how to validate data on drop event of itemselecter in extjs? - javascript

we not like to add three word again in selected item.
we like to validate on drag and drop event and need to show message that u already added this record.
i try with below code but not able to fine relevant event for validate
listeners: {
}, blur:function(obj,event){
}, click: function( obj) {
}, select: function( obj) {
please see attached image bellow.
I am Using Extjs 3.4

The change event fires when an item is selected or deselected... But at this stage, you won't be able to prevent it anymore. So, apparently, your best move is to override the onAddBtnClick method:
xtype: 'itemselector'
// ... config
,onAddBtnClick: function() {
var me = this,
selected = me.getSelections(me.fromField.boundList),
i, l, record;
var toStore = this.toField.boundList.getStore(),
idField = 'value', // or 'id', or whatever you want
selectedIds = Ext.pluck(Ext.pluck(toStore.getRange(), 'data'), idField),
accepted = [], rejected = [];
for (i=0, l=selected.length; i<l; i++) {
record = selected[i];
if (selectedIds.indexOf(record.get(idField)) === -1) {
} else {
if (rejected.length) {
// warning msg
me.moveRec(true, accepted);


AngularJs+Bootstrap+Typehead+Ajax is working only if i put alert box but only in chrome

i am using bootsrap typehead with angularjs given at this link
In my controller
$scope.getUser = function(val) {
return $http.get('user/', {
params: {
userName: val,
my html code
<input type="text" ng-model="asyncSelected" typeahead-wait-ms="300" typeahead="user for user in getUser($viewValue)" class="form-control">
if remove the alert the typehead will not work
if i keep the alert the typehead will work only in chrome
if i place a break point at "return $http.get('user/'" and step out using
fire bug it works in firefox
i am receiving the data in this formate ['name1','name2'] from server
some one please help
thanks in advance
thats because the time taken to close the alert the async data is recieved. you should store the data on $scope rather then calling a function on $scope
$scope.users= {};
$scope.getUser = function(val) {
return $http.get('user/', {
params: {
userName: val,
<input type="text" ng-model="asyncSelected" ng-change="getUser($viewValue)"
typeahead-wait-ms="300" typeahead="user for user in users" class="form-control">
your cods logic is incorrect,you cant return data like that from a async function, that need time to complete,
dont return anything from this getUser function. you have 2 option :
1 - store the in a global variable to be used later
$scope.users = [];
$scope.getUser = function (val) {
$http.get('user/', {
params: {
userName: val
}).then(function (response) {
2 - call another function when get function is complete to handle the data recived
$scope.getUser = function (val) {
$http.get('user/', {
params: {
userName: val
}).then(function (response) {
By the simple hack in angular-ui-bootstrap i solved the problem
var getMatchesAsync = function(inputValue) {
var locals = {$viewValue: inputValue};
isLoadingSetter(originalScope, true);
$q.when(parserResult.source(originalScope, locals)).then(function(matches) {
//it might happen that several async queries were in progress if a user were typing fast
//but we are interested only in responses that correspond to the current view value
var onCurrentRequest = (inputValue === modelCtrl.$viewValue);
if (onCurrentRequest && hasFocus) {
if (matches.length > 0) {
scope.activeIdx = focusFirst ? 0 : -1;
scope.matches.length = 0;
//transform labels
for(var i=0; i<matches.length; i++) {
locals[parserResult.itemName] = matches[i];
id: getMatchId(i),
label: parserResult.viewMapper(scope, locals),
model: matches[i]
scope.query = inputValue;
//position pop-up with matches - we need to re-calculate its position each time we are opening a window
//with matches as a pop-up might be absolute-positioned and position of an input might have changed on a page
//due to other elements being rendered
scope.position = appendToBody ? $position.offset(element) : $position.position(element); = + element.prop('offsetHeight');
element.attr('aria-expanded', true);
} else {
if (onCurrentRequest) {
isLoadingSetter(originalScope, false);
}, function(){
isLoadingSetter(originalScope, false);
i just removed '&& hasFocus' this sipneet from the code
after ........
var getMatchesAsync = function(inputValue) {
var locals = {$viewValue: inputValue};
isLoadingSetter(originalScope, true);
$q.when(parserResult.source(originalScope, locals)).then(function(matches) {
//it might happen that several async queries were in progress if a user were typing fast
//but we are interested only in responses that correspond to the current view value
var onCurrentRequest = (inputValue === modelCtrl.$viewValue);
if (onCurrentRequest) {
if (matches.length > 0) {
scope.activeIdx = focusFirst ? 0 : -1;
scope.matches.length = 0;
//transform labels
for(var i=0; i<matches.length; i++) {
locals[parserResult.itemName] = matches[i];
id: getMatchId(i),
label: parserResult.viewMapper(scope, locals),
model: matches[i]
scope.query = inputValue;
//position pop-up with matches - we need to re-calculate its position each time we are opening a window
//with matches as a pop-up might be absolute-positioned and position of an input might have changed on a page
//due to other elements being rendered
scope.position = appendToBody ? $position.offset(element) : $position.position(element); = + element.prop('offsetHeight');
element.attr('aria-expanded', true);
} else {
if (onCurrentRequest) {
isLoadingSetter(originalScope, false);
}, function(){
isLoadingSetter(originalScope, false);

Cannot select a dynamically added list item until it is clicked

I have written a small JQuery plugin that creates a dropdown box based on bootstrap. I have written it to where a data attribute supplies a url that produces the list items. After the ajax call, Jquery loops through the list items and inserts them into the dropdown menu. Here is what I do not understand, the plugin takes a div with the class of .combobox and appends the required html to make the combobox. It uses two functions, _create() and _listItems(). _create() actually adds the html and calls on _listItems() to make the ajax call and it returns the list items to be appended. Looks like this:
;(function ( $, window, document, undefined ) {
var Combobox = function(element,options) {
this.$element = $(element);
this.$options = $.extend({}, $.fn.combobox.defaults, options);
this.$html = {
input: $('<input type="text" placeholder="[SELECT]" />').addClass('form-control'),
button: $('<div id="test"/>').addClass('input-group-btn')
.append($('<button />')
.addClass('btn btn-default input-sm')
.append('<span class="caret"></span>'))
this.$list_type = this.$element.attr('data-type');
this.$url = this.$element.attr('data-url');
this.$defaultValue = this.$element.attr('data-default');
this.$input = this.$element.find('input');
this.$button = this.$element.find('button');
this.$list = this.$element.find('ul')
if(this.$defaultValue) {
Combobox.prototype = {
constructor: Combobox,
_create: function() {
this.$element.addClass('input-group input-group-sm')
_itemClicked: function(e){
this.$selectedItem = $(;
_listItems: function() {
var list = $('<ul />').addClass('dropdown-menu');
url: this.$url,
type: 'POST',
data: {opt: this.$list_type},
list.append($('<li class="listObjItem" data-value="''">'+text.value+'</li>'));
return list
selectedItem: function() {
var item = this.$selectedItem;
var data = {};
if (item) {
var txt = this.$selectedItem.text();
data = $.extend({ text: txt }, this.$;
else {
data = { text: this.$input.val()};
return data;
selectByValue: function(value) {
var selector = '[data-value="'+value+'"]';
selectBySelector: function (selector) {
var $item = this.$element.find(selector);
if (typeof $item[0] !== 'undefined') {
this.$selectedItem = $item;
else {
this.$selectedItem = null;
enable: function () {
disable: function () {
this.$input.attr('disabled', true);
_toggleList: function(e) {
if(e.type == 'mouseleave') {
if(this.$':hidden')) {
return false;
} else {
} else {
$.fn.combobox = function (option) {
return this.each(function () {
if (!$.data(this, 'combobox')) {
$.data(this, 'combobox',
new Combobox( this, option ));
$.fn.combobox.defaults = {};
$.fn.combobox.Constructor = Combobox;
})( jQuery, window, document );
The problem is that after the items are appended to the DOM, everything is selectable accept the list items. I currently have an .on() statement that binds the click event with the list item. To test this out I have used console.log(this.$element.find('[data-value="W"]') and it does not return an element, however if I place that same console log in the click callback of the list item it will return the element and it is selectable. Am I doing something wrong?
I have pasted the entire plugin to save on confusion.

kendoui angular grid selection event

I am trying to handle a selection event from a KendoUI Grid in AngularJS.
I have got my code working as per below. However it feels like a really nasty way of having to get the data for the selected row. Especially using _data. Is there a better way of doing this? Have I got the wrong approach?
<div kendo-grid k-data-source="recipes" k-selectable="true" k-sortable="true" k-pageable="{'refresh': true, 'pageSizes': true}"
k-columns='[{field: "name", title: "Name", filterable: false, sortable: true},
{field: "style", title: "Style", filterable: true, sortable: true}]' k-on-change="onSelection(kendoEvent)">
$scope.onSelection = function(e) {
please try the following:
$scope.onSelection = function(kendoEvent) {
var grid = kendoEvent.sender;
var selectedData = grid.dataItem(;
Joining the party rather late, there is a direct way to do it without reaching for the grid object:
on the markup:
in the code:
$scope.onSelection = function(data) {
// no need to reach the for the sender
note that you may still send selected, dataItem, kendoEvent or columns if needed.
consult this link for more details.
Directive for two-way binding to selected row. Should be put on the same element
as kendo-grid directive.
Typescript version:
interface KendoGridSelectedRowsScope extends ng.IScope {
row: any[];
// Directive is registered as gridSelectedRow
export function kendoGridSelectedRowsDirective(): ng.IDirective {
return {
link($scope: KendoGridSelectedRowsScope, element: ng.IAugmentedJQuery) {
var unregister = $scope.$parent.$on("kendoWidgetCreated", (event, grid) => {
if (unregister)
// Set selected rows on selection
grid.bind("change", function (e) {
var selectedRows =;
var selectedDataItems = [];
for (var i = 0; i < selectedRows.length; i++) {
var dataItem = this.dataItem(selectedRows[i]);
if ($scope.row != selectedDataItems[0]) {
$scope.row = selectedDataItems[0];
$scope.$root.$$phase || $scope.$root.$digest();
// Reset selection on page change
grid.bind("dataBound", () => {
$scope.row = null;
$scope.$root.$$phase || $scope.$root.$digest();
() => $scope.row,
(newValue, oldValue) => {
if (newValue !== undefined && newValue != oldValue) {
if (newValue == null)
else {
var index = grid.dataSource.indexOf(newValue);
if (index >= 0)"tr:eq(" + (index + 1) + ")"));
scope: {
row: "=gridSelectedRow"
Javascript version
function kendoGridSelectedRowsDirective() {
return {
link: function ($scope, element) {
var unregister = $scope.$parent.$on("kendoWidgetCreated", function (event, grid) {
if (unregister)
// Set selected rows on selection
grid.bind("change", function (e) {
var selectedRows =;
var selectedDataItems = [];
for (var i = 0; i < selectedRows.length; i++) {
var dataItem = this.dataItem(selectedRows[i]);
if ($scope.row != selectedDataItems[0]) {
$scope.row = selectedDataItems[0];
$scope.$root.$$phase || $scope.$root.$digest();
// Reset selection on page change
grid.bind("dataBound", function () {
$scope.row = null;
$scope.$root.$$phase || $scope.$root.$digest();
$scope.$watch(function () { return $scope.row; }, function (newValue, oldValue) {
if (newValue !== undefined && newValue != oldValue) {
if (newValue == null)
else {
var index = grid.dataSource.indexOf(newValue);
if (index >= 0)"tr:eq(" + (index + 1) + ")"));
scope: {
row: "=gridSelectedRow"
A quick example of how to do this with an angular directive.
Note here that I'm getting the reference to the underlying kendo grid through the click event and the DOM handle.
//this is a custom directive to bind a kendo grid's row selection to a model
var lgSelectedRow = MainController.directive('lgSelectedRow', function () {
return {
scope: {
//optional isolate scope aka one way binding
rowData: "=?"
link: function (scope, element, attributes) {
//binds the click event and the row data of the selected grid to our isolate scope
element.bind("click", function(e) {
scope.$apply(function () {
//get the grid from the click handler in the DOM
var grid = $("div").parent().data("kendoGrid");
var selectedData = grid.dataItem(;
scope.rowData = selectedData;
I would suggest to use like this, I was also getting undefined when I upgraded my application from angular 7 to 15. Now I get event details like this
public selectedRowChangeAction(event:any): void {
console.log(event.selectedRows[0].dataItem.Id); }
event has selected Row at its 0 index and you can have dataItem as first object and then you can have all object details whatever you have for example Id, Name,Product details whatever you want to select, Something like you can see in picture

Is it possible to reinitialize a CKEditor Combobox/Drop Down Menu?

How do I dynamically update the items in a drop down?
I have a custom plugin for CKEditor that populates a drop down menu with a list of items which I can inject into my textarea.
This list of items comes from a Javascript array called maptags, which is updated dynamically for each page.
var maptags = []
This list of tags gets added to the drop down when you first click on it by the init: function. My problem is what if the items in that array change as the client changes things on the page, how can I reload that list to the updated array?
Here is my CKEditor Plugin code:
CKEDITOR.plugins.add('mapitems', {
requires: ['richcombo'], //, 'styles' ],
init: function (editor) {
var config = editor.config,
lang = editor.lang.format;
label: "Map Items",
title: "Map Items",
voiceLabel: "Map Items",
className: 'cke_format',
multiSelect: false,
css: [config.contentsCss, CKEDITOR.getUrl(editor.skinPath + 'editor.css')],
voiceLabel: lang.panelVoiceLabel
init: function () {
this.startGroup("Map Items");
//this.add('value', 'drop_text', 'drop_label');
for (var this_tag in maptags) {
this.add(maptags[this_tag][0], maptags[this_tag][1], maptags[this_tag][2]);
onClick: function (value) {
I think I just solved this actually.
Change your init like this:
init: function () {
var rebuildList =, this);
$(editor).bind('rebuildList', rebuildList);
And define the buildList function outside that scope.
var buildListHasRunOnce = 0;
var buildList = function () {
if (buildListHasRunOnce) {
// Remove the old unordered list from the dom.
// This is just to cleanup the old list within the iframe
// reset list
this._.items = {};
this._.list._.items = {};
for (var i in yourListOfItems) {
var item = yourListOfItems[i];
// do your add calls
this.add(, 'something here as html', item.text);
if (buildListHasRunOnce) {
// Force CKEditor to commit the html it generates through this.add
this._.committed = 0; // We have to set to false in order to trigger a complete commit()
buildListHasRunOnce = 1;
The clever thing about the function is that we supply "this" when we bind it, so whenever the rebuildList is triggered, this refer to the richcombo object itself which I was not able to get any other way.
Hope this helps, it works fine for me!
I could not find any helpful documenatation around richcombo, i took a look to the source code and got an idea of the events i needed.
#El Che solution helped me to get through this issue but i had another approach to the problem because i had a more complex combobox structure (search,groups)
var _this = this;, data);
function populateCombo(data) {
/* I have a search workaround added here */
this.startGroup('Default'); /* create default group */
/* add items with your logic */
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var dataitem = data[i];
this.add(, dataitem.description,;
/* other groups .... */
var buildListHasRunOnce = 0;
/* triggered when combo is shown */
editor.on("panelShow", function(){
if (buildListHasRunOnce) {
// reset list, data);
buildListHasRunOnce = 1;
/* triggered when combo is hidden */
editor.on("panelHide", function(){
_this._.items = {};
_this._.list._.items = {};
All above code is inside addRichCombo init callback
I remove combobox content on "panelHide" event
I repopulate combobox on "panelShow" event
Hope this helps

making certain cells of an ExtJS GridPanel un-editable

I currently have a GridPanel with the Ext.ux.RowEditor plugin. Four fields exist in the row editor: port, ip address, subnet and DHCP. If the DHCP field (checkbox) of the selected row is checked, I need to make the other three fields un-editable.
I've been trying to perform this code when the beforeedit event is triggered, but to no avail... I've only found ways to make the entire column un-editable. My code so far:
scope: this,
beforeedit: this.checkIfEditable
checkIfEditable:function(rowEditor, rowIndex) {
if(this.getStore().getAt(rowIndex).get('dhcp')) {
// this function makes the entire column un-editable:
this.getColumnModel().setEditable(2, false);
// I want to make only the other three fields of the current row
// uneditable.
Please let me know if any clarification is needed.
Any help potentially extending RowEditor to accomplish the target functionality would be greatly appreciated as well!
You can add into RowEditor.js within the function startEditing the call to the function isCellEditable
//.... RowEditor.js
startEditing: function(rowIndex, doFocus){
//.... search for the starting of the below loop into the source code
var cm = g.getColumnModel(), fields = this.items.items, f, val;
for(var i = 0, len = cm.getColumnCount(); i < len; i++){
val = this.preEditValue(record, cm.getDataIndex(i));
f = fields[i];
// *** here add a call to isCellEditable *** //
f.setDisabled(!cm.isCellEditable(i, rowIndex));
// ***************************************** //
this.values[] = Ext.isEmpty(val) ? '' : val;
Then override the isCellEditable of your column model and disabled the field based on you condition:
YYY.getColumnModel().isCellEditable = function(colIndex, rowIndex){
if (grid.getStore().getAt(rowIndex).get('dhcp')) {
// you can do more check base on colIndex
// only to disabled the one you want
return false;
return, colIndex, rowIndex);
As the docs state:
If the listener returns false
the editor will not be activated.
scope: this,
beforeedit: this.checkIfEditable
checkIfEditable:function(rowEditor, rowIndex) {
if(this.getStore().getAt(rowIndex).get('dhcp')) {
return false;
Simply returning false will be enough to cancel the editing ability.
Interesting idea - a bit of a hassle to implement, but possible.
You need to approach this from two directions:
1 ) edit starts
2 ) checkbox is checked/unchecked
For the first part, I think you could use almost the same code I have above, remove the 'return false' and use the reference to the rowEditor to loop through the items collection, disabling (call the disable method on them) the fields that are not your checkbox field.
The second part of this is to add a handler to the checkbox which would do the same thing.
The following works to make a specific cell uneditable (add the event to the roweditor):
beforeedit: function (roweditor, rowIndex) {
var data =;
var cm = roweditor.grid.getColumnModel();
// disable the first column (can not be edited)
if (** make your check here ***) {
var c = cm.getColumnAt(0);
As of ExtJS 3.4 you can just override isCellEditable, as in the example here:!/api/Ext.grid.ColumnModel-method-isCellEditable
Here's the simpler version :
plugins: [
Ext.create('Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing', {
clicksToEdit: 1
,pluginId: 'editing'
Provide the condition below for the cells to make the un-editable :
grid.on('beforeedit', function(editor, e) {
if (e.record.get('phone') == '555-111-1224')
return false;
just set the column in your columnModel/columns to editable:false for fields that should not be editable.
columns: [
{ header: "Ticker", width: 60, editable:false },
{ header: "Company Name", width: 150, id: 'company'},
{ header: "Market Cap."},
{ header: "$ Sales", renderer: money},
{ header: "Employees", resizable: false}
I ran into the same problem. Rather than using the GridPanel with the Ext.ux.RowEditor plugin, I used the Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel. In this case, you can specify the editor for each of the other three fields (port, ip address, and subnet) in the column model with a beforeshow event handler as follows:
editor: new Ext.form.TextArea({
allowBlank: false,
beforeshow: function(column) {
if (column.gridEditor.record.get('dhcp')) {
I made a dirty one, I added an event this.fireEvent('starting', this, fields,record); AT THE END of startEditing
startEditing: function(rowIndex, doFocus){
if(this.editing && this.isDirty()){
rowIndex = this.grid.getStore().indexOf(rowIndex);
if(this.fireEvent('beforeedit', this, rowIndex) !== false){
this.editing = true;
var g = this.grid, view = g.getView(),
row = view.getRow(rowIndex),
record =;
this.record = record;
this.rowIndex = rowIndex;
this.values = {};
var w =;
var cm = g.getColumnModel(), fields = this.items.items, f, val;
for(var i = 0, len = cm.getColumnCount(); i < len; i++){
val = this.preEditValue(record, cm.getDataIndex(i));
f = fields[i];
this.values[] = Ext.isEmpty(val) ? '' : val;
} else{
this.el.setXY(, {duration:0.15});
if(doFocus !== false){
this.doFocus.defer(this.focusDelay, this);
/*I ADDED THIS EVENT ---- contains the fields and record
this.fireEvent('starting', this, fields,record);
var editor = new Ext.ux.grid.RowEditor({
saveText: 'Update',
listeners : {
'starting' : function(rowEditor, fields, record){
Using Ext JS 4 and the RowEditing plugin i managed to achieve this using something like
rowEditor.on('beforeedit', function (context) {
this.editor.query('textfield')[0].setDisabled(/* your condition here */);
the record data is available through

