How to change video (and start playing immediately) in Flowplayer via Javascript? - javascript

It should change the video and start playing regardless of whether or not a video is currently loaded and playing.

See example below where api is your flowplayer instance and replaceclip is the one you want to start plating
var api = flashembed("player", {src:'FlowPlayerDark.swf'}, {config: ...}});
var replaceclip = {'url':'myvideo.mp4', 'autoplay':true};
<button onClick="api.playClip(replaceclip)">Play</button>

See my example in Github
var initAudioPlayer = function () {
// install flowplayer into container
$f("player", "flowplayer-3.2.15.swf", {
plugins: {
controls: {
fullscreen: false,
height: 30,
autoHide: false,
play: false,
clip: {
autoPlay: false,
url: "stream/live.mp3",
audioPlayer = $f();
var newClip = {'url':'stream/live.mp3?id='+audioCount,'autoplay':true};
audioCount ++;;

In this way you can change the video dynamically in Ajax.

You can check out the javascript api for the flowplayer here
Specifically, you'll probably want to check out the flowplayer objects 'Clip' and 'Player'


swiper.js controlling two instances

So I have setup two swiper.js instances and I want to scroll both while using one of them.
EDIT: My main goal is to recreate the main functionality on top of the swiper homepage.
EDIT2: I found this link, but it appears that this uses an older version of swiper.
Here is my config, only the first one works.
$(document).ready(function () {
//initialize swiper when document ready
var swiperFront = new Swiper('.swiper-container-front', {
// Optional parameters
effect: 'coverflow',
centeredSlides: true,
direction: 'horizontal',
slidesPerView: '3',
loop: false,
followFinger: true,
controller: {
control: [swiperFront, swiperBack],
by: 'container',
var swiperBack = new Swiper('.swiper-container-back', {
// Optional parameters
effect: 'fade',
centeredSlides: true,
slidesPerView: '3',
loop: false,
swiperFront.params.controller.control = swiperBack;
swiperBack.params.controller.control = swiperFront;
What am I doing wrong, and how to fix it?
I think the main problem here was the outdated swiper.js version. Updated to 4.3.2.
For documentation reasons.
For this case the main difference in switching from Swiper v3 to v4 is to omit the .params. So instead of
without params and the new API

jPlayer jPlayerAndroidFix not working?

I'm working on a website using jPlayer. The problem appeared when I tried to use it with my android phone, so I started recoding it. Now I'm trying to use the jPlayerAndroidFix class. I'm doing it just like in the example given in the source code in the tutorial, and still it's not working.
Here's the code:
function playSound(sound) {
if (playToggle) {
var id = "#jplayer-play";
var media = {
mp3: sound
var options = {
swfPath: $('body').data('jplayer-swf'),
solution: 'flash,html',
supplied: 'mp3',
preload: 'metadata',
volume: 0.8,
muted: false,
errorAlerts: false,
warningAlerts: false,
customCssIds: true
var myAndroidFix = new jPlayerAndroidFix(id, media, options);
Important thing to add - the audio is received dynamically, for example from a link:
and that's the "sound" variable.
What may cause the problem? What am I doing wrong?
The jPlayerAndroidFix class can be found in the source code of

How to stop chrome from capturing a tab?

I'm trying to build an chrome extension similar to the chromecast one. I am using chrome.tabCapture to successfully start a audio/video stream. How do I stop the screen capture? I want to have a stop button, but I am not sure what to call to stop it. I can stop the LocalMediaStream, but the tab is still capturing and does not allow me to start a new capture without closing the tab. Any suggestions or maybe an api page I may have missed?
Try stream.getVideoTracks()[0].stop(); to stop the screen capture. And to record the stream caught using chrome.tabCapture API , you could use RecordRTC.js
var video_constraints = {
mandatory: {
chromeMediaSource: 'tab'
var constraints = {
audio: false,
video: true,
videoConstraints: video_constraints
chrome.tabCapture.capture(constraints, function(stream) {
var options = {
type: 'video',
mimeType : 'video/webm',
// minimum time between pushing frames to Whammy (in milliseconds)
frameInterval: 20,
video: {
width: 1280,
height: 720
canvas: {
width: 1280,
height: 720
var recordRTC = new RecordRTC(stream, options);
recordRTC.stopRecording(function(videoURL) {
I hope the above code snippet would help you :)
Edit 1: corrected the RecordRTC initialization.

idangero sliders startAutoplay after swipe not working

Hello, I am using the Slider and I have a problem resuming the replay/autoplay after swiping.
Here are the program details: "Create an iPad slider that has autoplay and a clickable pagination button. If the user stops using/swiping the slider, it will resume autoplay without refreshing the page."
var mySwiper = new Swiper('.swiper-container',{
pagination: '.pagination',
autoplay: 2000,
paginationClickable: true,
onTouchStart : function() {
$('.pagination').on('click',function() {
mySwiper.params.autoplay = 10000;
var timer = null;
function slideTouched(){
mySwiper.params.autoplay = 10000
Link to live demo -
I believe the problem is in the function slideTouched(). I don't think mySwiper is defined inside of the function. Please help me fix the autoplay feature after swiping.
Set this parameter:
Your live demo code in the link you provided has the slideTouched() function defined as
function slideTouched(){
Swiper.params.autoplay = 10000
when it should be
function slideTouched(){
mySwiper.params.autoplay = 10000;
You want to reference the Swiper object you used to create the slideshow.

Configure VideoJS Flash fallback

Since Firefox doesn't allow me to use an .mp4 file in the <video>-tag, I have to use the Flash-fallback on my VideoJS player.
For Chrome, Safari and IE, I can configure my VideoJS player with javascript to do pretty much anything. For example I like to loop it 5 times, hide the controls and mute the video. No issue there for the HTML5 version:
// Initialize the video with some settings
videojs(videoID, {
"controls": false,
"autoplay": false,
"preload": "auto",
var myVideo = videojs(videoID);
// Set the counter
var loop_count = 1;
// Function to loop the video exaclty 5 times
var loopInstagramVideo = function() {
if (loop_count <= 5) {;
} else {
loop_count = 1;
// Function to manipulatie the playing video (mute, no controls,...)
var setVideoOptions = function() {
// Set functions on the video
myVideo.on("play", setVideoOptions);
myVideo.on("ended", loopInstagramVideo);
So I would like to do the same for the Flash version.
The code above is generating an error on the videojs-call with the error:
TypeError: The element or ID supplied is not valid. (videojs)
Any thoughts on how to tackle this issue?
While this isn't an answer for your "looping" question, I just myself discovered that after calling videojs() on an element, the ID changes. Whether it's the ID of the element changes or the focus of the videojs call changes I don't know. The error pertaining to the ID not being valid is being caused by your first and second videojs() calls.
I would change this:
videojs(videoID, {
"controls": false,
"autoplay": false,
"preload": "auto",
var myVideo = videojs(videoID);
To this:
var myVideo = videojs(videoID);
myVideo.controls = false;
myVideo.autoplay = false;
myVideo.preload = "auto";
OR put those properties in the video tag itself.

