other arguments we might have but leaves the constructor out. We save the return value of the function, even though it's bad practice for constructors to return anything.
Here's a gotcha: if for some reason the constructor returned an object, then we return that instead of the object we made. Otherwise, we return our new object. This is one of the big points where my code isn't a perfect match for what really happens, because the engine has better ways to examine what was or wasn't returned.
It's not good practice to use new without saving the result in a variable. It works, but it looks really strange, and I suspect this is part of why you were confused when you saw it.
Object-Oriented Programming in Cookie Clicker
Cookie Clicker essentially implements its own simple "OO-like" system on top of JavaScript's. There are three kinds of objects: Game.Object, Game.Upgrade, and Game.Achievement. There's no inheritance, prototypal or otherwise, but because it works through a series of callback functions, there's still a kind of polymorphism.
The new operator works just like it does in standard JavaScript. The key is that all three of the basic constructors save a reference to this every time they're called, in one of three lists within the Game object. That's how Cookie Clicker keeps tabs on the objects it creates without saving them in variables: it actually does, just not "in the open". The end result is almost like a kind of table (among other things, as the Game object is huge).
It is probably not a good idea to imitate this style. It reads like no other JavaScript code out there, which is probably a large part of why it confused you so much. Orteil himself seems to be moving away from it: the source code to Idle Game Maker (his follow-up engine) bears a strong resemblance to Cookie Clicker's, but the object system is gone. This is black magic: it's an interesting study in the esoteric details of JavaScript, but not something you should actually practice.
Which, given the themes of Cookie Clicker, is entirely appropriate.
If you're asking why create a variable like that, it's because it's a constructor for that variable. Instead of creating a User object with no name or password and setting it later, you can just call the constructor and fill in the proper parameters with the values you pass in.
This is a simple way to use OO style in javascript.
You can refer to this post if you like to read more.
You need to capture the result of the new expression in a variable:
var user = new AI.User("John Smith", "JSmith42");
console.log(user.getUsername();); // outputs "John Smith"
Note that you can also use a function's .prototype property to create your getters and setters once, rather than having to re-create them every time someone creates a new object. Here's an example of that from an article I wrote:
function Person(first, last)
this.first = first;
this.last = last;
var john = new Person("John", "Doe");
var mary = new Person("Mary", "Deer");
Person.prototype.full = function() {return this.first + " " + this.last;};
alert(john.full()); // "John Doe"
There are a lot of things happening here.
We create a function, which will set properties on its this object when called.
We create two separate instances of that function by putting the new keyword before our function calls. This ensures that john and mary refer to completely separate objects, each with their own first and last properties.
We create a new function and assign it to the full property on our Person function's prototype property. The prototype property exists on all functions, and allows you to define fall-back properties that should exist on every object created from that function.
We call the full() function on john. JavaScript sees that the john object doesn't actually have a full function on it, so it looks for a Person.prototype.full() function and calls that instead. Within that call, however, this still refers to the john object.

Weird moment of JS Inheritance

Here is my superclass:
function Element() {
var name;
this.setName(n) = func()...{};
this.getName() = func()..{return name};
My another child class:
Select = null;
Select =
function (n) {
if (typeof n !== "undefined")
Select.prototype = new Element();
Select.prototype.constructor = Select;
So, what kind of "weird moment" am I talking about? Here it is:
var e1 = new Select("element1");
e1.getName(); // return "element1"
var e2 = new Select(); // WITHOUT NAME
e2.getName(); // return "element1"!!! should be ""!
This is a fairly predictable behavior, but how to get around this?
Of course, i can make something like a this.clear() in Element, that will clear properties and put this method in Select function, but maybe there is a proper solution?
You should add this line Element.call(this, n) into Select. It's quite hard to explain and I feel grumpy because I don't like fake private properties in javascript, but well, I must provide some details in order for you to understand what you are currently doing, otherwise I will not be able to get to sleep.
So, doing new Element() creates a new context where name can live without disturbing anyone. Additionally, two new functions called setName and getName are created, and bound to the prototype object of Select.
From now on, if you create a new instance of Select, you can call these functions since they are available in the prototype of the instance. This actually happens doing new Select("element1"). Indeed, n is defined, so, setName is called from this, which refers to the instance.
But most importantly, calling setName with n set to "element1" will also set name to "element1". Then, if you create a second instance of Select, without defining n, setName is not called, so, name remains set to "element1", for both instances.
Why for both instances? Because both instances share the same setName method, the one bound to the prototype, and this method refers to a unique name variable - remember that Element was called only once.
Finally, why this new line Element.call(this, n) prevents name from being shared? Because each call to Element creates a new context, that is to say, a new name, a new setName and a new getName, and binds these two methods to the newly created instance.
Well, hope this is the morning for you, I would be sorry if you get into sleeping disorders by my fault...
As mentionned by Bergi and HMR, this way of creating the prototype - Child.prototype = new Parent - is out of fashion and will lead you to a dead end. Keep in mind that the prototype is kind of a template for creating instances. Knowing this and considering your code, we can make at least two observations :
As you know, a constructor is intended to initialize instances. In your case, the initialization process - what's inside Element - is unnecessarily executed since the goal is currently to set the template upon which instances will be created.
Let's say that name is required in new Element(name), otherwise your program crashes. What kind of name would you give to the prototype? This question is obviously useless, since you would not want to give a name to a template.
To bypass these problems you need a middleman as shown in the below code (copied from the link shared by Bergi). As you can see, the creation of the prototype is delegated to a "dummy" constructor which is empty. Doing so allows to resolve the two problems raised above.
function Dummy () {}
Dummy.prototype = Element.prototype;
Select.prototype = new Dummy();
Select.prototype.constructor = Select;
Alternatively, you could use the built-in Object.create() :
Select.prototype = Object.create(Element.prototype);
Select.prototype.constructor = Select;
Further reading :
You should use the prototype of Element so the variables are not shared between the instances:
function Element() {}
Element.prototype.setName = function(n) { this.name = n; };
Element.prototype.getName = function() { return this.name; };
In this case e2.getName() will return undefined.

