Javascript: How to re-arrange content display of text field? - javascript

I have a text field (not a date field) who contain simply a value such "2013-08-27" and my goal would be to reverse the order and get "27-08-2013". So is matter to re-arrange the content but I don't have enough javascript knowledge. I tried using some "date" variable but without success much probably because my field is not a date field.
The html related to the field look like this:
<input type="text" value="2013-08-27" name="my_field" id="my-field" readonly="">
If you can give me an example of code based of this:
var my_field = document.getElementById('my_field');
PS: I precise I don't have access to html of this field because is located to a remote server. I can only interact by adding code in a JS file planned for that. The field have also a "readonly" property because is not planned for be modified.

This code should do the trick:
var revert = function(str) {
var parts = str.split("-");
var newArr = [];
for(var i=parts.length-1; p=parts[i]; i--) {
return newArr.join("-");
var replaceValueInInputField = function(id) {
var field = document.getElementById(id);
field.value = revert(field.value);
var replaceValueInDomNode = function(id) {
var el = document.getElementById(id);
var value = el.innerHTML, newValue = '';
var matches = value.match(/(\d{4})-(\d{2})\-(\d{2})/g);
for(var i=0; m=matches[i]; i++) {
value = value.replace(m, revert(m));
el.innerHTML = value;

split('-') will return an array of number strings
reverse() will order array backwards
join("-") will join array back with '-' symbol
var my_field_value = document.getElementById('my_field').value;

You can use the split function.
var my_field = document.getElementById('my_field').split("-");
the var my_field will be an array of string like : "YYYY,mm,dd"
and then you can re-arrange it in the order you want.

Try this
var date = document.getElementById("my-field").value;
var sp = date.split("-");

With Jquery
var parts =$('#my-field').val().split("-");

Simple regex:
var res;

You could try splitting the string into array and inverting it's items in a loop:
var my_field = document.getElementById('my_field').value.split("-"),
length = my_field.length,
date = [];
for(i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--){


How can I get the IDs from this STRING and the word children in it in a row?

DISCLAIMER: I know how to do it when it's JSON, I need to know how to do it as being a STRING
I'm trying to get "ID":s and "children":, I kind of can get both but not in sequence. For now I can only get "ID":s or "children":s not both, how can I do it, any help is appreciated?
What I'm getting:
What I'd like to get
What I'm asking, basically, is to do these two in one (well, in a way that it will bring them in sequence).
var t1 = data.match(/"id":[0-9]+(,|})*/g);
var t2 = data.match(/"children":/g);
My code is right below:
var data = '[{"name":"node1","id":1,"is_open":true,"children":[{"name":"child2","id":3},{"name":"child1","id":2}]}]';
var arrays = [];
var t1 = data.match(/"id":[0-9]+(,|})*/g);
//arrays = t1;
for (var x = 0; x < t1.length; x++) {
//var t2=data.match(/"children":/g);
alert(arrays /*+"\n\n\n\n\n"+t2*/ );
"Live long and prosper"
Thanks in advance.
I am using jQuery. I presume you use it because of the tag you created.
var data = '[{"name":"node1","id":1,"is_open":true,"children":[{"name":"child2","id":3},{"name":"child1","id":2}]}]';
var arrays = [];
//convert you string to object
//or you can simply change your first row.
data = $.parseJSON(data);
//function to loop the array
function listNodes(inputVal){
if(jQuery.isArray( inputVal )){
$.each(inputVal, function(i,elem){
if(jQuery.isArray( elem.children )){
alert(arrays /*+"\n\n\n\n\n"+t2*/ );
<script src=""></script>

InDesign Target XML Structure element by partial name

In my Structure pane there are some elements that their partial name is identical, eg. image01, image03, image03 etc.
I want to know if there is a way to access them via scripting using the itemByName() method, but by providing a partial name, like in CSS i can use
Is there a similar way to do this in:
var items2 = items.xmlElements.itemByName("image");
You could try something like the code below. You can test against the properties with a regular expression. The regex is equivalent to something like /^image/ in your example (find image at the beginning of a string).
function itemsWithPartialName(item, partialName) {
var elems = item.xmlElements;
var result = [];
for (var i=0; i<elems.length; i++) {
var elem = elems[i];
var elemName =;
var regex = new RegExp("^" + partialName);
if (regex.test(elemName)) {
return result;
itemsWithPartialName(/* some xml item */, 'image');
You can use an XPath:
var rootXE = app.activeDocument.xmlElements.item(0);
var tagXEs = rootXE.evaluateXPathExpression("//*[starts-with(local-name(),'image')]");

Javascript table string to array

I have a string that looks like:
...which is of course essentially a table.
I'd like to dynamically convert this string into an array containing 2 arrays. One of dates, one of values.
[Edited in]
An array of objects with date and values would work too.
The following::
var input = // your string
var output = $(input).slice(1).map(function(i,el) {
var tds = $(el).find("td");
return { "date" : tds.eq(0).text(), "value" : tds.eq(1).text() };
...will return an array of objects in this format:
[{"date":"2013-01-01","value":"231.198"}, {"date":"2013-02-01","value":"232.770"}, ... ]
If you'd like each value to be treated as a number you can convert it like so:
return { "date" : tds.eq(0).text(), "value" : +tds.eq(1).text() };
// add the unary plus operator ---------------^
Then the result will be:
[{"date":"2013-01-01","value":231.198}, {"date":"2013-02-01","value":232.77}, ... ]
While you've already accepted an answer, I thought I'd post a plain JavaScript solution (albeit largely because I spent time working on it, before Barmar pointed out that you're willing and able to use jQuery):
function cellContents(htmlStr, what) {
var _table = document.createElement('table');
_table.innerHTML = htmlStr;
var rows = _table.getElementsByTagName('tr'),
text = 'textContent' in document ? 'textContent' : 'innerText',
matches = {};
for (var w = 0, wL = what.length; w < wL; w++) {
matches[what[w]] = [];
for (var r = 1, rL = rows.length; r < rL; r++) {
cells = rows[r].getElementsByTagName('td');
return matches;
var str = "<tr><td>Date</td><td>Value</td></tr><tr><td>2013-01-01</td><td>231.198</td></tr><tr><td>2013-02-01</td><td>232.770</td></tr><tr><td>2013-03-01</td><td>232.340</td></tr><tr><td>2013-04-01</td><td>231.485</td></tr><tr><td>2013-05-01</td><td>231.831</td></tr><tr><td>2013-06-01</td><td>232.944</td></tr><tr><td>2013-07-01</td><td>233.318</td></tr>";
console.log(cellContents(str, ['dates', 'values']));
JS Fiddle demo.
For a pure JavaScript solution you can try something like this (assuming str holds your string) :
var arrStr = str.replace(/<td>/g, "").replace(/<tr>/g, "").split("</td></tr>");
var arrObj = [];
var arrData
for (var i = 1; i < arrStr.length - 1; i++) {
arrData = arrStr[i].split("</td>");
arrObj.push({ Date: arrData[0], Value: arrData[1] })
It's a burte-force string replacement/split, but at the end arrObj will have array of objects.
if its a valid html table structure, wrap it between table tags, and use jquery to parse it.
then use jquery's selectors to find the columns.
e.g something like this ( pseudo code, havent tried it )
table = $(yourTableString);
dates = table.find("tr td:nth-child(1)");
values = table.find("tr td:nth-child(2)");
Using jQuery:
var table = $('<table>'+str+'</table>');
var result = {};
table.find('tr:gt(0)').each(function () {
var date = $(this).find("td:nth-child(1)").text();
var value = $(this).find("td:nth-child(2)").text();
result[date] = value;
:gt(0) is to skip over the header line. This will create an associative array object that maps dates to values. Assuming the dates are unique, this is likely to be more useful than two arrays or an array of objects.

function to change argument to another sign

I dynamically create this list element and information a user has typed in shows up in it when a button is clicked 'info' is text and shuld show as it is but 'grade' is a number that i want to convert to another sign with the function changeNumber() but I am new to javascript and cant figure out how to make this function, can anyone give a suggestion or point me in the right direction?
var list = $("#filmlista");
var list_array = new Array();
function updateFilmList()
document.getElementById("name").value = '';
document.getElementById("star").value = 0;
var listan = list_array[0][0];
var grade = list_array[0][1];
var element = '<li class="lista">' + list + '<span class="grade">'+ changeNumber(grade) +'</span></li>';
should I use innerHTML? not shure I understand how it works? and how do I use the replace method if I have to replace many different numbers to the amount of signs the number is?
for example if the number is 5 it should show up as: *****, if number is 3 show up as: *** and so on
Here's some code that should do the trick:
Add this function into your script.
function changeNumber(number) {
var finalProduct = "";
for (var i = 0; i < number; i++) {
finalProduct += "*";
return finalProduct;
Replace the updateFilmsList with this code.
document.getElementById("name").value = '';
document.getElementById("star").value = 0;
var listan = list_array[0][0];
var grade = changeNumber(list_array[0][1]);
var element = '<li class="lista">' + list + '<span class="grade">'+ grade +'</span></li>';
It looks like you're trying to do something like PHP's str_repeat. In that case, take a look at str_repeat from PHPJS
There are options other than a loop:
function charString(n, c) {
n = n? ++n : 0;
return new Array(n).join(c);
charString(3, '*'); // ***
You can use innerHTML to set the text content of an element provided none of the text might be mistaken for markup. Otherwise, set the textContent (W3C compliant) or innerText (IE proprietary but widely implemented) property as appropriate.

don't get return associative array in javascript

When i create associate array in javascript, i got a problem like that.
I want to get the value by using field name as key, but i just only got undefined.
What should i do to get value by key or which way is good approach for it.
Here is my code
function getFields(pVal){
var tmpObj = {};
str = pVal.split(",");
tmpVal = str[i].split(":");
tmpObj[tmpVal[0]] = tmpVal[1];
return tmpObj;
function JustTest(){
var fields = {};
fields = getFields("'Code':'PRJ001','Name':'Project 01'");
Because the key is 'Code', not Code, note the single quote ', you need do alert(fields["'Code'"]);
PS: Please add ; at the end of statement, it is bad practice to omit them.
I have re-factor the code, just try this:
function getFields(pVal) {
var tmpObj = {};
var str = pVal.split(",");
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
var tmpVal = str[i].split(":");
tmpObj[tmpVal[0]] = tmpVal[1];
return tmpObj;
function JustTest() {
var fields = { };
fields = getFields("'Code':'PRJ001','Name':'Project 01'");
if you have question please comment below about code, thanks

