Configure VideoJS Flash fallback - javascript

Since Firefox doesn't allow me to use an .mp4 file in the <video>-tag, I have to use the Flash-fallback on my VideoJS player.
For Chrome, Safari and IE, I can configure my VideoJS player with javascript to do pretty much anything. For example I like to loop it 5 times, hide the controls and mute the video. No issue there for the HTML5 version:
// Initialize the video with some settings
videojs(videoID, {
"controls": false,
"autoplay": false,
"preload": "auto",
var myVideo = videojs(videoID);
// Set the counter
var loop_count = 1;
// Function to loop the video exaclty 5 times
var loopInstagramVideo = function() {
if (loop_count <= 5) {;
} else {
loop_count = 1;
// Function to manipulatie the playing video (mute, no controls,...)
var setVideoOptions = function() {
// Set functions on the video
myVideo.on("play", setVideoOptions);
myVideo.on("ended", loopInstagramVideo);
So I would like to do the same for the Flash version.
The code above is generating an error on the videojs-call with the error:
TypeError: The element or ID supplied is not valid. (videojs)
Any thoughts on how to tackle this issue?

While this isn't an answer for your "looping" question, I just myself discovered that after calling videojs() on an element, the ID changes. Whether it's the ID of the element changes or the focus of the videojs call changes I don't know. The error pertaining to the ID not being valid is being caused by your first and second videojs() calls.
I would change this:
videojs(videoID, {
"controls": false,
"autoplay": false,
"preload": "auto",
var myVideo = videojs(videoID);
To this:
var myVideo = videojs(videoID);
myVideo.controls = false;
myVideo.autoplay = false;
myVideo.preload = "auto";
OR put those properties in the video tag itself.


Using 'this.currentTime' to get the time of a video and reset it to the starting point on 'hover out'

I have a video library where I want to dynamically use the Media Fragment time in URL as the poster.
When hovering out, I am trying to reset the video to the initial start - to make sure the poster is at 2 seconds (in this specific example) instead of 0.
this.load works but creates a bad user experience as the whole video loads in again.
My idea is to define the current time as a variable (before the video starts playing) and use it when pausing the video.
However I just get "Uncaught ReferenceError: posterTime is not defined".
<video id="video">
<source src="videourl.mp4#t=2" type="video/mp4">
const videos = document.querySelectorAll("video")
videos.forEach(video => {
video.addEventListener("mouseover", function () {
var posterTime = this.currentTime;
this.currentTime = 0;
video.addEventListener("mouseout", function () {
this.currentTime = posterTime;
Note that I use Webflow and is not very strong with jQuery/Javascript.
My idea is to define the current time as a variable (before the video
starts playing) and use it when pausing the video. However I just get
"Uncaught ReferenceError: posterTime is not defined".
Your idea and code is fine but you made a basic mistake.
Remember: A variable defined inside a function will exist only for that function where it was created.
Use let for internal variables (where possible) and use var for global variables.
solution: Define the variable as global (outside of any functions)...
const videos = document.querySelectorAll("video");
var posterTime = -1; //# global var, with starting value...
videos.forEach(video => {
video.addEventListener("mouseover", function ()
posterTime = this.currentTime; //# set time
this.currentTime = 0;
video.addEventListener("mouseout", function ()
this.currentTime = posterTime; //# get time
As I hover out I need it to show that initial frame again (not the first frame, but the one set in the URL)
Given this requirement you can retrieve the fragment from the URL in the src attribute of the source element and apply it to the currentTime of the video when the mouseleave event occurs:
const videos = document.querySelectorAll("video")
videos.forEach(video => {
video.addEventListener("mouseenter", function() {
this.currentTime = 0;
video.addEventListener("mouseleave", function() {
let src = this.querySelector('source').src;
let time = (src.split('#')[1] || 't=0').split('=')[1];
this.currentTime = time;
<video id="video">
<source src="" type="video/mp4">

seekTo() is not a function YouTube iframe API error

I am using a Wordpress plugin to add timestamp links of videos that will seek the video automatically to a certain timeframe.
function onYouTubeIframeAPIReady(){
console.log('Confirmation of call to onYouTubeIframeAPIReady()');
var STT = {
settings: STTSettings,
media: undefined,
skipTo: undefined,
isHTML5: false,
isYoutube: true,
doHTML5Skip: function() {'canplaythrough', STT.doHTML5Skip); = STT.skipTo;;
doYoutubeSkip: function() {;;
STTSkipTo = function(time) {
var audio = document.getElementsByTagName('audio'),
video = document.getElementsByTagName('video'),
iframe = document.getElementsByTagName('iframe'),
timeArray = time.split(':').reverse(),
seconds = parseInt(timeArray[0]),
minutes = timeArray.length > 1 ? parseInt(timeArray[1]) : 0,
hours = timeArray.length > 2 ? parseInt(timeArray[2]) : 0;
STT.skipTo = seconds + (minutes * 60) + (hours * 3600);
if ( {
if ((parseInt(STT.settings.link_audio) && audio.length) ||
(parseInt(STT.settings.link_video) && video.length))
STT.doSkip = STT.doHTML5Skip;
if (parseInt(STT.settings.link_audio) && audio.length) { = audio[0];
} else { = video[0];
}'canplaythrough', STT.doHTML5Skip);;;
} else if (parseInt(STT.settings.link_youtube && iframe.length)) {
// Inspect the iframes, looking for a src with youtube in the URI
for (var i = 0; i < iframe.length; i++) {
if (iframe[i]'youtube') !== -1) {
// Set up the JS interface
STT.doSkip = STT.doYoutubeSkip;
iframe[0].id = 'stt-youtube-player'; = new YT.Player('stt-youtube-player', {
events: {
onReady: STT.doYoutubeSkip
console.log('Skip to Timestamp: No media player found!');
On my localhost, the plugin works seamlessly but on my hosted website, I get the following error with the stack as follows:
Uncaught TypeError: is not a function
I think for some reason the website is unable to load the www-widgetapi.js which is a dependency for YouTube iframe API and thus is unable to generate the required function definition. However, I did try to include the script manually in the header but it still didn't work.
If anyone knows of any other wordpress plugin, please advice.
Based from this documentation, you need to set both the two parameter of the player.seekTo(seconds:Number, allowSeekAhead:Boolean).
Seeks to a specified time in the video. If the player is paused when the function is called, it will remain paused. If the function is called from another state (playing, video cued, etc.), the player will play the video.
The seconds parameter identifies the time to which the player should advance.
The player will advance to the closest keyframe before that time unless the player has already downloaded the portion of the video to which the user is seeking.
The allowSeekAhead parameter determines whether the player will make a new request to the server if the seconds parameter specifies a time outside of the currently buffered video data.
It should be like: Player.seekTo(120, true)//120 seconds

Video.js remove poster when using currentTime before video starts

I have a playlist of videos, with a list of each video in a sidebar. When I click on the name of the video I want to load in the sidebar, the player switches the current video to the one I just clicked.
Some videos have sections, and those sections need to start playing at a certain time in the video. For example, I have a video with 2 sections, Section 1 starts at 0:00, but when I click on "Section 2" in the sidebar, the video should start playing at 1:30 seconds into the video.
Now I got this working with the following code, but the poster image is still playing over the video when I click on Section 2 which should start playing in the middle of the video. How can I get rid of the poster image when starting a video with currentTime offset?
(function($) {
var current, gototime;
var istime = false;
// video.js object
var $player = videojs('ppi-video');
$('a').on('click', function(e) {
var attr = $(this).attr('data-video');
var time = $(this).attr('data-time');
if(typeof time !== 'undefined' && time !== false) {
istime = true;
gototime = time;
}else {
istime = false;
gototime = undefined;
// If link has data-video attribute... continue
if(typeof attr !== 'undefined' && attr !== false) {
if( current == attr ) return;
var image_path = "images/screens/";
var content_path = "source/";
// Wait till player is ready
$player.ready(function() {
// Hide the player?
$("#ppi-video_html5_api").fadeOut(400, function() {
// Change poster
$("#ppi-video_html5_api").attr('poster', image_path + attr + ".jpg");
$player.poster(image_path + attr + ".jpg");
{ type: "video/mp4", src: content_path + attr + ".mp4" },
{ type: "video/webm", src: content_path + attr + ".webm" },
// Set the currently playing variable
current = attr;
function updateVideo() {
if( istime ) {
$player.ready(function() {
* Trying to get rid of poster here, but not working
$("#ppi-video_html5_api").attr('poster', '');
}else {
// update video when metadata has loaded
$player.on('loadedmetadata', updateVideo);
I found myself in the same situation where i needed to programmatically hide the poster image. (i wanted the posterimage to hide on drag of a custom scrubbar)
I found two ways that might help someone else who is in the same situation (i know this is an old post, but i came across it looking for an answer).
First and most simply you can hide the poster image using css:
.vjs-poster.vjs-poster.vjs-poster {
display: none;
// specificity bumped for default css, your mileage may vary.
However because i wanted this to be done on drag event i figured i might as well just use js:
It looks like on Chrome and Firefox, setting currentTime() needs to be delayed a bit. What I did was call play() and then pause() to remove the poster before the video starts. Then I set a timeout of 200 milliseconds which has a callback which then calls currentTime().
Kind of a makeshift workaround but it is working nicely.

Switching from JWPlayer to Flowplayer

I am trying to build a web interface for Subsonic and was trying to switch its default implementation of JWPlayer to Flowplayer.
I tried the default method of loading the video in both JWPlayer and Flowplayer and neither works, so I looked at the existing interface which used the below relevant code:
var player;
var position;
var maxBitRate = 1000;
var timeOffset = 0;
function init() {
var flashvars = {
var params = {
var attributes = {
var width = "100%";
var height = "85%";
swfobject.embedSWF("flash/jw-player-5.6.swf", "placeholder1", width, height, "9.0.0", false, flashvars, params, attributes);
function playerReady(thePlayer) {
player = $("player1");
player.addModelListener("TIME", "timeListener");
function play() {
var list = new Array();
list[0] = {
duration:9999 - timeOffset, //testing value for duration
player.sendEvent("LOAD", list);
I can't even same to make anything run under flowplayer. Any ideas? I am stuck at:
Getting something equivalent to playerReady();
Getting the video to load using:
Which gives me: has no method 'addClip' and has no method 'play'
My JS include are for both FlowPlayer and JWPlayer:
and my own JS file from which above is a snippet.
Help would be very much appreciated.
flowplayer("player", "flowplayer-3.2.15.swf", {
clip: {
scaling: 'orig'
plugins: {
controls: null
// player events are defined directly to "root" (not inside a clip)
onLoad: function() {
$f().play({url: ""});

How to change video (and start playing immediately) in Flowplayer via Javascript?

It should change the video and start playing regardless of whether or not a video is currently loaded and playing.
See example below where api is your flowplayer instance and replaceclip is the one you want to start plating
var api = flashembed("player", {src:'FlowPlayerDark.swf'}, {config: ...}});
var replaceclip = {'url':'myvideo.mp4', 'autoplay':true};
<button onClick="api.playClip(replaceclip)">Play</button>
See my example in Github
var initAudioPlayer = function () {
// install flowplayer into container
$f("player", "flowplayer-3.2.15.swf", {
plugins: {
controls: {
fullscreen: false,
height: 30,
autoHide: false,
play: false,
clip: {
autoPlay: false,
url: "stream/live.mp3",
audioPlayer = $f();
var newClip = {'url':'stream/live.mp3?id='+audioCount,'autoplay':true};
audioCount ++;;
In this way you can change the video dynamically in Ajax.
You can check out the javascript api for the flowplayer here
Specifically, you'll probably want to check out the flowplayer objects 'Clip' and 'Player'

