Is it possible to reinitialize a CKEditor Combobox/Drop Down Menu? - javascript

How do I dynamically update the items in a drop down?
I have a custom plugin for CKEditor that populates a drop down menu with a list of items which I can inject into my textarea.
This list of items comes from a Javascript array called maptags, which is updated dynamically for each page.
var maptags = []
This list of tags gets added to the drop down when you first click on it by the init: function. My problem is what if the items in that array change as the client changes things on the page, how can I reload that list to the updated array?
Here is my CKEditor Plugin code:
CKEDITOR.plugins.add('mapitems', {
requires: ['richcombo'], //, 'styles' ],
init: function (editor) {
var config = editor.config,
lang = editor.lang.format;
label: "Map Items",
title: "Map Items",
voiceLabel: "Map Items",
className: 'cke_format',
multiSelect: false,
css: [config.contentsCss, CKEDITOR.getUrl(editor.skinPath + 'editor.css')],
voiceLabel: lang.panelVoiceLabel
init: function () {
this.startGroup("Map Items");
//this.add('value', 'drop_text', 'drop_label');
for (var this_tag in maptags) {
this.add(maptags[this_tag][0], maptags[this_tag][1], maptags[this_tag][2]);
onClick: function (value) {

I think I just solved this actually.
Change your init like this:
init: function () {
var rebuildList =, this);
$(editor).bind('rebuildList', rebuildList);
And define the buildList function outside that scope.
var buildListHasRunOnce = 0;
var buildList = function () {
if (buildListHasRunOnce) {
// Remove the old unordered list from the dom.
// This is just to cleanup the old list within the iframe
// reset list
this._.items = {};
this._.list._.items = {};
for (var i in yourListOfItems) {
var item = yourListOfItems[i];
// do your add calls
this.add(, 'something here as html', item.text);
if (buildListHasRunOnce) {
// Force CKEditor to commit the html it generates through this.add
this._.committed = 0; // We have to set to false in order to trigger a complete commit()
buildListHasRunOnce = 1;
The clever thing about the function is that we supply "this" when we bind it, so whenever the rebuildList is triggered, this refer to the richcombo object itself which I was not able to get any other way.
Hope this helps, it works fine for me!

I could not find any helpful documenatation around richcombo, i took a look to the source code and got an idea of the events i needed.
#El Che solution helped me to get through this issue but i had another approach to the problem because i had a more complex combobox structure (search,groups)
var _this = this;, data);
function populateCombo(data) {
/* I have a search workaround added here */
this.startGroup('Default'); /* create default group */
/* add items with your logic */
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var dataitem = data[i];
this.add(, dataitem.description,;
/* other groups .... */
var buildListHasRunOnce = 0;
/* triggered when combo is shown */
editor.on("panelShow", function(){
if (buildListHasRunOnce) {
// reset list, data);
buildListHasRunOnce = 1;
/* triggered when combo is hidden */
editor.on("panelHide", function(){
_this._.items = {};
_this._.list._.items = {};
All above code is inside addRichCombo init callback
I remove combobox content on "panelHide" event
I repopulate combobox on "panelShow" event
Hope this helps


jQuery plugin instances variable with event handlers

I am writing my first jQuery plugin which is a tree browser. It shall first show the top level elements and on click go deeper and show (depending on level) the children in a different way.
I got this up and running already. But now I want to implement a "back" functionality and for this I need to store an array of clicked elements for each instance of the tree browser (if multiple are on the page).
I know that I can put instance private variables with "this." in the plugin.
But if I assign an event handler of the onClick on a topic, how do I get this instance private variable? $(this) is referencing the clicked element at this moment.
Could please anyone give me an advise or a link to a tutorial how to get this done?
I only found tutorial for instance specific variables without event handlers involved.
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
UPDATE: I cleaned out the huge code generation and kept the logical structure. This is my code:
(function ($) {
$.fn.myTreeBrowser = function (options) {
clickedElements = [];
var defaults = {
textColor: "#000",
backgroundColor: "#fff",
fontSize: "1em",
titleAttribute: "Title",
idAttribute: "Id",
parentIdAttribute: "ParentId",
levelAttribute: "Level",
treeData: {}
var opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.myTreeBrowser.defaults, options);
function getTreeData(id) {
if ( {
$.ajax(, { async: false, data: { Id: id } }).success(function (resultdata) {
opts.treeData = resultdata;
function onClick() {
var id = $(this).attr('data-id');
var parentContainer = getParentContainer($(this));
handleOnClick(parentContainer, id);
function handleOnClick(parentContainer, id) {
if (opts.onTopicClicked) {
if (id) {
var clickedElement = $.grep(opts.treeData, function (n, i) { return n[opts.idAttribute] === id })[0];
switch (clickedElement[opts.levelAttribute]) {
case 1:
renderLevel2(parentContainer, clickedElement);
case 3:
renderLevel3(parentContainer, clickedElement);
debug('invalid level element clicked');
} else {
function getParentContainer(elem) {
return $(elem).parents('div.myBrowserContainer').parents()[0];
function onBackButtonClick() {
clickedElements.pop(); // remove actual element to get the one before
var lastClickedId = clickedElements.pop();
var parentContainer = getParentContainer($(this));
handleOnClick(parentContainer, lastClickedId);
function renderLevel2(parentContainer, selectedElement) {
var browsercontainer = $('<div>').addClass('myBrowserContainer').appendTo(parentContainer);
//... rendering the div ...
// for example like this with a onClick handler
var div = $('<div>').attr('data-id', element[opts.idAttribute]).addClass('fct-bs-col-md-4 pexSubtopic').on('click', onClick).appendTo(subtopicList);
// ... rendering the tree
var backButton = $('<button>').addClass('btn btn-default').text('Back').appendTo(browsercontainer);
backButton.on('click', onBackButtonClick);
function renderLevel3(parentContainer, selectedElement) {
var browsercontainer = $('<div>').addClass('myBrowserContainer').appendTo(parentContainer);
//... rendering the div ...
// for example like this with a onClick handler
var div = $('<div>').attr('data-id', element[opts.idAttribute]).addClass('fct-bs-col-md-4 pexSubtopic').on('click', onClick).appendTo(subtopicList);
// ... rendering the tree
var backButton = $('<button>').addClass('btn btn-default').text('Back').appendTo(browsercontainer);
backButton.on('click', onBackButtonClick);
function renderTopLevel(parentContainer) {
var browsercontainer = $('<div>').addClass('fct-page-pa fct-bs-container-fluid pexPAs myBrowserContainer').appendTo(parentContainer);
// rendering the top level display
//top level rendering! Lower levels are rendered in event handlers.
$(this).each(function () {
return this;
// Private function for debugging.
function debug(debugText) {
if (window.console && window.console.log) {
Just use one more class variable and pass this to it. Usually I call it self. So var self = this; in constructor of your plugin Class and you are good to go.
Object oriented way:
function YourPlugin(){
var self = this;
YourPlugin.prototype = {
constructor: YourPlugin,
clickHandler: function(){
// here the self works
Check this Fiddle
Or simple way of passing data to eventHandler:
$( "#foo" ).bind( "click", {
self: this
}, function( event ) {
You could use the jQuery proxy function:
$(yourElement).bind("click", $.proxy(this.yourFunction, this));
You can then use this in yourFunction as the this in your plugin.

Appcelerator - Programmatic Toggle of Switch in Custom TableViewRow

I have a custom TableViewRow with a title and switch like below:
<TableViewRow id="rowFilter">
<View id="vwItemHeader">
<Label id="lblItemHeader"></Label>
<View id="vwFilterStatus">
<Switch id="swtFilterStatus" onChange="swtFilterStatusChange"></Switch>
var args = arguments[0] || {};
var swtFilterStatusChange_callback;
function initialize() {
// Initialize filter row UI
$.lblItemHeader.text = args.title;
$.swtFilterStatus.value = args.value;
// Callback
swtFilterStatusChange_callback = args.callback;
In a view I call Browse, I programmatically add these custom rows as follows:
var args = { title: item.title, value: item.value, callback: swtFilterStatusChanged, };
var newRow = Alloy.createController('rowFilter', args).getView('rowFilter');
This works just as intended. However now I want to add a check/uncheck all row. How do I programmatically toggle a switch within my custom rows?
I've tried creating the following function in rowFilter.js (and a similar one for toggle off):
exports.toggleOn = function() {
if ($.swtFilterStatus.value == false) {
$.swtFilterStatus.value = true;
And I've also tried this:
$.toggleOn = function() {
::EDIT:: Here is how I handle the check/uncheck all switch.
function allSwitch_Change(value) {
$[0].rows.forEach(function(row) {
if (value) {
else {
Then changing the Browse.js row above that does Alloy.createController with the following:
var newRow = require('rowFilter');
But I just get an exception on the line with the require statement saying "Couldn't find module:rowFilter for architecture: x86_64".
What am I doing wrong and how do I implement a check/uncheck all row?
You can do something like this:
var args = arguments[0] || {};
var swtFilterStatusChange;
function initialize() {
// Initialize filter row UI
$.lblItemHeader.text = args.title;
$.swtFilterStatus.value = args.value;
// Callback
swtFilterStatusChange = args.callback;
if ($.swtFilterStatus.value == false) {
$.swtFilterStatus.value = true;
var args = { title: item.title, value: item.value, callback: swtFilterStatusChanged, };
var newRow = Alloy.createController('rowFilter', args);
Other options to achieve your goal:
Global Events - Ti.App.addEventListener and Ti.App.fireEvent. Easy to implement, but has potential memory leak. Make sure to call Ti.App.removeEventListener after table row removed.
Get the switch view from the table row's children. Manually fire the event on it.
Store the reference to the callback swtFilterStatusChanged somewhere and call it later.

AngularJS : How to run JavaScript from inside Directive after directive is compiled and linked

I have a responsive template that I am trying to use with my Angularjs app. This is also my first Angular app so I know I have many mistakes and re-factoring in my future.
I have read enough about angular that I know DOM manipulations are suppose to go inside a directive.
I have a javascript object responsible for template re-sizes the side menu and basically the outer shell of the template. I moved all of this code into a directive and named it responsive-theme.
First I added all the methods that are being used and then I defined the App object at the bottom. I removed the function bodies to shorten the code.
Basically the object at the bottom is a helper object to use with all the methods.
var directive = angular.module('bac.directive-manager');
directive.directive('responsiveTheme', function() {
return {
restrict: "A",
link: function($scope, element, attrs) {
// IE mode
var isRTL = false;
var isIE8 = false;
var isIE9 = false;
var isIE10 = false;
var sidebarWidth = 225;
var sidebarCollapsedWidth = 35;
var responsiveHandlers = [];
// theme layout color set
var layoutColorCodes = {
// last popep popover
var lastPopedPopover;
var handleInit = function() {
var handleDesktopTabletContents = function () {
var handleSidebarState = function () {
var runResponsiveHandlers = function () {
var handleResponsive = function () {
var handleResponsiveOnInit = function () {
var handleResponsiveOnResize = function () {
var handleSidebarAndContentHeight = function () {
var handleSidebarMenu = function () {
var _calculateFixedSidebarViewportHeight = function () {
var handleFixedSidebar = function () {
var handleFixedSidebarHoverable = function () {
var handleSidebarToggler = function () {
var handleHorizontalMenu = function () {
var handleGoTop = function () {
var handlePortletTools = function () {
var handleUniform = function () {
var handleAccordions = function () {
var handleTabs = function () {
var handleScrollers = function () {
var handleTooltips = function () {
var handleDropdowns = function () {
var handleModal = function () {
var handlePopovers = function () {
var handleChoosenSelect = function () {
var handleFancybox = function () {
var handleTheme = function () {
var handleFixInputPlaceholderForIE = function () {
var handleFullScreenMode = function() {
$scope.App = {
//main function to initiate template pages
init: function () {
//IMPORTANT!!!: Do not modify the core handlers call order.
//core handlers
handleResponsiveOnResize(); // set and handle responsive
handleScrollers(); // handles slim scrolling contents
handleResponsiveOnInit(); // handler responsive elements on page load
//layout handlers
handleFixedSidebar(); // handles fixed sidebar menu
handleFixedSidebarHoverable(); // handles fixed sidebar on hover effect
handleSidebarMenu(); // handles main menu
handleHorizontalMenu(); // handles horizontal menu
handleSidebarToggler(); // handles sidebar hide/show
handleFixInputPlaceholderForIE(); // fixes/enables html5 placeholder attribute for IE9, IE8
handleGoTop(); //handles scroll to top functionality in the footer
handleTheme(); // handles style customer tool
//ui component handlers
handlePortletTools(); // handles portlet action bar functionality(refresh, configure, toggle, remove)
handleDropdowns(); // handle dropdowns
handleTabs(); // handle tabs
handleTooltips(); // handle bootstrap tooltips
handlePopovers(); // handles bootstrap popovers
handleAccordions(); //handles accordions
handleChoosenSelect(); // handles bootstrap chosen dropdowns
$scope.App.addResponsiveHandler(handleChoosenSelect); // reinitiate chosen dropdown on main content resize. disable this line if you don't really use chosen dropdowns.
handleFullScreenMode(); // handles full screen
fixContentHeight: function () {
setLastPopedPopover: function (el) {
lastPopedPopover = el;
addResponsiveHandler: function (func) {
// useful function to make equal height for contacts stand side by side
setEqualHeight: function (els) {
var tallestEl = 0;
els = jQuery(els);
els.each(function () {
var currentHeight = $(this).height();
if (currentHeight > tallestEl) {
tallestColumn = currentHeight;
// wrapper function to scroll to an element
scrollTo: function (el, offeset) {
pos = el ? el.offset().top : 0;
scrollTop: pos + (offeset ? offeset : 0)
}, 'slow');
scrollTop: function () {
// wrapper function to block element(indicate loading)
blockUI: function (ele, centerY) {
var el = jQuery(ele);
message: '<img src="./assets/img/ajax-loading.gif" align="">',
centerY: centerY !== undefined ? centerY : true,
css: {
top: '10%',
border: 'none',
padding: '2px',
backgroundColor: 'none'
overlayCSS: {
backgroundColor: '#000',
opacity: 0.05,
cursor: 'wait'
// wrapper function to un-block element(finish loading)
unblockUI: function (el) {
onUnblock: function () {
// initializes uniform elements
initUniform: function (els) {
if (els) {
jQuery(els).each(function () {
if ($(this).parents(".checker").size() === 0) {
} else {
updateUniform : function(els) {
// initializes choosen dropdowns
initChosenSelect: function (els) {
allow_single_deselect: true
initFancybox: function () {
getActualVal: function (ele) {
var el = jQuery(ele);
if (el.val() === el.attr("placeholder")) {
return "";
return el.val();
getURLParameter: function (paramName) {
var searchString =,
i, val, params = searchString.split("&");
for (i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
val = params[i].split("=");
if (val[0] == paramName) {
return unescape(val[1]);
return null;
// check for device touch support
isTouchDevice: function () {
try {
return true;
} catch (e) {
return false;
isIE8: function () {
return isIE8;
isRTL: function () {
return isRTL;
getLayoutColorCode: function (name) {
if (layoutColorCodes[name]) {
return layoutColorCodes[name];
} else {
return '';
Originally the App.init() object method would be called at the bottom of any regular html page, and I have others that do certain things also that would be used on specific pages like Login.init() for the login page and so forth.
I did read that stackoverflow post
"Thinking in AngularJS" if I have a jQuery background? and realize that I am trying to go backwards in a sense, but I want to use this template that I have so I need to retro fit this solution.
I am trying to use this directive on my body tag.
<body ui-view="dashboard-shell" responsive-theme>
<div class="page-container">
<div class="page-sidebar nav-collapse collapse" ng-controller="SidemenuController">
<div class="page-content" ui-view="dashboard">
So here is my problem. This kinda sorta works. I don't get any console errors but when I try to use my side menu which the javascript for it is in the directive it doesn't work until I go inside the console and type App.init(). After that all of the template javascript works. I want to know how to do responsive theme stuff in these directives. I have tried using it both in the compile and link sections. I have tried putting the code in compile and link and calling the $scope.App.init() from a controller and also at the bottom after defining everything. I also tried putting this in jsfiddle but can't show a true example without having the console to call App.init().
My end design would be having some way to switch the pages through ui-router and when a route gets switched it calls the appropriate methods or re-runs the directive or something. The only method that will run on every page is the App.init() method and everything else is really page specific. And technically since this is a single page app the App.init() only needs to run once for the application. I have it tied to a parent template inside ui-router and the pages that will switch all use this shell template. There are some objects that need to access other to call their methods.
Im sorry in advance for maybe a confusing post. I am struggling right now trying to put together some of the ways that you do things from an angular perspective. I will continue to edit the post as I get responses to give further examples.
You said I have read enough about angular that I know DOM manipulations are suppose to go inside a directive but it sounds like you missed the point of a directive. A directive should handle DOM manipulation, yes, but not one directive for the entire page. Each element (or segment) of the page should have its own directive (assuming DOM manip needs to be done on that element) and then the $controller should handle the interactions between those elements and your data (or model).
You've created one gigantic directive and are trying to have it do way too much. Thankfully, you've kinda sorta designed your code in such a way that it shouldn't be too hard to break it up into several directives. Basically, each of your handle functions should be its own directive.
So you'd have something like:
.directive('sidebarMenu', function(){
return {
template: 'path/to/sidebar/partial.html',
link: function(scope, elem, attrs){
// insert the code for your 'handleSidebarMenu()' function here
.directive('horizontalMenu', function(){
return {
template: 'path/to/horizontal/partial.html',
link: function(scope, elem, attrs){
// insert the code for your 'handleHorizontalMenu()' function here
and then your view would look something like:
<body ui-view="dashboard-shell" responsive-theme>
<div class="page-container">
<div class="page-sidebar nav-collapse collapse">
<div class="page-content" ui-view="dashboard">
And then you don't need a SidebarmenuController because your controller functions shouldn't be handling DOM elements like the sidebar. The controller should just handling the data that you're going to display in your view, and then the view (or .html file) will handle the displaying and manipulation of that data by its use of the directives you've written.
Does that make sense? Just try breaking that huge directive up into many smaller directives that handle specific elements or specific tasks in the DOM.

how to validate data on drop event of itemselecter in extjs?

we not like to add three word again in selected item.
we like to validate on drag and drop event and need to show message that u already added this record.
i try with below code but not able to fine relevant event for validate
listeners: {
}, blur:function(obj,event){
}, click: function( obj) {
}, select: function( obj) {
please see attached image bellow.
I am Using Extjs 3.4
The change event fires when an item is selected or deselected... But at this stage, you won't be able to prevent it anymore. So, apparently, your best move is to override the onAddBtnClick method:
xtype: 'itemselector'
// ... config
,onAddBtnClick: function() {
var me = this,
selected = me.getSelections(me.fromField.boundList),
i, l, record;
var toStore = this.toField.boundList.getStore(),
idField = 'value', // or 'id', or whatever you want
selectedIds = Ext.pluck(Ext.pluck(toStore.getRange(), 'data'), idField),
accepted = [], rejected = [];
for (i=0, l=selected.length; i<l; i++) {
record = selected[i];
if (selectedIds.indexOf(record.get(idField)) === -1) {
} else {
if (rejected.length) {
// warning msg
me.moveRec(true, accepted);

Adding a custom context menu item to elFinder

I'm using elfinder and I would like to add new functionality by adding a command to the context menu. I found a solution on the github issue tracker of the project but I can't get it to work. Here's what I do:
var elf;
jQuery().ready(function() {
elFinder.prototype.i18.en.messages['cmdeditimage'] = 'Edit Image';['cmdeditimage'] = 'Bild bearbeiten';
elFinder.prototype.commands.editimage = function() {
this.exec = function(hashes) {
elf = jQuery('#elfinder').elfinder({
//elfinder initialization
The context menu item does not show up, no error message is to be found in the console. I also tried putting editimage under contextmenu->"files" in the init part in case that was overwritten by the initialization.
I found the solution: The examples don't show the fact that you need to have a function called this.getstate inside of the elFinder.prototype.commands.yourcommand function. It shall return 0 when the icon is enabled and -1 when it's disabled.
So the full code for adding your own menu item or context menu item looks like this:
var elf;
jQuery().ready(function() {
elFinder.prototype.i18.en.messages['cmdeditimage'] = 'Edit Image';['cmdeditimage'] = 'Bild bearbeiten';
elFinder.prototype.commands.editimage = function() {
this.exec = function(hashes) {
//do whatever
this.getstate = function() {
//return 0 to enable, -1 to disable icon access
return 0;
elf = jQuery('#elfinder').elfinder({
lang: 'de', // language (OPTIONAL)
url : '/ext/elfinder-2.0-rc1/php/connector.php', //connector URL
uiOptions : {
// toolbar configuration
toolbar : [
['quicklook', 'editimage'],
/*['copy', 'cut', 'paste'],*/
contextmenu : {
// current directory file menu
files : [
'getfile', '|','open', 'quicklook', 'editimage', ...
Hope this helps someone with the same problem.
Thanks for the answer, great!
One thing that wasn't clear was how the variables pass through.
So, for anyone else who finds this page....
elFinder.prototype.commands.editpres = function() {
this.exec = function(hashes) {
var file = this.files(hashes);
var hash = file[0].hash;
var fm =;
var url = fm.url(hash);
var scope = angular.element("body").scope();
// Getstate configured to only light up button if a file is selected.
this.getstate = function() {
var sel = this.files(sel),
cnt = sel.length;
return !this._disabled && cnt ? 0 : -1;
To get your icon to show up, add the following to your css file:
.elfinder-button-icon-editpres { background:url('../img/icons/editpres.png') no-repeat; }

