Align Jcrop images - javascript

I've this code:
<div class='mini'>
<div id='wrap_jcrop' class='td_wrap'>
<img id='img2crop' src=''>
With this CSS: {
width: 300px;
height: 200px;
display: table;
div.td_wrap {
display: table-cell;
vertical-align: middle;
text-align: center;
The image source for img2crop is loaded dynamically and handled with a Jcrop api. But Jcrop aligns the image on the left.
How can I align the image in the center of the div?

Rather than modify the jcrop css file (not recommended, as per the plugin author) you can add a class to the jcrop-holder element as an option when you initialise Jcrop:
jQuery(function($) {
addClass: 'jcrop-centered'
Add a wrapper around the img tag in your HTML, e.g.
<div class="crop-image-wrapper">
<img id="jcrop_target" src="...." alt="" />
Then add a css style, e.g.
display: inline-block;
text-align: center;
Tested in Chrome 31.0.1650.63 m - let me know if it doesn't work in other browsers? (except < IE8) :-)

margin: 0 auto;

Try margin: 0 auto;, position: relative;, float: left;.

The only thing that worked for me:
$("#img2crop").attr("src", resp).load(function(){
$("#wrap_jcrop").css("position", "absolute");
$("#wrap_jcrop").css("top", ($("#wrap_jcrop").parent().height() - $(this).height())/2 + "px");
$("#wrap_jcrop").css("left", ($("#wrap_jcrop").parent().width() - $(this).width())/2 + "px");
.mini {
position: relative;


How to automatically push scroll-bar when new item was added

Please check out this fiddle. If you add items to the #scroll div, the scroll-bar is fixed - it just stays at the "beginning". What I want to achieve is to move scroll-bar automatically when a new item is being appended to the parent. Is it possible to do this via magic of CSS? :)) Or only JS gonna solve it?
<div id="scroll">
<div class="addElement">FIRST</div>
<div class="addElement"></div>
<div class="addElement">LAST</div>
<button id="add">ADD NEW ELEMENT</button>
#scroll {
overflow: auto;
overflow-y: hidden;
width: 200px;
height: 150px;
background: red;
position: relative;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
.addElement {
margin: 5px;
height: 60px;
width: 55px;
background: green;
flex: 0 0 auto;
var scroll = $('#scroll');
var addButton = $('#add');
var item = 1; {
scroll.append(`<div class="addElement">ITEM ${item}</div>`);
Thank you for any suggestion!
I've updated your fiddle to demonstrate a jQuery method of doing this:
I just added the following using scrollLeft (You can remove the animation if needed): {
scroll.append(`<div class="addElement">ITEM ${item}</div>`);
scrollLeft: scroll.get()[0].scrollWidth
You can use the css Direction property, setted to rtf! (right to left)
#scroll {
direction: rtl;
but you will need to prepend the elem instead of append it to the parent.

Simple css not working in Iceweasel 31.2

So I am making a website for a relative, I have made a which isn't displayed at first (display : none) and fades in when the user click somewhere on the page.
It works very well with Chromium, but when I try with Iceweasel 31.2 the CSS for the part of the page that is supposed to fade-in doesn't load.
The javascript function that is called upon clicking the button :
var openGallery = function(){
$('section, nav, #topleft').fadeOut(400);
This is the CSS involved
position: relative;
height: 874px;
width: 1152px;
background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
border-radius: 5px;
margin: auto;
text-align: center;
#gallerie img:first-of-type
max-width: 1100px;
max-height: 720px;
display: block;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
display: inline-block;
position: absolute;
right: 5px;
top: 5px;
.left, .right
position: static;
top: 746px;
And finally, the HTML that fades in/out (note that the JS part of it comes from some PHP)
<div id="gallerie">
<script type="text/javascript">
var collection = [
["6ème arrondissement-73 X 60.JPG","6ème arrondissement",1535,1832],
(more data...)
["Sur la neige-55 X 46.JPG","Sur la neige",1853,1562]
<img src="data/tableaux/6ème arrondissement-73 X 60.JPG" class="big" title="6ème arrondissement" alt="0">
<figcaption>6ème arrondissement</figcaption>
<img src="images/left.png" alt="left" class="left" title="left"><img src="images/right.png" alt="right" class="right" title="right">
<img src="images/close.png" class="close" title="Fermer la fenetre">
I really don't know where the bug might come from. Thanks for helping me out.
Personally, I would use JQuery to toggle through the class events and use those to do the transitions etc. Right now, CSS3 is pretty good across browsers.
Instead of:
$('section, nav, #topleft').fadeOut(400);
I would add CSS that handles the fade with a transition.
Check out the pen I made here to see the effect. You can add toggleClass(); addClass(); or removeClass(); should you choose.
EDIT: .toggle(); will cause a stupid effect, I meant .toggleClass();

Issue with tabbing between form fields when using jQuery custom scrollbars

I'm working on project to provide a bolt-on tool for websites, which makes heavy use of jQuery. Presentation / design is crucial, and I want to replace the standard (ugly) scrollbar applied by the browser to html elements with overflowing content, with something better looking.
There are numerous jQuery plug-ins around that apply custom scrollbars and allow styling via CSS which is great, but all the ones I've tried seem to suffer from the same problem which is this: if the scrollable content contains a form with text fields etc, tabbing between fields does not activate the scrollbar, and in some cases can screw up the custom scrollbar layout altogether.
Two examples of plug-ins I've tried:
I've tried others also, but in all demos / examples the content is plain text. I've done a lot of searching on this already, but it seems no-one has tried using these plug-ins with form-based content.
All these plug-ins seem to work in more or less the same way, and I can see exactly what happens and why, but just wondered if anyone else has had this problem and / or found a solution?
This issue can be easily replicated as follows (using the tinyscrollbar plug-in):
Add this to a standard html test page -
#tinyscrollbartest { width: 520px; height: 250px; padding-right: 20px; background-color: #eee; }
#tinyscrollbartest .viewport { width: 500px; height: 200px; overflow: hidden; position: relative; }
#tinyscrollbartest .overview { list-style: none; position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; }
#tinyscrollbartest .scrollbar { position: relative; float: right; width: 15px; }
#tinyscrollbartest .track { background: #d8eefd; height: 100%; width: 13px; position: relative; padding: 0 1px; }
#tinyscrollbartest .thumb { height: 20px; width: 13px; cursor: pointer; overflow: hidden; position: absolute; top: 0; }
#tinyscrollbartest .thumb .end { overflow: hidden; height: 5px; width: 13px; }
#tinyscrollbartest .thumb, #tinyscrollbartest .thumb .end { background-color: #003d5d; }
#tinyscrollbartest .disable { display: none; }
<div id="tinyscrollbartest">
<div class="scrollbar">
<div class="track">
<div class="thumb">
<div class="end"></div>
<div class="viewport">
<div class="overview">
</p>Here's a text field: <input type="text"/><p>
// lots of content to force scrollbar to appear,
// and to push the next field out of sight ..
<p>Here's another field: <input type="text"/></p>
Plug-in reference (assuming jquery libraries etc are referenced also):
<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/jquery.tinyscrollbar.min.js"></script>
Jquery code:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
Now click in the first text field so it has focus, hit the tab key to move to the next one and see what happens.
I understand your problem.. But is hard to find a good solution to this. You could try to set a focus event on your form elements. And let this event trigger the scrollbar_update function of tinyscrollbar. You can set the offsetTop of the form element that currently has focus as the methods parameter. I think that would work.
I had to overwrite the standard tabbing functionality with my own:
$(".scrollable").each(function() {
if (!$(this).data("scrollbar"))
$(this).data("scrollbar", new Scrollbar({
$(this).find("input").bind("keydown", function(e)
var keyCode = e.keyCode || e.which;
if (keyCode == 9)
var scrollTo = $(this);
if (e.shiftKey)
var nextInput = $(this).prevAll("input:not([type=hidden])").first();
scrollTo = nextInput.prevAll("input:not([type=hidden]), label").first();
var nextInput = $(this).nextAll("input:not([type=hidden])").first();
if (nextInput.length)
$(this).closest(".scrollable").data("scrollbar").scrollTo(scrollTo, function()
It's a bit annoying to have to wait for the scroll but I don't see any other option.

Position badge over corner of image automatically

I have a layout where images "float" within a certain area. The layout looks like this:
The source like this:
<div class="free_tile">
<a class="img_container canonical" href="/photos/10">
<img class="canonical" src="" alt="Andrew_burleson_10_tile">
<!-- EDIT: I am aware that I can put the badge here. See the edit notes and image below. -->
<div class="location">Houston</div>
<div class="taxonomy"> T6 | Conduit | Infrastructure </div>
The CSS looks like this (in SCSS):
div.free_tile { width: 176px; height: 206px; float: left; margin: 0 20px 20px 0; position: relative;
&.last { margin: 0 0 20px 0; }
a.img_container { display: block; width: 176px; height: 158px; text-align: center; line-height: 156px; margin-bottom: 10px; }
img { margin: 0; border: 1px solid $dark3; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; #include boxShadow;
&.canonical { border: 1px solid $transect; }
.location, .taxonomy { width: 176px; }
.location { font-weight: 700; }
.taxonomy { line-height: 10px; font-size: 10px; text-transform: uppercase; height: 20px; overflow: hidden; }
div.transect_badge { height: 20px; width: 20px; background: url('/images/transect-badge.png'); }
So, basically the images are sitting vertically-aligned middle and text-aligned center, and they have a maximum width of 176 and max height of 158, but they're cropped to maintain the original aspect ratio so the actual top corner of each image falls differently depending on which image it is.
I have a badge that I'd like to put in the top corner of certain images (when the image is "canonical"). You see the style for this above (div.transect_badge).
The problem, of course, is I don't know where the top corner of the image will be so I can't hardcode the position via CSS.
I assume that I'll need to do this via jQuery or something. So, I started with a jQuery method to automatically append the badge div to any canonical images. That works fine, but I can't figure out how to position it over the top left corner.
How can this be done? (ideally using just HTML and CSS, but realistically using JS/jQuery)
Here's the problem: The image is floating inside a container, so the corner of the image might fall anywhere inside the outer limits of the container. Here's an example of what happens if I try to use position:absolute; top:0; left:0 inside the same container the image is bound by:
It took some tryouts, but here it is: the size independent image badge positioner.
<div class="tile">
<span class="photo">
<img src="/photos/10.jpg" alt="10" /><ins></ins>
<p class="location">Houston</p>
<p class="taxonomy">T6 | Conduit | Infrastructure</p>
.tile {
float: left;
width: 176px;
height: 206px;
margin: 0 20px 20px 0;
.photo {
display: block;
width: 176px;
height: 158px;
text-align: center;
line-height: 158px;
margin-bottom: 10px;
a {
display: inline-block;
position: relative;
line-height: 0;
img {
border: none;
vertical-align: middle;
ins {
background: url('/images/badge.png') no-repeat 0 0;
position: absolute;
left: 0;
top: 0;
width: 20px;
height: 20px;
In previous less successful attempts (see edit history), the problem was getting the image vertically centered ánd to get its parent the same size (in order to position the badge in the top-left of that parent). As inline element that parent doesn't care about the height of its contents and thus remains to small, but as block element it stretches to hís parent's size and thus got to high, see demonstration fiddle. The trick seems to be to give that parent a very small line-height (e.g. 0) and display it as an inline-block. That way the parent will grow according to its childs.
Tested in Opera 11, Chrome 11, IE8, IE9, FF4 and Safari 5 with all DTD's. IE7 fails, but a center-top alignment of the photo with badge at the right position isn't that bad at all. Works also for IE7 now because I deleted the spaces in the markup within the a tag. Haha, how weird!
EDIT3: This solution is very similar to my original solution. I didn't really look at your code much so I should have noticed this earlier. Your a tag is already wrapping each image so you can just add the badge in there and position it absolute. The a tag doesn't need width/height. Also you must add the badge image at the beginning of your a tag.
div.free_tile {
width: 176px;
height: 206px;
float: left;
a.img_container {
display: block;
margin-bottom: 10px;
span.transect_badge {
position: absolute;
height: 20px;
width: 20px;
background-image: url('/images/transect-badge.png');
<a class="img_container canonical" href="/photos/10">
<span class="transect_badge"></span>
<img class="canonical" src="path/to/img" />
Other solutions...
In my code I'm using SPAN tags so simulate images, but it's the same idea. The badge image, when positioned absolute, will create the desired effect.
EDIT: In the case that you need jQuery to position. This should work (where .box is your container and .corner is the badge image)...
$('.box').each(function() {
.css('margin-top', ( $(this).width() - $(this).find('.img').width() ) / 2);
.css('margin-left', ( $(this).height() - $(this).find('.img').height() ) / 2);
EDIT2: Another solution would be to wrap each image with a new container. You would have to move the code that you use to center each image to the class of the new wrapping container.
$('.img').wrap('<span class="imgwrap" />');
$('.imgwrap').prepend('<span class="badge" />');
Technically you can just add something like this to your HTML though without using jQuery to insert it.
Use an element other than <div>, e.g. <span> and put it inside your <a> element after the <img> element. Then, give the <a> element position:relative; and the <span> gets position:absolute; top:0px; left:0px;. That is, if you don't mind the badge also being part of the same link - but it's the easiest way. Also, the reason for using <span> is to keep your HTML4 valid, <div> would still be HTML5 valid, however.
I did find one solution using jQuery. I don't prefer this because it noticably impacts page loading, but it is acceptable if nothing else will work. I'm more interested in NGLN's idea which seems promising but I haven't entirely figured out yet. However, since this thread has picked up a lot of traffic I thought I'd post one solution that I came up with for future readers to consider:
Given this markup:
<div class="free_tile">
<a class="img_container canonical" href="/photos/10">
<img class="canonical" src="" alt="Andrew_burleson_10_tile">
<span class="transect-badge"></span>
<div class="location">Houston</div>
<div class="taxonomy"> T6 | Conduit | Infrastructure </div>
Same CSS as in question except:
span.transect-badge { display: block; height: 20px; width: 20px; position: absolute; background: url('/images/transect-badge.png'); }
Then this jQuery solves the problem:
$(function() {
$('img.canonical').load( function() {
var position = $(this).position();
$(this).next().css({ 'top':, 'left': position.left+1 });
Like I said, though, this incurs noticeable run-time on the client end, so I'd prefer to use a non JS solution if I can. I'll continue to leave this question open while I test out and give feedback on the other solutions offered, with hopes of finding one of them workable without JS.

Display value in jQueryUI ProgressBar

I've set up a simple jQuery UI ProgressBar:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
value: 35
<div id="progressbar"> </div>
Among other things, I'd like to display some text in the progress-bar (for starters, I'd just use the "value").
I can't seem to get this to work.
Bonus Question: How do I format the displayed text (e.g. color, alignment)?
Instead of introducing another element (span) and a new style, leverage what is already there like this:
var myPer = 35;
.progressbar({ value: myPer })
.html(myPer.toPrecision(3) + '%')
.css("display", "block");
The css("display", "block") is to handle the case where the value is 0 (jQuery UI sets a display: none on the element when the value is 0).
If you look at the source of The demo, you'll notice that a <div class="ui-progressbar-value"> is added. You can simply override this class in your own CSS, like:
.ui-progressbar-value {
font-size: 13px;
font-weight: normal;
line-height: 18px;
padding-left: 10px;
The way I did it was:
<div class="progressbar"><span style="position:absolute; margin-left:10px; margin-top:2px>45% or whatever text you want to put in here</span></div>
You can adjust the margin-top and margin-left so that the text is in the center of the progress bar.
Then you apply the progressbar plugin for the elements which have class progressbar in the javascript section of the page
Hope this help
After fiddling around with some solutions, based on the answers here, I've ended up with this one:
<div id="progress"><span class="caption">Loading...please wait</span></div>
$("#progress").children('span.caption').html(percentage + '%');
(To be called inside the function that updates the progressbar value)
#progress {
height: 18px;
#progress .ui-progressbar {
position: relative;
#progress .ui-progressbar-value {
margin-top: -20px;
#progress span.caption {
display: block;
position: static;
text-align: center;
Caption is centered with no harcoded positioning (necessary if caption width changes dinamically)
No JS strange manipulation
Simple and minimal CSS
This solution allows for a flexible width based on the text as well as centering the text, styling the text, etc. Works in Chrome, FF, IE8, and IE8 in compatibility mode. Didn't test IE6.
<div class="progress"><span>70%</span></div>
$(".progress").each(function() {
value: 70
.progress.ui-progressbar {position:relative;height:2em;}
.progress span {position:static;margin-top:-2em;text-align:center;display:block;line-height:2em;padding-left:10px;padding-right:10px;}
.progress[aria-valuenow="0"] span {margin-top:0px;}​
Working sample:
I used this:
<div id="progressbar" style="margin: 0px 0px 16px 0px; "><span style="position: absolute;text-align: center;width: 269px;margin: 7px 0 0 0; ">My %</span></div>
#progress {
height: 18px;
#progress .ui-progressbar {
position: relative;
#progress .ui-progressbar-value {
margin-top: -20px;
#progress span.caption {
display: block;
position: static;
text-align: center;
<div id="progressbar"></div>
<div id="progressbar2"></div>
max : 1024,
value : 10
value : 50
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#progressbar ").children('div.ui-progressbar-value').html('10');
$("#progressbar2 ").children('div.ui-progressbar-value').html('50%');

